News from NW7US and the hfradio.org website

The Ohio/Penn DX PacketCluster DX Bulletin No. 542 BID: $OPDX.542 December 24, 2001 Editor Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW Provided by BARF-80 BBS Cleveland, Ohio Online at 440-237-8208 28.8k-1200 Baud 8/N/1 Thanks to the Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society, Northern Ohio DX Association, Ohio/Penn PacketCluster Network, AB5K & the AR TelNet Clusters Network, KE1HZ, W1DAD, W3UR & The Daily DX, N4AA & QRZ DX, N4GN, KG4DX/W4WX, K5JIM, K6NX, N6DHZ, W6KK, AC7DX, K8YSE, N8KM, NE8Z, Antarctic DX Bulletin, DL1EK & DX News Letter, DL7IO, DL7IQ, F5NQL & UFT, F6AJA & LNDX, G3TMA, HA2NM, HA0HW, JE8KKX, OH2BH, OH6KN, PA1KW, SM5BFJ, TG9AJR, UA0SJ, VA3RJ & ICPO, VE3XAP, VK4CP, VK6VZ, YU1AB and ZS6DX for the following DX information. SPECIAL EDITOR'S NOTE: Can you believe another year is almost over! Where did this year go? Anyway, my family (wife/OPDX's chief proof-reader Linda, Teddy [TJ], Katie) and I (KB8NW) would like to wish all DXers, Contesters and OPDX readers a very 'Happy Holiday and Season's Greetings'. Also, we would like thank the many who have contributed information over the year (there are too many to list). REMEMBER, without them there would not be an OPDX Bulletin. I would also thank the many who sent holiday greetings. I tried to answer some, and wish I could answer each one of them individually, but it would take a huge amount of time. You would not believe the amount of E-mail I receive...... 73 and Have a Great Holiday de Tedd KB8NW DXCC COUNTRY/ENTITY REPORT: According to the AR-Cluster Network for the week of Sunday, 16/December, through Sunday, 23/December there were 233 countries active. Countries available: 3A, 3B8, 3D2, 3V, 3W, 3X, 4J, 4L, 4S, 4W, 4X, 5B, 5H, 5N, 5R, 5V, 5W, 6W, 6Y, 7Q, 7X, 8P, 8R, 9A, 9G, 9H, 9J, 9K, 9L, 9M2, 9M6, 9N, 9Q, 9U, 9V, 9Y, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A9, AP, BV, BY, C3, C5, C6, C9, CE, CE0A, CE9, CM, CN, CP, CT, CT3, CU, CX, D2, D4, DL, DU, E3, EA, EA6, EA8, EA9, EI, EK, EL, EP, ER, ES, ET, EU, EX, EY, EZ, F, FG, FK, FM, FO, FP, FR, FW, FY, G, GD, GI, GJ, GM, GU, GW, H4, HA, HB, HB0, HC, HH, HI, HK, HK0/a, HL, HP, HR, HS, HV, HZ, I, IS, J2, J3, J6, J7, J8, JA, JT, JW, JX, JY, K, KG4, KH0, KH2, KH4, KH6, KH8, KH9, KL, KP2, KP4, LA, LU, LX, LY, LZ, OA, OD, OE, OH, OH0, OJ0, OK, OM, ON, OX, OY, OZ, P2, P4, PA, PJ2, PJ7, PY, PY0F, PZ, R1FJ, S2, S5, S7, SM, SP, ST, SU, SV, SV/a, SV5, SV9, T2, T30, T32, T7, T9, TA, TF, TG, TI, TK, TL, TR, TU, UA, UA2, UA9, UK, UN, UR, V2, V3, V4, V5, V7, V8, VE, VK, VK9N, VP2E, VP2M, VP2V, VP5, VP8, VP8/h, VQ9, VR, VU, XE, XU, XZ, YB, YK, YL, YN, YO, YS, YU, YV, Z2, Z3, ZA, ZB, ZC4, ZD7, ZD8, ZD9, ZF, ZK1/s, ZL, ZL7, ZP, ZS * PLEASE NOTE: The report 'could' contain 'Pirate/SLIM' operations. As always, you never know - 'Work First Worry Later' (WFWL). 2002 INTERNATIONAL DX CONVENTION WEB SITE. The 2002 International DX Convention now has a Web site at: www.qsl.net/visalia2002 The International DX Convention is held each year in Visalia, California, USA. The year 2002 will be the 53rd year for the convention and is presented this year by the Southern California DX Club. 5W & A3, WESTERN SAMOA AND TONGA (OH Pacific 2001-2002 DXpedition). There will be three Finish amateurs, OH3JR, OH1AWW and OH6KN, going to A3 and 5W. The main focus will be on the low bands (1.8-10 MHz) and QSOs to Europe. The operation dates for 5W-land are now through January 2nd and for A3-land, January 5-15th. The operating frequencies will be on the following (+/- QRM and split up operation will be used): CW - 1822, 3503, 7003, 10105, 14005, 18075, 21005, 24895 and 28005 SSB - 1845, 3790, 7050, 14195, 18145, 21295, 24945 and 28495 RTTY - 14080, 21080, 28070 +/- QRM and split up There will be three stations in operation and antennas will be 1/2 element verticals / vertical dipoles for 1.8-28 MHz. QSL via OH3JR direct or via bureau. OH3JR's address is: Henri Olander, Helavalkeantie 15, 13270 Hameenlinna, Finland. The DXpedition's Web pages are at: www.qsl.net/ohpacific There will be a log search available depending on InterNet connection possibilities from the islands. 8Q, MALDIVES. Ian, G3TMA, will be doing a holiday operation from here from December 31st through January 7th. His callsign will be 8Q7IJ (he received his license December 17th). Operation will be mostly CW. QSL via G3TMA. AP, PAKISTAN. Sam, VE3XAP, informs OPDX that after 17 years he will be reactivating AP2ZA from CQ Zone 21, starting December 26th and running through the RAC Winter Contest December 29th. He will be returning on January 1st. Activity will be on all bands, 160-10 meters, mostly SSB, using a mixture of Yagis and Alpha Delta with high power. He prefers to run split if bands are open and activity is high. Look for him generally in the DX windows of the bands. CORRECTIONS TO OPDX.541. Please note in last week's bulletin the Web site listed under '5U, NIGER (Update)' was incorrect. The Web site's URL address should have been: www.qsl.net/niger-2001 Also, the QSL Manager listed under '9U, BURUNDI' was incorrect. The QSL route for 9U5D is SM5BFJ not SM5BFS as listed. Sorry for the mistakes, editor's fingers at times do get carried away. DU, PHILIPPINES. Gerard, F2JD, has received his DU1/G0SHN license. Look for him to be active as DU6/G0SHN from Boracay Island, in the Visayas Island grooup (OC-129) now through January 1st with his IC708 and dipoles. He will be active on SSB and CW. QSL via F6AJA. FG, GUADELOUPE. Look for Pierre, F6FXS, to be active from here starting January 16th through February 7th, as FG/F6FXS or FG5/F6FXS. Important reference numbers are: DXCC - FG, WAZ - 08 , IOTA - NA-102 and DIFO - FG001. Activity will be on HF bands, including the WARC bands, with his IC-706MKII (100 watts) and wire antennas. This will be a holiday style DXpedition. QSL via his home call direct with SASE or via bureau. HC, ECUADOR. Dr. Rick Dorsch, NE8Z/HC1MD, will once again be active from Ecuador between February 1-16th, 2002. His activity will be on 80-10 meters CW/SSB. His equipment will be TS-850/SB200amp, 3 element tribander and 80-10m Carolina Windom. Dr. Rick will use the following callsigns from the following areas: HC1MD QTH: Tumbaco HC1MD/HC1 QTH: Pichincha Volcano HC1MD/HC3 QTH: Loja HC1MD/HC4 QTH: Sua HC1MD/HC4/p QTH: IOTA SA-056 100w/dipole/12vdc HC1MD/HC5 QTH: Cuenca Rick states, 'Any assistance in helping me locate and work the following countries for my HC1MD DXCC would be greatly appreciated: 4W-East Timor, YA5T, P5/4L4FN and FO/Australs.' His E-mail address is: [email protected] QSL via K8LJG: John Kroll, 3528 Craig Drive, Flint, Michigan 48506 Please view the--> HC/HD DX Award 'Equatorial Line Diploma' at: www.octavia.com/qsl/awards.htm HF0, SOUTH SHETLAND ISLANDS. Miroslaw Stefansky is expected to be active as HF0POL from the Polish base 'Hanryk Arctowsky' on King George Island (AN-010) from January 1st through December 31st, 2002. He plans to operate CW/RTTY/PSK-31 on all bands, WARC included. Watch for him on the usual DX frequencies. QSL via SQ5TA. HS, THAILAND. Dave, W3VK, has been assigned to the U.S. embassy in Thailand and is now using the callsign HS0ZDP. IOTA NEWS.............. NA-079. On January 5-6th, look for Ralph, K8RYU, to operate from Dry Tortugas. He plans to be on 40-10 meters, mostly CW with some SSB. Ralph will be using a K2 and a vertical and/or dipole for antennas. Look for him around the usual IOTA frequencies. QSL to his home call. OC-215. Adhi YC3MM, will be active as YC3MM/P from Madura Island, January 3-4th. Activity will be 15 meters CW only. More details are forthcoming. KH1, BAKER ISLAND. Hrane, YT1AD, will lead a team here next year. His team plans to set sail from the Fiji Islands on April 25th. The trip is expected to take 6 days to get to this rare island. The group will stay for 10 days and plan to be on all bands. After the DXpedition the team will head back to the Fiji Islands and then on to the Dayton Hamvention. The DXpedition is expected to cost 50,000 (USD) and donations are being sought. More details are forthcoming. KH0, MARIANA ISLANDS. Nozomu, JE8KKX, is planning to go to Saipan and be active as AH2K/KH0 between January 3-6th. His activity will be on 40-6 meters bands CW/SSB. If time permits, he would like to try 160m, 80m and the WARC bands. QSL via JE8KKX: Nozomu Takahashi, 2-5, 5chome 18jo Toko, Asahikawa, Hokkaido, 078-8358 Japan. LIGHTHOUSE ACTIVITY........... LCL 2001 HAS BEGAN! Just a reminder that all participants in the Amateur Radio Lighthouse Society's (ARLHS) Lighthouse Christmas Lights QSO Party (LCL 2001) will be eligible to receive a Harbour Lights miniature lighthouse collectible. This second annual edition of the popular event started at 0000z December 22nd and goes through January 2, 2002. (Please refer to OPDX.536). Complete details on frequencies, exchanges, scoring, certificates and prizes can be found on the ARLHS organization's Web site at: www.arlhs.com Steve, VK6VZ, will be operating as VK6VZ/6 from Australia's first lighthouse located at Cape Leeuwin (grid OF75), 9 km north of Augusta and around 300 km south of Perth. Cape Leeuwin is located on a promontory and marks the place on the Western Australian coastline where the Southern and Indian Oceans meet. His activity will include an entry in the Stew Perry Topband Distance Challenge on December 29-30th. The lighthouse balcony is around 39 meters above ground and for the contest an inverted vee dipole will be sited there giving the antenna apex an effective height of approaching 100 meters over the sea which surrounds the lighthouse on three sides. The only problem is that Cape Leeuwin is probably the windiest place in Western Australia, so keeping an antenna in the air could be tricky! Transmission may be done between 1810 and 1815 with QSX 10-15 kHz up the band in the spirit of the old W1BB trans-Pacific QSOs. As the operation is LP, if operation takes place higher in the band (i.e. 1820 - 1835), QSX up 1 is likely to be used. A special QSL card commemorating the operation will be available for those who contact VK6VZ/6 at Cape Leeuwin. P5, NORTH KOREA (Not Me!). Several P5/HA0HW spots were posted on the cluster networks this past week. Laci, HA0HW, reports that it was NOT him (but wished it was true). He recommends to not make contacts, or do not spot this callsign, and do not send QSL requests because all are pirate operation. He also stated that if he goes somewhere aboard it will be published or announced first in a DX bulletin or on a DX Mailing List before he leaves. P5, NORTH KOREA. Toma, YU1AB, informs OPDX that Hrane/YT1AD and Voja/YU7AV are in Pyngyang still trying to get license. All operations heard on the air this past week were pirates. QSL INFO AND NEWS............ CHESTERFIELD (TX0DX) QSL OPERATIONS (A message from OH2BH): 'It is now 20 months from the date TX0DX hit the airwaves and provided a new counter for those who Deserve. We are delighted to inform the DX community that all QSLs--direct, bureau, and even for those who did not ever claim their cards--have been released into the QSL network. In the U.S, TX0DX cards were sent directly to Newington from where they were distribited to area QSL bureaus some two weeks ago. The JA cards were taken to JARL in Tokyo and the rest were released through OH QSL bureau. The job is now 100 percent completed. The TX0DX expedition is delighted to recognize several sub-QSL managers that did a splendid job. Those outside of the TX0DX operating team were N4GN, OH1BV, OH2BAD and OH2BN.' NO QSL BUREAU. Clayton, KG4PK, is the president of the Guantanamo Bay KG4AN radio club. He reports that there is NO QSL Bureau in GTMO. All cards should be sent direct to home callsigns or via bureau to their home callsign and not to the KG4 calls. OPDX has been informed that LU5DX has a new QSL Manager as of December 2001. QSL via AC7DX. QSL Manager Bert, PA1KW, reports that QSL cards for LX9SW which was activated by Dutch operators from September 15-22nd, will be sent in about the fourth week in the year 2002. The printers have had them for about 2 weeks in Germany. PLEASE UPDATE your QSL databases for TG9AJR. QSL to: Juan Carlos Munoz, P.O. Box 61 Periferico, Guatemala 01011, GUATEMALA or via QSL Manager WA1ECA. Rudi, ZS6DX/V51VE, reports that he has been receiving cards for 3C0A, for contacts made on May 2001 on 10 MHz. He is stating that he is not the QSL manager. The station 3C0A is reportedly a PIRATE! S7, SEYCHELLES. Karesz, HA8EU, will be active from Mahe Island as S79EU between January 28th and February 18th. Activity will be on 40-10 meters, primarily on CW with some SSB. QSL via HA2NM, direct or Bureau. SILENT KEY. It is with great sorrow to report the passing of a good friend and member of NODXA, QSL Manager Fritz Stefan Bergner, DL7VRO. Last Sunday, (December 16th) Fritz became a silent key. His death was unexpected and caught many of his friends and family by suprise. He is survived by Gerda (DL7VYL) his wife, 2 children, 3 grandchildren and his son-in-law Roy (DL7UBA). Most of you know him as a very active and reliable QSL Manager for about 50 callsigns. But he also was an active DXer with more than 325 countries confirmed, holder of 5-Band-DXCC and a successful contester. He organized and took part in a couple of DXpeditions (e.g. TN2M/TN4U, 8Q7IO, ED8CMT) and IOTA activities (DL, OZ, SP) even while he was sitting in a wheelchair. Everybody who knew him personally will agree he had a great personality and a man with heart and charisma. The members of NODXA, the readers of the OPDX and the DX community would like to send our deepest sympathy to the family and friends of DL7VRO. He will be surely missed. ADDED NOTE: Birgit, DL7IQ, informed your editor that Roy, DL7UBA, Fritz's son-in-law will take over Fritz's QSLing chores for the time being for DXpeditions of the past. He has the same postal address. Holger, DL7IO, also mentioned that Fritz was up-to-date on all his QSLing chores. He did not leave any QSLs to be answered! SPECIAL EVENT. Special event station K1D will be active now through January 5th to encourage participation in Kid's Day (January 5th). Look for activity on 28370, 21370, 14270 and 3895 kHz. The operators will be Peter/W1DAD and Jeanne/K1MOM Schipelliti, 7 Dearborn Ridge Rd, Atkinson, NH 03811, USA. A free (via E-mail) K1MOM Amateur Radio Coloring Book for children, including operating aids for Kid's Day, log sheet, WAS map to color in, and phonetic alphabet is available from [email protected]. TF, ICELAND. Thor Stefansson, 4W6MM, is back in Iceland as TF3MM now through January 10th. He was heard on 14002 kHz around 2200z. QSL TF3MM only via the TF bureau. V5, NAMIBIA. Rudi, ZS6DX, will be active as V51VE from Windhoek after Christmas. QSLs for both V51KV (Katti who was active before Christmas) and V51VE go via ZS6DX, direct or via Bureau. VK9, NORFOLK ISLAND. Look for Bernd, VK2IA/DL1VJ, to be active as VK9AA/9 beginning Dec 23rd, for about 7 days on Norfolk Island. He will be active mostly on CW on the WARC bands. QSL via DL8YR. VP6/D, DUCIE ISLAND. Bill Kennamer, K5NX, sent out a press release this week by Tom Christian, VP6TC, President PIARA, with more details on the upcoming Ducie Island DXpedition (OPDX InterNet Subscribers will receive the complete press release as an additional bulletin). Excerpts from the press release state after weather conditions near Ducie Island did not permit landing in November, the Pitcairn Island Amateur Radio Association (PIARA) announces that all planning is now complete for their second attempt to activate Ducie Island. The group will depart from Mangareva on March 12th, on the ship Braveheart which is more adequate for the task. They will use a VP6 callsign to be announced at the beginning of the operation, and plan to be operational as soon as possible after arriving upon the island. Operators will be: VP6TC, VP6DB, VP6AZ, VP6MW, VP6BK/JA1BK, JA3USA, JF1IST, K9AJ, and K5VT. Randy, an SWL, will be going to provide additional logistical support. QSL Manager is Garth Hamilton, VE3HO, for all HF operations only. QSL manager for 6 Meter operation is JA1BK. Log checks will be available at: www.big.or.jp/~ham/dx.html Once again the groups operating are intended to provide contacts with as many different Amateur Radio operators as possible during their stay on the island. The band plan is as follows: 21.020 Mhz (CW) and 21.295 Mhz (SSB) will be QRV 24 hours each day. This is to allow more individuals to find and work the group, depending upon propagation to their area. 28.495 Mhz, and 14.195 Mhz will be the prime SSB frequencies, and 14.020 Mhz will be the prime CW frequency other than 15 meters. It is planned that there will be some operation on all bands, 160-6 meters, and RTTY in addition to SSB and CW operations. It is expected that Low Band and WARC operations are more likely to take place in the last days of the operation since concentration from the beginning will be to allow as many operators as possible to work this new DXCC Entity. For the latest updates on this operation, it is recommend to watch the following Web sites: www.qsl.net/wd4ngb/ducie.htm www.ve3ho.com/ve3ho-qslmgr.htm XR0, SAN FELIX ISLAND. A radio amateur expedition to San Felix Island will be conducted March 12-30th, 2002, using the callsign XR0X. Lying 900 km northwest of Valparaiso, San Felix is a barren rocky island about 3 km across, with two small islets nearby. Access to the site is restricted, due to the presence of a military garrison there. Little is known of the natural history of the island or of its possible prehistoric importance. The major goal of this expedition is provide radio contact with this remote and seldom-activated island. Secondary goals include documenting indigenous species and searching for evidence of ancient occupation. The expedition is being organized and led by Carlos G-Nascimento, NP4IW/CE3AQI, who was a principal organizer of the 1995 Easter Island/Salas y Gomez (XROX/Y) and the 1997 Heard Island (VK0IR) expeditions. The project is being carried out in conjunction with Cordell Expeditions (Robert Schmieder, KK6EK), a nonprofit organization that has carried out expeditions to remote sites for more than 20 years. All permits, including landing, radio operation, and specimen collections have been obtained. The 13-member team includes the following radio amateurs: NP4IW, K5AB, I8NHJ, N7CQQ, DJ9ZB, CE0YWS, N6MZ, KO4RR, KK6EK, W6KK, HB9AHL, K5AND and N6TQS. The team and a 20-ft. container of gear will travel from Valparaiso (Chile) to San Felix aboard the Chilean Navy vessel Chacabuco, and be airlifted on the island by Chilean Navy helicopter. The vessel will then proceed on to Easter Island, leaving the team on San Felix. Returning 2 weeks later, the vessel will retrieve the crew and gear and then return to Valparaiso. The expedition is being financed by the participants, supplemented by donations from DX associations, radio clubs, and individuals. Contributions made to the expedition through Cordell Expeditions are eligible for deduction as a donation to a 501( c )( 3 ) organization. The San Felix Expedition Web site is: www.cordell.org/SFX For more information, please contact: Carlos George-Nascimento (NP4IW/CE3AQI) 2061 Magnolia Way, Walnut Creek, CA 94595 Tel/Fax: 925-935-2768 or E-mail: [email protected] XV9, SPRATLY. The Vietnam Amateur Radio Club (VARC) is planning to be on the Spratly Islands (AS-051) during April 2002 with the callsign XV9TH, however the specific dates are currently unknown. More details are to follow. ZONE 18. Yuri, UA0SJ, can sometimes be found on 20 meters SSB (between 14180 and 14200 kHz) after 0200z. He lives in the city called Bratsk, about 600 kilometers north from Lake Baikal. His equipment is a Kenwood TS-50S with AT-50 (100watt only) into a KT-34a antenna. Please send QSL via direct only: Yuri A. Maltsev, P.O. Box 2304, Bratsk-city, 665700, Russia, Asiatic. His E-mail address is: [email protected] -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- SPECIAL NOTE BY EDITOR: If you are having a problem receiving bounced mail by sending mail to me via ' [email protected] ', please send mail to me via ' [email protected] '...... TNX de Tedd KB8NW -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- OPDX INTERNET HELP/SUBSCRIBE/UNSUBSCRIBE REQUESTS: Help: <mailto:[email protected]?subject=help> Subscribe: <mailto:[email protected]?subject=subscribe> Unsubscribe: <mailto:[email protected]?subject=unsubscribe> OPDX WORLD-WIDE WEB HOME PAGE (provided by John, K8YSE): www.papays.com/opdx.html ALSO VISIT THE NORTHERN OHIO DX ASSOCIATION'S WEB HOME PAGE: www.papays.com/nodxa.html -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Excerpts and distribution of The OPDX Bulletin are granted as long as KB8NW/OPDX/BARF80 receive credit. To contribute DX info, call BARF-80 BBS online at 440-237-8208 28.8k/14400/9600/2400/1200 and leave a message with the Sysop or send via InterNet Mail to: [email protected] - OR - [email protected] Use the VOICE or FAX answering machine at 440-237-8208 which shares the same phone line as BARF-80 BBS using a data/fax/phone switch. To access: 1) Dial Number. 2) Wait for first ring (the second ring should be a false ring from the fax/data switch box) and then dial four quick ones ('1111'). (NOTE: Some FAX machines that send single 'BEEPS' every second will not have to do this step.) 3) The phone will pick up and after the 'BEEP' leave your voice message or FAX. /EXIT -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Additional Bulletin for OPDX InterNet Subscribers. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Date: Tue, 18 Dec 2001 21:04:53 -0600 From: Bill Kennamer <[email protected]> To: OP DX News <[email protected]> Subject: Ducie Island Attached is PIARA's release concerning the next attempt to activate Ducie Island. 73 Bill Kennamer K5NX For Immediate Release PIARA Announces Ducie Island DXpedition 2002 After weather conditions near Ducie Island did not permit landing in November, the Pitcairn Island Amateur Radio Association announces that all planning is now complete for their second attempt to activate Ducie Island. Ducie Island became a new entity on the ARRL DXCC List, as of November 16, 2001, and has not yet been activated as such. The group will depart from Mangareva on March 12 in the ship Braveheart, which is more adequate for the task. They will use a VP6 callsign to be announced at the beginning of the operation, and plans to be operational as soon as possible after arriving upon the island. Those who wish to keep up with the progress of the DXpedition as they move to the island may check 21.260 Mhz for Maritime Mobile operation. Operating plans for the group are intended to provide contacts with as many different Amateur Radio operators as possible during their stay on the island. The band plan is as follows: 21.020 Mhz (CW) and 21.295 Mhz (SSB) will be QRV 24 hours each day. This is to allow more individuals to find and work the group, depending upon propagation to their area. 28.495 Mhz, and 14.195 Mhz will be the prime SSB frequencies, and 14.020 Mhz will be the prime CW frequency other than 15 meters. It is planned that there will be some operation on all bands, 160 through 6 meters, and RTTY in addition to SSB and CW operations. It is expected that Low Band and WARC operations are more likely to take place in the last days of the operation, as concentration from the beginning will be to allow as many operators as possible to work this new DXCC Entity. Antennas on 10 and 15 meters will be a 2 element HB9CV, with a 4 Square for 20 meters, and wire and vertical antennas for the other bands. There will be a 6 meter beacon on 50.110 Mhz. Operators will be: VP6TC, VP6DB, VP6AZ, VP6MW, VP6BK/JA1BK, JA3USA, JF1IST, K9AJ, and K5VT. Randy, an SWL will be going to provide additional logistical support. QSL manager is Garth Hamilton, VE3HO for all HF operations only. QSL manager for 6 Meter operation is JA1BK. While stations who dupe the operation will not be blacklisted, it is recommended that once you hear your call coming back that you not work the station again on that band and mode so that others will have an opportunity. Log checks will be available at www.big.or.jp/~ham/dx.html. The Yaesu Division of Vertex Standard and FTI are providing support for this operation. An ARRL Colvin Grant has been made to PIARA for to help with the Ducie operation. At present, no other foundation or club support has been received; any donations will be gratefully accepted. QSLs should be sent to the manager with an SASE or through the Bureau. However, please do not send a second request through the bureau after QSLing direct. Good Luck in working the DXpedition. We hope to hear all of you from Ducie in March.. 73, Tom Christian VP6TC President, PIARA 19 December, 2001 -----------------------------------------------------------------

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