#!/usr/bin/perl # version 3.030822a beta, coded by MrRat - http://www.mrrat.com, GPL licensed - http://www.opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.html # you can make a donation at http://s1.amazon.com/exec/varzea/pay/T3M26803DZOCMK # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. #use strict; my (%FORM, %MY_variables, %associate_ids); # # required changes: # Check the perl line at the top and make sure it points to the proper location. # Place this cgi in your cgi-bin directory and make it executable (chmod 755). # Put your Amazon.com affiliate id below. $associate_ids{us} = [ "theunofficiall0f" ]; # # basic options: # set the locale: "us", "uk", "de" $FORM{locale} = "us"; # If you are going to use locales othen than "us" you need to put those associate ids below. $associate_ids{uk} = [ "theunofficiall0f" ]; $associate_ids{de} = [ "theunofficiall0f" ]; # show search options link? my $show_search_options = "yes"; # # advanced options: # before messing with these you'll want to read the FAQ at http://www.mrrat.com/aws/amazon-products-feed-faq.html # list of featured products for random selection with apf_featured_product my @featured_products = ("055358135X","0764112082","076361873X","B00005R24I","B0000009S3","B00001WRLX","B00001ZUMD"); # cache settings - file location and number of requests to cache my $use_cache = "yes"; my $cache_file = "apf_xml_cache"; my $cache_max_size = "1000"; # length of reviews in %%my_shortened_comments%% and %%first_review_shortened_comment%% my $review_length = 500; # templates are comma separated lists, and if blank or non-existent will use embedded HTML my @page_templates = ("page_1.template", "page_1.template", "page_1.template", "page_1.template", "page_1.template"); my @products_templates = ("products.template", "products.template", "products.template", "products.template", "", ""); my @item_templates = ("item.template", "item.template", "item.template", "item.template", "item.template"); my @larger_image_templates = (); my @sellersearch_templates = (); my @sellerprofile_templates = (); my @thirdparty_products_templates = (); my @browse_menu_templates = (); my @nav_menu_templates = (); my @blended_templates = (); my @featured_product_templates = (); my @shopping_cart_templates = (); my @customer_reviews_templates = (); # location of optional language files - comma separated, if blank or non-existent will use embedded English my @language_templates = ("apf_de.language"); # END OF OPTIONS # don't monkey with anything below here unless you know PERL # setup initial variables my (%chat_modes, %lookup_store, %store_to_browse, %all_store_to_browse, %all_catalog_to_mode, %catalog_to_mode, %sort_hash, %sort_hash_by_mode, %offering_type ); my ($debug, $debug_state, %AWS_variables, $session, %template_html, $nav_menu_type, $html); my ($url_mode, $url_options, $see_url_options, %lookup_browse_id, $query, $my_marketplace_text, $sellerprofile_max, $amazon_server, $money_symbol, $details_max, $menu_length, $sort_mode ); $MY_variables{script_name} = $ENV{SCRIPT_NAME}; if ($MY_variables{script_name} =~ /test.cgi/) { $debug_state = "on"; $cache_file = "apf_xml_cache.test"; } elsif (-e "ratlog.cgi") { require "ratlog.cgi"; } $FORM{page_num} = 1; $FORM{sort_type} = "+salesrank"; $FORM{max_results} = 50; get_url_input(); if ($FORM{search_type} eq "FeaturedProducts") { $FORM{item_id} = join(",", @featured_products); } if ($FORM{mode} =~ /node:/) { $FORM{mode} =~ s/node:([^:]+):(.*)/$1/; $FORM{node} = $2; } if (!$FORM{link_templates}) { $FORM{link_templates} = $FORM{templates}; } $debug .= qq[mode = $FORM{mode} | id = $FORM{node} | search = $FORM{input_string}\n]; load_language(\@language_templates); initialize_hashes(); load_templates(); START_PROCESSING_LABEL: calculate_initial_variables(); # build the products_html if ($FORM{cart_action}) { shopping_cart(); } elsif ( ( $FORM{mode} and ($FORM{input_string} or $FORM{node}) and ($FORM{mode} ne "blended") ) or $FORM{item_id} =~ /,/ or $FORM{search_type} =~ /(?:ThirdPartyNew|Used|Collectible|Refurbished|ListManiaSearch|SimilaritySearch|WishlistSearch)/ ) { # get products my $this_xml_url = "http://$amazon_server.amazon.com/onca/xml3?t=$MY_variables{associate_id}&dev-t=D1KQJBNTALRLQH&$query&f=xml&sort=$FORM{sort_type}&locale=$FORM{locale}"; $debug .= "xml_url=$this_xml_url\n"; if ($FORM{search_type} =~ /(?:ThirdPartyNew|Used|Collectible|Refurbished|ListManiaSearch|SimilaritySearch|WishlistSearch)/) { $this_xml_url = "http://$amazon_server.amazon.com/onca/xml3?t=$MY_variables{associate_id}&dev-t=D1KQJBNTALRLQH&$query&f=xml&locale=$FORM{locale}"; } my $xml_result = get_url($this_xml_url); my $level_1 = parse_xml_into_hashes_of_arrays($xml_result); if ($AWS_variables{TotalResults} eq 1) { ${${$level_1}{Details}}[0] =~ /([^<]+)<\/Asin>/; delete $MY_variables{header}; delete $FORM{mode}; delete $FORM{input_mode}; delete $FORM{node}; $FORM{search_type} = "AsinSearch"; $FORM{item_id} = "$1"; goto START_PROCESSING_LABEL; # yes i know goto is lame, bite me } else { assign_variables("products",$level_1); } } elsif ($FORM{search_type} =~ /(?:AsinSearch|CustomerReviews)/) { # get item by ASIN/ISBN my $this_xml_url = "http://$amazon_server.amazon.com/onca/xml3?t=$MY_variables{associate_id}&dev-t=D1KQJBNTALRLQH&AsinSearch=$FORM{item_id}&type=heavy&f=xml&locale=$FORM{locale}"; $debug .= "xml_url=$this_xml_url\n"; my $xml_result = get_url($this_xml_url); my $level_1 = parse_xml_into_hashes_of_arrays($xml_result); if ($FORM{search_type} eq "CustomerReviews") { assign_variables("customer_reviews",$level_1); } else { assign_variables("item",$level_1); } $MY_variables{store} = $lookup_store{$catalog_to_mode{$AWS_variables{Catalog}}}; $MY_variables{subject} = $AWS_variables{ProductName}; } elsif ($FORM{search_type} eq "UpcSearch") { # get item by UPC my $this_xml_url = "http://$amazon_server.amazon.com/onca/xml3?t=$MY_variables{associate_id}&dev-t=D1KQJBNTALRLQH&UpcSearch=$FORM{item_id}&mode=$FORM{mode}&type=heavy&f=xml&locale=$FORM{locale}"; $debug .= "xml_url=$this_xml_url\n"; my $xml_result = get_url($this_xml_url); my $level_1 = parse_xml_into_hashes_of_arrays($xml_result); assign_variables("item",$level_1); $MY_variables{store} = $AWS_variables{Catalog}; $MY_variables{subject} = $AWS_variables{ProductName}; } elsif ($FORM{mode} eq "blended") { # blended search my $this_xml_url = "http://$amazon_server.amazon.com/onca/xml3?t=$MY_variables{associate_id}&dev-t=D1KQJBNTALRLQH&BlendedSearch=$FORM{input_string}&type=lite&f=xml&locale=$FORM{locale}"; $debug .= "xml_url=$this_xml_url\n"; my $xml_result = get_url($this_xml_url); my $level_1 = parse_xml_into_hashes_of_arrays($xml_result); blended_search($level_1); } elsif ($FORM{search_type} eq "image") { # get large image my $this_xml_url="http://$amazon_server.amazon.com/onca/xml3?t=$MY_variables{associate_id}&dev-t=D1KQJBNTALRLQH&AsinSearch=$FORM{item_id}&type=lite&f=xml&locale=$FORM{locale}"; $debug .= "xml_url=$this_xml_url\n"; my $xml_result = get_url($this_xml_url); $xml_result =~ s/<([^>]+)>([^<]+)<\/\1>/$AWS_variables{$1} = $2;/gsie; $MY_variables{store} = $AWS_variables{Catalog}; $MY_variables{subject} = $AWS_variables{ProductName}; $MY_variables{products_html} .= set_html("larger_image"); } elsif ($FORM{search_type} eq "SellerSearch") { # get SellerProfile my $this_xml_url="http://$amazon_server.amazon.com/onca/xml3?t=$MY_variables{associate_id}&dev-t=D1KQJBNTALRLQH&SellerProfile=$FORM{input_string}&type=lite&f=xml&locale=$FORM{locale}"; $debug .= "xml_url=$this_xml_url\n"; my $xml_result = get_url($this_xml_url); my $level_1 = parse_xml_into_hashes_of_arrays($xml_result); assign_variables("sellerprofile",$level_1); $MY_variables{store} = $AWS_variables{Catalog}; $MY_variables{subject} = $AWS_variables{ProductName}; # get SellerSearch my $this_xml_url="http://$amazon_server.amazon.com/onca/xml3?t=$MY_variables{associate_id}&dev-t=D1KQJBNTALRLQH&$query&f=xml&sort=$FORM{sort_type}&locale=$FORM{locale}"; $debug .= "xml_url=$this_xml_url\n"; my $xml_result = get_url($this_xml_url); my $level_1 = parse_xml_into_hashes_of_arrays($xml_result); assign_variables("sellersearch",$level_1); } elsif ($FORM{search_type} eq "ExchangeSearch") { # get ExchangeSearch my $this_xml_url="http://$amazon_server.amazon.com/onca/xml3?t=$MY_variables{associate_id}&dev-t=D1KQJBNTALRLQH&$query&f=xml&sort=$FORM{sort_type}&locale=$FORM{locale}"; $debug .= "xml_url=$this_xml_url\n"; my $exchange_xml_result = get_url($this_xml_url); $exchange_xml_result =~ s/([^<]+)<\/ExchangeSellerId>/$AWS_variables{ExchangeSellerId} = $1/e; # get SellerProfile my $this_xml_url="http://$amazon_server.amazon.com/onca/xml3?t=$MY_variables{associate_id}&dev-t=D1KQJBNTALRLQH&SellerProfile=$AWS_variables{ExchangeSellerId}&type=lite&f=xml&locale=$FORM{locale}"; $debug .= "xml_url=$this_xml_url\n"; my $xml_result = get_url($this_xml_url); my $level_1 = parse_xml_into_hashes_of_arrays($xml_result); assign_variables("sellerprofile",$level_1); # get ExchangeSearch my $xml_result = $exchange_xml_result; my $level_1 = parse_xml_into_hashes_of_arrays($xml_result); assign_variables("sellersearch",$level_1); } elsif ($FORM{search_type} eq "AllSearches") { assign_variables("AllSearches"); } elsif ($FORM{search_type} eq "power_search_info") { $MY_variables{store} = "PowerSearch"; $MY_variables{subject} = "Details"; $MY_variables{products_html} .= set_html("power_search_info"); } elsif ($FORM{mode}) { # display the categories for the mode $nav_menu_type = "modes"; $MY_variables{subject} = $language_text{header_text5}; $MY_variables{header} = qq[$language_text{header_text1} > $MY_variables{store}
]; $MY_variables{products_html} = load_browse_table(\%{$FORM{mode}}, "mode=$FORM{mode}&node="); if (exists($chat_modes{$FORM{mode}})) { $MY_variables{chat_link} = qq[Chat about $lookup_store{$FORM{mode}}
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"; #qq[
script by MrRat]; #if ($MY_variables{associate_id} =~ /(freewarfrommrrat|mrratcom-21)/) { $apf_footer .= qq[
A portion of each sale goes to benefit MrRat.com, thank you.]; } $apf_footer .= qq[ ]; $apf_footer .= qq[
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"'s Price:"; $language_text{my_prices_text3} = "You Save:"; $language_text{my_prices_text4} = "Prices subject to change."; $language_text{my_prices_text5} = "price not available"; $language_text{button_text1} = "Buy from " . $amazon_site; $language_text{button_text2} = "Add to " . $amazon_site . " Wishlist"; $language_text{button_text3} = "Add to " . $amazon_site . " Wedding Registry"; $language_text{button_text4} = "Search"; $language_text{button_text5} = "Add to " . $amazon_site . " Baby Registry"; $language_text{button_text6} = "Sort"; $language_text{button_text7} = "Change Quantities"; $language_text{button_text8} = "Delete"; $language_text{button_text9} = "Empty Shopping Cart"; $language_text{button_text10} = "Add to Shopping Cart"; $language_text{button_text11} = "See More Details"; $language_text{my_marketplace1} = "Price:"; $language_text{my_marketplace2} = "Used"; $language_text{my_marketplace3} = "Collectible"; $language_text{my_marketplace4} = "Third Party New"; $language_text{my_marketplace5} = "Refurbished"; $language_text{my_features_text1} = "Features:"; $language_text{my_similar_products_text1} = "Related Items:"; $language_text{my_accessories_text1} = "Accessories:"; $language_text{my_product_description} = "Product Description:"; $language_text{my_comments_text1} = "Rating:"; $language_text{my_comments_text2} = "Read More"; $language_text{my_descriptors_text1} = "Release Date:"; $language_text{my_descriptors_text2} = "Theatrical Date:"; $language_text{my_descriptors_text3} = "Media:"; $language_text{my_descriptors_text4} = "Number of Media:"; $language_text{my_descriptors_text5} = "MPAA Rating:"; $language_text{my_descriptors_text6} = "Platform:"; $language_text{my_descriptors_text7} = "ESRB Rating:"; $language_text{my_descriptors_text8} = "Age Group:"; $language_text{my_descriptors_text9} = "Sales Rank:"; $language_text{my_descriptors_text10} = "Encoding:"; $language_text{my_descriptors_text11} = "Tracks:"; $language_text{my_descriptors_text12} = "Reading Level:"; $language_text{my_descriptors_text13} = "Manufacturer:"; $language_text{my_browse_list_text1} = "Browse:"; $language_text{see_text1} = "Next >"; $language_text{see_text2} = "< Previous"; $language_text{see_text3} = "Back"; $language_text{see_text4} = "page"; $language_text{see_text5} = "of"; $language_text{see_text6} = "see more"; $language_text{association_text1} = "In association with " . $amazon_site; $language_text{availability_text1} = "Availability:"; $language_text{availability_text2} = "Not currently available for purchase."; $language_text{see_larger_image_text1} = "See Larger Image"; $language_text{customer_reviews_text1} = "Customer Reviews"; $language_text{average_rating_text1} = "Average Rating: "; $language_text{average_rating_text2} = "none"; $language_text{similar_text1} = "Featured Listmania! List"; $language_text{thirdparty_text1} = "Seller:"; $language_text{thirdparty_text2} = "Condition:"; $language_text{thirdparty_text3} = "Condition Type:"; $language_text{thirdparty_text4} = "From:"; $language_text{thirdparty_text5} = "Comments:"; $language_text{thirdparty_text6} = "Quantity:"; $language_text{thirdparty_text7} = "Offering Type:"; $language_text{thirdparty_text8} = "End Date:"; $language_text{thirdparty_text9} = "Total Feedback:"; $language_text{thirdparty_text10} = "Cancelled Auctions:"; $language_text{thirdparty_text11} = "Date:"; $language_text{cart_text1} = "Shopping Cart"; $language_text{cart_text2} = "There is nothing in your shopping cart."; $language_text{cart_text3} = "View Shopping Cart or Checkout"; $language_text{cart_text4} = "Include in shopping cart:"; $language_text{locale_text1} = "International Store:"; $language_text{locale_text2} = "USA"; $language_text{locale_text3} = "United Kingdom"; $language_text{locale_text4} = "Germany"; $language_text{locale_text5} = "Japan"; $language_text{sort_text1} = "Featured Items"; $language_text{sort_text2} = "Bestselling"; $language_text{sort_text3} = "Average Customer Review"; $language_text{sort_text4} = "Price (Low to High)"; $language_text{sort_text5} = "Price (High to Low)"; $language_text{sort_text6} = "Publication Date"; $language_text{sort_text7} = "Alphabetical (A-Z)"; $language_text{sort_text8} = "Alphabetical (Z-A)"; $language_text{sort_text9} = "Manufacturer (A-Z)"; $language_text{sort_text10} = "Manufacturer (Z-A)"; $language_text{sort_text11} = "Artist Name"; $language_text{sort_text12} = "Original Release Date"; $language_text{searchbox_text1} = "All Products"; $language_text{searchbox_text2} = "Only within this Category"; $language_text{searchbox_text3} = "Search Options"; $language_text{searchbox_text4} = "Search by"; $language_text{searchbox_text5} = "Item"; $language_text{searchbox_text6} = "Actor/Actress"; $language_text{searchbox_text7} = "Search String"; $language_text{searchbox_text8} = "Sort by"; $language_text{searchbox_text9} = "Artist/Musician"; $language_text{searchbox_text10} = "Author"; $language_text{searchbox_text11} = "BrowseNode"; $language_text{searchbox_text12} = "Browse Id Number"; $language_text{searchbox_text13} = "Product Mode"; $language_text{searchbox_text14} = "Price Range"; $language_text{searchbox_text15} = "Director"; $language_text{searchbox_text16} = "Listmania"; $language_text{searchbox_text17} = "Manufacturer"; $language_text{searchbox_text18} = "Power Search"; $language_text{searchbox_text19} = "Similar Products"; $language_text{searchbox_text20} = "third-party ASIN"; $language_text{searchbox_text21} = "Third-party exchange ID"; $language_text{searchbox_text22} = "Third-party Seller ID"; $language_text{searchbox_text23} = "UPC"; $language_text{searchbox_text24} = "WishList id"; # end default language my $temp_num = $FORM{language} - 1; if ($FORM{language} and -e $temp_array[$temp_num]) { require $temp_array[$temp_num]; } elsif ($FORM{locale} eq "de" and -e "apf_de.language") { require "apf_de.language"; } } sub initialize_hashes { my %us_store_to_browse = ( "Baby" => "baby", "Books" => "books", "Classical Music" => "classical", "DVD" => "dvd", "Electronics" => "electronics", "Kitchen & Housewares" => "kitchen", "Magazines" => "magazines", "Outdoor Living" => "garden", "Popular Music" => "music", "Computers" => "pc_hardware", "Camera & Photo" => "photo", "Software" => "software", "Tools & Hardware" => "universal", "Toys & Games" => "toys", "Video" => "vhs", "Computer & Video Games" => "videogames" ); my %uk_store_to_browse = ( "Books" => "books_uk", "Popular Music" => "music", "Classical Music" => "classical", "DVD" => "dvd_uk", "Video" => "vhs_uk", "Electronics" => "electronics_uk", "Kitchen & Housewares" => "kitchen_uk", "Software" => "software_uk", "Computer & Video Games" => "video_games_uk", "Toys & Games" => "toys_uk" ); my %de_store_to_browse = ( "Bücher" => "books_de", "Musik" => "pop_music_de", "Musik (Klassische)" => "classical_de", "DVD" => "dvd_de", "Video" => "vhs_de", "Elektronik & Foto" => "ce_de", "Küche & Haushalt" => "kitchen_de", "Software" => "software_de", "Computer & Video-Spiele" => "video_games_de", "Zeitschriften" => "magazines_de", "Englische Bücher" => "books_de_intl_us"); %all_store_to_browse = ( "us" => \%us_store_to_browse, "uk" => \%uk_store_to_browse, "de" => \%de_store_to_browse ); my %us_catalog_to_mode = ( "Apparel" => "apparel", "Baby Product" => "baby", "Book" => "books", "DVD" => "dvd", "Electronics" => "electronics", "Home Improvement" => "universal", "Kitchen" => "kitchen", "Lawn & Patio" => "garden", "Magazine" => "magazines", "Magazines" => "magazines", "Music" => "music", "Personal Computer" => "pc_hardware", "Software" => "software", "Toy" => "toys", "Video" => "vhs", "Video Games" => "videogames", "Sporting Goods" => "sporting", "Sports" => "sporting" ); my %uk_catalog_to_mode = ( "Book" => "books_uk", "Music" => "music", "DVD" => "dvd_uk", "Video" => "vhs_uk", "Electronics" => "electronics_uk", "Kitchen" => "kitchen_uk", "Software" => "software_uk", "Video Games" => "video_games_uk", "Toy" => "toys_uk" ); my %de_catalog_to_mode = ( "Book" => "books_de", "Music" => "pop_music_de", "DVD" => "dvd_de", "Video" => "vhs_de", "Electronics" => "ce_de", "Kitchen" => "kitchen_de", "Software" => "software_de", "Video Games" => "video_games_de", "Magazine" => "magazines_de" ); %all_catalog_to_mode = ( "us" => \%us_catalog_to_mode, "uk" => \%uk_catalog_to_mode, "de" => \%de_catalog_to_mode ); if ($FORM{locale} eq "uk") { %books_uk = ( "Top Selling" => 1025612, "Address Books, Journals & More" => 507848, "Art, Architecture & Photography" => 91, "Audio Cassettes" => 51, "Audio CDs" => 267859, "Biography" => 67, "Business, Finance & Law" => 68, "Children's Books" => 69, "Comics & Graphic Novels" => 274081, "Computers & Internet" => 71, "Crime, Thrillers & Mystery" => 72, "e-Books" => 637262, "Fiction" => 62, "Food & Drink" => 66, "Gay & Lesbian" => 275835, "Health, Family & Lifestyle" => 74, "History" => 65, "Home & Garden" => 64, "Horror" => 63, "Mind, Body & Spirit" => 61, "Music, Stage & Screen" => 73, "Poetry, Drama & Criticism" => 275389, "Reference & Languages" => 59, "Religion & Spirituality" => 58, "Romance" => 88, "Science Fiction & Fantasy" => 56, "Science & Nature" => 57, "Scientific, Technical & Medical" => 564334, "Society, Politics & Philosophy" => 60, "Sports, Hobbies & Games" => 55, "Travel & Holiday" => 83, "Young Adult" => 52 ); %classical = ( "Top Selling" => 229817, "Classical for Beginners" => 508574, "Composers" => 506476, "Compilations" => 720862, "Occasions" => 508572, "Solo Instrumental" => 505660, "Chamber Music" => 505630, "Orchestral" => 505586, "Ballet & Dance" => 505622 ); %dvd_uk = ( "Top Selling" => 573406, "Action & Adventure" => 501778, "Art House & International" => 501796, "Children's DVD" => 501858, "Classics" => 501976, "Comedy" => 501866, "Drama" => 501872, "DVD Special Offers" => 655852, "Horror & Suspense" => 501880, "Music" => 501888, "Musicals & Classical" => 1108824, "Science Fiction & Fantasy" => 501912, "Sports & Fitness" => 501940, "Television & Documentary" => 501958 ); %electronics_uk = ( "Top Selling" => 560800, "Computer Peripherals" => 561904, "Gadgets" => 3108311, "Handhelds & PDAs" => 560802, "Home Entertainment" => 560858, "Phones" => 560820, "Photography" => 560834, "Portable Audio" => 560884 ); %kitchen_uk = ( "Top Selling" => 3147411, "Cookware" => 3147471, "Cutlery & Knives" => 3147481, "Home Appliances" => 3147451, "Kitchen Accessories & Gadgets" => 3147491, "Kitchen Appliances" => 3147441, "Personal Care" => 3147461 ); %music = ( "Top Selling" => 694208, "The PopShop" => 694266, "Adult Contemporary" => 694228, "Dance Pop" => 694296, "Greatest Hits" => 694212, "Live Albums" => 694214, "Disco" => 694308, "Pop R&B" => 694216 ); %software_uk = ( "Top Selling" => 1025614, "Business" => 600014, "Children's Fun & Learning" => 300473, "Education & Reference" => 300436, "Graphics" => 600136, "Home Computing" => 599892, "Lifestyle & Hobbies" => 300479, "Linux" => 300543, "Macintosh" => 300530, "Programming & Web Development" => 600188, "Video & Music" => 600236 ); %toys_uk = ( "Top Selling" => 595314, "Arts & Crafts" => 595346, "Baby & Pre-school Toys" => 595446, "Cars" => 1161582, "Collectables" => 1095918, "Development & Learning" => 595334, "Dolls & Accessories" => 595376, "Dressing Up & Make-believe" => 595398, "Electronic Toys" => 1193380, "Experiences" => 3052531, "Games & Puzzles" => 595426, "Outdoor Kit" => 1025554, "Playhouses & Tents" => 595406, "Playsets" => 1095914, "Ride-ons" => 1095910, "Skateboards" => 3059981, "Trains" => 595826, "Vehicles" => 1095916, "Wooden Toys" => 1025552 ); %vhs_uk = ( "Top Selling" => 573400, "Action & Adventure" => 283921, "Art House & International" => 283922, "Children's Videos" => 283928, "Classic Films" => 283923, "Comedy" => 283924, "Drama" => 283925, "Fitness Corner" => 283995, "Horror & Suspense" => 283927, "Music & Performing Arts" => 283929, "Science Fiction & Fantasy" => 283930, "Special Interest" => 283931, "Sports" => 283932, "Television & Documentary" => 283933, "Video Special Offers" => 655858 ); %video_games_uk = ( "Top Selling" => 1025616, "Children's PC & Video Games" => 501128, "Game Boy Advance" => 573612, "GameCube" => 660286, "Game Hardware" => 506846, "PC Games" => 300729, "PlayStation 2" => 526776, "PSone" => 300839, "Xbox" => 660202, "Other Platforms" => 725726 ); %store_to_browse = %{$all_store_to_browse{uk}}; %catalog_to_mode = %{$all_catalog_to_mode{uk}}; } elsif ($FORM{locale} eq "de") { %books_de = ( "Belletristik" => 117, "Börse & Geld" => 120, "Business & Karriere" => 403434, "Computer & Internet" => 124, "Fachbücher" => 288100, "Film, Kultur & Comics" => 548400, "Geist & Wissen" => 119, "Kinder & Jugend Bücher" => 280652, "Kochen & Lifestyle" => 122, "Krimi & Thriller" => 287480, "Lernen & Nachschlagen" => 403432, "Musiknoten" => 1199902, "Naturwissenschaften & Technik" => 121, "Politik, Biografien & Geschichte" => 143, "Ratgeber" => 536302, "Reise & Sport" => 298002, "Science Fiction, Horror & Fantasy" => 142, "Hörbücher" => 300259 ); %books_de_intl_us = ( "Arts & Photography" => 1, "Biographies & Memoirs" => 2, "Business & Investing" => 3, "Children's Books" => 4, "Computers & Internet" => 5, "Cooking, Food & Wine" => 6, "Engineering" => 13643, "Entertainment" => 86, "Gay & Lesbian" => 301889, "Health, Mind & Body" => 10, "History" => 9, "Home & Garden" => 48, "Horror" => 49, "Law" => 10777, "Literature & Fiction" => 17, "Medicine" => 13996, "Mystery & Thrillers" => 18, "Nonfiction" => 53, "Outdoors & Nature" => 290060, "Parenting & Families" => 20, "Professional & Technical" => 173507, "Reference" => 21, "Religion & Spirituality" => 22, "Romance" => 23, "Science" => 75, "Science Fiction & Fantasy" => 25, "Sports" => 26, "Teens" => 28, "Travel" => 27 ); %classical_de = ( "Klassik" => 255966, "Populäre Klassik" => 518124, "Komponisten" => 256029, "Interpreten" => 513528, "Gattungen" => 550142, "Preiswerte Klassik" => 518342 ); %dvd_de = ( "Action, Thriller & Horror" => 289093, "Kinder & Familie" => 290505, "Komödie & Drama" => 290800, "Musik-DVDs" => 289312, "Originalfassungen" => 526774, "Science Fiction & Fantasy" => 548404, "TV & Dokumentationen" => 1027630 ); %ce_de = ( "Computerzubehör" => 700962, "Heimkino & Video" => 761254, "HiFi & Audio" => 571760, "Kamera & Foto" => 571860, "PC & Notebook" => 3034831, "PDA & Organizer" => 569606, "Handy & Telefon" => 571954, "Tragbare Geräte" => 571712, "Zubehör" => 569866 ); %kitchen_de = ( "Elektrische Küchengeräte" => 3169321, "Elektrowerkzeug" => 3527241, "Geschirr, Besteck & Gläser" => 3310821, "Haushaltsgeräte" => 3169211, "Körperpflege & Bad" => 3169021, "Küchengeräte & Kochgeschirr" => 3311201, "Tisch- & Wohnaccessoires" => 3312031, "Wohnen, Garten & Freizeit" => 3312261 ); %pop_music_de = ( "Alternative" => 400118, "Comedy & Kabarett" => 255953, "Dance & Electronic" => 255883, "Diverses" => 255952, "Hard & Heavy" => 264898, "Jazz & Blues" => 255917, "Kindermusik & Hörspiele" => 255956, "Pop" => 264875, "Rap & HipHop" => 255902, "R&B & Soul" => 255895, "Reggae & Ska" => 464356, "Rock" => 264886, "Schlager & Oldies" => 264910, "Songwriter, Folk & Country" => 573044, "Soundtrack & Musical" => 264918, "Weltmusik" => 265502, "Box-Sets" => 1038400, "DVD-Audio" => 772670, "Limited Editions" => 914906, "Maxi-CDs" => 915202, "Super-Audio-CDs" => 914900, "TV-Werbung & Compilations" => 510728 ); %software_de = ( "Betriebssysteme & Tools" => 1064170, "Bildung & Wissenschaft" => 408270, "Büro & Geschäft" => 408288, "Interessen & Unterhaltung" => 408308, "Kinder & Familie" => 408290, "Multimedia & Internet" => 408292, "PDAs & Handhelds" => 505578, "Programmierung & Webdesign" => 408306, "Macintosh" => 910084 ); %magazines_de = ( "Auto & Motorrad" => 1196118, "Computer, Internet & Technik" => 1198616, "Erotik" => 1198618, "Familie, Hobby & Wohnen" => 1198620, "Jugend & Comics" => 1198622, "Mode, Lifestyle & Leute" => 1198628, "Musikzeitschriften" => 1199630, "Reise, Sport & Kultur" => 1198626, "TV & Kino" => 1198630, "Wirtschaft & Politik" => 1198624, "Internationale Presse" => 1198632, "Fachzeitschriften" => 1198634 ); %vhs_de = ( "Action, Thriller & Science Fiction" => 284262, "Kinder & Familie" => 284264, "Komödie & Drama" => 284263, "Musik, TV & Dokumentation" => 284265, "Originalfassungen" => 284267 ); %video_games_de = ( "Computerspiele" => 301129, "Game Boy" => 301014, "Game Boy Advance" => 569128, "GameCube" => 639320, "Nintendo 64" => 301037, "PlayStation" => 300993, "PlayStation 2" => 516838, "Sega Dreamcast" => 301027, "Sega Saturn" => 1198490, "Xbox" => 575708, "Zubehör & Hardware für PC-Spiele" => 643172, "Zubehör & Hardware für Game Boy" => 301026, "Zubehör & Hardware für Game Boy advanced" => 600590, "Zubehör & Hardware für GameCube" => 901948, "Zubehör & Hardware für Nintendo 64" => 408342, "Zubehör & Hardware für PlayStation" => 403624, "Zubehör & Hardware für PlayStation 2" => 516856, "Zubehör & Hardware für Sega Dreamcast" => 301036, "Zubehör & Hardware für Xbox" => 749286 ); %store_to_browse = %{$all_store_to_browse{de}}; %catalog_to_mode = %{$all_catalog_to_mode{de}}; } else { %apparel = ( "Girls" => 1040664, "Boys" => 1040666, "Infants & Toddlers" => 1044500, "Women - Sleepware" => 1044462 ); %sporting = ( "Airsoft" => 3395111, "Archery" => 3395321, "Badminton" => 3528171, "Baseball & Softball" => 3395731, "Basketball" => 3396541, "Billiards" => 3397051, "Boating" => 3397331, "Bowling" => 3399691, "Boxing" => 3400051, "Camping & Hiking" => 3400371, "Cheerleading" => 3402161, "Climbing" => 3402401, "Cricket" => 3402931, "Cycling & Wheel Sports" => 3403201, "Darts" => 3405651, "Disc Sports" => 3406041, "Diving" => 3406281, "Equestrian Sports" => 3407321, "Exercise & Fitness" => 3407731, "Field Hockey" => 3408621, "Fishing" => 3408951, "Football" => 3410221, "Golf" => 3410851, "Gymnastics" => 3412011, "Hockey" => 3412421, "Hunting" => 3412851, "Kayaking" => 3413781, "Lacrosse" => 3414361, "Lawn Games" => 3414921, "Martial Arts" => 3415011, "Paintball" => 3415511, "Racquetball & Squash" => 3528161, "Rugby" => 3415701, "Running" => 3416071 ); %baby = ( "Top Selling" => 540988, Outlet => 735502, "Activity" => 542460, "Bath & Potty" => 541586, "Feeding" => 541564, "Gear" => 541558, "Health & Safety" => 541580, "Layette" => 738468, "Nursery" => 541572, "Backpacks & Carriers" => 542456, "Car Seats" => 541560, "Strollers" => 541562, "Travel Systems" => 542442, "Playards" => 542468, "Bedding" => 541574, "Furniture" => 541576, "Breast-feeding" => 541568, "Bottle Feeding" => 541566, "Solid Feeding" => 541570, "Highchairs" => 542302, "Play Centers" => 548050, "Swings & Bouncers" => 542470 ); %books = ( Outlet => 733804, "Arts & Photography" => 1, "Biographies & Memoirs" => 2, "Business & Investing" => 3, "Children's Books" => 4, "Computers & Internet" => 5, "Cooking, Food & Wine" => 6, "Engineering" => 13643, "Entertainment" => 86, "Gay & Lesbian" => 301889, "Health, Mind & Body" => 10, "History" => 9, "Home & Garden" => 48, "Horror" => 49, "Law" => 10777, "Literature & Fiction" => 17, "Medicine" => 13996, "Mystery & Thrillers" => 18, "Nonfiction" => 53, "Outdoors & Nature" => 290060, "Parenting & Families" => 20, "Professional & Technical" => 173507, "Reference" => 21, "Religion & Spirituality" => 22, "Romance" => 23, "Science" => 75, "Science Fiction & Fantasy" => 25, "Sports" => 26, "Teens" => 28, "Travel" => 27 ); %classical = ( "Top Selling" => 85, "Ballets & Dances" => 5260, "Chamber Music" => 5318, "Featured Composers, A-Z" => 5338, "Featured Performers, A-Z" => 38472, "Forms & Genres" => 36632, "Historical Periods" => 36712, "Instruments" => 38374, "Sacred & Religious" => 63654, "Symphonies" => 63681 ); %dvd = ( "Top Selling" => 404276, Outlet => 734006, "Action & Adventure" => 163296, "African American Cinema" => 538708, "Animation" => 712256, "Anime & Manga" => 517956, "Art House & International" => 163313, "Classics" => 163345, "Comedy" => 163357, "Cult Movies" => 466674, "Documentary" => 508532, "Drama" => 163379, "Gay & Lesbian" => 301667, "Horror" => 163396, "Kids & Family" => 163414, "Military & War" => 586156, "Musicals & Performing Arts" => 508528, "Music Video & Concerts" => 163420, "Mystery & Suspense" => 512030, "Science Fiction & Fantasy" => 163431, "Special Interests" => 163448, "Television" => 163450, "Westerns" => 163312, "Boxed Sets" => 501230 ); %electronics = ( "Top Selling" => 493964, Outlet => 734050, "Accessories & Supplies" => 281407, "Audio & Video" => 1065836, "Computer Add-Ons" => 172455, "Gadgets" => 172517, "GPS & Navigation" => 172526, "Handhelds & PDAs" => 172594, "Office Electronics" => 172574, "Printers" => 172635, "Telephones" => 172606, "DVD Players" => 172514, "VCRs & DVRs" => 172669, "TV & HDTV" => 172659, "MP3 & Digital Audio" => 172630, "Car Accessories" => 226184, "Clocks & Clock Radios" => 509280, "Home Audio" => 172531, "Home Office" => 172574, "Home Video" => 172592, "Portable Audio & Video" => 172623 ); %garden = ( "Top Selling" => 468250, Outlet => 734346, "Backyard Birding" => 553632, "Gifts" => 553648, "Grills & Fryers" => 553760, "Heating & Lighting" => 553778, "Sports & Lawn Games" => 892984, "Outdoor Décor" => 553788, "Patio Furniture" => 553824, "Pest Control" => 553844, "Lawn/Garden Tools" => 915484, "Camping" => 892986 ); %kitchen = ( "Top Selling" => 491864, Outlet => 734070, "Baking" => 289668, "Bar Tools & Glasses" => 289728, "Coffee, Tea & Espresso" => 289742, "Cookware" => 289814, "Cutlery" => 289851, "Housewares" => 510080, "Small Appliances" => 289913, "Tableware" => 289891, "Gadgets" => 289754, "Grills & Fryers" => 553760 ); %magazines = ( "Top Selling" => 599872, "Arts & Crafts" => 602314, "Automotive" => 602316, "Business & Finance" => 602320, "Computer & Internet" => 602324, "Electronics & Audio" => 602326, "Family & Parenting" => 602330, "Fashion & Style" => 602332, "Food & Gourmet" => 602334, "Games & Hobbies" => 602336, "Health & Fitness" => 602340, "Home & Garden" => 602344, "Men's Interest" => 602352, "Music" => 602354, "News & Politics" => 602358, "Science & Nature" => 602364, "Travel & Regional" => 602370, "Women's Interest" => 602372, "Pets" => 602360, "Children's" => 602322, "Entertainment" => 602328 ); %music = ( "Top Selling" => 301668, Outlet => 734368, "Alternative Rock" => 30, "Blues" => 31, "Broadway & Vocalists" => 265640, "Children's" => 173425, "Christian & Gospel" => 173429, "Classic Rock" => 67204, "Country" => 16, "Dance & DJ" => 7, "Folk" => 32, "Hard Rock & Metal" => 67207, "International" => 33, "Latin" => 289122, "Miscellaneous" => 35, "New Age" => 36, "Opera & Vocal" => 84, "Pop" => 37, "Rap & Hip-Hop" => 38, "R&B" => 39, "Rock" => 40, "Soundtracks" => 42, "Indie" => 266023, "Jazz" => 34 ); %pc_hardware = ( "Top Selling" => 565118, "Desktops" => 565098, "Notebooks" => 565108, "AMD" => 602286, "Apple" => 565124, "HP" => 565120, "IBM" => 603128, "Intel" => 565122, "Sony" => 565126, "Toshiba" => 598398, "Desktops" => 565098, "Accessories & Supplies" => 281407, "Refurbished" => 896918, "Handhelds & PDAs" => 172594, "Monitors" => 172509, "Printers" => 172635 ); %photo = ( "Top Selling" => 508048, Outlet => 733952, "Accessories" => 172435, "Binoculars" => 499320, "Camcorders" => 172421, "Film Cameras" => 499106, "Projectors" => 525462, "Surveillance Systems" => 524136, "Digital Cameras" => 281052 ); %software = ( "Top Selling" => 491286, Outlet => 735326, "Business & Office" => 229535, "Children's Software" => 229548, "Graphics" => 229614, "Home & Hobbies" => 229624, "Language & Travel" => 497026, "Linux" => 290562, "Networking" => 229637, "Operating Systems" => 229653, "Personal Finance" => 229540, "Programming" => 229667, "Software for Handhelds" => 229663, "Utilities" => 229672, "Video & Music" => 497022 ); %toys = ( "Top Selling" => 491290, Outlet => 735410, "Action Figures" => 171662, "Arts & Crafts" => 171859, "Building Sets, Blocks & Models" => 171814, "Dolls" => 171569, "Electronics" => 720366, "Games" => 171689, "Sports & Outdoor Play" => 171960, "Stuffed Animals" => 171992, "Learning Toys" => 585496, "Bikes" => 569472, "Furniture" => 172790, "Puzzles" => 171744, "Vehicles" => 171600 ); %universal = ( "Top Selling" => 468240, Outlet => 735342, "Automotive Supplies" => 553294, "Electrical" => 495266, "Hand Tools" => 551238, "Hardware" => 511228, "Heating & Cooling" => 495346, "Job Site Equipment" => 551240, "Lawn & Garden Tools" => 551242, "Lighting" => 495224, "Power Tools" => 551236, "Accessories" => 552262, "Air Tools" => 552684, "Cordless Tools" => 552738, "Sanders" => 552876, "Saws"=> 552894, "Painting" => 228899 ); %vhs = ( "Top Selling" => 404274, Outlet => 735448, "Action & Adventure" => 141, "African American Cinema" => 301597, "Animation" => 712260, "Anime & Manga" => 281300, "Art House & International" => 126, "Classics" => 127, "Comedy" => 128, "Cult Movies" => 162482, "Drama" => 129, "Gay & Lesbian" => 301665, "Horror" => 131, "Kids & Family" => 132, "Military & War" => 586154, "Musicals & Performing Arts" => 508526, "Music Video & Concerts" => 133, "Mystery & Suspense" => 512026, "Science Fiction & Fantasy" => 144, "Special Interests" => 135, "Sports" => 169798, "Television" => 136, "Westerns" => 139725, "Boxed Sets" => 501232 ); %videogames = ( "Top Selling" => 471280, Outlet => 733954, "Game Boy" => 229783, "Game Boy Advance" => 541020, "GameCube" => 541022, "Mac Games" => 229647, "More Systems" => 294940, "Nintendo 64" => 229763, "PC Games" => 229575, "PlayStation" => 229773, "PlayStation2" => 301712, "Sega Dreamcast" => 229793, "Xbox" => 537504, "Linux" => 290573, "NEOGEO" => 541018, "NES" => 566458, "Palm" => 498176, "Sega Game Gear" => 294942, "Sega Genesis" => 294943, "Sega Saturn" => 294944, "Super NES" => 294945 ); %store_to_browse = %{$all_store_to_browse{us}}; %catalog_to_mode = %{$all_catalog_to_mode{us}}; } %sort_hash = ( "+pmrank" => $language_text{sort_text1}, "+salesrank" => $language_text{sort_text2}, "+reviewrank" => $language_text{sort_text3}, "+pricerank" => $language_text{sort_text4}, "+inverse-pricerank" => $language_text{sort_text5}, "+price" => $language_text{sort_text4}, "-price" => $language_text{sort_text5}, "+daterank" => $language_text{sort_text6}, "+titlerank" => $language_text{sort_text7}, "-titlerank" => $language_text{sort_text8}, "+manufactrank" => $language_text{sort_text9}, "-manufactrank" => $language_text{sort_text10}, "+artistrank" => $language_text{sort_text11}, "+orig-rel-date" => $language_text{sort_text12} ); %sort_hash_by_mode = ( "all" => ["+titlerank","+salesrank","+pmrank"], "books" => ["+pmrank","+salesrank","+reviewrank","+pricerank","+inverse-pricerank","+daterank","+titlerank","-titlerank"], "software" => ["+pmrank","+salesrank","+titlerank","-price","+price"], "garden" => ["+pmrank","+salesrank","+titlerank","-titlerank","+manufactrank","-manufactrank","+price","-price"], "universal" => ["+pmrank","+salesrank","+titlerank","-titlerank","+manufactrank","-manufactrank","+price","-price"], "photo" => ["+pmrank","+salesrank","+titlerank","-titlerank"], "pc_hardware" => ["+pmrank","+salesrank","+titlerank","-titlerank"], "videogames" => ["+pmrank","+salesrank","+price","-price","+titlerank"], "music" => ["+pmrank","+salesrank","+artistrank","+orig-rel-date","+titlerank"], "classical" => ["+pmrank","+salesrank","+artistrank","+orig-rel-date","+titlerank"], "office_products" => ["+pmrank","+salesrank","+reviewrank","+price","-price","+titlerank","-titlerank"], "electronics" => ["+pmrank","+salesrank","+reviewrank","+titlerank"], "kitchen" => ["+pmrank","+salesrank","+titlerank","-titlerank","+manufactrank","-manufactrank","+price","-price"], ); %offering_type = ( new => "ThirdPartyNew", used => "Used", collectible => "Collectible", refurbished => "Refurbished" ); %chat_modes = ( photo => 502394, electronics => 172282, videogames => 468642, books => 283155, music => 5174, dvd => 130, toys => 171280 ); } sub calculate_initial_variables { my @associate_ids = @{$associate_ids{$FORM{locale}}}; if ($FORM{templates} and @associate_ids[$FORM{templates}-1]) { $MY_variables{associate_id} = @associate_ids[$FORM{templates}-1]; } else { $MY_variables{associate_id} = @associate_ids[0]; } if ($FORM{locale} eq "uk") { $MY_variables{in_association} = qq[$language_text{association_text1}
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$language_text{searchbox_text3}]; } $MY_variables{search_box} = qq[
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/gi; $xml_result =~ s/<\/?p>/

/gi; if (!$xml_result and $skip ne "skip_ok") { $MY_variables{error_msg} = "Sorry, we are currently unable to process your request in a timely manner.
Please try again later.\n"; } if ($use_cache eq "yes" and !$dbm_error) { my $count=0; open(LOCK, ">$cache_file.lock"); until (flock(LOCK,2) or $count > 50) { sleep .10; ++$count; } if ($count > 50) { $dbm_error = "lock failed"; } if (!$dbm_error) { eval 'tie(%xml_cache,"DB_File",$cache_file,O_CREAT|O_RDWR)'; $dbm_error = $@; if (keys(%xml_cache) > $cache_max_size) { undef %xml_cache; $debug .= "cleared cache\n"; } } } $xml_cache{$value} = $xml_result; $xml_cache{$cache_time} = time; untie %xml_cache; close(LOCK); $debug .= "cache status = not cached request size " . length($xml_result) . "\n"; } $xml_result =~ s/([^<]+)<\/ErrorMsg>/if ($skip ne "skip_ok") { $MY_variables{error_msg} .= $1; }/esi; return $xml_result; } sub parse_xml_into_hashes_of_arrays { my $xml_result = shift; my (%temp_level_0, $temp_level_1); $xml_result =~ s/<([^>]+?)(?:\s[^>]+)?>(.*?)<\/\1>/push @{$temp_level_0{$1}}, $2;/gsie; $temp_level_1 = process_hashes_of_arrays(\%temp_level_0); delete $AWS_variables{ProductInfo}; $AWS_variables{TotalResults} = ${${$temp_level_1}{TotalResults}}[0]; $AWS_variables{TotalPages} = ${${$temp_level_1}{TotalPages}}[0]; return $temp_level_1; } sub process_hashes_of_arrays { my ($entry_hash, %exit_hash) = @_; for my $key (keys %$entry_hash) { if (!${${$entry_hash}{$key}}[1]) { $AWS_variables{$key} = ${${$entry_hash}{$key}}[0]; $AWS_variables{$key} =~ s/"/'/g; } foreach my $item (@{${$entry_hash}{$key}}) { $item =~ s/<([^>]+?)(\s[^>]+)?>(.*?)<\/\1>/my $temp3; if ($2 and $1 eq "Details") { $temp3 = $3 . "$2<\/DetailsURL>"; } else { $temp3 = $3; } push @{$exit_hash{$1}}, $temp3;/gsie; } } return \%exit_hash; } sub blended_search { my $level_1 = shift; my $i_blended = 0; foreach my $item_blended (@{${$level_1}{ProductLine}}) { my %temp_hash_blended; push @{$temp_hash_blended{ProductLine}}, $item_blended; my $level_2_blended = process_hashes_of_arrays(\%temp_hash_blended); if (${$level_2_blended}{Mode}[0] eq "apparel") { next; } my $level_3_blended = process_hashes_of_arrays($level_2_blended); ${$level_2_blended}{Mode}[0] =~ s/-/_/g; $MY_variables{blended_mode} = $lookup_store{${$level_2_blended}{Mode}[0]}; $MY_variables{blended_mode_totalresults} = ${$level_3_blended}{TotalResults}[0]; $MY_variables{blended_mode_pages} = ${$level_3_blended}{TotalPages}[0]; $MY_variables{blended_see_more_url} = qq[$MY_variables{script_name}?mode=${$level_2_blended}{Mode}[0]&input_string=$FORM{input_string}$url_options]; $MY_variables{products_html} .= set_html("blended"); assign_variables("products",$level_3_blended); } $MY_variables{store} = "$language_text{searchbox_text1}"; } sub assign_variables { my ($whose_variables, $temp_input) = @_; my @Details; if (@{${$temp_input}{Details}}) { @Details = @{${$temp_input}{Details}}; } my $i = 0; my ($more_form_options); Details_loop: foreach my $item (@Details) { my (%temp_hash, @descriptors); my @AWS_deletekeys = (DetailsURL,Catalog,ReleaseDate,Manufacturer,Availability,ListPrice,OurPrice,UsedPrice); delete @AWS_variables{@AWS_deletekeys}; my @MY_deletekeys = (our_price,list_price,discount,our_value,list_value,my_artists); delete @MY_variables{@MY_deletekeys}; $details_max = $#Details + 1; push @{$temp_hash{Details}}, $item; my $level_2 = process_hashes_of_arrays(\%temp_hash); my $level_3 = process_hashes_of_arrays($level_2); if ($AWS_variables{DetailsURL}) { $AWS_variables{DetailsURL} =~ s/(?:\surl=|\')//g; $MY_variables{in_association} = qq[$language_text{association_text1}
]; } if ($FORM{node}) { if (exists($chat_modes{$FORM{mode}})) { $MY_variables{chat_link} = qq[Chat about $lookup_browse_id{$FORM{node}}
]; } } if ($catalog_to_mode{$AWS_variables{Catalog}} and !$FORM{mode}) { $FORM{mode} = $catalog_to_mode{$AWS_variables{Catalog}}; } $more_form_options = qq[]; if ($FORM{search_type}) { $more_form_options .= qq[]; } if ($FORM{input_string}) { $more_form_options .= qq[]; } if ($FORM{node}) { $more_form_options .= qq[]; } if ($FORM{item_id}) { $more_form_options .= qq[]; } if ($FORM{pricerange}) { $more_form_options .= qq[]; } if ($FORM{keywords}) { $more_form_options .= qq[]; } # start my_artists if ($FORM{mode} =~ /^(books|books_uk|books_de|books_de_intl_us)$/i) { $MY_variables{my_artists} = comma_separate_list(${$level_3}{Author},$language_text{my_artists_text1},"AuthorSearch"); } elsif ($FORM{mode} =~ /^(music|classical|pop_music_de|classical_de)$/i) { $MY_variables{my_artists} = comma_separate_list(${$level_3}{Artist},$language_text{my_artists_text1},"ArtistSearch"); } elsif ($FORM{mode} =~ /^(dvd|vhs|video|dvd_uk|vhs_uk|dvd_de|vhs_de)$/i) { $MY_variables{my_artists} = comma_separate_list(${$level_3}{Actor},$language_text{my_artists_text2},"ActorSearch"); if (${$level_3}{Director}) { $MY_variables{my_artists} .= "
" . comma_separate_list(${$level_3}{Director},$language_text{my_artists_text4},"DirectorSearch"); } } if ( (!$MY_variables{my_artists}) and ($AWS_variables{Manufacturer}) ) { if ($FORM{mode} =~ /^(electronics|kitchen|videogames|software|photo|pc_hardware|electronics_uk|video_games_uk|software_uk|ce_de|kitchen_de|video_games_de|software_de)$/) { (my $search_manufacturer_string = $AWS_variables{Manufacturer}) =~ s/ /+/g; $MY_variables{my_artists} = qq[$language_text{my_artists_text3} $AWS_variables{Manufacturer}]; } else { $MY_variables{my_artists} = qq[$language_text{my_artists_text3} $AWS_variables{Manufacturer}]; } } # end my_artists # start my_comments my $temp_loop = 1; foreach my $item (@{${$level_3}{CustomerReview}}) { my (%temp_hash,$temp_hash1,$temp_rounded_rating,$temp_rating_display,$shortened_comment); push @{$temp_hash{CustomerReview}}, $item; $temp_hash1 = process_hashes_of_arrays(\%temp_hash); ($temp_rounded_rating = ${$temp_hash1}{Rating}[0]) =~ s/(\.\d+)//; if ($1 >= .25 and $1 < .75) { $temp_rounded_rating .= "-5"; } elsif ($1 >= .75) { $temp_rounded_rating++; $temp_rounded_rating .= "-0"; } else { $temp_rounded_rating .= "-0"; } $temp_rating_display = qq[${$temp_hash1}{Rating}[0] out of 5 stars]; if ($FORM{mode} eq "toys") { $temp_rating_display = ${$temp_hash1}{Rating}[0]}; if (!${$temp_hash1}{Rating}[0]) { $temp_rating_display = $language_text{average_rating_text2}; } if ($MY_variables{my_comments}) { $MY_variables{my_comments} .= qq[

\n]; } $MY_variables{my_comments} .= qq[$language_text{my_comments_text1} $temp_rating_display - ${$temp_hash1}{Summary}[0]
\n]; $shortened_comment = ${$temp_hash1}{Comment}[0]; $shortened_comment =~ s/<([^\s|>]+)\s[^>]+>(.*?)<\/\1>/$2/gis; if ($review_length) { while (substr($shortened_comment,$review_length,1) !~ /[\s|-]/ and $review_length < length($shortened_comment)) { $review_length++ } $shortened_comment = substr($shortened_comment,0,$review_length); if ($review_length < length(${$temp_hash1}{Comment}[0])) { $shortened_comment .= qq[ ... $language_text{my_comments_text2}]; } } if ($MY_variables{my_shortened_comments}) { $MY_variables{my_shortened_comments} .= qq[

\n]; } $MY_variables{my_shortened_comments} .= qq[$language_text{my_comments_text1} $temp_rating_display - ${$temp_hash1}{Summary}[0]
\n]; if ($temp_loop eq 1) { $MY_variables{first_review_rating_display} = $temp_rating_display; $MY_variables{first_review_summary} = ${$temp_hash1}{Summary}[0]; $MY_variables{first_review_comment} = ${$temp_hash1}{Comment}[0]; $MY_variables{first_review_shortened_comment} = $shortened_comment; } $temp_loop++; } # end my_comments # start my_features if (${$level_3}{Feature}) { $MY_variables{my_features} = qq[$language_text{my_features_text1}\n
  • ]; $MY_variables{my_features} .= join("
  • \n
  • ", @{${$level_3}{Feature}}); $MY_variables{my_features} .= qq[
  • \n
\n]; } # end my_features # start my_prices if ($FORM{locale} eq "us") { if ($AWS_variables{UsedPrice} and $AWS_variables{UsedPrice} ne "\$0.") { $MY_variables{my_used} = qq[$language_text{my_marketplace2} $language_text{my_marketplace1} $AWS_variables{UsedPrice}
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]; } if ($AWS_variables{RefurbishedPrice} and $AWS_variables{RefurbishedPrice} ne "\$0.") { $MY_variables{my_refurbished} = qq[$language_text{my_marketplace5} $language_text{my_marketplace1} $AWS_variables{RefurbishedPrice}
]; } } if ($AWS_variables{OurPrice}) { $MY_variables{our_value} = $AWS_variables{OurPrice}; if ($FORM{locale} eq "de") { $MY_variables{our_value} =~ s/\.//g; $MY_variables{our_value} =~ s/,/./; } else { $MY_variables{our_value} =~ s/,//g; } $MY_variables{our_value} =~ s/^(?:(?:\$|£|EUR )(\d+(?:\.\d*)?|\.\d+))?.*$/$1/; $MY_variables{our_price} = qq[$language_text{my_prices_text2} $AWS_variables{OurPrice}
]; } else { $MY_variables{our_price} = qq[$language_text{my_prices_text2} $language_text{my_prices_text5}
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} if ($MY_variables{international_links}) { $MY_variables{international_links} .= ", "; } else { $MY_variables{international_links} = "$language_text{locale_text1} "; } $int_options =~ s/(?:&locale=[^&]+|&node=[^&]+)//g; $MY_variables{international_links} .= qq[$international_sites{$int_key}]; } } sub build_featured_product { my $featured_input = shift; my ($featured_asin); if ($featured_input =~ ",") { @featured_products = split(/,/,$featured_input); $featured_input = "random"; } if ($featured_input =~ /browse\+(\d+)\+mode\+(.+)/) { my $query = "BrowseNodeSearch=$1&mode=$2&type=lite&page=$FORM{page_num}"; my $this_xml_url="http://$amazon_server.amazon.com/onca/xml3?t=$MY_variables{associate_id}&dev-t=D1KQJBNTALRLQH&$query&f=xml&sort=$FORM{sort_type}&locale=$FORM{locale}"; $debug .= "xml_url=$this_xml_url\n"; my $xml_result = get_url($this_xml_url); my $level_1 = parse_xml_into_hashes_of_arrays($xml_result); my $featured_asin_xml = ${${$level_1}{Details}}[rand @{${$level_1}{Details}}]; # now this next line is an impressive piece of poo ${${$level_1}{Details}}[rand @{${$level_1}{Details}}] =~ s/([^<]+)<\/Asin>/$featured_asin = $1/e; } elsif ($featured_input eq "random") { if (@featured_products) { $featured_asin = $featured_products[rand @featured_products]; } else { return; } } else { $featured_asin = $featured_input; } my $this_xml_url = "http://$amazon_server.amazon.com/onca/xml3?t=$MY_variables{associate_id}&dev-t=D1KQJBNTALRLQH&AsinSearch=$featured_asin&type=lite&f=xml&locale=$FORM{locale}"; $debug .= "xml_url=$this_xml_url\n"; my $xml_result = get_url($this_xml_url,"skip_ok"); if (!$xml_result) { return; } my $level_1 = parse_xml_into_hashes_of_arrays($xml_result); my $level_2 = process_hashes_of_arrays($level_1); $MY_variables{featured_ProductName} = ${$level_2}{ProductName}[0]; $MY_variables{my_featured_item_url} = "$MY_variables{script_name}?item_id=${$level_2}{Asin}[0]&search_type=AsinSearch$url_options"; $MY_variables{featured_ImageUrlSmall} = ${$level_2}{ImageUrlSmall}[0]; $MY_variables{featured_OurPrice} = ${$level_2}{OurPrice}[0]; return set_html("featured_product"); } sub load_browse_table { my ($input1, $input2, $input3) = @_; my ($page_listing); my $i = 0; $menu_length = keys(%{$input1}); foreach my $key (sort keys %{$input1}) { $MY_variables{browse_menu_url} = qq[$MY_variables{script_name}?$input2${$input1}{$key}$url_options]; $MY_variables{browse_menu_name} = $key; if ($input3 eq "nav_menu") { $page_listing .= set_html("nav_menu",$i); } else { $page_listing .= set_html("browse_menu",$i); } $i++; } return $page_listing; } sub apf_commands { my ($command_string, $lap, $whose_variables) = @_; $lap = $lap + 1; my (%COMMAND, $command_name, $command_value); $command_string =~ //s; my $command_commands = $1; my $command_html = $2; for my $command_pair (split(/&/, $command_commands)) { ($command_name, $command_value) = split(/=/, $command_pair); if ($command_value eq "last") { if ($whose_variables eq "sellerprofile") { $command_value = $sellerprofile_max; } elsif ($whose_variables eq "shopping_cart") { $command_value = $MY_variables{total_cart_items}; } elsif ($whose_variables eq "products") { $command_value = $details_max; } elsif ($whose_variables =~ "_menu") { $command_value = $menu_length; } else { $command_value = $FORM{max_results}; } } $COMMAND{$command_name} = $command_value; } if ($COMMAND{apf_repeat} and !$COMMAND{apf_start}) { $COMMAND{apf_start} = 1; } if ($COMMAND{apf_start}) { if ($COMMAND{apf_start} == $lap) { return $command_html; } if ($COMMAND{apf_repeat}) { my $test_lap = ($lap - $COMMAND{apf_start})/$COMMAND{apf_repeat}; if ($test_lap == int $test_lap) { return $command_html; } } } if ($COMMAND{apf_end} == $lap) { return $command_html; } elsif ($COMMAND{apf_include}) { if ($COMMAND{apf_include} eq "nav_menu") { if ($FORM{mode} and !$nav_menu_type) { $MY_variables{nav_menu_html} = load_browse_table(\%{$FORM{mode}}, "mode=$FORM{mode}&node=", "nav_menu"); } elsif ($nav_menu_type ne "none") { $MY_variables{nav_menu_html} = load_browse_table(\%store_to_browse, "mode=", "nav_menu"); } if ($MY_variables{nav_menu_html}) { return $command_html; } } else { my $include_variable; open(FILEHANDLE,"<$COMMAND{apf_include}"); while () { $include_variable = $include_variable . $_; } close (FILEHANDLE); return $include_variable; } } elsif ($COMMAND{apf_featured_product}) { my $my_featured_product = build_featured_product($COMMAND{apf_featured_product}); if ($my_featured_product) { return $my_featured_product; } } elsif ($COMMAND{apf_show_vars}) { my $temp_html; if ($COMMAND{apf_show_vars} ne "AWS") { $temp_html = "

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    The syntax for a power search is shown below: You can use the following properties of a book in your search: You can use the words and, or, and not to link different parts of a book description. You can also group properties together using parentheses if that seems necessary to convey the precise meaning of your description.

    Power Search allows searching against a variety of fields. You can use any combination of the following keywords to match against specific product fields: You can combine them with and, or, and not, and you can group them with parentheses.
    ]; } elsif ($which eq "shopping_cart") { $temp_result = qq[


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