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Last few months' worth of DX News:

As of Sun May 20 20:54:57 PDT 2001

SB DX @ WW < KB8NW $OPDX.512
Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin No. 512

The Ohio/Penn DX PacketCluster
DX Bulletin No. 512
BID: $OPDX.512
May 21, 2001
Editor Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW
Provided by BARF-80 BBS Cleveland, Ohio
Online at 440-237-8208 28.8k-1200 Baud 8/N/1

Thanks to the Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society, Northern Ohio DX
Association, Ohio/Penn PacketCluster Network, AB5K & the AR TelNet
Clusters Network, K2KW, AJ3M, K3EST, W3UR & The Daily DX, K4VUD, N4AA
for the following DX information.

EDITOR'S NOTES: I know, just call me cazy! I returned from the Dayton
HamVention about 4:45 PM (Sunday, local time) and decided to finish
OPDX.512. 'Just call me dedicated to my readers'. BTW, I had a great time!

DXCC COUNTRY/ENTITY REPORT: According to the AR-Cluster Network for the
week of Sunday, 13/May, through Sunday, 20/May there were 229 countries
active. Countries available: 3A, 3B6, 3B8, 3B9, 3C, 3D2, 3V, 3W, 4J, 4L,
4S, 4U1I, 4W, 4X, 5A, 5B, 5H, 5N, 5R, 5V, 5X, 5Z, 6W, 6Y, 7Q, 7X, 8P, 8R,
9A, 9G, 9H, 9J, 9K, 9L, 9M2, 9M6, 9N, 9Q, 9V, 9Y, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A9,
AP, BV, BY, C6, C9, CE, CE0A, CE9, CM, CN, CP, CT, CT3, CU, CX, D2, D4, D6,
DL, DU, E3, EA, EA6, EA8, EA9, EI, EK, EL, EP, ER, ES, EU, EX, EY, EZ, F,
FG, FJ, FK, FM, FO, FP, FR, FW, FY, G, GD, GI, GJ, GM, GU, GW, H4, HA, HB,
HB0, HC, HC8, HH, HI, HK, HK0/a, HL, HR, HS, HZ, I, IS, J2, J5, J6, J7, J8,
JA, JD/m, JD/o, JT, JW, JX, JY, K, KH0, KH2, KH6, KL, KP4, LA, LU, LX, LY,
LZ, OA, OD, OE, OH, OH0, OK, OM, ON, OX, OY, OZ, P2, P4, PA, PJ2, PJ7, PY,
PZ, R1FJ, S2, S5, SM, SP, SU, SV, SV5, SV9, T30, T7, T8, T9, TA, TF, TG,
TI, TJ, TK, TL, TR, TT, TU, UA, UA2, UA9, UK, UN, UR, V2, V3, V4, V5, V7,
VE, VK, VK9N, VP2E, VP2V, VP5, VP6, VP8, VP9, VQ9, VR, VU, XE, XU, XW, XX9,
YB, YI, YK, YL, YN, YO, YS, YU, YV, Z2, Z3, ZA, ZB, ZC4, ZD7, ZD8, ZF,
ZK1/s, ZK2, ZK3, ZL, ZL7, ZP, ZS
      There were 40 CQ Zones available during the past week.
      There were 54 ITU Zones available during the past week. ITU Zones
      that were not active are:  4,15,21,22,23,24,25,26,31,34,35,
* PLEASE NOTE: The report 'could' contain 'Pirate/SLIM' operations. As
  always, you never know - 'Work First Worry Later' (WFWL).
  OPDX InterNet Subscribers will receive an additional bulletin (due to its
  size) with a complete breakdown and 'DXCC/Entities Chart of Activity'.

4W, EAST TIMOR. Thor, 4W6MM, is active again. Check 20 meters around 14002
kHz after 1200z.

6Y, JAMAICA (Change/Update). The DXpedition team activating 6Y1A in the
CQ WPX CW Contest has a last minute change of operators. The group now
consists of: KE7X, N6XG, K6ST, and K2KW. Activity will be from May 20-29th,
on 80-6 meters with an emphasis on 6 meters and the WARC bands outside
the contest. QSL 6Y1A and K2KW via WA4WTG, others via CBA.

CONTESTERS/DXERS HONORED. Bob, K3EST, from the CQ Hall of Fame, reported
last week that the CQ Contest Hall of Fame Committee is pleased to announce
the two inducees for 2001 will be Sig/N3RS and Algis/LY2NK. Both new members
were officially inducted into the Contest Hall of Fame at the contest dinner
on Saturday, May 19th, in Dayton. The DX Hall of Fame is also proud to
announce the two inductees into the DX Hall of Fame for 2001 were Bob/K4UEE
and Bob/W4DR. Both were officially inducted into the DX Hall of Fame by
Steve, N8BJQ, during the DX dinner May 18th, also in Dayton. You can read
their biographies in the June CQ and May/June CQ Contest.

EXTREME DXING (Bert will be one busy guy!). Bert, PA3GIO, has updated his
plans for his DXpeditions in 2001. Here is his planned schedule:
  1) Bert, PA3GIO, will be signing 5R8GY in Madagascar on Ile Sainte-Marie
    (Nosy Boraha), IOTA AF-090 (Rare), from May 30th or 31st through June
    9th. He will be active on SSB only on 80/40/20/17/15/12/10 meters with
    100w using a doublet with open feeder line. QSL (preferable by the
    Bureau) to PA3GIO. Website:           http://www.pa3gio.nl/5R/

  2) Bert will be signing FH/PA3GIO/p on Grande Terre, Mayotte Island
     (AF-027) from June 11-18th. He will be active on SSB only on 80/40/
     20/17/15/12/10 meters with 100w using a doublet with open feeder
     line. QSL (preferable by the Bureau) to PA3GIO. 
     Website: http://www.pa3gio.nl/FH/

  3) Bert will be signing FR/PA3GIO/p on Reunion Island (AF-016), June
     19-22nd (with LIMITED ACTIVITY). He will be active on SSB only on
     80/40/20/17/15/12/10 meters with 100w using a doublet with open feeder
     line. QSL (preferable by the Bureau) to PA3GIO. 
     Website: http://www.pa3gio.nl/FR/

  4) Bert, PA3GIO, will be active as VK9XV on Christmas Island (OC-002),
     from September 6-13th. He will be active on SSB only on 80/40/20/17/
     15/12/10 meters with 100w using a doublet with open feeder line. QSL
     (preferable by the Bureau) to PA3GIO. 
     Website: http://www.pa3gio.nl/VK9XV/

  5) Bert, PA3GIO, will be active as VK9CQ Cocos-Keeling Island (OC-003)
     September 14-20th. He will be active on SSB only on 80/40/20/17/15/
     12/10m with 100w using doublet with open feeder line. QSL (preferable
     by the Bureau) to PA3GIO. Website: http://www.pa3gio.nl/VK9CQ/

  6) Bert, PA3GIO, will be signing VK6GIO from Australia, September 22nd
     through October 8th (On route and VERY LIMITED ACTIVITY). He mentions
     that perhaps he may have a short visit to Kangaroo Island (OC-139) as

  7) Bert, PA3GIO, will be signing VK9LO on Lord Howe Island (OC-004) from
     October 9-15th. He will be active on SSB only on 80/40/20/17/15/12/10
     meters with 100w using a doublet with open feeder line. QSL (preferable
     by the Bureau) to PA3GIO. Website: http://www.pa3gio.nl/VK9LO/

FG, GUADELOUPE. The Russian Contest Club is glad to announce that Jack/RW3QC
and Igor/RN3OA will be active from here May 21-28th, as FG5BG (CQ WPX CW
Conetst) and FG/KC8QKF (before and after contest). It will be their second
RCC Contest\DXpedition. RW3QC will participate in the CQ WPX CW Contest as
a Single Operator/Multi Bands/HP entry. RN3OA will operate out of the
contest on 160-80 meters, including the WARC bands, RTTY and PSK-31. QSL
via RN3OA, by the bureau or direct to: Igor Zakharov, P.O.Box 381,
Voronezh, 394000, Russia. (They would like to thank Georges/FG5BG for
his help.

HAM-COM 2001. The Lone Star DX Association will be sponsoring the DX program
at this event in Arlington, Texas. Some of the guest speakers will be
Wayne/N7NG (ARRL), Wes/W3WL (D68C) and John/ON4UN (Topband DXing), The
featured speaker will be Martti Laine, OH2BH. The LSDXA will also have a
Hospitality Suite available June 8th (7-11PM) at the Wyndham Hotel. For
more details, check the Web page: http://www.dxer.org/lsdxa
Also, check the Web page:         http://hamcom.org

HB0, LIECHTENSTEIN. A group from Germany will be active for four days
from the Principality of Liechtenstein starting Friday, June 1st, ending
on Monday, June 4th. They will participate in IARU Region 1 Field Day.
In addition, they will be active on 6 meters and on 10 GHz looking for
ES and Rainscatter openings. The operators will be DF5UL, DL1GGT, DL5EBT
and DL6SAQ and their callsigns will be HB0/homecall. QSL via their

HB0, LIECHTENSTEIN. Rob, PA0RDY, will be active as HB0/PA0RDY from May
25-29th, especially for the CQ WPX Contest. He will be running 100
watts into a vertical on 10/15/20 meters, plus a dipole on 40 meters.
There will be some activity on RTTY and SSB before and after the CW
contest. QSL via homecall.

HS0, THAILAND. Charly, K4VUD, is back here again for a few days as
HS0ZCW (ed. may be waiting for his XW license -- See XW below). He has
announced that he will be active on 40 meters CW (maybe some SSB). Check
around 7015 to 7020 kHz between: 2300-2400z, 0900-1000z and 1100-1200z.
(ADDED NOTE TO CHARLY: The group from NODXA missed you at their Dayton
HamVention hospitality suite this year. Hope you can make it next year.)

IOTA CONTEST 2001. Ric, DL2VFR, informs OPDX that once again you can find
this year's summary of activities for the IOTA CONTEST 2001 on the Web
page:                    http://www.iota-post.com
Last year he had 123 announcements - which was very useful for DXers/
Contests looking for a new one in the contest, and a good source for
contesters having a look to see if the island they want to go to was
already occupied. The list is growing daily.

IOTA NEWS...............
  EU-048.  Members of Clipperton DX Club, Fabrice/F5NBQ (CDXC1050),
           Pierre/F5RRW (CDXC942 and UFT 978), Eric/F5LOW and Christian/
           F1SDQ will activate the Island of Houat in Morbihan, May 31st
           through June 4th. They will use the callsign TM1H and will be
           operational from 160-10 meters (including WARC) on SSB and CW
           on the usual IOTA frequencies. They will use two IC-706MKII
           and TS-50 (100 watts), a vertical line antenna on 40 meters,
           a G5RV for the WARC bands, a sloper for the low bands and Yagi
           TH3MK3 for 10/15/20 meters. QSL via F6ANA (operator of A52FH)
           to the bureau or direct to Alain Mesnier, Les Grands Bois,
           Chemin De La Bussiere, 16440 Mouthiers, France.
  EU-110.  Operators DF9MV, DL1GEO, DL9CHR and DE0MST will be active
           from the lighthouse on Porer Island (Rock, south of Pula) on
           August 12-17th. Other reference numbers are: CI-090 and
           WLHA 0240. QSL via bureau (DARC) to DE0MST. Direct-address
           is: Fredy Stippschild, P.O.Box 1406, D-83657, Germany
  EU-128.  Kurt/DF4XX and Holger/DL5XAT will be active from Fehmarn Island
           for the WPX Contest weekend. They will participate as a
           Multi-Operator/Mixed Mode entry. The callsign will be DF4XX/p.
           All incoming QSLs will be answered through the bureau or direct.
  EU-177.  Thomas/SM5NGK, Stefan/SM5WAF and Jorg/DF6JC, will be operating
           from Harstena Island between May 24-27th, signing 8S5T. QSL
           via DF6JC.

  SA-026.  Paul, PY3DX, informs OPDX that he is going to take part in the
           upcoming CQ WPX CW Contest as PU3A (special contest callsign),
           portable on Santa Catarina Island in southern Brazil. Some
           other DX friends from his area (PY3KK/Koetz, PY3FOX/Xris and
           PY3YY/Andy) will also be going with him, but as they are not
           contest enthusiasts, their goal is to activate this island on
           the WARC bands, mainly on SSB mode. Paul adds, 'Thus, while I'm
           suffering under big CW pile-ups performing my contest, they
           plan to drink a coconut water, watch the girls hanging around
           and make some DX from the island, hi hi hi. I think as time
           goes by I'm becoming less smart than I use to be, hi hi hi.'
           QSL cards for PU3A will be OK either through the bureau or
           direct via Paul's home call, which is OK on the www.QRZ.com
           or Buckmaster at www.buck.com .

J49, CRETE. Laci/HA0HW, Tamas/HA4DX and Bandi/HA5NG will be here between
May 25th and June 7th. They will use the special callsigns J49HW (HA0HW),
J49DX (HA4DX) and J49NG (HA5NG). They will take part in the CQ WPX Contest
(just for fun). It was also mentioned that they will try to go to one of
the islands of the newly created 'Crete Coastal Islands Group' (EU-187),
June 2-3rd. QSL via home calls.

KH2, GUAM. Operators Ban/JF2WXS, Yoshi/JE2EHP, Michy/JH2CYU, Aki/JH2QFY,
Yasu/JJ2CYO and JS2ITP will be active June 9-12th. Activity will be on
160-6 meters SSB/CW. QSL N3WW/KH2 via JF2WXS, K1HP/KH2 via JE2EHP, 
via CBA.

KH2/AH2, GUAM. Aki, JI3ERV/NH2C, Chairman of Guam Contest Club, informs
OPDX that after being absent in the CQ WPX SSB Conetst, the Guam Contest
Club (GCC) has decided to be on the air during CQ WPX CW Contest at the
end of this month. This time they plan to set a target as the Oceanic
leader in a Multi-Single category and World Top 5. Also, they are trying
to build an Oceanic record in Muliti-Single category. Look for operators
the contest from Guam Island (Zone 27,IOTA OC-26). Their Sunrise/Sunset
is 1953/0843z. QSL via JH7QXJ (Direct or JA bureau, NOT KH2 bureau).

NEW LIGHTHOUSE AWARD. The 'German Lighthouse Award' is out now and has
been approved as an official DARC Club Award. You can find it detailed
on the Web page:  
      http://www.lighthouse-award.de  (Deutsches Leuchtturm Diplom)
Rules are available in German, English and Danish (TNX OZ2ZB). The award
consists of 57 landbased LHs in Germany at the moment.

PY0F, FERNANDO DE NORONHA (Correction). Dennis, K7BV, reports that he
is very sorry for making a mistake in listing the Web site for his PY0F
DXpedition. Last week's announcement read ' <http://www.qth.com/py0f>  '.
It should have been < http:.//www.qth.com/k7bv/py0f >.  Please accept
Dennis' apologies. Remember, he will begin his operation on May 24th.
Look for him as an All-Band/Single Op effort in the CQ WPX CW Contest
He will operate through June 1st on all bands 160-6 meters, primarily
on CW. A special callsign PV0F will be used throughout the operation.
QSL via KU9C.

QSL INFO AND NEWS.................
   Mario, DJ2MX (aka T94DX, N0MX), QSL Manager for 9A/OE1EMS (Krk Island,
   IOTA EU-136, IOCA CI-046), reports that he has the logs and QSL cards.
   QSL will be OK via DARC bureau or direct to him. He is also QSL Manager
   for his last activity from Bosnia as T94DX in the 2001 ARI Contest.
   Please Note: If you send your QSL direct, please enclose 2 USD or 1 IRC
   (outside Europe) for air-mail return postage. Europe is 1 USD or
   1 IRC.   

   Ric, DL2VFR, reports that QSL cards for his and DL2SWW latest DXpedition
   to EU-037 (SM7) and EU-002 (OH0) will be sponsored by the magazine
   'Funkamateur'. QSLs should be printed within the next 8 weeks. They
   plan to answer the direct requests first. Logs are available at:

   OPDX received a request to find out, 'What is the QSL status of
   FT5WH?' Can anyone help?
   Steve Wheatley, KU9C, reported on the evening of May 13th, that about
   70% of the direct QSL card requests for the February PW0S operation,
   roughly 2000 cards, are in the hands of the U.S. Postal Service.
   QSL Manager Glyn, GW0ANA, reports that the final updated logs for
   ZD7K and ZD8K are on the Web site: http://www.dxpedition.co.uk
   He also states that they have sorted out the photographs that they
   are going to use for the QSL card. These will be sent off to their
   Italian printer as per the sponsors list ASAP. Once he has received
   them back, the QSL cards will go out.

   Fabrizio, IN3ZNR (aka XW3ZNR, XU7AAY etc.), informs OPDX that all
   direct QSLs for his operations in the Kingdom of Cambodia and the Laos
   People Democratic Republic have been answered. If you did not receive
   yours, please contact Fabrizio via E-mail at:    xu7aay@qsl.net   
   Uwe/DL9NDS (ZK1NDS) and Klause/DLNFK (ZK1NFK) have uploaded the logs
   for both their North and South Cook Islands on the Web. Check the
   following Web site to see if you are in the log: http://www.dl9nds.de

SPECIAL EVENT. Station SN45KDU will be active now through May 31st and
again November 1-18th to celebrate the 45th anniversary of the Radio Club
(SP5KDU) in Tarnowskie Gory, Poland. Activity will be on CW/SSB. QSL via
bureau via SP9KDU.

VU4, ANDAMAN & NICOBAR ISLANDS. Nat, VU2NTA, announced again this week
that no foreign amateur radio operators are allowed to operate from VU4.
He has indicated that just the sheer number of foreigners attempting to
put VU4 on the air is making the authorities say NO. There is hope,
however. Nat states that, after working two years with the government
and asking for suggestions for certain ammendments to the AMATEUR RADIO
rules in India, they have just about succeeded. So, maybe something
may come through, but he requests to please not press for the VU4
since right now even citizens of India are not allowed to carry radios
there. Nat says, 'I hope you understand the problems we face.'

XW, LAOS (Update). As this bulletin was being prepared, Charly, K4VUD,
is staying in the Saylom Yen Guest House in Vientaine and he is currently
trying to obtain a license. He reported that he spent a couple of hours
at the Lao's equivalent of the PTT office and was told that it may be a
month or more before he is assigned a real XW ham license. Charly mentioned
that three separate offices must touch/look at his application papers, and
he may have to appear in person for an interview for the last step. He
is expected to be here until August. (NOTE FROM EDITOR: This was written
before I left for Dayton, however, Charly is back in HS0-land for a few
days. Please see HS0 above.)

ZONE 2. Nenad, VE3EXY, reports that he has received confirmation authorizing
him access to the Indian reserve in ZONE 2. He will be active 4 days (and
5 nights) from Wednesday, May 23rd evening to Monday, May 28th morning,
around the CQWW WPX CW Contest weekend. Nenad will be active on the
following modes: CW, RTTY, and PSK31 possible, but not guaranteed outside
contest. Most of the CW will be during the contest (Not much phone at
all). From ZONE 2 (Loc. FO20), Nenad will sign VE3EXY/2 (Counts as VE2
in the contest). His sunrise will be 0912z and sunset 0035z. Suggested
frequencies will be (he will always work split  -2 kHz CW, 5 kHz RTTY or
   CW - 1827, 3510, 7010, 14025, 18077, 21025, 24897 and 28025.
   RTTY - 14090, 21090.
There will be no 6 meters. Reports will be something like '599Z2' which
will indicate Nenad is there. Outside of the contest, he will be active
on the WARC, RTTY and LF. During the CQ WPX CW Contest, look for him on
80/40/10 meters. Check around the greyline times. He will be either on
80 or 160 meters. There are some chances for EU and JA on those two bands.
QSL via VE3EXY (Home call). Nenad's QSL Policies: 'For all my DXpedition,
I do not do blanket cover of all QSOs in my log. Instead I answer QSLs
when I receive them. You can send them direct with SASE (SAE +postage),
via the bureau, or direct without postage. QSLs with sufficient return
postage will be answered the same day (if in the log), or via the bureau
otherwise. QSL cards are already printed, and there is no reason to wait.
No special cards waiting for sponsors. E-mail requests are not accepted.
However, elQSL requests will be confirmed electronically, subject to
receiving notification and electronicQSL server address.'

SPECIAL NOTE BY EDITOR: If you are having a problem receiving bounced
mail by sending mail to me via ' kb8nw@barf80.nshore.org ', please send
mail to me via ' kb8nw@arrl.net '...... TNX de Tedd KB8NW
   Help:        <mailto:opdx-request@nshore.org?subject=help>
   Subscribe:   <mailto:opdx-request@nshore.org?subject=subscribe>
   Unsubscribe: <mailto:opdx-request@nshore.org?subject=unsubscribe>
Excerpts and distribution of The OPDX Bulletin are granted as long as
KB8NW/OPDX/BARF80 receive credit. To contribute DX info, call BARF-80 BBS
online at 440-237-8208 28.8k/14400/9600/2400/1200 and leave a message with
the Sysop or send via InterNet Mail to: 
        kb8nw@barf80.nshore.org     - OR -   kb8nw@arrl.net
Use the VOICE or FAX answering machine at 440-237-8208 which shares the
same phone line as BARF-80 BBS using a data/fax/phone switch. To access:
1) Dial Number. 2) Wait for first ring (the second ring should be a false
ring from the fax/data switch box) and then dial four quick ones ('1111').
(NOTE: Some FAX machines that send single 'BEEPS' every second will not
have to do this step.) 3) The phone will pick up and after the 'BEEP' 
leave your voice message or FAX.

Additional Bulletin for OPDX InterNet Subscribers.

                       AB5K AR-Cluster Network
                   DXCC/Entities Chart of Activity
             For the week of Sunday, 13/May - Saturday, 19/May
        Nmbr   Nmbr              Band of                Days of
DXCC  Stations Spots            Activity               the Week       Modes
----  -------  -----  -----------------------------  -------------  ----------
3A         4     11               .20.  .15.          .T.W.   .S.   CW.SSB.RTTY
3B6        8    916  M.T.       .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
3B8        7     23   160.     .  .10.   M. .W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
3B9        2     45            .   M.T.W.T. .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
3C         3     38      .80.     .20.17.15.     .6  M.T.W. .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
3D2        2     14         .40.  .20.           .6   .T.     .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
3V         5     14               .20.17.             .T.W.   .S.S    .SSB. 
3W         6     34               .20.17.15.  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
4J         6     34         .40.30.20.  .15.12.10.            .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
4L        11     23      .  .15.12.10.   M.T.W.T.F. .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
4S        10     60            .   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
4U1I       1     26                  .17.  .12.           .T.       CW.   .RTTY
4W         3     11               .20.           .6       .T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
4X        42    162   160.80.     .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
5A         1     49                  .17.15.  .10.6     .W.T.F. .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
5B        10     43            .  .10.6   .T.W.T. .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
5H         4     42   160.80.  .   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
5N         4     13               .20.  .15.  .10.        .T.F.S.S    .SSB. 
5R         7     23               .   M.T.W. .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
5V         4     63                  .   M.T.W.     .S    .SSB. 
5X         3      5                     .15.         M.T.             .SSB. 
5Z         4     14                  .17.15.  .10.        .T. .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
6W         2      5                        .12.  .6             .S    .SSB. 
6Y         2      5                  .17.15.  .10.   M.     .F.     CW.SSB.RTTY
7Q         7     40                     .15.  .10.6  M.T.W. .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
7X        10     88            .     .6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
8P         8     52            .   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
8R         2     11         .40.  .20.  .15.  .10.    .T.   .F.S.S    .SSB. 
9A        41     98         .  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
9G         3     57               .20.  .15.12.10.   M.T.W.T. .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
9H        18     94      .  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
9J         3     28         .40.     .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
9K         7     53            .  .10.   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
9L         1      1               .20.                          .S  CW.   .RTTY
9M2        5     24                     .15.  .10.6  M.T.   .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
9M6        2     20                  .17.15.     .6   .T.   .F.S.S    .SSB. 
9N         1      6                     .15.          .T.   .F.S.     .SSB. 
9Q         6     52         .40.  .20.17.  .12.10.   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.   .RTTY
9V         7     45               .20.17.15.         M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
9Y         8     13               .20.17.15.  .10.6  M. .W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
A2         3      8               .20.  .15.  .10.      .W.   .S.S    .SSB. 
A3         2      3                  .17.15.                  .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
A4         5     21               .20.17.  .12.      M.T.W.T.F.S.S    .SSB. 
A5         1      2                     .15.          .T.             .SSB. 
A6         1      4               .20.               M.     .F.       .SSB. 
A9         3     10               .       .T.   .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
AP         8    179      .   M.T.W. .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
BV        19     41      .80.     .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
BY        28    229         .40.  .  .6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
C2         1      2                              .6     .W.           .SSB. 
C6         5     16               .20.17.15.     .6  M.T.   .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
C9         3     29                     .15.12.         .W. .F.S.S  CW.   .RTTY
CE        28     59         .40.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
CE0A       1      1               .20.                    .T.       CW.   .RTTY
CE9        3     26         .40.  .20.  .15.12.      M.T.W.   .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
CM        16     59         .  .6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
CN         8     44         .40.30.20.  .15.     .6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
CP         1      9                  .17.15.  .10.    .T.W. .F.       .SSB. 
CT        36    104         .40.  .20.17.15.  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
CT3        7     24               .20.  .15.12.  .6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
CU        12     62               .20.17.15.  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
CX        21     52   160.80.40.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
D2         1      7                     .15.  .10.              .S    .SSB. 
D4         3     33               .20.  .15.12.       .T. .T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
D6         2      8                           .10.        .T.         .SSB. 
DL       205    415  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
DU        18     43      .80.     .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
E3         1      1               .20.                .T.             .SSB. 
EA       122    363  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
EA6       26     85      .  .6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
EA8       21     47         .40.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
EA9        7     43         .40.  .20.17.15.     .6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
EI        13     37         .40.     .17.        .6   .T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
EK         5     50   160.        .20.17.15.         M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
EL         3      5      .80.           .15.     .6   .T.W. .F.       .SSB. 
EP        10     29               .20.17.15.         M.T. .T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
ER        16     48      .  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
ES        16     30         .40.30.20.           .6   .T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
ET         1      1                              .6             .S  CW.   .RTTY
EU        29     85      .  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
EX         9     32         .    .T.W.T. .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
EY         3     11            .30.  .17.15.            .W.T.F. .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
EZ         4     11               .20.  .15.  .10.        .T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
F        129    238  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
FG         6     19               .20.  .15.  .10.   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
FJ         2     13               .20.                .T.     .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
FK        13     30         .   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
FM         4     11         .40.  .20.17.15.     .6  M.T.W. .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
FO         4     35            .   .10.6  M.T.W.T. .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
FP         2      6               .20.               M.     .F.S.     .SSB. 
FR        14     80         .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
FW         1     27               .20.  .15.     .6  M. .W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
FY         4     16            .     .6   .T. .T.F. .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
G        162    298      .80.40.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
GD         3     17               .20.               M.       .S.     .SSB. 
GI        10     15         .40.  .20.17.15.     .6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
GJ         4      4            .30.     .15.     .6         .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
GM        41    120      .80.40.  .20.  .15.  .10.6  M.T. .T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
GU        16    104      .  .10.6  M.T.W.T. .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
GW        20     41               .20.17.15.     .6   .T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
H4         1      1               .20.               M.               .SSB. 
HA        17     29      .  .10.    .T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
HB        25     38      .80.40.  .20.           .6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
HB0        1      1               .20.                        .S.           
HC         7     29               .   M.T.W.T. .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
HC8        3      5                     .15.     .6           .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
HH         2      6               .20.  .15.            .W. .F. .S  CW.   .RTTY
HI         2      8      .80.     .20.17.  .12.10.   M.T.W.T.       CW.SSB.RTTY
HK         9     22         .  .10.      .W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
HK0/a      2     12         .40.30.20.                .T.W.T.F.S.   CW.   .RTTY
HL        54    140         .40.  .20.17.15.  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
HP         1      2                              .6     .W.     .S    .SSB. 
HR        11    103         .40.30.20.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
HS        10     58         .40.  .20.  .15.         M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
HZ         3     38      .80.     .20.17.15.  .10.    .T.W.T.F.S.S    .SSB. 
I        234    555      .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
IS        18     36         .     .6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
J2         2     24               .20.  .15.12.10.   M.T.W. .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
J5         1      2                     .15.                  .S.   CW.   .RTTY
J6         2      3               .20.17.     .10.        .T.F.S.     .SSB. 
J7         1      2                     .15.              .T.         .SSB. 
J8         2     23                  .  M.       .S.   CW.SSB.RTTY
JA       168    361   160.  .  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
JD/m       1      5                              .6             .S  CW.SSB. 
JD/o       1      5         .40.                 .6   .T.W.     .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
JT         2      7               .20.17.                   .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
JW         5     71            .         M.T.W.T.F.S.   CW.SSB.RTTY
JX         2     12                     .15.                .F.S.     .SSB. 
JY         7     82      .80.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
K        451    654  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
KG4        4      4                              .6   .T.       .S    .SSB. 
KH0       10     23         .40.  .20.17.15.  .10.6  M.T.W. .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
KH2        9     59         .40.  .20.  .15.     .6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
KH6       14     26            .   M. .W.T.F.S.   CW.SSB.RTTY
KL        13     38            .     .6  M. .W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
KP4       20     52         .40.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
LA        55    132         .40.  .20.17.15.  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
LU        90    192      .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
LX         7     15            .30.  .17.        .6   .T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
LY         7     22            .     .6  M. .W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
LZ        43    150         .40.  .20.17.15.     .6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
OA         9     30               .20.17.15.  .10.    .T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
OD         9     69               .20.  .15.     .6   .T.   .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
OE        36     50      .     .6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
OH        33     82               .20.17.15.     .6   .T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
OH0       10     42            .  .6   .T.W.T.F.S.   CW.SSB.RTTY
OK        31     54         .40.  .20.17.15.     .6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
OM        18     32      .80.     .20.17.15.     .6  M. .W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
ON        35     62         .40.  .  .6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
OX         3     14                  .17.        .6     .W.T.   .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
OY         2     11               .20.           .6     .W.     .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
OZ        39    122         .40.  .20.17.        .6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
P2         8     20               .20.  .15.  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
P4         3     12                  .    .T. .T.F.S.   CW.   .RTTY
PA        42     79      .80.40.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
PJ2        2      6               .20.  .15.  .10.    .T. .T.F.S.   CW.SSB.RTTY
PJ7        6     18               .20.  .15.          .T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
PY       103    252  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
PY0F       1      2                              .6         .F. .S  CW.   .RTTY
PZ         3     17            .30.  .17.15.12.  .6  M. .W. .F.S.   CW.SSB.RTTY
R1FJ       1      1               .20.                        .S.     .SSB. 
S2         1      9                     .15.          .T.W. .F.S.     .SSB. 
S5        37     77      .80.40.  .20.  .15.  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
SM        75    188      .  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
SP        67    119      .  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
SU        20    121            .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
SV        46    114         .40.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
SV5        7     27      .80.  .     .6  M.T.W.T. .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
SV9        7     59         .  .6  M. .W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
T30        1      1               .20.                      .F.       .SSB. 
T7         2      4                  .17.        .6           .S.S  CW.   .RTTY
T8         2     17                     .           .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
T9        10     22         .40.  .20.  .15.  .10.6   .T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
TA        28    100         .   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
TF         6      8         .40.  .20.  .15.     .6   .T.W.T.F.S.   CW.SSB.RTTY
TG         3      9         .40.  .20.17.                 .T.F. .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
TI        16     42         .40.  .20.17.15.  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
TJ         1      1               .20.                        .S.     .SSB. 
TK         5     13         .         M.T.W. .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
TL         4      5                     .15.12.10.          .F.S.   CW.SSB.RTTY
TR        11     64               .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
TT         3     17                  .     .W.   .S.   CW.SSB.RTTY
TU         6     32               .20.  .15.  .10.6  M.T.   .F.S.S    .SSB. 
UA       116    232  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
UA2        7     23   160.80.40.  .       .T. .T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
UA9       89    229  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
UK        10     23               .20.17.15.          .T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
UN        15     27               .    .T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
UR        77    276  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
V2         1      1                           .10.        .T.         .SSB. 
V3         2      5               .20.  .15.          .T.W.   .S.   CW.SSB.RTTY
V4         5     73      .80.40.  .20.  .15.12.10.   M.T.W.T.   .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
V5         3     56      .80.  .30.20.17.  .12.10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
V7         1      3               .20.           .6   .T.             .SSB. 
VE        37     73      .80.40.  .20.17.15.  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
VK        78    218   160.80.  .  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
VK9N       1      7                           .10.   M.         .S    .SSB. 
VP2E       2      6            .30.           .10.   M. .W.   .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
VP2V       1      2               .20.  .15.                    .S  CW.   .RTTY
VP5        1      5                  .17.                     .S.S    .SSB. 
VP6        1      2                           .10.            .S.     .SSB. 
VP8        2      2               .20.        .10.    .T.       .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
VP9        3      3                  .17.        .6       .T.   .S    .SSB. 
VQ9        5     59                  .17.15.12.  .6  M.T. .T.F.S.   CW.SSB.RTTY
VR         5     29            .30.20.  .   .T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
VU        30    104               .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
XE        30     49         .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
XU         1      4               .20.  .15.          .T.W.     .S          
XW         1      1                  .17.                   .F.       .SSB. 
XX9        1      2               .20.                  .W.           .SSB. 
YB        45    161      .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
YI         4     10         .40.  .20.  .15.          .T.W.T.F.S.   CW.SSB.RTTY
YK         2      2                     .15.     .6   .T.       .S  CW.   .RTTY
YL         9     17      .80.     .20.  .15.     .6  M.T. .T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
YN         2      3               .20.           .6         .F.S.     .SSB. 
YO        49    150         .40.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
YS         4     32               .20.        .10.6  M.T. .T.F.S.S    .SSB. 
YU        36    117      .  .6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
YV        18     37            .  .10.   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
Z2         7     38         .40.  .20.  .15.  .10.6  M.T.W. .F.S.S    .SSB. 
Z3        12     73      .80.     .20.17.15.     .6   .T.W.T.F.S.   CW.SSB.RTTY
ZA         7     29               .20.17.15.  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.   CW.SSB.RTTY
ZB         8     28      .  .6  M.T.W.T. .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
ZC4        3     27               .20.  .15.  .10.6  M. .W.T. .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
ZD7        5     22               .20.  .15.  .10.   M.T. .T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
ZD8        7    138      .  M.T.W.T. .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
ZD9        0      0                                                         
ZF         1      1               .20.                          .S    .SSB. 
ZK1/s      7    200            .   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
ZK2        1      1                  .17.                 .T.       CW.   .RTTY
ZK3        1      1               .20.                        .S.     .SSB. 
ZL        37     70      .  .10.   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
ZL7        2     94               .20.17.15.  .10.   M.   .T.F.S.S    .SSB. 
ZP        15     31         .40.  .20.17.15.  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
ZS        45    139      .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
Tot Stations: 4378  Tot Spots: 13821  Spotter of the week: RK3AZ (97 spots)

Tedd Mirgliotta  KB8NW
InterNet: kb8nw@barf80.nshore.org
Basic Amateur Radio Frequency BBS (BARF-80) +1 (440) 237-8208
'Totally devoted to Amateur Radio' - 24 Hrs a day 8/N/1 28.8k-1200 baud


As of Sun May 20 17:46:21 PDT 2001

SB DX @ WW < KB8NW $OPDX.512
Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin No. 512

The Ohio/Penn DX PacketCluster
DX Bulletin No. 512
BID: $OPDX.512
May 21, 2001
Editor Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW
Provided by BARF-80 BBS Cleveland, Ohio
Online at 440-237-8208 28.8k-1200 Baud 8/N/1

Thanks to the Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society, Northern Ohio DX
Association, Ohio/Penn PacketCluster Network, AB5K & the AR TelNet
Clusters Network, K2KW, AJ3M, K3EST, W3UR & The Daily DX, K4VUD, N4AA
for the following DX information.

EDITOR'S NOTES: I know, just call me cazy! I returned from the Dayton
HamVention about 4:45 PM (Sunday, local time) and decided to finish
OPDX.512. 'Just call me dedicated to my readers'. BTW, I had a great time!

DXCC COUNTRY/ENTITY REPORT: According to the AR-Cluster Network for the
week of Sunday, 13/May, through Sunday, 20/May there were 229 countries
active. Countries available: 3A, 3B6, 3B8, 3B9, 3C, 3D2, 3V, 3W, 4J, 4L,
4S, 4U1I, 4W, 4X, 5A, 5B, 5H, 5N, 5R, 5V, 5X, 5Z, 6W, 6Y, 7Q, 7X, 8P, 8R,
9A, 9G, 9H, 9J, 9K, 9L, 9M2, 9M6, 9N, 9Q, 9V, 9Y, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A9,
AP, BV, BY, C6, C9, CE, CE0A, CE9, CM, CN, CP, CT, CT3, CU, CX, D2, D4, D6,
DL, DU, E3, EA, EA6, EA8, EA9, EI, EK, EL, EP, ER, ES, EU, EX, EY, EZ, F,
FG, FJ, FK, FM, FO, FP, FR, FW, FY, G, GD, GI, GJ, GM, GU, GW, H4, HA, HB,
HB0, HC, HC8, HH, HI, HK, HK0/a, HL, HR, HS, HZ, I, IS, J2, J5, J6, J7, J8,
JA, JD/m, JD/o, JT, JW, JX, JY, K, KH0, KH2, KH6, KL, KP4, LA, LU, LX, LY,
LZ, OA, OD, OE, OH, OH0, OK, OM, ON, OX, OY, OZ, P2, P4, PA, PJ2, PJ7, PY,
PZ, R1FJ, S2, S5, SM, SP, SU, SV, SV5, SV9, T30, T7, T8, T9, TA, TF, TG,
TI, TJ, TK, TL, TR, TT, TU, UA, UA2, UA9, UK, UN, UR, V2, V3, V4, V5, V7,
VE, VK, VK9N, VP2E, VP2V, VP5, VP6, VP8, VP9, VQ9, VR, VU, XE, XU, XW, XX9,
YB, YI, YK, YL, YN, YO, YS, YU, YV, Z2, Z3, ZA, ZB, ZC4, ZD7, ZD8, ZF,
ZK1/s, ZK2, ZK3, ZL, ZL7, ZP, ZS
      There were 40 CQ Zones available during the past week.
      There were 54 ITU Zones available during the past week. ITU Zones
      that were not active are:  4,15,21,22,23,24,25,26,31,34,35,
* PLEASE NOTE: The report 'could' contain 'Pirate/SLIM' operations. As
  always, you never know - 'Work First Worry Later' (WFWL).
  OPDX InterNet Subscribers will receive an additional bulletin (due to its
  size) with a complete breakdown and 'DXCC/Entities Chart of Activity'.

4W, EAST TIMOR. Thor, 4W6MM, is active again. Check 20 meters around 14002
kHz after 1200z.

6Y, JAMAICA (Change/Update). The DXpedition team activating 6Y1A in the
CQ WPX CW Contest has a last minute change of operators. The group now
consists of: KE7X, N6XG, K6ST, and K2KW. Activity will be from May 20-29th,
on 80-6 meters with an emphasis on 6 meters and the WARC bands outside
the contest. QSL 6Y1A and K2KW via WA4WTG, others via CBA.

CONTESTERS/DXERS HONORED. Bob, K3EST, from the CQ Hall of Fame, reported
last week that the CQ Contest Hall of Fame Committee is pleased to announce
the two inducees for 2001 will be Sig/N3RS and Algis/LY2NK. Both new members
were officially inducted into the Contest Hall of Fame at the contest dinner
on Saturday, May 19th, in Dayton. The DX Hall of Fame is also proud to
announce the two inductees into the DX Hall of Fame for 2001 were Bob/K4UEE
and Bob/W4DR. Both were officially inducted into the DX Hall of Fame by
Steve, N8BJQ, during the DX dinner May 18th, also in Dayton. You can read
their biographies in the June CQ and May/June CQ Contest.

EXTREME DXING (Bert will be one busy guy!). Bert, PA3GIO, has updated his
plans for his DXpeditions in 2001. Here is his planned schedule:
  1) Bert, PA3GIO, will be signing 5R8GY in Madagascar on Ile Sainte-Marie
    (Nosy Boraha), IOTA AF-090 (Rare), from May 30th or 31st through June
    9th. He will be active on SSB only on 80/40/20/17/15/12/10 meters with
    100w using a doublet with open feeder line. QSL (preferable by the
    Bureau) to PA3GIO. Website:           http://www.pa3gio.nl/5R/

  2) Bert will be signing FH/PA3GIO/p on Grande Terre, Mayotte Island
     (AF-027) from June 11-18th. He will be active on SSB only on 80/40/
     20/17/15/12/10 meters with 100w using a doublet with open feeder
     line. QSL (preferable by the Bureau) to PA3GIO. 
     Website: http://www.pa3gio.nl/FH/

  3) Bert will be signing FR/PA3GIO/p on Reunion Island (AF-016), June
     19-22nd (with LIMITED ACTIVITY). He will be active on SSB only on
     80/40/20/17/15/12/10 meters with 100w using a doublet with open feeder
     line. QSL (preferable by the Bureau) to PA3GIO. 
     Website: http://www.pa3gio.nl/FR/

  4) Bert, PA3GIO, will be active as VK9XV on Christmas Island (OC-002),
     from September 6-13th. He will be active on SSB only on 80/40/20/17/
     15/12/10 meters with 100w using a doublet with open feeder line. QSL
     (preferable by the Bureau) to PA3GIO. 
     Website: http://www.pa3gio.nl/VK9XV/

  5) Bert, PA3GIO, will be active as VK9CQ Cocos-Keeling Island (OC-003)
     September 14-20th. He will be active on SSB only on 80/40/20/17/15/
     12/10m with 100w using doublet with open feeder line. QSL (preferable
     by the Bureau) to PA3GIO. Website: http://www.pa3gio.nl/VK9CQ/

  6) Bert, PA3GIO, will be signing VK6GIO from Australia, September 22nd
     through October 8th (On route and VERY LIMITED ACTIVITY). He mentions
     that perhaps he may have a short visit to Kangaroo Island (OC-139) as

  7) Bert, PA3GIO, will be signing VK9LO on Lord Howe Island (OC-004) from
     October 9-15th. He will be active on SSB only on 80/40/20/17/15/12/10
     meters with 100w using a doublet with open feeder line. QSL (preferable
     by the Bureau) to PA3GIO. Website: http://www.pa3gio.nl/VK9LO/

FG, GUADELOUPE. The Russian Contest Club is glad to announce that Jack/RW3QC
and Igor/RN3OA will be active from here May 21-28th, as FG5BG (CQ WPX CW
Conetst) and FG/KC8QKF (before and after contest). It will be their second
RCC Contest\DXpedition. RW3QC will participate in the CQ WPX CW Contest as
a Single Operator/Multi Bands/HP entry. RN3OA will operate out of the
contest on 160-80 meters, including the WARC bands, RTTY and PSK-31. QSL
via RN3OA, by the bureau or direct to: Igor Zakharov, P.O.Box 381,
Voronezh, 394000, Russia. (They would like to thank Georges/FG5BG for
his help.

HAM-COM 2001. The Lone Star DX Association will be sponsoring the DX program
at this event in Arlington, Texas. Some of the guest speakers will be
Wayne/N7NG (ARRL), Wes/W3WL (D68C) and John/ON4UN (Topband DXing), The
featured speaker will be Martti Laine, OH2BH. The LSDXA will also have a
Hospitality Suite available June 8th (7-11PM) at the Wyndham Hotel. For
more details, check the Web page: http://www.dxer.org/lsdxa
Also, check the Web page:         http://hamcom.org

HB0, LIECHTENSTEIN. A group from Germany will be active for four days
from the Principality of Liechtenstein starting Friday, June 1st, ending
on Monday, June 4th. They will participate in IARU Region 1 Field Day.
In addition, they will be active on 6 meters and on 10 GHz looking for
ES and Rainscatter openings. The operators will be DF5UL, DL1GGT, DL5EBT
and DL6SAQ and their callsigns will be HB0/homecall. QSL via their

HB0, LIECHTENSTEIN. Rob, PA0RDY, will be active as HB0/PA0RDY from May
25-29th, especially for the CQ WPX Contest. He will be running 100
watts into a vertical on 10/15/20 meters, plus a dipole on 40 meters.
There will be some activity on RTTY and SSB before and after the CW
contest. QSL via homecall.

HS0, THAILAND. Charly, K4VUD, is back here again for a few days as
HS0ZCW (ed. may be waiting for his XW license -- See XW below). He has
announced that he will be active on 40 meters CW (maybe some SSB). Check
around 7015 to 7020 kHz between: 2300-2400z, 0900-1000z and 1100-1200z.
(ADDED NOTE TO CHARLY: The group from NODXA missed you at their Dayton
HamVention hospitality suite this year. Hope you can make it next year.)

IOTA CONTEST 2001. Ric, DL2VFR, informs OPDX that once again you can find
this year's summary of activities for the IOTA CONTEST 2001 on the Web
page:                    http://www.iota-post.com
Last year he had 123 announcements - which was very useful for DXers/
Contests looking for a new one in the contest, and a good source for
contesters having a look to see if the island they want to go to was
already occupied. The list is growing daily.

IOTA NEWS...............
  EU-048.  Members of Clipperton DX Club, Fabrice/F5NBQ (CDXC1050),
           Pierre/F5RRW (CDXC942 and UFT 978), Eric/F5LOW and Christian/
           F1SDQ will activate the Island of Houat in Morbihan, May 31st
           through June 4th. They will use the callsign TM1H and will be
           operational from 160-10 meters (including WARC) on SSB and CW
           on the usual IOTA frequencies. They will use two IC-706MKII
           and TS-50 (100 watts), a vertical line antenna on 40 meters,
           a G5RV for the WARC bands, a sloper for the low bands and Yagi
           TH3MK3 for 10/15/20 meters. QSL via F6ANA (operator of A52FH)
           to the bureau or direct to Alain Mesnier, Les Grands Bois,
           Chemin De La Bussiere, 16440 Mouthiers, France.
  EU-110.  Operators DF9MV, DL1GEO, DL9CHR and DE0MST will be active
           from the lighthouse on Porer Island (Rock, south of Pula) on
           August 12-17th. Other reference numbers are: CI-090 and
           WLHA 0240. QSL via bureau (DARC) to DE0MST. Direct-address
           is: Fredy Stippschild, P.O.Box 1406, D-83657, Germany
  EU-128.  Kurt/DF4XX and Holger/DL5XAT will be active from Fehmarn Island
           for the WPX Contest weekend. They will participate as a
           Multi-Operator/Mixed Mode entry. The callsign will be DF4XX/p.
           All incoming QSLs will be answered through the bureau or direct.
  EU-177.  Thomas/SM5NGK, Stefan/SM5WAF and Jorg/DF6JC, will be operating
           from Harstena Island between May 24-27th, signing 8S5T. QSL
           via DF6JC.

  SA-026.  Paul, PY3DX, informs OPDX that he is going to take part in the
           upcoming CQ WPX CW Contest as PU3A (special contest callsign),
           portable on Santa Catarina Island in southern Brazil. Some
           other DX friends from his area (PY3KK/Koetz, PY3FOX/Xris and
           PY3YY/Andy) will also be going with him, but as they are not
           contest enthusiasts, their goal is to activate this island on
           the WARC bands, mainly on SSB mode. Paul adds, 'Thus, while I'm
           suffering under big CW pile-ups performing my contest, they
           plan to drink a coconut water, watch the girls hanging around
           and make some DX from the island, hi hi hi. I think as time
           goes by I'm becoming less smart than I use to be, hi hi hi.'
           QSL cards for PU3A will be OK either through the bureau or
           direct via Paul's home call, which is OK on the www.QRZ.com
           or Buckmaster at www.buck.com .

J49, CRETE. Laci/HA0HW, Tamas/HA4DX and Bandi/HA5NG will be here between
May 25th and June 7th. They will use the special callsigns J49HW (HA0HW),
J49DX (HA4DX) and J49NG (HA5NG). They will take part in the CQ WPX Contest
(just for fun). It was also mentioned that they will try to go to one of
the islands of the newly created 'Crete Coastal Islands Group' (EU-187),
June 2-3rd. QSL via home calls.

KH2, GUAM. Operators Ban/JF2WXS, Yoshi/JE2EHP, Michy/JH2CYU, Aki/JH2QFY,
Yasu/JJ2CYO and JS2ITP will be active June 9-12th. Activity will be on
160-6 meters SSB/CW. QSL N3WW/KH2 via JF2WXS, K1HP/KH2 via JE2EHP, 
via CBA.

KH2/AH2, GUAM. Aki, JI3ERV/NH2C, Chairman of Guam Contest Club, informs
OPDX that after being absent in the CQ WPX SSB Conetst, the Guam Contest
Club (GCC) has decided to be on the air during CQ WPX CW Contest at the
end of this month. This time they plan to set a target as the Oceanic
leader in a Multi-Single category and World Top 5. Also, they are trying
to build an Oceanic record in Muliti-Single category. Look for operators
the contest from Guam Island (Zone 27,IOTA OC-26). Their Sunrise/Sunset
is 1953/0843z. QSL via JH7QXJ (Direct or JA bureau, NOT KH2 bureau).

NEW LIGHTHOUSE AWARD. The 'German Lighthouse Award' is out now and has
been approved as an official DARC Club Award. You can find it detailed
on the Web page:  
      http://www.lighthouse-award.de  (Deutsches Leuchtturm Diplom)
Rules are available in German, English and Danish (TNX OZ2ZB). The award
consists of 57 landbased LHs in Germany at the moment.

PY0F, FERNANDO DE NORONHA (Correction). Dennis, K7BV, reports that he
is very sorry for making a mistake in listing the Web site for his PY0F
DXpedition. Last week's announcement read ' <http://www.qth.com/py0f>  '.
It should have been < http:.//www.qth.com/k7bv/py0f >.  Please accept
Dennis' apologies. Remember, he will begin his operation on May 24th.
Look for him as an All-Band/Single Op effort in the CQ WPX CW Contest
He will operate through June 1st on all bands 160-6 meters, primarily
on CW. A special callsign PV0F will be used throughout the operation.
QSL via KU9C.

QSL INFO AND NEWS.................
   Mario, DJ2MX (aka T94DX, N0MX), QSL Manager for 9A/OE1EMS (Krk Island,
   IOTA EU-136, IOCA CI-046), reports that he has the logs and QSL cards.
   QSL will be OK via DARC bureau or direct to him. He is also QSL Manager
   for his last activity from Bosnia as T94DX in the 2001 ARI Contest.
   Please Note: If you send your QSL direct, please enclose 2 USD or 1 IRC
   (outside Europe) for air-mail return postage. Europe is 1 USD or
   1 IRC.   

   Ric, DL2VFR, reports that QSL cards for his and DL2SWW latest DXpedition
   to EU-037 (SM7) and EU-002 (OH0) will be sponsored by the magazine
   'Funkamateur'. QSLs should be printed within the next 8 weeks. They
   plan to answer the direct requests first. Logs are available at:

   OPDX received a request to find out, 'What is the QSL status of
   FT5WH?' Can anyone help?
   Steve Wheatley, KU9C, reported on the evening of May 13th, that about
   70% of the direct QSL card requests for the February PW0S operation,
   roughly 2000 cards, are in the hands of the U.S. Postal Service.
   QSL Manager Glyn, GW0ANA, reports that the final updated logs for
   ZD7K and ZD8K are on the Web site: http://www.dxpedition.co.uk
   He also states that they have sorted out the photographs that they
   are going to use for the QSL card. These will be sent off to their
   Italian printer as per the sponsors list ASAP. Once he has received
   them back, the QSL cards will go out.

   Fabrizio, IN3ZNR (aka XW3ZNR, XU7AAY etc.), informs OPDX that all
   direct QSLs for his operations in the Kingdom of Cambodia and the Laos
   People Democratic Republic have been answered. If you did not receive
   yours, please contact Fabrizio via E-mail at:    xu7aay@qsl.net   
   Uwe/DL9NDS (ZK1NDS) and Klause/DLNFK (ZK1NFK) have uploaded the logs
   for both their North and South Cook Islands on the Web. Check the
   following Web site to see if you are in the log: http://www.dl9nds.de

SPECIAL EVENT. Station SN45KDU will be active now through May 31st and
again November 1-18th to celebrate the 45th anniversary of the Radio Club
(SP5KDU) in Tarnowskie Gory, Poland. Activity will be on CW/SSB. QSL via
bureau via SP9KDU.

VU4, ANDAMAN & NICOBAR ISLANDS. Nat, VU2NTA, announced again this week
that no foreign amateur radio operators are allowed to operate from VU4.
He has indicated that just the sheer number of foreigners attempting to
put VU4 on the air is making the authorities say NO. There is hope,
however. Nat states that, after working two years with the government
and asking for suggestions for certain ammendments to the AMATEUR RADIO
rules in India, they have just about succeeded. So, maybe something
may come through, but he requests to please not press for the VU4
since right now even citizens of India are not allowed to carry radios
there. Nat says, 'I hope you understand the problems we face.'

XW, LAOS (Update). As this bulletin was being prepared, Charly, K4VUD,
is staying in the Saylom Yen Guest House in Vientaine and he is currently
trying to obtain a license. He reported that he spent a couple of hours
at the Lao's equivalent of the PTT office and was told that it may be a
month or more before he is assigned a real XW ham license. Charly mentioned
that three separate offices must touch/look at his application papers, and
he may have to appear in person for an interview for the last step. He
is expected to be here until August. (NOTE FROM EDITOR: This was written
before I left for Dayton, however, Charly is back in HS0-land for a few
days. Please see HS0 above.)

ZONE 2. Nenad, VE3EXY, reports that he has received confirmation authorizing
him access to the Indian reserve in ZONE 2. He will be active 4 days (and
5 nights) from Wednesday, May 23rd evening to Monday, May 28th morning,
around the CQWW WPX CW Contest weekend. Nenad will be active on the
following modes: CW, RTTY, and PSK31 possible, but not guaranteed outside
contest. Most of the CW will be during the contest (Not much phone at
all). From ZONE 2 (Loc. FO20), Nenad will sign VE3EXY/2 (Counts as VE2
in the contest). His sunrise will be 0912z and sunset 0035z. Suggested
frequencies will be (he will always work split  -2 kHz CW, 5 kHz RTTY or
   CW - 1827, 3510, 7010, 14025, 18077, 21025, 24897 and 28025.
   RTTY - 14090, 21090.
There will be no 6 meters. Reports will be something like '599Z2' which
will indicate Nenad is there. Outside of the contest, he will be active
on the WARC, RTTY and LF. During the CQ WPX CW Contest, look for him on
80/40/10 meters. Check around the greyline times. He will be either on
80 or 160 meters. There are some chances for EU and JA on those two bands.
QSL via VE3EXY (Home call). Nenad's QSL Policies: 'For all my DXpedition,
I do not do blanket cover of all QSOs in my log. Instead I answer QSLs
when I receive them. You can send them direct with SASE (SAE +postage),
via the bureau, or direct without postage. QSLs with sufficient return
postage will be answered the same day (if in the log), or via the bureau
otherwise. QSL cards are already printed, and there is no reason to wait.
No special cards waiting for sponsors. E-mail requests are not accepted.
However, elQSL requests will be confirmed electronically, subject to
receiving notification and electronicQSL server address.'

SPECIAL NOTE BY EDITOR: If you are having a problem receiving bounced
mail by sending mail to me via ' kb8nw@barf80.nshore.org ', please send
mail to me via ' kb8nw@arrl.net '...... TNX de Tedd KB8NW
   Help:        <mailto:opdx-request@nshore.org?subject=help>
   Subscribe:   <mailto:opdx-request@nshore.org?subject=subscribe>
   Unsubscribe: <mailto:opdx-request@nshore.org?subject=unsubscribe>
Excerpts and distribution of The OPDX Bulletin are granted as long as
KB8NW/OPDX/BARF80 receive credit. To contribute DX info, call BARF-80 BBS
online at 440-237-8208 28.8k/14400/9600/2400/1200 and leave a message with
the Sysop or send via InterNet Mail to: 
        kb8nw@barf80.nshore.org     - OR -   kb8nw@arrl.net
Use the VOICE or FAX answering machine at 440-237-8208 which shares the
same phone line as BARF-80 BBS using a data/fax/phone switch. To access:
1) Dial Number. 2) Wait for first ring (the second ring should be a false
ring from the fax/data switch box) and then dial four quick ones ('1111').
(NOTE: Some FAX machines that send single 'BEEPS' every second will not
have to do this step.) 3) The phone will pick up and after the 'BEEP' 
leave your voice message or FAX.


Tedd Mirgliotta  KB8NW
InterNet: kb8nw@barf80.nshore.org
Basic Amateur Radio Frequency BBS (BARF-80) +1 (440) 237-8208
'Totally devoted to Amateur Radio' - 24 Hrs a day 8/N/1 28.8k-1200 baud

Your Moderator is Larry Wilson KE1HZ
Email: owner-dx@qth.net
Submissions dx@qth.net


As of Thu May 17 13:30:42 PDT 2001

ARLD020 DX news

QST de W1AW  
DX Bulletin 20  ARLD020
>From ARRL Headquarters  
Newington CT  May 17, 2001
To all radio amateurs   

ARLD020 DX news

This week's bulletin was made possible with information provided by
Tedd, KB8NW, the OPDX Bulletin, QRZ DX, K7BV, 425DXnews and The
Daily DX.  Thanks to all.

RODRIGUES ISLAND, 3B6.  Robert, 3B9FR, has been QRV around 24900 kHz
at 1200z.  He has also been active around 21295 kHz just prior to

NIGER, 5U.  Jim, 5U7JK, has been active on 28495 kHz around 1630z.
QSL via I2YSB.

EAST MALAYSIA, 9M6.  ON4ON and ON5SY will be QRV as 9M6ONT from
Sabah from May 21 to 30.  This includes an entry in the CQ WPX
Contest.  QSL via ON4ON.

CHINA, BY.  BA4DW/2 is QRV from the Changshan Islands in the
Liaoning Province East Group until May 22.

MOZAMBIQUE, C9.  Joe, G3MRC, is now active as C91MR/3 from Beira.
He is usually QRV on 24901 kHz between 1600 and 1830z.  QSL to home

CEUTA AND MELLILA, EA9.  Toni, EA9AK, has been QRV using RTTY on
14091 kHz around 2000z.

FRANCE, F.  Special event station TM0AR is QRV on 40 to 10 meters,
including the newer bands, until May 27 during the International
Festival of Art and Technologies.  QSL via F5TJC.

GALAPAGOS ISLANDS, HC8.  Kay, K6KO, and Ken, K6TA, will be QRV as
homecalls/HC8 for one week beginning May 19.  They will use CW, SSB
and RTTY.  QSL both calls via WM6A.

ITALY, I.  Special event station IQ8MFC is active through July 31 to
celebrate the centenary of Marconi's First Transatlantic Contact
between Great Britain and Newfoundland.  QSL via IZ8AJQ.

PAPUA NEW GUINEA, P2.  Look for Ron, VK3IO, to be active as P29IO
from May 18 to August 22.  QSL to home call.

FERNANDO DE NORONHA, PY0F.  Dennis, K7BV, will be QRV as PV0F
beginning May 24.  He will be active on 160 to 6 meters, primarily
using CW, until June 1.  He will also be QRV in the CQ WPX CW
Contest.  QSL via KU9C.

BANGLADESH, S2.  Rashid, S21AR, is active almost daily on 15 meters.
Check around 21260 and 21290 kHz, from 1100 and 1530z or after
0430z.  QSL via JA1UT.

CHAD, TT.  Chris, TT8DX, has been very active on 10 meters.  Check
28495 kHz starting around 1330z.  QSL via F5OGL.

MACAO, XX9.  Arto, OH2KW, is QRV as XX9TKW until May 20.  He will
also be QRV during the CQ WPX Contest.  QSL to home call.

SOUTH COOK ISLANDS, ZK1.  Carsten, DL1EFD, is QRV as ZK1EFD from
Rarotonga, IOTA OC-013, until May 29.  He is active on 80 to 10
meters using mostly CW.  This includes an entry in the CQ WPX
Contest.  QSL to home call.


As of Sun May 13 17:18:34 PDT 2001

SB DX @ WW < KB8NW $OPDX.511
Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin No. 511

The Ohio/Penn DX PacketCluster
DX Bulletin No. 511
BID: $OPDX.511
May 14, 2001
Editor Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW
Provided by BARF-80 BBS Cleveland, Ohio
Online at 440-237-8208 28.8k-1200 Baud 8/N/1

Thanks to the Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society, Northern Ohio DX
Association, Ohio/Penn PacketCluster Network, AB5K & the AR TelNet
Clusters Network, W3RM, W3UR & The Daily DX, K4VUD, KO4MR, N4AA & QRZ
& DX News Letter, E21EIC, EA5KB, F5NOD, G0KJW, G3XSV, G3XTT, HB9DLE, HP1AC,
VA3RJ and VK4CP for the following DX information.

FEW NOTES FROM EDITOR, TEDD, KB8NW: Because I will be attending the
Dayton HamVention, I cannot guarantee that there will be a bulletin
next week. If it does happen, it will probably be late Monday. Please,
continue to send your information (you never know!).
   The Northern Ohio DX Association (along with WVNO Radio) will once
again sponsor a Hospitality Suite at this year's Dayton Hamvention. It
will be in Suite 1011 on the 10th Club Floor of the Crowne Plaza Hotel
(old Stouffers) on Friday and Saturday evenings.  All DXers/Contesters
are welcome.  Munchies and refreshments will be avaialble.  Come and
meet the members and friends of NODXA.

TIP OF THE YEAR (Get the hint!): When sending regular messages, turn OFF
your 'HTML' format in your mail programs and use plain text. This will
save a lot of bandwidth. Using 'HTML' usually makes the message twice as
big and copies itself twice in one message!

DXCC COUNTRY/ENTITY REPORT: According to the AR-Cluster Network for the
week of Sunday, 6/May, through Sunday, 13/May there were 224 countries
active. Countries available: 3A, 3B6, 3B8, 3B9, 3C, 3D2, 3D2/r, 3V, 3W,
4J, 4L, 4S, 4X, 5A, 5B, 5H, 5N, 5R, 5U, 5V, 5X, 5Z, 6W, 6Y, 7Q, 7X, 8P,
8R, 9A, 9G, 9H, 9J, 9K, 9M2, 9M6, 9N, 9Q, 9V, 9X, 9Y, A2, A3, A4, A7, A9,
AP, BV, BY, C2, C3, C6, C9, CE, CE9, CM, CN, CP, CT, CT3, CU, CX, D2, D4,
D6, DL, DU, E3, E4, EA, EA6, EA8, EA9, EI, EK, EL, EP, ER, ES, ET, EU, EX,
EY, EZ, F, FG, FJ, FK, FM, FO, FR, FW, FY, G, GD, GI, GM, GU, GW, HA, HB,
HB0, HC, HH, HI, HK, HK0/a, HL, HP, HR, HS, HZ, I, IS, J2, J5, J6, J7, J8,
JA, JD/m, JT, JW, JY, K, KH0, KH2, KH6, KH8, KL, KP2, KP4, LA, LU, LX, LY,
LZ, OA, OD, OE, OH, OH0, OK, OM, ON, OX, OY, OZ, P2, P4, PA, PJ2, PJ7, PY,
PY0F, PZ, S2, S5, S9, SM, SP, SU, SV, SV5, SV9, T7, T8, T9, TA, TF, TG, TI,
TK, TL, TN, TR, TT, TU, UA, UA2, UA9, UK, UN, UR, V2, V4, V5, V7, V8, VE,
VK, VK9N, VP2M, VP2V, VP5, VP8, VP9, VQ9, VR, VU, XE, XT, XU, YB, YI, YK,
YL, YN, YO, YS, YU, YV, Z2, Z3, ZA, ZB, ZC4, ZD7, ZD8, ZK1/n, ZK1/s, ZL,
   There were 39 CQ Zones available during the past week.
      CQ Zones that were not active are:  2
   There were 51 ITU Zones available during the past week.
      ITU Zones that were not active are:  3,4,9,15,21,22,23,24,25,26,31,

* PLEASE NOTE: The report 'could' contain 'Pirate/SLIM' operations. As
  always, you never know - 'Work First Worry Later' (WFWL).
  OPDX InterNet Subscribers will receive an additional bulletin (due to its
  size) with a complete breakdown and 'DXCC/Entities Chart of Activity'.

3B6RF THE AGALEGA DXPEDITION (Update). It seems this DXpedition is now
going QRT early. According to Sigi, HB9DLE, Headpilot Station for the 3B6RF
operation, a 'Huriccan Warning for Agalega' will make the 3B6RF Agalega
DXpedition go QRT on Monday, May 14th. Check for official news and updates
on the team's Web page at:   http://www.agalega2000.ch/

5U, NIGER. Jim, 5U7JK, has been active recently on 10 meters. He was heard
this past Wednesday, May 9th, on 28495 kHz around 1630z where he has been
heard sporadically over the past few weeks. QSL Manager is Silvano, I2YSB.

5V, TOGO. YL Elvira, 5V7SE, has been active over the past week on 12
meters as well as 10 and 15 meters SSB. Check the following frequencies
after 1600z for activity: 21275, 24965 and 28495 kHz. She has also been
on a 40 meters net with Daniel, 5V7TD, on 7045 kHz around after 2130z.
Daniel has been active mainly on 20 meters but has also been heard on
17/12/10 meters. QSL both via IV3TDM.

6Y, JAMAICA. Look for 6Y6L to be active October 23-30th from IOTA NA-097.
Operation will be on all bands 160-6 meters, CW, SSB and PSK-31. QSL via

C9, MOZAMBIQUE. Joe, G3MRC, is now active as C91MR/3 from Beira. You can
usually find him on 24901 kHz (sometimes on 21052 kHz) between 1600 and
1830z (sometimes as late as 0700z). QSL via home call.

E4, PALESTINE. Guenter, E4/OE1GZA, was expected to operate from Ramallah
over the past week with a linear amp. He is mainly looking for stateside

EN, UKRAINE (Island Operations). Operators UX7MA, US5MPO, UR0ML and others
will be active as EN1MKN from islands on the river 'Severskyi Donets' (the
Ukrainian Island Award references numbers are: SD-06 and SD-07). Their
activity will be on all HF bands CW/SSB, from June 13-30th. QSL via UX7MA,
by the bureau or direct to: P.O.Box 22, Stakhanov 94000 Ukraine.

HK3JJH/HK0M WRAP-UP. Pedro, HK3JJH, wrote to OPDX and informed us that
he returned from Malpelo late Saturday evening (May 5th). He states that
it was a little hard, but he is glad to be home.  Pedro made approx. 15000
QSOs on SSB on all the bands, except 6 and 160 meter, which had bad
propagation. He now has to translate the hand written log to the computer
and send all the information to Carl, N4AA. He plans to write about his
trip/activity and send it to Carl for the 'DX Magazine'.

HOSPITALITY SUITE IN THE SUN. The Mad River Radio Club is pleased to
announce that it will again be hosting the 'Suite in the Sun' at the Dayton
Hamvention Friday and Saturday May 18th and 19th. Located in spaces
3858-3860, they will be there with chairs, cold soda, munchies, and a roof
overhead (think protection from sun, not rain!). Stop by to take a break,
talk contesting, or even look over their fine selection of radio junk for

HS, THAILAND. Champ, E21EIC, will activate the RAST club station HS0AC
in the CQ WPX CW Contest (possibly as a Single Op). He will be active on
80 and 160 meters. Suggested frequencies are 3.524 MHz and 1.834 MHz. QSL
via G3NOM.

IOTA NEWS...............
  EU-016.  Look for the following operators/callsigns Alfred/9A5KV/p,
           Matija/9A3VM/p and Tom/9A2AA/p to be active from Sveti Andrija
           Island May 18-20th. This DXpedition will be active, weather
           permitting. QSL Manager for all callsigns is: Alfred Raguz,
           9A5KV, P.O.BOX : 286, 20000 Dubrovnik , CROATIA. Other reference
           numbers good for this operation are: 
                    World lighthouse Award    : LH-388
                    Croatian lighthouse award : CLH-143
           The 'Lighthouse Sveti Andrija' is valid for the Croatian Light
           House Award. Hams interested in the Croatian Light House Award
           can get all the details on the following Web page at: 
  EU-038.  Maurice, ON4BAM, will be traveling to Holland on a holiday.
           While there, he will activate the 'Island of Terschelling' from
           May 24-27th. He will be active from his car while signing
           PA/ON4BAM/mobile, using his TS-50S and Outbacker Perth. He
           mentions that if there's enough free space, he will put up his
           DK8SQ tower and some wire antenna(s). His activity will be
           on 15, 12, 10, 18, 20 meters in that order depending on
           propagation. QSL via CBA.  

  NA-073.  Jay, V31MX, will be operating from Caye Caulker, Belize, starting
           the evening of May 15th through May 17th. He will be operating
           on 15 and 20 meters SSB. QSL Manager is K0BCN.

  SA-052.  A group of enthusiastc Peruvian hams are planning to activate
           San Lorenzo Island. They are currently trying to solve/finalize
           all the paperwork to operate from the island, including the use
           of the special 4T prefix callsign. They inform OPDX that the
           island is under Peruvian Navy control. The operators are expected
           to be Manuel/OA4AHW, Sergio/OA4DKC and Pablo/OA4DJW. They planned
           to have 2 stations active on 80-10 meters. The prearranged date
           is June 29th through July 1st, but these dates can suffer changes
           depending of the paperwork. The QSLs will be via OA4DJW.

LIGHTHOUSE OPERATION (Lights Out!). The information OPDX received and
reported on in last week's bulletin about Eric/G0KJW and Terry/G0OWE going
to Longstone Lighthouse (LH 0234) is not true. Eric contacted OPDX and
confirmed this. We are not sure who started the rumor, but we are sorry
for reporting it.

PJ2, CURACAO. Nine members of the Bristol Contest Group will be here and
active from July 19-31st. Operators G6YB, G3RFX, G3TKF, G3XSV, G4FKA,
G4HFX, G0WKW, M0AXF and M0WLF will provide plenty of activity as PJ2/homecall
on all bands CW/SSB. They will also be active during the IOTA Contest on
July 28-29th, using the special callsign PJ2Y. A special QSL for PJ2Y will
be issued with G3SWH as QSL Manager. QSL all other activity to the home

PY0F, FERNANDO DE NORONHA (Update). Dennis, K7BV, will begin operation on
May 24th as scheduled. After an All-Band/Single Op effort in the CQ WPX
CW Contest, he will operate through June 1st on all bands 160-6 meters,
primarily on CW. A special callsign PV0F will be used throughout the
operation.  Rod, WC7N, < E-mail: wc7n@gb.wave.net > is building up a
9BDXCC chasers 'work list' for Dennis including long path 160 skeds for
Asia. Carl, N4AA (editor of QRZ DX), has joined the team assisting Rod
keeping in touch with Dennis frequently to insure that every effort is made
to fill the needs of the deserving. Carl, K9LA, is brewing propagtion
guru magic to predict the best path/time for those QSOs. QSL via Steve,
KU9C. Check the following Web site which will be updated frequently with
Dennis's current status:          http://www.qth.com/py0f

QSL INFO AND NEWS.................
  Alex, PA1AW, reports that he now has all of the 5A24PA logs. Cards will
  be printed during the next month. Cards will start going out mid June
  2001. QSLs for 5A24PA go to: Alex van Hengel, PA1AW, Schoener 85,
  2991JK Barendrecht, The Netherlands.
  QSLs for all valid callsigns in the A52UD log not previously answered
  direct have been prepared and sent through the bureau system. Work is
  now proceeding on outstanding requests for QSLs from K4VUD's activity
  as HS0ZCW, XW1UD, 9N1UD and 9N7UD. Questions should be directed to
  Don, G3XTT, (D68C Publicity Manager), reports: 'Phil, G3SWH, is receiving
  a lot of phone calls and e-mails asking about the availability of QSLs
  for our February Dxpedition as D68C. As most folk will realise, with the
  biggest DXpedition of all time (168k QSOs!), getting the cards printed
  has been a major task, especially as we have gone for a high quality
  4-sided card, which will look good in everyone's QSL collection. The
  cards are being printed in Germany, and should arrive with Phil late May.
  However, Phil and his xyl have a week's trip to 8Q7 scheduled for early
  June, and doesn't expect to get into the QSL activity until after his
  return (even QSL managers deserve a break occasionally!). Please be
  patient. The cards will be well worth the wait. And remember that SWL
  cards do not go to Phil, but to Bob Treacher (see previous bulletins
  for his and Phil's address).'
  Jose, EA5KB, informs OPDX that he is the QSL Manager for following
  stations: CO2FN, CO8EJ, CO8OT, CO3JR, CO8CY, CM6QN, CM6YD, CE2LZR,
  CW0Z (SA-030). QSL is OK via the Bureau or CBA.
  FR/F6KDF/T QSL STATUS. Gil, F5NOD, one of the FR/F6KDF/Tromelin CW
  operators, reports that around 1500 QSLs were supposed to be mailed
  last week (The major part of it are QSLs received last year). A second
  QSL package (around 800) will be sent at the end of this month (The last
  package of QSL received last year). Gil states again, 'Do not resend QSL
  requests yet ... Save your green stamps .. I will inform you when all QSLs
  were mailed! Please do not send me E-mail 'Did you receive my QSL?':
  Because I really don't know! Don't worry about your QSL! All QSLs
  received will be returned!'

  Cam, HP1AC, informs OPDX that he now has a QSL Manager handling his
  cards after May 1, 2001. QSL HP1AC via his QSL Manager EA5KB:
  Jose Ardid, P.O.Box 5013, 46080 VALENCIA, SPAIN.
  Members of the United Amateur Radio Club (URAC), operated using the
  callsign N6UB from Catalina Island (IOTA NA-066) during last weekend
  (May 11-14th). Please QSL using a SASE or enclose an envelope with green
  stamps or an IRC to cover postage, direct to N6UB (good in the callbooks).
  URAC operates a Club Station at the Los Angeles Maritime Museum in San
  Pedro, CA (part of Los Angeles). Operators from the club will include
  Martin/N6UB, Dale/W7IXL, Neal/N7NW and Doug/WB6ROH.  

  Steve, KU9C, states that the PW0S QSLs have began to hit the mail. He
  is working hard to get as many out as he can before the Dayton HamVention.
  Some of the PW0S team will be there, and if you want to see them, look
  for them at the DX forum on Saturday morning or at the QRZ DX booth on
  Saturday 2-3 pm (booth #313). The PW0S QSL can be viewed at the following
  Web site:           http://www.ku9c.com
  Thanks to Vladimir, UZ8RR, for providing a short list of QSL routes.
        SO8ZZ via UY5ZZ              EM10UCC via UY5ZZ
        EM7Q  via UY5ZZ              US0Q    via UY5ZZ
  QSL only direct to UY5ZZ: Box 4850, Zaporozhye, 69118, UKRAINE
  The VK9ML QSL Cards have been received back from the printer. The card
  can now be seen on the VK9ML website (Go to News Bulletin #21) at:
  VK9XY QSL UPDATE. OPDX was informed of the following: Stefan, DH1SGS, has
  stated in late April that all VK9XY cards have not been sent out yet.
  There is some problem with mailing the cards at present, but when this
  is cleared up, all cards will go out.

RG, RUSSIA. Slava, UA4HTT, will be active as RG4H in the CQ-M, WPX and all
major contests. QSL manager for Slava is RW4HB. Bureau cards are OK, for
sending direct, send to: Serge Golobokov, P.O.Box 37, Samara, 443099,

S2, BANGLADESH. RASHID, S21AR, is active almost daily on 15 meters. Check
around or inbetween 21260 and 21290 kHz, from 1100 and 1530z or after
0430z. QSL via JA1UT.

SPECIAL EVENT. Gil, JA0DWY, informs OPDX that a special event station for
'International Telecommunications Day' will be active from Nagano, Japan
(JCG: 09008), now through May 20th. The callsign  will be 8J0ITU. Gil told
OPDX that he will operate this station May 17-20th. The station will be
active on 80-10 meters (WARC bands too) CW/SSB (however, mainly CW). QSL
via JARL bureau.

SPECIAL EVENT/IOTA OPERATION. A group of Italian operators will be active
May 23-27th from Santo Stefano Island (IOTA EU-045) Pontinian Archipelago
with the special callsign IB0S. This special event is to commemorate the
century of the first radio contact made by Guglielmo Marconi between
Cornwall and Newfoundland through the Atlantic Ocean. A contact will be
made with VO1WET on SSB and also on CW Saturday, May 26th at 1300z. QSL
Manager for this special callsign IB0S is I0YKN: Carmine Meoli, 
Via della stazione snc, 04010 CORI (LT) ITALY.

SP, POLAND (Lighthouse Operation). Peter, SP5PB, will activate the
Niechorze Lighthouse as SP5PB/1 from May 18-20th. Activity will be on
CW/SSB. This operation is valid for the 'SP Lighthouse Award', SPL 13.
QSL via the bureau or CBA.

TT, CHAD. Chris, TT8DX, has been very active on 10 meters over the past
weekend. Check 28495 kHz starting around 1330z as late as 1800z. QSL
via F5OGL.

VP5, TURKS & CAICOS ISLANDS. Dick/W3RM and Mike/N3MT will be active from
the Providenciales Island (NA-002) from May 31st through June 14th as
VP5/W3RM and VP5/N3MT. Operation will be on 80-10 meters, mainly CW, some
SSB. QSL via home calls.

XW, LAOS. Charly, K4VUD, who has been active as HS0ZCW over the past
week, should be in Laos by the time you read this. He did not mention
what his callsign would be, but he did state, ' I will be searching for
the correct license there to satisfy ARRL DXCC.' Charly hopes to be on
the air on 20 and 15 meters with 100 watts. Check on CW about 20 kHz up
from bottom of band edge (plus or minus Asian pirate QRM) and on SSB,
check the usual frequencies.

ZL7, CHATHAM ISLAND. Ed, K8VIR, is active as ZL7IR. His length of stay
is unknown, but his activity seems to center around 20/17/12 meters.
He reportedly is working on the island and will be active during his
free time. Operations seem to start around 0100z and sometimes last as
late as 0700z. There have been a few QSNs as early as 1030z on 20
meters. Check the following frequencies: 14260, 14270, 18130 and
24950 kHz. QSL via W8WC.

SPECIAL NOTE BY EDITOR: If you are having a problem receiving bounced
mail by sending mail to me via ' kb8nw@barf80.nshore.org ', please send
mail to me via ' kb8nw@arrl.net '...... TNX de Tedd KB8NW
   Help:        <mailto:opdx-request@nshore.org?subject=help>
   Subscribe:   <mailto:opdx-request@nshore.org?subject=subscribe>
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Excerpts and distribution of The OPDX Bulletin are granted as long as
KB8NW/OPDX/BARF80 receive credit. To contribute DX info, call BARF-80 BBS
online at 440-237-8208 28.8k/14400/9600/2400/1200 and leave a message with
the Sysop or send via InterNet Mail to: 
        kb8nw@barf80.nshore.org     - OR -   kb8nw@arrl.net
Use the VOICE or FAX answering machine at 440-237-8208 which shares the
same phone line as BARF-80 BBS using a data/fax/phone switch. To access:
1) Dial Number. 2) Wait for first ring (the second ring should be a false
ring from the fax/data switch box) and then dial four quick ones ('1111').
(NOTE: Some FAX machines that send single 'BEEPS' every second will not
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leave your voice message or FAX.

Additional Bulletin for OPDX InterNet Subscribers.

                       AB5K AR-Cluster Network
                   DXCC/Entities Chart of Activity
             For the week of Sunday, 6/May - Saturday, 12/May
        Nmbr   Nmbr              Band of                Days of
DXCC  Stations Spots            Activity               the Week       Modes
----  -------  -----  -----------------------------  -------------  ----------
3A         3      8         .40.  .20.17.15.         M.T. .T. .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
3B6       15   2257  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
3B8        5     24         .   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
3B9        2     16            .  M.T.W. .F. .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
3C         2      8               .20.  .15.     .6         .F.S.   CW.SSB.RTTY
3D2        6      5               .20.  .  M.T.   .F. .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
3D2/r      1     17               .20.  .15.          .T.       .S
3V         3      9               .20.               M.   .T.F.S.S    .SSB. 
3W         4     21                  .17.15.     .6  M.T.W.T. .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
4J         7     36               .    .T.W.   .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
4L         8     25      .80.40.  .       .T.W.T. .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
4S        10     20            .   M. .W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
4W         2      5                              .6   .T.     .S.S    .SSB. 
4X        33     78  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
5A         1     24                  .17.15.12.      M.   .T.F. .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
5B        12     22         .40.     .  M.T.W. .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
5H         3     62   160.80.  .   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
5N         5     14               .20.  .15.  .10.    .T.W.T. .S.     .SSB. 
5R        10     39               .  M.T.W. .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
5U         5     30                     .15.  .10.      .W.     .S    .SSB. 
5V         2     51         .40.  .   M. .W.T.F.S.S    .SSB. 
5X         1      4                           .10.            .S.     .SSB. 
5Z         4     16         .40.  .20.  .15.  .10.        .T. .S.S    .SSB. 
6W         3      9               .20.17.15.  .10.    .T.W. .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
6Y         1      7                  .17.            M.       .S.S    .SSB. 
7Q         4     15               .20.  .15.12.  .6   .T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
7X         6     29               .20.  .15.  .10.   M.T. .T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
8P         3     10               .20.17.  .12.           .T. .S.   CW.   .RTTY
8R         4     14               .20.  .15.  .10.   M.     .F. .S    .SSB. 
9A        43     95  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
9G         4     66               .20.  .15.  .10.   M.T. .T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
9H        20     77   160.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
9J         4     42         .40.  .20.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
9K         8     56               .20.17.15.  .10.   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
9M2        9     23      .80.  .30.  .17.15.12.  .6  M.T.   .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
9M6        2     11                  .17.15.12.         .W.   .S.S    .SSB. 
9N         2      7                     .15.            .W.     .S    .SSB. 
9Q         4     52            .30.20.17.  .12.      M. .W.T.   .S  CW.   .RTTY
9V        11     68   160.  .40.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
9X         1      1                        .12.                 .S  CW.   .RTTY
9Y         8     18               .20.17.15.  .10.   M. .W.T.F.S.S    .SSB. 
A2         1     26                  .17.15.12.       .T. .T. .S.   CW.SSB.RTTY
A3         1      6               .20.  .15.12.      M. .W. .F. .S  CW.   .RTTY
A4         3     20               .20.17.15.  .10.   M.T.W. .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
A7         2      3               .20.           .6  M.         .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
A9         1      4                  .17.            M.T.           CW.   .RTTY
AP        10    103         .  M.T.W. .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
BV        19     39   160.        .20.  .15.  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
BY        32     66      .80.  .30.20.  .  M.T. .T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
C2         2      2               .20.                .T. .T.       CW.SSB.RTTY
C3         4      6            .30.20.                    .T. .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
C6         5     48   160.  .40.  .20.  .15.  .10.   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
C9         1     11                     .15.12.      M. .W.     .S  CW.   .RTTY
CE        17     31         .  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
CE9        3     37            .      M.T.W.T.F. .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
CM        17     41         .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
CN         7     24            .30.20.  .15.  .10.6       .T. .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
CP         2      5      .80.     .20.  .15.12.10.   M.     .F.S.S    .SSB. 
CT        36    109      .80.40.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
CT3        8     48      .80.40.  .20.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
CU         8     14               .20.17.  .12.      M.T. .T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
CX        19     63  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
D2         4     32               .20.  .15.12.10.   M.T.W.T.F.S.   CW.SSB.RTTY
D4         2     28      .80.40.  .20.  .  M.T.W. .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
D6         1      1               .20.                .T.             .SSB. 
DL       247    539  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
DU        15     36         .40.  .20.  .  M. .W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
E3         1      1                     .15.         M.               .SSB. 
E4         2     18               .20.  .15.                .F.S.     .SSB. 
EA       130    314   160.80.40.  .20.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
EA6       19     94      .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
EA8       17     53      .80.40.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
EA9        9     50               .     .W.   .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
EI        14     50      .80.     .20.  .15.  .10.6  M.     .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
EK         5     35            .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
EL         2      4                     .15.              .T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
EP         5      6               .20.  .15.          .T. .T. .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
ER         8     25   160.  .  .6  M.T.W.   .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
ES        17     76      .   .T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
ET         6     28               .  M.T.W. .F. .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
EU        21     46   160.  .40.  .  .6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
EX         9     45            .      M.T. .T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
EY         4     15         .  .6       .T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
EZ         5     19            .         M.T.W. .F. .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
F        143    378  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
FG         2      6               .    .T.W. .F.     CW.SSB.RTTY
FJ         1     13               .20.     .12.      M.     .F. .S    .SSB. 
FK        14     48         .  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
FM         5      6         .40.  .20.                .T.W.         CW.SSB.RTTY
FO         5     15            .  .10.6  M.T.     .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
FR        12     74         .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
FW         2     20         .40.  .20.  .15.     .6  M.T. .T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
FY         5     18         .  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
G        134    285   160.80.40.  .20.17.15.  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
GD         5     15   160.           .17.            M.     .F. .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
GI         8      9         .40.     .17.  .12.10.6  M. .W.T.   .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
GM        24     65   160.        .20.17.15.  .10.6  M.T.W. .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
GU         5      9                     .15.     .6  M.     .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
GW        13     19         .40.  .20.           .6  M.     .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
HA        32     98      .80.40.  .      M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
HB        18     31   160.  .40.        .15.     .6  M.T.W. .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
HB0        1      3         .40.  .20.                        .S.   CW.   .RTTY
HC         5     54   160.80.  .      M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
HH         1      1               .20.                  .W.         CW.   .RTTY
HI         2      5         .40.        .15.  .10.   M.         .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
HK        13     27      .80.  .  .10.   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
HK0/a      2      8         .            M.T.W.T.F.     CW.   .RTTY
HL        43     97         .  M.T.   .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
HP         7      7         .40.  .20.17.15.            .W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
HR         7    102      .    .T. .T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
HS         8     39               .20.  .15.  .10.   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
HZ         4     20               .20.           .6  M.   .T.F.       .SSB. 
I        258    585  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
IS         7     11               .20.  .15.  .10.6       .T.F. .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
J2         6     71         .40.     .   M.T.W.T. .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
J5         2    267  M.T.W.T. .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
J6         2     13               .20.17.     .10.      .W.T. .S.S    .SSB. 
J7         3      3               .20.  .15.            .W.T.F.     CW.SSB.RTTY
J8         3     20            .30.        .12.10.              .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
JA       125    220  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
JD/m       3      8                           .10.6     .W.     .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
JT         3     10               .20.  .15.  .10.   M.         .S    .SSB. 
JW         8     71         .40.30.20.  .15.  .10.6  M. .W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
JY         9     54      .80.  .  M. .W. .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
K        343    483  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
KG4        4      4                              .6   .T. .T. .S.     .SSB. 
KH0        3      3               .20.  .15.         M.   .T.F.     CW.SSB.RTTY
KH2        7     98         .40.  .  M.   .T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
KH6       14     25               .20.17.15.  .10.6  M.T.   .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
KH8        2      3                     .15.     .6   .T.W.   .S.   CW.SSB.RTTY
KL         7     18               .20.17.15.     .6  M.         .S    .SSB. 
KP2        2      4               .20.17.               .W. .F.S.     .SSB. 
KP4        5     11               .20.  .15.12.      M. .W.T.F.S.   CW.SSB.RTTY
LA        29     70      .80.     .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
LU        83    188      .80.40.  .20.17.15.  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
LX        11     22            .30.20.17.  .12.  .6  M. .W. .F. .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
LY        11     22   160.        .20.  .15.     .6  M.T.   .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
LZ        35     78         .  .10.6  M.T. .T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
OA         8     18               .20.  .15.12.10.   M.   .T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
OD         8     33               .20.  .15.     .6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
OE        31     62         .40.  .20.17.15.     .6  M.T.W. .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
OH        24     43      .80.     .  .6  M.T.W. .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
OH0        3      5               .       .T.       .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
OK        67    106   160.80.  .  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
OM        15     40               .20.17.15.     .6  M.T.W.   .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
ON        36     75      .  .15.  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
OX         4      6         .40.        .15.     .6       .T.F.S.   CW.SSB.RTTY
OY         4     14               .20.17.  .12.  .6  M.     .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
OZ        38    120   160.80.     .20.17.15.     .6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
P2         7     26               .20.  .15.     .6  M.T. .T. .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
P4         2      3               .20.        .10.          .F. .S  CW.   .RTTY
PA        68    164  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
PJ2        1     11               .20.  .15.         M.T.W.T.F.S.   CW.SSB.RTTY
PJ7        4      5               .20.        .10.   M.T.     .S.     .SSB. 
PY        79    211  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
PY0F       2      2                        .12.  .6           .S.S  CW.   .RTTY
PZ         2      9         .40.30.  .17.  .12.      M.   .T.F. .S  CW.   .RTTY
S2         2     13               .20.  .15.            .W. .F.S.     .SSB. 
S5        26     76      .80.40.  .20.  .15.  .10.6  M.T.   .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
S9         1      1      .80.                               .F.     CW.   .RTTY
SM        68    146   160.  .40.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
SP        37     63  .10.6  M.T.W. .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
ST         2      2                              .6     .W. .F.       .SSB. 
SU        11     68               .20.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
SV        45    123   160.     .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
SV5        5     32            .     .6   .T.W. .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
SV9        9     30         .40.     .  M. .W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
T7         4     13         .  .12.  .6  M.T.     .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
T8         4     32               .20.17.15.  .10.6  M.T.   .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
T9        13     44      .80.40.  .20.  .15.  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
TA        17     77      .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
TF         8     13         .40.  .20.17.  .12.  .6  M.   .T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
TG         2     25               .       .T.   .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
TI         8     18         .40.  .20.17.        .6  M.T. .T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
TK         5     15         .40.  .20.17.            M.T. .T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
TL         1      1                     .15.                  .S.     .SSB. 
TN         1      1               .20.                    .T.       CW.   .RTTY
TR         8     34      .80.     .20.17.15.  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
TT         1     21                           .10.          .F.S.     .SSB. 
TU         1      1                     .15.                  .S.   CW.   .RTTY
UA       127    282  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
UA2        7     28            .30.20.  .15.12.10.   M.T.W.T.   .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
UA9       71    147  M.T.W. .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
UK         8     22            .30.20.  .15.12.10.   M.T.W. .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
UN        17     30      .80.40.  .   M.T. .T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
UR        61    194  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
V2         8     38         .    .T.W.T.F. .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
V4         6     71               .20.17.  .12.      M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
V5         4     49      .80.  .30.20.  .15.12.10.   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
V7         8     14                  .17.15.  .10.6  M.T.   .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
V8         2      6               .20.  .15.         M.   .T.F.       .SSB. 
VE        65    118   160.  .40.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
VK        84    180  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
VK9N       1      3               .20.     .12.           .T.F.       .SSB. 
VP2M       1      8               .           .T. .S.S    .SSB. 
VP2V       2      2               .20.                        .S.S    .SSB. 
VP5        1      1                        .12.             .F.       .SSB. 
VP8        4    138  .12.10.   M.         .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
VP9        5     55      .80.  .   M.T.W.T.   .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
VQ9        3     77         .  M.T.W. .F.S.   CW.SSB.RTTY
VR        12     29         .40.  .20.  .15.  .10.6  M. .W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
VU        45    177         .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
XE        21     25         .40.  .20.17.15.  .10.6  M.T.W.   .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
XT         2      2                     .15.  .10.            .S.     .SSB. 
XU         3     25            .30.     .  M.T.       .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
YB        41    126      .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
YI         2      4         .40.  .20.               M. .W. .F.     CW.SSB.RTTY
YJ         0      0                                                         
YK         3     12         .40.  .20.               M.T.   .F.S.   CW.SSB.RTTY
YL        10     21      .80.     .20.17.15.     .6  M.T.W. .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
YN         2     26                  .17.                       .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
YO        31     76   160.  .40.  .20.  .15.12.  .6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
YS         6     16               .20.17.15.  .10.    .T.   .F.S.   CW.SSB.RTTY
YU        17     25         .40.  .20.17.15.     .6     .W. .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
YV        13     27               .20.17.15.  .10.    .T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
Z2         3     19               .20.  .15.  .10.6  M. .W.T.F.S.S    .SSB. 
Z3        10     22         .  .12.  .6  M.T. .T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
ZA         1      1                        .12.                 .S  CW.   .RTTY
ZB         5     11                  .17.15.  .10.6  M.T.   .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
ZC4        3     77  .10.   M.T.W.T.   .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
ZD7        9     40   160.80   .   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
ZK1/n      1     10               .    M.T.W.T.F.S.     .SSB.RTTY
ZK1/s      2    151               .20.17.     .10.   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
ZL        23     36      .  .12.10.   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
ZL7        9    182               .   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
ZP         5     16               .20.  .  M.     .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
ZS        43    105   160.     .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
Tot Stations: 4032  Tot Spots: 14012  Spotter of the week: G7UWA (59 spots)

Tedd Mirgliotta  KB8NW
InterNet: kb8nw@barf80.nshore.org
Basic Amateur Radio Frequency BBS (BARF-80) +1 (440) 237-8208
'Totally devoted to Amateur Radio' - 24 Hrs a day 8/N/1 28.8k-1200 baud


As of Sun May 13 13:47:19 PDT 2001

SB DX @ WW < KB8NW $OPDX.511
Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin No. 511

The Ohio/Penn DX PacketCluster
DX Bulletin No. 511
BID: $OPDX.511
May 14, 2001
Editor Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW
Provided by BARF-80 BBS Cleveland, Ohio
Online at 440-237-8208 28.8k-1200 Baud 8/N/1

Thanks to the Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society, Northern Ohio DX
Association, Ohio/Penn PacketCluster Network, AB5K & the AR TelNet
Clusters Network, W3RM, W3UR & The Daily DX, K4VUD, KO4MR, N4AA & QRZ
& DX News Letter, E21EIC, EA5KB, F5NOD, G0KJW, G3XSV, G3XTT, HB9DLE, HP1AC,
VA3RJ and VK4CP for the following DX information.

FEW NOTES FROM EDITOR, TEDD, KB8NW: Because I will be attending the
Dayton HamVention, I cannot guarantee that there will be a bulletin
next week. If it does happen, it will probably be late Monday. Please,
continue to send your information (you never know!).
   The Northern Ohio DX Association (along with WVNO Radio) will once
again sponsor a Hospitality Suite at this year's Dayton Hamvention. It
will be in Suite 1011 on the 10th Club Floor of the Crowne Plaza Hotel
(old Stouffers) on Friday and Saturday evenings.  All DXers/Contesters
are welcome.  Munchies and refreshments will be avaialble.  Come and
meet the members and friends of NODXA.

TIP OF THE YEAR (Get the hint!): When sending regular messages, turn OFF
your 'HTML' format in your mail programs and use plain text. This will
save a lot of bandwidth. Using 'HTML' usually makes the message twice as
big and copies itself twice in one message!

DXCC COUNTRY/ENTITY REPORT: According to the AR-Cluster Network for the
week of Sunday, 6/May, through Sunday, 13/May there were 224 countries
active. Countries available: 3A, 3B6, 3B8, 3B9, 3C, 3D2, 3D2/r, 3V, 3W,
4J, 4L, 4S, 4X, 5A, 5B, 5H, 5N, 5R, 5U, 5V, 5X, 5Z, 6W, 6Y, 7Q, 7X, 8P,
8R, 9A, 9G, 9H, 9J, 9K, 9M2, 9M6, 9N, 9Q, 9V, 9X, 9Y, A2, A3, A4, A7, A9,
AP, BV, BY, C2, C3, C6, C9, CE, CE9, CM, CN, CP, CT, CT3, CU, CX, D2, D4,
D6, DL, DU, E3, E4, EA, EA6, EA8, EA9, EI, EK, EL, EP, ER, ES, ET, EU, EX,
EY, EZ, F, FG, FJ, FK, FM, FO, FR, FW, FY, G, GD, GI, GM, GU, GW, HA, HB,
HB0, HC, HH, HI, HK, HK0/a, HL, HP, HR, HS, HZ, I, IS, J2, J5, J6, J7, J8,
JA, JD/m, JT, JW, JY, K, KH0, KH2, KH6, KH8, KL, KP2, KP4, LA, LU, LX, LY,
LZ, OA, OD, OE, OH, OH0, OK, OM, ON, OX, OY, OZ, P2, P4, PA, PJ2, PJ7, PY,
PY0F, PZ, S2, S5, S9, SM, SP, SU, SV, SV5, SV9, T7, T8, T9, TA, TF, TG, TI,
TK, TL, TN, TR, TT, TU, UA, UA2, UA9, UK, UN, UR, V2, V4, V5, V7, V8, VE,
VK, VK9N, VP2M, VP2V, VP5, VP8, VP9, VQ9, VR, VU, XE, XT, XU, YB, YI, YK,
YL, YN, YO, YS, YU, YV, Z2, Z3, ZA, ZB, ZC4, ZD7, ZD8, ZK1/n, ZK1/s, ZL,
   There were 39 CQ Zones available during the past week.
      CQ Zones that were not active are:  2
   There were 51 ITU Zones available during the past week.
      ITU Zones that were not active are:  3,4,9,15,21,22,23,24,25,26,31,

* PLEASE NOTE: The report 'could' contain 'Pirate/SLIM' operations. As
  always, you never know - 'Work First Worry Later' (WFWL).
  OPDX InterNet Subscribers will receive an additional bulletin (due to its
  size) with a complete breakdown and 'DXCC/Entities Chart of Activity'.

3B6RF THE AGALEGA DXPEDITION (Update). It seems this DXpedition is now
going QRT early. According to Sigi, HB9DLE, Headpilot Station for the 3B6RF
operation, a 'Huriccan Warning for Agalega' will make the 3B6RF Agalega
DXpedition go QRT on Monday, May 14th. Check for official news and updates
on the team's Web page at:   http://www.agalega2000.ch/

5U, NIGER. Jim, 5U7JK, has been active recently on 10 meters. He was heard
this past Wednesday, May 9th, on 28495 kHz around 1630z where he has been
heard sporadically over the past few weeks. QSL Manager is Silvano, I2YSB.

5V, TOGO. YL Elvira, 5V7SE, has been active over the past week on 12
meters as well as 10 and 15 meters SSB. Check the following frequencies
after 1600z for activity: 21275, 24965 and 28495 kHz. She has also been
on a 40 meters net with Daniel, 5V7TD, on 7045 kHz around after 2130z.
Daniel has been active mainly on 20 meters but has also been heard on
17/12/10 meters. QSL both via IV3TDM.

6Y, JAMAICA. Look for 6Y6L to be active October 23-30th from IOTA NA-097.
Operation will be on all bands 160-6 meters, CW, SSB and PSK-31. QSL via

C9, MOZAMBIQUE. Joe, G3MRC, is now active as C91MR/3 from Beira. You can
usually find him on 24901 kHz (sometimes on 21052 kHz) between 1600 and
1830z (sometimes as late as 0700z). QSL via home call.

E4, PALESTINE. Guenter, E4/OE1GZA, was expected to operate from Ramallah
over the past week with a linear amp. He is mainly looking for stateside

EN, UKRAINE (Island Operations). Operators UX7MA, US5MPO, UR0ML and others
will be active as EN1MKN from islands on the river 'Severskyi Donets' (the
Ukrainian Island Award references numbers are: SD-06 and SD-07). Their
activity will be on all HF bands CW/SSB, from June 13-30th. QSL via UX7MA,
by the bureau or direct to: P.O.Box 22, Stakhanov 94000 Ukraine.

HK3JJH/HK0M WRAP-UP. Pedro, HK3JJH, wrote to OPDX and informed us that
he returned from Malpelo late Saturday evening (May 5th). He states that
it was a little hard, but he is glad to be home.  Pedro made approx. 15000
QSOs on SSB on all the bands, except 6 and 160 meter, which had bad
propagation. He now has to translate the hand written log to the computer
and send all the information to Carl, N4AA. He plans to write about his
trip/activity and send it to Carl for the 'DX Magazine'.

HOSPITALITY SUITE IN THE SUN. The Mad River Radio Club is pleased to
announce that it will again be hosting the 'Suite in the Sun' at the Dayton
Hamvention Friday and Saturday May 18th and 19th. Located in spaces
3858-3860, they will be there with chairs, cold soda, munchies, and a roof
overhead (think protection from sun, not rain!). Stop by to take a break,
talk contesting, or even look over their fine selection of radio junk for

HS, THAILAND. Champ, E21EIC, will activate the RAST club station HS0AC
in the CQ WPX CW Contest (possibly as a Single Op). He will be active on
80 and 160 meters. Suggested frequencies are 3.524 MHz and 1.834 MHz. QSL
via G3NOM.

IOTA NEWS...............
  EU-016.  Look for the following operators/callsigns Alfred/9A5KV/p,
           Matija/9A3VM/p and Tom/9A2AA/p to be active from Sveti Andrija
           Island May 18-20th. This DXpedition will be active, weather
           permitting. QSL Manager for all callsigns is: Alfred Raguz,
           9A5KV, P.O.BOX : 286, 20000 Dubrovnik , CROATIA. Other reference
           numbers good for this operation are: 
                    World lighthouse Award    : LH-388
                    Croatian lighthouse award : CLH-143
           The 'Lighthouse Sveti Andrija' is valid for the Croatian Light
           House Award. Hams interested in the Croatian Light House Award
           can get all the details on the following Web page at: 
  EU-038.  Maurice, ON4BAM, will be traveling to Holland on a holiday.
           While there, he will activate the 'Island of Terschelling' from
           May 24-27th. He will be active from his car while signing
           PA/ON4BAM/mobile, using his TS-50S and Outbacker Perth. He
           mentions that if there's enough free space, he will put up his
           DK8SQ tower and some wire antenna(s). His activity will be
           on 15, 12, 10, 18, 20 meters in that order depending on
           propagation. QSL via CBA.  

  NA-073.  Jay, V31MX, will be operating from Caye Caulker, Belize, starting
           the evening of May 15th through May 17th. He will be operating
           on 15 and 20 meters SSB. QSL Manager is K0BCN.

  SA-052.  A group of enthusiastc Peruvian hams are planning to activate
           San Lorenzo Island. They are currently trying to solve/finalize
           all the paperwork to operate from the island, including the use
           of the special 4T prefix callsign. They inform OPDX that the
           island is under Peruvian Navy control. The operators are expected
           to be Manuel/OA4AHW, Sergio/OA4DKC and Pablo/OA4DJW. They planned
           to have 2 stations active on 80-10 meters. The prearranged date
           is June 29th through July 1st, but these dates can suffer changes
           depending of the paperwork. The QSLs will be via OA4DJW.

LIGHTHOUSE OPERATION (Lights Out!). The information OPDX received and
reported on in last week's bulletin about Eric/G0KJW and Terry/G0OWE going
to Longstone Lighthouse (LH 0234) is not true. Eric contacted OPDX and
confirmed this. We are not sure who started the rumor, but we are sorry
for reporting it.

PJ2, CURACAO. Nine members of the Bristol Contest Group will be here and
active from July 19-31st. Operators G6YB, G3RFX, G3TKF, G3XSV, G4FKA,
G4HFX, G0WKW, M0AXF and M0WLF will provide plenty of activity as PJ2/homecall
on all bands CW/SSB. They will also be active during the IOTA Contest on
July 28-29th, using the special callsign PJ2Y. A special QSL for PJ2Y will
be issued with G3SWH as QSL Manager. QSL all other activity to the home

PY0F, FERNANDO DE NORONHA (Update). Dennis, K7BV, will begin operation on
May 24th as scheduled. After an All-Band/Single Op effort in the CQ WPX
CW Contest, he will operate through June 1st on all bands 160-6 meters,
primarily on CW. A special callsign PV0F will be used throughout the
operation.  Rod, WC7N, < E-mail: wc7n@gb.wave.net > is building up a
9BDXCC chasers 'work list' for Dennis including long path 160 skeds for
Asia. Carl, N4AA (editor of QRZ DX), has joined the team assisting Rod
keeping in touch with Dennis frequently to insure that every effort is made
to fill the needs of the deserving. Carl, K9LA, is brewing propagtion
guru magic to predict the best path/time for those QSOs. QSL via Steve,
KU9C. Check the following Web site which will be updated frequently with
Dennis's current status:          http://www.qth.com/py0f

QSL INFO AND NEWS.................
  Alex, PA1AW, reports that he now has all of the 5A24PA logs. Cards will
  be printed during the next month. Cards will start going out mid June
  2001. QSLs for 5A24PA go to: Alex van Hengel, PA1AW, Schoener 85,
  2991JK Barendrecht, The Netherlands.
  QSLs for all valid callsigns in the A52UD log not previously answered
  direct have been prepared and sent through the bureau system. Work is
  now proceeding on outstanding requests for QSLs from K4VUD's activity
  as HS0ZCW, XW1UD, 9N1UD and 9N7UD. Questions should be directed to
  Don, G3XTT, (D68C Publicity Manager), reports: 'Phil, G3SWH, is receiving
  a lot of phone calls and e-mails asking about the availability of QSLs
  for our February Dxpedition as D68C. As most folk will realise, with the
  biggest DXpedition of all time (168k QSOs!), getting the cards printed
  has been a major task, especially as we have gone for a high quality
  4-sided card, which will look good in everyone's QSL collection. The
  cards are being printed in Germany, and should arrive with Phil late May.
  However, Phil and his xyl have a week's trip to 8Q7 scheduled for early
  June, and doesn't expect to get into the QSL activity until after his
  return (even QSL managers deserve a break occasionally!). Please be
  patient. The cards will be well worth the wait. And remember that SWL
  cards do not go to Phil, but to Bob Treacher (see previous bulletins
  for his and Phil's address).'
  Jose, EA5KB, informs OPDX that he is the QSL Manager for following
  stations: CO2FN, CO8EJ, CO8OT, CO3JR, CO8CY, CM6QN, CM6YD, CE2LZR,
  CW0Z (SA-030). QSL is OK via the Bureau or CBA.
  FR/F6KDF/T QSL STATUS. Gil, F5NOD, one of the FR/F6KDF/Tromelin CW
  operators, reports that around 1500 QSLs were supposed to be mailed
  last week (The major part of it are QSLs received last year). A second
  QSL package (around 800) will be sent at the end of this month (The last
  package of QSL received last year). Gil states again, 'Do not resend QSL
  requests yet ... Save your green stamps .. I will inform you when all QSLs
  were mailed! Please do not send me E-mail 'Did you receive my QSL?':
  Because I really don't know! Don't worry about your QSL! All QSLs
  received will be returned!'

  Cam, HP1AC, informs OPDX that he now has a QSL Manager handling his
  cards after May 1, 2001. QSL HP1AC via his QSL Manager EA5KB:
  Jose Ardid, P.O.Box 5013, 46080 VALENCIA, SPAIN.
  Members of the United Amateur Radio Club (URAC), operated using the
  callsign N6UB from Catalina Island (IOTA NA-066) during last weekend
  (May 11-14th). Please QSL using a SASE or enclose an envelope with green
  stamps or an IRC to cover postage, direct to N6UB (good in the callbooks).
  URAC operates a Club Station at the Los Angeles Maritime Museum in San
  Pedro, CA (part of Los Angeles). Operators from the club will include
  Martin/N6UB, Dale/W7IXL, Neal/N7NW and Doug/WB6ROH.  

  Steve, KU9C, states that the PW0S QSLs have began to hit the mail. He
  is working hard to get as many out as he can before the Dayton HamVention.
  Some of the PW0S team will be there, and if you want to see them, look
  for them at the DX forum on Saturday morning or at the QRZ DX booth on
  Saturday 2-3 pm (booth #313). The PW0S QSL can be viewed at the following
  Web site:           http://www.ku9c.com
  Thanks to Vladimir, UZ8RR, for providing a short list of QSL routes.
        SO8ZZ via UY5ZZ              EM10UCC via UY5ZZ
        EM7Q  via UY5ZZ              US0Q    via UY5ZZ
  QSL only direct to UY5ZZ: Box 4850, Zaporozhye, 69118, UKRAINE
  The VK9ML QSL Cards have been received back from the printer. The card
  can now be seen on the VK9ML website (Go to News Bulletin #21) at:
  VK9XY QSL UPDATE. OPDX was informed of the following: Stefan, DH1SGS, has
  stated in late April that all VK9XY cards have not been sent out yet.
  There is some problem with mailing the cards at present, but when this
  is cleared up, all cards will go out.

RG, RUSSIA. Slava, UA4HTT, will be active as RG4H in the CQ-M, WPX and all
major contests. QSL manager for Slava is RW4HB. Bureau cards are OK, for
sending direct, send to: Serge Golobokov, P.O.Box 37, Samara, 443099,

S2, BANGLADESH. RASHID, S21AR, is active almost daily on 15 meters. Check
around or inbetween 21260 and 21290 kHz, from 1100 and 1530z or after
0430z. QSL via JA1UT.

SPECIAL EVENT. Gil, JA0DWY, informs OPDX that a special event station for
'International Telecommunications Day' will be active from Nagano, Japan
(JCG: 09008), now through May 20th. The callsign  will be 8J0ITU. Gil told
OPDX that he will operate this station May 17-20th. The station will be
active on 80-10 meters (WARC bands too) CW/SSB (however, mainly CW). QSL
via JARL bureau.

SPECIAL EVENT/IOTA OPERATION. A group of Italian operators will be active
May 23-27th from Santo Stefano Island (IOTA EU-045) Pontinian Archipelago
with the special callsign IB0S. This special event is to commemorate the
century of the first radio contact made by Guglielmo Marconi between
Cornwall and Newfoundland through the Atlantic Ocean. A contact will be
made with VO1WET on SSB and also on CW Saturday, May 26th at 1300z. QSL
Manager for this special callsign IB0S is I0YKN: Carmine Meoli, 
Via della stazione snc, 04010 CORI (LT) ITALY.

SP, POLAND (Lighthouse Operation). Peter, SP5PB, will activate the
Niechorze Lighthouse as SP5PB/1 from May 18-20th. Activity will be on
CW/SSB. This operation is valid for the 'SP Lighthouse Award', SPL 13.
QSL via the bureau or CBA.

TT, CHAD. Chris, TT8DX, has been very active on 10 meters over the past
weekend. Check 28495 kHz starting around 1330z as late as 1800z. QSL
via F5OGL.

VP5, TURKS & CAICOS ISLANDS. Dick/W3RM and Mike/N3MT will be active from
the Providenciales Island (NA-002) from May 31st through June 14th as
VP5/W3RM and VP5/N3MT. Operation will be on 80-10 meters, mainly CW, some
SSB. QSL via home calls.

XW, LAOS. Charly, K4VUD, who has been active as HS0ZCW over the past
week, should be in Laos by the time you read this. He did not mention
what his callsign would be, but he did state, ' I will be searching for
the correct license there to satisfy ARRL DXCC.' Charly hopes to be on
the air on 20 and 15 meters with 100 watts. Check on CW about 20 kHz up
from bottom of band edge (plus or minus Asian pirate QRM) and on SSB,
check the usual frequencies.

ZL7, CHATHAM ISLAND. Ed, K8VIR, is active as ZL7IR. His length of stay
is unknown, but his activity seems to center around 20/17/12 meters.
He reportedly is working on the island and will be active during his
free time. Operations seem to start around 0100z and sometimes last as
late as 0700z. There have been a few QSNs as early as 1030z on 20
meters. Check the following frequencies: 14260, 14270, 18130 and
24950 kHz. QSL via W8WC.

SPECIAL NOTE BY EDITOR: If you are having a problem receiving bounced
mail by sending mail to me via ' kb8nw@barf80.nshore.org ', please send
mail to me via ' kb8nw@arrl.net '...... TNX de Tedd KB8NW
   Help:        <mailto:opdx-request@nshore.org?subject=help>
   Subscribe:   <mailto:opdx-request@nshore.org?subject=subscribe>
   Unsubscribe: <mailto:opdx-request@nshore.org?subject=unsubscribe>
Excerpts and distribution of The OPDX Bulletin are granted as long as
KB8NW/OPDX/BARF80 receive credit. To contribute DX info, call BARF-80 BBS
online at 440-237-8208 28.8k/14400/9600/2400/1200 and leave a message with
the Sysop or send via InterNet Mail to: 
        kb8nw@barf80.nshore.org     - OR -   kb8nw@arrl.net
Use the VOICE or FAX answering machine at 440-237-8208 which shares the
same phone line as BARF-80 BBS using a data/fax/phone switch. To access:
1) Dial Number. 2) Wait for first ring (the second ring should be a false
ring from the fax/data switch box) and then dial four quick ones ('1111').
(NOTE: Some FAX machines that send single 'BEEPS' every second will not
have to do this step.) 3) The phone will pick up and after the 'BEEP' 
leave your voice message or FAX.


Tedd Mirgliotta  KB8NW
InterNet: kb8nw@barf80.nshore.org
Basic Amateur Radio Frequency BBS (BARF-80) +1 (440) 237-8208
'Totally devoted to Amateur Radio' - 24 Hrs a day 8/N/1 28.8k-1200 baud

Your Moderator is Larry Wilson KE1HZ
Email: owner-dx@qth.net
Submissions dx@qth.net


As of Thu May 10 11:34:58 PDT 2001

ARLD019 DX news

QST de W1AW  
DX Bulletin 19  ARLD019
>From ARRL Headquarters  
Newington CT  May 10, 2001
To all radio amateurs   

ARLD019 DX news

This week's bulletin was made possible with information provided by
Tedd, KB8NW, the OPDX Bulletin, QRZ DX, JH1BAM, 425DXnews, The Daily
DX, the ARRLWeb and Contest Corral from QST.  Thanks to all.

AGALEGA AND ST. BRANDON, 3B6.  3B6RF continues to be QRV from
Agalega using CW and SSB on all bands.  QSL via HB9AGH.

AZERBAIJAN, 4K.  4K56GF has been QRV around 14013 kHz from 1145 to
1230z.  QSL via TA2ZV.

BARBADOS, 8P.  Conny, DL1DA, will be QRV as 8P9BK from May 12 to 17.
Activity will be on 40 to 10 meters, and possibly 160 and 80 meters,
using CW.  QSL to home call.

QRV around 18071 kHz just before 1900z.  QSL via HB9AMO.

PAKISTAN, AP.  AP2ARS has been QRV using CW around 10103 and 10104
kHz as early as 1600z.  He has also been active around 18074 kHz
between 1200 to 1500z.  QSL via S53R.

ETHIOPIA, ET.  Claudio, ET3VSC, continues to be active using CW on
17 and 12 meters.  Look for him on either band after 2200z and
sometimes as early as 1030z.  QSL via K3IRV.

MINAMI TORISHIMA, JD1.  JD1BCK has been QRV on 15 meters.  Look for
him between 21270 and 21290 kHz after 2300z.  He often has another
station on frequency to assist him.  QSL via JM1TUK.

OGASAWARA, JD1.  You, JD1BIA, has been QRV around 21280 kHz between
0000 and 0830z.  QSL to home call.

GUAM, KH2.  Mitsubishi Electric members JA1RTG, JF1CPE, JI1EOP,
JK1EBA, JR3OET, JA5AGW and JI0PFJ are QRV as KH2/JM1YGG until May
13.  Activity is on 40, 20, 17, 15, 10 and 6 meters using CW and

CRETE, SV9.  Jan, PA9JJ, is QRV as SV9/PA9JJ, IOTA EU-015, until May
22.  QSL to home call.

NA-104, until May 16.  QSL to home call.

CAMBODIA, XU.  Station XU7ABC has been active over the past week on
20 to 10 meters, including the newer bands, using CW.  QSL via
G3XAQ.  Meanwhile, XU7ABN has been QRV using RTTY on 20 and 15
meters between 1330 and 1400z.  QSL via operator instructions.

ROMANIA, YO.  Jean, F6AJA, will be active as YO/F6AJA from the QTH
of YO8FZ in Suceava from May 14 to 20.  QSL via operator

THIS WEEKEND ON THE RADIO.  The CQ-M International DX Contest, FISTS
CW Club Spring Sprint, Nevada QSO Party, Oregon QSO Party, Armed
Forces Day Communications Tests and the VHF/UHF Spring Sprint are
all scheduled for this weekend.  Please see May QST, page 106, and
the ARRL Web page for details.


As of Sun May 6 16:13:53 PDT 2001

SB DX @ WW < KB8NW $OPDX.510
Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin No. 510

The Ohio/Penn DX PacketCluster
DX Bulletin No. 510
BID: $OPDX.510
May 7, 2001
Editor Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW
Provided by BARF-80 BBS Cleveland, Ohio
Online at 440-237-8208 28.8k-1200 Baud 8/N/1

Thanks to the Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society, Northern Ohio DX
Association, Ohio/Penn PacketCluster Network, AB5K & the AR TelNet
Clusters Network, W1JR, K2FRD, KF2TI, N2OO, W3UR & The Daily DX, N4AA
DJ7AO, DL1EK & DX News Letter, EA7FTR, F6AJA & Les Nouvelles DX, G4EDG,
ZP6CW for the following DX information.

TIP OF THE MONTH: When sending regular messages, turn OFF your 'HTML' format
                  in your mail programs and use plain text. This will save
                  a lot of bandwidth. Using 'HTML' usually makes the message
                  twice as big and copies itself twice in one message!

DXCC COUNTRY/ENTITY REPORT: According to the AR-Cluster Network for the
week of Sunday, 29/April, through Sunday, 6/May there were 234 countries
active. Countries available: 3A, 3B8, 3B9, 3D2, 3D2/r, 3DA, 3V, 3W, 4J, 4L,
4S, 4X, 5A, 5B, 5H, 5N, 5R, 5U, 5V, 5X, 5Z, 6W, 6Y, 7Q, 7X, 8P, 8Q, 8R, 9A,
9G, 9H, 9J, 9K, 9L, 9M2, 9M6, 9N, 9Q, 9V, 9Y, A2, A4, A5, A6, A9, AP, BV, BY,
C3, C6, C9, CE, CE0A, CE9, CM, CN, CP, CT, CT3, CU, CX, D2, D4, D6, DL, DU,
EA, EA6, EA8, EA9, EI, EK, EL, EP, ER, ES, ET, EU, EX, EY, EZ, F, FG, FH, FJ,
FK, FM, FO, FP, FR, FW, FY, G, GD, GI, GJ, GM, GW, H4, HA, HB, HB0, HC, HH,
HI, HK, HK0/a, HK0/m, HL, HP, HR, HS, HV, HZ, I, IS, J2, J5, J6, J7, J8, JA,
JD/m, JD/o, JT, JW, JX, JY, K, KG4, KH0, KH2, KH6, KH8, KL, KP2, KP4, LA, LU,
LX, LY, LZ, OA, OD, OE, OH, OH0, OK, OM, ON, OX, OY, OZ, P2, P4, PA, PJ2, PJ7,
PY, PY0F, PZ, R1FJ, S2, S5, SM, SP, SU, SV, SV5, SV9, T5, T7, T9, TA, TF, TG,
TI, TI9, TK, TL, TR, TT, TU, TX0, TY, UA, UA2, UA9, UK, UN, UR, V3, V4, V5,
V6, V7, V8, VE, VK, VK9C, VK9N, VK9X, VP2E, VP2M, VP2V, VP6, VP8, VP8/o,
VP9, VQ9, VR, VU, XE, XT, XU, XX9, YB, YI, YL, YN, YO, YS, YU, YV, Z2, Z3,
ZA, ZB, ZC4, ZD7, ZK1/s, ZL, ZP, ZS
      There were 39 CQ Zones available during the past week.
         CQ Zones that were not active are:  2
      There were 55 ITU Zones available during the past week.
         ITU Zones that were not active are:  3,4,15,21,22,23,24,25,26,

* PLEASE NOTE: The report 'could' contain 'Pirate/SLIM' operations. As
  always, you never know - 'Work First Worry Later' (WFWL).
  OPDX InterNet Subscribers will receive an additional bulletin (due to its
  size) with a complete breakdown and 'DXCC/Entities Chart of Activity'.

ARE WE HAVING A GREAT YEAR FOR DXING? Joe, W1JR, thinks so. Joe wrote to
OPDX and states, 'Just a note to tell you DX this year is doing well and
possibly ahead of all years. Each year I try to see how many DXCC entities
I can work. In a good year I can make about 280-290. Hence, on January 1,
2001 I started anew AGAIN. I guess I never learn! Yesterday (May 3rd) I
worked XU7 for DXCC #270, all in just over 4 months. This is the earliest
in the year that I have ever worked 270 entities. I figure I have missed
about 10 others. I do keep a normal sleep pattern and don't catch them
all! The DX is there. You just have to listen and work them!'

3B6RF THE AGALEGA DXPEDITION (Update/Change). It has been reported that
the 3B6RF team is now on the island as this bulletin was being prepared,
but not after a change in traveling plans. The team flew to Seychelles
as planned but ended up taking a boat to Agalega instead of flying. It was
reported that it took the team 34 hours by boat, with rough seas and waves
3 meters high, to reach the island. They are expected to be on the air by
1500z, May 6th. The official news and updates will be posted on the team's
Web page at:               http://www.agalega2000.ch/

9H, MALTA. To mark the event of the Pope's visit to Malta, the Malta
Amateur Radio League is issuing a special Award and QSL Card. For further
details, check out the Web page:   http://www.9h1mrl.cjb.net

A2, BOTSWANA. Charles, A25/KY4P, has been pleasing the crowd on CW on
17/15/10 meters. Watch 10 and 15 meters after 1530z around 1 to 2 kHz
up from band edge. Check around 18089 kHz later in the day (as late as
2100z). QSL via SV0LM.

AP, PAKISTAN. A good friend told me he needed AP on CW. Well, look for
AP2ARS on 30 meters (one QSN said 'NO TAKERS'). Look around 10103 and
10104 kHz as early as 1600, but generally as late as 1900-2100z. Also,
check 17 meters around 18074 kHz between 1200-1500z. QSL via S53R.

DX ACTIVITY (Dayton HamVention).
    The Northern Ohio DX Association (along with WVNO Radio) will once
    again sponsor a Hospitality Suite at this year's Dayton Hamvention. It
    will be in Suite 1011 on the 10th Club Floor of the Crowne Plaza Hotel
    (old Stouffers) on Friday and Saturday evenings. All DXers/Contesters
    are welcome.  Munchies and refreshments will be avaialble. Come and
    meet the members and friends of NODXA.
   Visit the NJDXA Hospitality suite on the 12th floor of the Crowne
   Plaza. The suite should be open around 9 PM on Friday and will start
   hoping after the DX Dinner.

ET, ETHIOPIA. Claudio, ET3VSC, continues to please many on CW on the
17 and 12 meter bands. Look for him on either band after 2200z, sometimes
as early as 1030z. QSL via K3IRV.

IOTA NEWS...............
  AS-089.  By the time you read this, UA1PBP should have started a two
           week operation as UA1PBP/9 from the Kara Sea Coast West
           Group. QSL to RK1PWA.
  EU-038.  Joel, F5PAC, will be active from Texel Island, as PA/F5PAC
           for the IOTA Contest at the end of July.
  EU-113.  (Possibly EU-158) Steve, G4EDG, informs OPDX that he intend
           to operate from Kythira Island as SV8/G4EDG and possibly
           EU-158 as SV3/G4EDG starting appox. May 7th, for 2 weeks.
           This is a backpacking trip and operation will be 20 meters
           CW only with 5 watts to a dipole. QSL via home call.
  EU-148.  Operators F5AUB, F5OSN, F5RVI, F5DBX, F5UOE, F5BJW, F5BKB,
           F4CLO, F5JBR, F5VV and F5XX will be active as F5XX/P from
           Fort Brescou, May 24-28th. However, during the CQWPX CW
           Contest, F5XX, F5VV and F5JBR will be active as TM5B.

  NA-041.  NODXA member Byron, KF8UN, will sign KF8UN/KL7, and will be
           active (time permitting) from Sitka City Island, Alaska. The
           dates are July 7 through 10th, and he will start at 0700z.
           Operations will be on 40 and 20 meters. QSL via CBA.

J5, GUINEA-BISSAU. Baldur, DJ6SI, and the J5X team continue to be active
until May 11th. There has been plenty of active on RTTY and the WARC bands.
This should be an easy catch if some one needs it.

JD/M, MINAMI TORISHIMA. Katsumi, JD1BCK, seems to really like 15 meters.
Look for him between 21270 and 21290 kHz after 2300z. QSL via JM1TUK.

JD/O, OGASAWARA. You, JD1BIA, was heard this week and weekend on 15 meters
around 21280 and 21290 kHz after 0000z and as late as 0830z. QSL via

JW PHOTOS. Rag, JW5HE, reports photos from Svalbard can be viewed at:

KH2, GUAM. Members of Mitsubishi Electric, JA1RTG, JF1CPE, JI1EOP, JK1EBA,
JR3OET, JA5AGW and JI0PFJ will be active as KH2/JM1YGG between 0800z on
May 10th through 0100z on May 13th. Activity will be on 40, 20, 17, 15,
10 and 6 meters CW/SSB. QSL via JM1YGG for the bureau or direct to JA1RTG.

KH2, GUAM. A group from the JA2 area will be active from here between
June 9-12th. Activity will be on 160-6 meters. The callsigns and the QSL
information are as follows:
      K1HP/KH2 (Yoshi) via JE2EHP         KH2/JH2QFY (Aki) via JH2QFY
      N3WW/KH2 (Ban) via JF2WXS           KH2/JJ2CYO (Yasu) via JJ2CYO
      KH2/JH2CYU (Michy) via JH2CYU       KH2/JS2ITP (Yasu) via JS2ITP

  Operators G0KJW and G0OWE will be active as homecall/P on May 13th
  from Longstone Lighthouse (LH 0234 - WLH Award). QSL via their home

  Look for SK0QO to be active between August 18th to 20th from Soderarm
  Lighthouse (LH 0175 - WLH Award). QSL via SK0QO.

LU1ZA, SOUTH ORKNEY ISLAND (Update). The station LU1ZA has not been heard
since April 21st. However, OPDX has received some info about this station.
The operator's name is Claudio, and he is in the Argentina Army. He is a
Ham but not a DXer. He does not speak English, but thanks to Raymundo,
YS1RR, on April 21st a few people were able to work this station. His
QSL route is as follows: Serv. Auxil. de Radioafic., de la Armada,
Av. Del Libertador 8209, Capital Federal, CC 1429, Argentina.

OJ0, MARKET REEF. Operators Arne/LA3IKA, Bjorn/LA5UKA, Paul/LA6YEA and
Trond/LA9VDA will be active from Market Reef's Lighthouse (LH 0542 -
WLH Award) between August 5-8th. They will sign OJ0/LA3IKA, OJ0/LA5UKA,
OJ0/LA6YEA and OJ0/LA9VDA. Lars, OH0RJ, has also been invited to join
them. They plan to be active on 160-2 meters, SSB/CW/RTTY. LA5UKA
(ex-LC3NAT) will be active in the 2m NAC contest. QSL to homecalls except
for LA6YEA (QSL via LA9VDA). Look for more info later by checking
the following Web page:         http://www.qsl.net/la9vda

OY, FAROE ISLAND. Max/ON5UR and Wim/ON4CJI of the United Radio team will
operate from Faroe Island (Stremoy Island - EU-018) with the callsign
OY9UR, from May 28th through June 7th. They will be operating on 160, 80,
40, 20, 15, 10 and 6 meters. Wim is expected to be on PSK31. Also, look
for them on May 26-27th and June 8-9th as a /MM. They will be active
during the 6 meter contest on June 2-3rd. There will be a special full
color QSL cards for both callsigns. QSL direct via OY9UR: United Radio,
P.O.Box 33, Zichem 3271, Belgium. Remember: The QSO is short, the QSL
is forever.

  Fran, EA7FTR, reports that he has the logs for BA1RB, and any station
  who needs a QSL can send via EA7FTR: Francisco Lianez Suero, Asturias 23,
  21110 Aljaraque, Huelva, Spain. He is also the QSL Manager for Jack,
  QSL MANAGER CHANGE. Steve, DJ7AO, informs OPDX that he is no longer
  the QSL Manager for Ray, DL2GG/YV5. The new QSL Manager is Sigi, DL3AMA.
  Send direct via the CBA or via bureau.
  Allan, VK2CA, reports that Norried, H44NC, will be leaving New Georgia
  Island (OC-149) shortly to return to the USA for approx. 12 months. He
  will be carrying the H44NC logs from July 2000 onwards with him.  The
  new address for H44NC, as of the 1st of May 2001, DIRECT ONLY will be as
  follows: Norried F. Chaisson, P.O. Box 2262, Springfield, MO 65801, USA.
  QSLs before July 2000 will still be answered, but only after returning
  to H4.
  QSL INFORMATION FROM THE DESK OF OH2BN: 'Effective May 15th, late QSLing
  of E44DX, H40AA, 4W/N5KO and 4W/W3UR will be done by Steve, KU9C. The
  procedure we use is to keep answering all direct requests for 18 to 24
  months from the time of the actual DXpedition. At the end of that
  period, all remaining QSOs will be QSLed through the bureau network.
  Because we do not print extra QSLs for another round, a 'combo late
  request QSL-card' has been designed to confirm these late requests at
     In the case of TX0DX, we will keep answering all direct requests up
  to September 2001, when the bureau release will take place. All TX0DX
  direct requests have been answered as of today and we hold no backlog.'
                         de Jarmo Jaakola, OH2BN  

  Update on PW0S QSL Status by Steve, KU9C: 'It appears that I will have
  the QSL cards for PW0S, barring unforeseen shipping problems, the weekend
  BEFORE Dayton. I expect them to arrive at my QTH on May 11th. If this
  happens on schedule, I plan to issue ALL direct QSL cards that are clean
  in the log by Tuesday, May 15th (it will be a busy weekend, but most of
  the preparation is done). Thus, many of you should have a shot at having
  your card in advance of the Dayton Hamvention. If the schedule slips, my
  plans are to do what I can do before leaving for Dayton, and finishing the
  process upon my return. Some of the PW0S members will be at Dayton, and
  will be hand carrying the paper logs, which will allow me to research any
  of the 'not in log' QSOs. Thus, if your card does not appear in your box
  immediately, please give me a few weeks to research the logs, as you may
  well be not in the log. I'll post a note when the QSL process is 'up to
  date'. Thanks to all of you that included donations with your QSL requests.
  The donations will be forwarded to the PW0S team to help pay down the
  expenses of this operation. If you would like further details, PY7ZZ's
  web site has a very detailed accounting of the DXpedition expenses, which
  you may find of interest. Go to the log search page at: 
  Click on the 'Costs' shortcut.  Donations are still being accepted by
  myself and W9VA, Bill, as we are still trying to close the gap on
  expenses.............. 73 es DX IS!  Steve KU9C'
  OPDX has been asked 'What is the QSL status of the VK9XY cards?' Last
  we heard was cards were coming out (for the U.S.) the first past of the
  year. Does anyone have a more current update to report?

  Doug, ZP6CW, informs OPDX that he has had a houseguest for the last
  thirty-some days, Ian, G4DIE. He obtained permission to operate and
  was active on CW and PSK. He has made over 400 PSK contacts to date.
  Ian was scheduled to leave May 1st. His QSL MANAGER is Doug's wife,
  Dani, ZP6CU. Doug states that, ZP6CU continues to be his manager, and
  manager for another North American there ZP6GG. She still has logs for
  S07UN and CN2UN, and they still have the cards on hand for those
  operations which are now QRT.

  Raul, LU6EF, GACW Coordinator and QSL Manager, announced this week
  that 'The GACW Group will accept eQSL cards to achieve the awards that
  they are currently using. Also, they will accept eQSL cards for any
  special certificate of merit issued to relevant individuals and/or
  organizations. In other words, the GACW coordinators will spread the
  benefits of this system to more than 500 members in Argentina and some
  other countries to encourage and enforce the use of this very safe,
  quick and cheap method of confirming amateur radio contacts.

R1, FRANZ JOSEF LAND. R1FJL has been active on 12 meters lately. Check
24910 kHz around 1200z and after 0800z. QSL via UA3AGS.

SPECIAL EVENT. Peter McDonald, VK3DI, Secretary, EMDRC Inc., informs
OPDX that the special event callsign AX3ITU will be operated by members
of the Eastern and Mountain Districts Radio Club (EMDRC) to celebrate the
International Telecommunications Day for 24 hours commencing 0000z on May
17th, on behalf of the Wireless Institute of Australia (Vic Div).  This
is a relatively rare prefix for those prefix hunters. All HF bands will
be activated at some time during the period of operation. QSL via VK3ER:
P.O. Box 87, Mitcham, Victoria, Australia 3132.  All logged callsigns
will receive a QSL via the Bureau unless a direct request with sufficient
return postage is received within 90 days of event.

SPECIAL EVENT. Look for special event station EO56JM to be on by the
Crimea Contest Club now through May 13th. QSL via KG6AR (Direct or Bureau).

SPECIAL EVENT. The club station PI4TIL will use the special callsign PA6T
during the period May 27th through June 3rd. During the field day weekend
they will enter the CW contest and the 6 meter contest. During the weekend
of June 2nd and 3rd, they will be active on 80-6 meters, 2 meters, 70 cm,
23 cm and 13 cm. Operations will be on CW, Phone, SSTV, RTTY, PSK31, ATV
and satellites. On Wednesday, May 30th, they will be active on SSTV from
1800-2200z around the usual SSTV frequencies on 10, 15 and 20 meters.

SPECIAL EVENT. The Old Barney A.R.C. announces a Special Event operation
for the 'International Lighthouse Activity Weekend'. Station W2T will be
operating from the 'Tucker's Island Lighthouse' in the 'Tuckerton Seaport',
Tuckerton, New Jersey, at 1300z, August 18th, through 2300z, August 19th.
Suggested frequencies are: 7280, 14280, 21380 and 28480 kHz (146.835/rpt).
QSL via N2OO, PO Box 345, Tuckerton, NJ 08087 USA. Send a 9'x12' SASE
with 55 cents postage for QSL and Certificate... or SASE/SAE+IRC for just
a QSL.

TI, COSTA RICA. Philip, N0KE, will operate in the CQ WPX CW Contest as
TI5X from TI5KD's station as QRP/All Band entry. N0KE will handle all
contest QSLs for TI5X and TI5/N0KE outside the contest. ADDED NOTE:
Over the previous two years contest operations were TI5N, and TI5KD
handled the QSLs for this and other contest operations of TI5N.

   The Roane County Amateur Radio Club (KW4JS) will be active beginning
   1300z on May 19th, from Thief Neck Island, Tennessee. Thief Neck Island
   is in the Tennessee River in Roane County. Operation will be on all
   bands 20 through 10 meters. QSL via KW4JS. The USI reference number was
   not provided.

VO2, LABRADOR, CANADA (Update). Fred, K2FRD, want to make one last plug
for his Labrador DXpdition before he leaves for the north country on
June 1st. He expects to commence operations about June 6th and will operate
daily until he QRTs on August 31st. This will give the worldwide hams an
opportunity to contact CQ Zone 2 and ITU Zone 9 (which are usually not
active/listed every week). In brief, Fred will be operating mostly SSB
(with occasional CW) on 10, 12, 15, 17, 20, and 40 meters and CW on 30
meters per the schedule on his Web site. Normally, look for him near the
MUF, which given the state of 10 meters recently, could be 17 or 20 meters.
For more on his frequencies, bands, and schedule details, check his Web
page at:          http://sites.netscape.net/thefred3/labr1
Fred, K2FRD, states in his last press release: 'I'd like to thank you
(KB8NW) and the Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin, and the many hams worldwide who
have provided encouragement and moral support for this trip. I will do
my best to live up to everyone's (and my own) expectations. See you on
the air......73, Fred K2FRD'

VP8, FALKLAND ISLANDS. Only a few more days to work VP8SDX. They will go
QRT on May 9th. QSL via GM4FDM.

XU, CAMBODIA. The station signing XU7ABC has been active over the past week
on 20/17/15/12/10 meters CW. Check around 18072 kHz, 24903 kHz and 11 kHz
from band edge. QSL via G3XAQ. Meanwhile, XU7ABN, has been playing on
RTTY on 20 and 15 meters between 1330 and 1400z, also after 1800z.

YO, ROMANIA. Jean Michel, F6AJA, will again be active as YO/F6AJA for
the 8th year from Suceava (450km north of Bucarest). He will operate
from the YO8FZ's QTH during his free time. Jean will be there from
May 14-20th.

ZD8, ASCENSION ISLAND. Jim, N6TJ, will once again be active from here
during May 7-17th. QSL via VE3HO.

SPECIAL NOTE BY EDITOR: If you are having a problem receiving bounced
mail by sending mail to me via ' kb8nw@barf80.nshore.org ', please send
mail to me via ' kb8nw@arrl.net '...... TNX de Tedd KB8NW
   Help:        <mailto:opdx-request@nshore.org?subject=help>
   Subscribe:   <mailto:opdx-request@nshore.org?subject=subscribe>
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Excerpts and distribution of The OPDX Bulletin are granted as long as
KB8NW/OPDX/BARF80 receive credit. To contribute DX info, call BARF-80 BBS
online at 440-237-8208 28.8k/14400/9600/2400/1200 and leave a message with
the Sysop or send via InterNet Mail to: 
        kb8nw@barf80.nshore.org     - OR -   kb8nw@arrl.net
Use the VOICE or FAX answering machine at 440-237-8208 which shares the
same phone line as BARF-80 BBS using a data/fax/phone switch. To access:
1) Dial Number. 2) Wait for first ring (the second ring should be a false
ring from the fax/data switch box) and then dial four quick ones ('1111').
(NOTE: Some FAX machines that send single 'BEEPS' every second will not
have to do this step.) 3) The phone will pick up and after the 'BEEP' 
leave your voice message or FAX.

Additional Bulletins for OPDX InterNet Subscribers.
                       AB5K AR-Cluster Network
                   DXCC/Entities Chart of Activity
             For the week of Sunday, 29/April - Saturday, 5/May
        Nmbr   Nmbr              Band of                Days of
DXCC  Stations Spots            Activity               the Week       Modes
----  -------  -----  -----------------------------  -------------  ----------
3A         6     18               .20.     .12.10.6  M. .W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
3B6        6     11         .40.  .20.  .15.  .10.6   .T. .T.F.S.   CW.SSB.RTTY
3B8        4     21            .   M.T.W. .F.S.   CW.SSB.RTTY
3B9        1     59               .    .T.W.T. .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
3D2/r      1     95               .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
3D2        2     10               .20.  .15.12.10.    .T.W.         CW.     
3DA        3     22                     .15.  .10.   M.T.       .S  CW.   .RTTY
3V         4     11               .20.  .15.            .W.T. .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
3W        12    260         .40.  .20.17.15.  .10.6  M.T.W. .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
4J        11     46         .40.  .   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
4L        11     36      .80.     .20.  .15.12.10.   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
4S        15    114               .   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
4W         3     10                              .6   .T.W.T. .S.     .SSB. 
4X        54    145   160.80.     .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
5A         1     57               .  .6     .W. .F.S.   CW.SSB.RTTY
5B        16     41            .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
5H         2     43      .80.  .      M.T. .T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
5N         7     19         .40.  .   M.T.W. .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
5R        11    201            .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
5U         2      7                     .15.12.10.    .T.     .S.     .SSB. 
5V         2     13               .20.        .10.            .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
5X         2      4                     .15.  .10.              .S    .SSB. 
5Z         6     18               .   .T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
6W         3     21         .40.        .15.  .10.6  M.T.W. .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
6Y         1      8               .20.17.             .T.W.T. .S.   CW.SSB.RTTY
7Q         6     43            .30.     .15.  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
7X        17    132         .40.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
8P         1      1                           .10.      .W.           .SSB. 
8Q         9    257      .   M.T.W.T.   .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
8R         6     19               .20.  .15.12.10.   M.T. .T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
9A        50    146   160.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
9G         1      2                           .10.    .T.             .SSB. 
9H        24     93         .40.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
9J         3     22               .20.17.15.  .10.    .T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
9K         9    128               .   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
9L         1      1                     .15.                    .S    .SSB. 
9M2       10     52            .  M.T.W. .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
9M6        1     26               .20.17.15.     .6  M.T.W. .F.S.     .SSB. 
9N         8     38               .20.  .15.  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
9Q         4     64                  .17.15.12.      M.T.   .F.S.S  CW.   .RTTY
9V         9     85            .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
9Y         5     13               .20.  .15.  .10.6  M. .W.T. .S.S    .SSB. 
A2         4     22                  .17.15.  .10.6   .T. .T. .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
A4         6     59               .   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
A5         2      2               .20.17.                 .T.   .S  CW.   .RTTY
A6         3     11               .20.  .15.  .10.      .W. .F.       .SSB. 
A9         4      9   160.           .17.     .10.    .T.W.   .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
AP         9    191      .80.40.30.  .   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
BV        28     71         .40.  .20.  .15.  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
BY        40    145               .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
C3         4     11            .          .T. .T. .S.   CW.SSB.RTTY
C6         4      8                  .17.15.     .6  M. .W.T. .S.   CW.SSB.RTTY
C9         1     23                     .15.12.      M.T.   .F. .S  CW.   .RTTY
CE        24     43         .40.  .20.17.15.  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
CE0A       1      2                     .15.                .F.     CW.   .RTTY
CE9        4    107         .   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
CM        25     90  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
CN        10     32         .40.  .20.  .15.  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
CP         7     40   160.80.     .20.17.15.  .10.   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
CT        43     90   160.80.40.  .20.17.15.  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
CT3        5     23                        .12.  .6   .T.W.T. .S.S    .SSB. 
CU        12     63               .  .6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
CX        29     69   160.     .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
D2         6     46         .40.        .15.  .10.   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
D4         3     27               .      M.T.W.T.F.S.S    .SSB. 
D6         1      2                     .15.          .T.           CW.   .RTTY
DL       331    811  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
DU        27     84               .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
EA       156    337      .  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
EA6       21     66      .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
EA8       34     65  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
EA9       23    259      .80.40.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
EI        18     47      .80.     .  .6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
EK         5     25               .20.17.15.  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S    .SSB. 
EL         3      4               .20.  .15.          .T.W. .F. .S    .SSB. 
EP         2      2               .20.                    .T.F.       .SSB. 
ER        14     42            .  .10.   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
ES        14     29   160.        .  M.T. .T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
ET         6     76      .80.     .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
EU        28     70         .40.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
EX        15    104            .   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
EY         5     50            .30.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
EZ        11     35               .    .T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
F        184    613  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
FG         5     16               .20.  .15.  .10.   M.T. .T. .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
FH         7    118         .40.30.  .17.15.12.      M.T.W.T.   .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
FJ         3     10               .20.17.  .12.           .T. .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
FK        17     82         .40.30.20.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
FM         7     16         .  .10.6   .T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
FO         9     98         .  M.T.W.T.F. .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
FP         1      1                     .15.              .T.         .SSB. 
FR         9     86               .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
FW         2     60         .40.  .20.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
FY         2     15            .30.20.  .15.12.10.        .T. .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
G        120    256  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
GD         5     32               .20.17.15.  .10.   M.T. .T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
GI        11     21   160.        .20.17.15.     .6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
GJ         2      2                  .17.     .10.   M.         .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
GM        23     47         .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
GU         3      4                              .6  M.T.W.     .S  CW.   .RTTY
GW        11     14            .  .10.6  M.T.   .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
H4         1      5                  .17.  .12.             .F.S.     .SSB. 
HA        53    140   160.  .   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
HB        41    101  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
HB0        2      2               .20.                      .F.     CW.SSB.RTTY
HC         7     93   160.80.40.  .   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
HC8        1      2                              .6  M.         .S  CW.   .RTTY
HH         1      3               .20.                          .S    .SSB. 
HI         3     10      .80.40.  .20.  .15.  .10.6  M. .W.T. .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
HK        10     24         .40.  .   M.T.W.T. .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
HK0/a      5     29            .   M.T.W.T. .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
HK0/m      9     96      .80.40.  .   M.T.W. .F. .S    .SSB. 
HL        86    253   160.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
HP         3     15               .20.  .15.  .10.   M. .W.T.   .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
HR         3      6                     .15.  .10.    .T.     .S.S    .SSB. 
HS        17    107               .20.17.15.  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
HV         1     58      .80.     .20.17.15.  .10.6       .T.       CW.SSB.RTTY
HZ         3     29   160.              .15.  .10.6         .F.     CW.SSB.RTTY
I        315    756  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
IS        10     18         .40.  .20.17.15.  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
J2         7     72      .80.     .   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
J3         0      0                                                         
J5         4    783  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
J6         3     16               .20.17.  .12.10.          .F.S.S    .SSB. 
J7         6    154      .   M.T.W.T.   .S  CW.   .RTTY
J8         1     57            .30.20.17.  .12.10.    .T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
JA       286    637  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
JD/o       1     10                     .15.              .T.F.S.     .SSB.
JD/m       6     42               .20.  .15.     .6   .T.W.T.F.S.   CW.SSB.RTTY
JT         9     71               .   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
JW         9    186   160.  .  .6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
JX         2     12                     .15.          .T.     .S.     .SSB. 
JY        11     96            .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
K        484    757  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
KG4        4      4               .20.        .10.6   .T.     .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
KH0       16     87               .  M. .W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
KH2        6     57               .  M. .W.T.F.S.   CW.SSB.RTTY
KH3        1      1                              .6           .S.     .SSB. 
KH6       33     84   160.80.40.  .20.17.15.  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
KH8        2      8               .20.           .6  M.   .T. .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
KL        28     90   160.  .      M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
KP2        4      4               .20.  .15.12.      M.     .F. .S    .SSB. 
KP4       22     27         .  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
LA        40     79      .   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
LU        96    172   160.80.40.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
LX        17     55      .80.40.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
LY        25     55            .  .10.   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
LZ        44     91            .  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
OA        13     28               .20.17.15.  .10.6  M.T.W. .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
OD        16    131               .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
OE        59    128      .  .15.  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
OH        32     59   160.        .20.17.15.  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
OH0        9     69      .80.40.  .   M.T.W. .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
OK        90    174   160.80.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
OM        27     58      .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
ON        45    111  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
OX         3     14            .      M.T.W. .F. .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
OY         3     30   160.     .30.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.   CW.SSB.RTTY
OZ        45    127            .     .6  M.T.W.T. .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
P2         7     31               .20.     .12.10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
P4         3      6         .40.        .15.  .10.          .F.S.S    .SSB. 
PA        64    132         .  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
PJ2        1      5               .20.  .15.  .10.   M.T. .T. .S.     .SSB. 
PJ7        2      7      .80.     .20.  .15.  .10.   M.T.W.           .SSB. 
PY       108    292  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
PY0F       4     14                        .12.  .6  M.T.W.T.   .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
PZ         4     20            .  .6  M.T. .T. .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
R1FJ       2     41               .20.  .15.12.       .T. .T. .S.   CW.SSB.RTTY
S2         1      6                     .15.         M.T.   .F. .S    .SSB. 
S5        45    118   160.80.  .  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
SM        78    189  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
SP        81    145  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
SU        12    113         .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
SV        56    199   160.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
SV5        8     52               .20.  .15.     .6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
SV9        8     31               .20.17.15.     .6   .T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
T5         2      3               .20.           .6     .W.T.       CW.SSB.RTTY
T7         7     45      .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
T9        15     46      .80.40.  .20.17.15.  .10.6  M.T.W. .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
TA        31    123      .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
TF        11     47         .40.  .20.  .15.         M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
TG         3     26               .      M. .W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
TI        13     18   160.  .40.  .20.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
TI9        1      1                     .15.                .F.             
TK         9     69         .      M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
TL         1      6                  .17.     .10.      .W.     .S    .SSB. 
TR         7     31                  .17.15.  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
TT         1      1         .40.                     M.             CW.   .RTTY
TU         4     18               .20.17.15.  .10.      .W. .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
TX0        5     20        .10.6  M.T.     .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
TY         1      1         .40.                            .F.             
UA       180    420  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
UA2       11     22         .  .10.   M. .W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
UA9      125    430   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
UK        14     54   160.        .20.17.15.         M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
UN        28     69      .80.     .   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
UR        90    278  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
V3         2      2               .20.  .15.          .T.   .F.     CW.   .RTTY
V4         4     27               .20.     .12.         .W.T.F.S.S    .SSB. 
V5         8    121            .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
V6         6    221  M.T.W.T.   .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
V7         7     18      .80.40.                 .6  M.T.W.T. .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
V8         4      6         .40.        .15.  .10.    .T. .T.F. .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
VE        62    104  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
VK       144    356  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
VK9C      16   1093   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
VK9N       5     24         .40.  .    .T.   .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
VP2E       2      2                  .17.  .12.      M.       .S.     .SSB. 
VP2M       1      2                  .17.                   .F.       .SSB. 
VP2V       2      9               .      M. .W.   .S.S    .SSB. 
VP6        1      1         .40.                          .T.               
VP8       11    943   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
VP8/o      1      1                           .10.   M.               .SSB. 
VP9        7    139         .   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
VQ9        3     71               .20.  .15.     .6  M.T. .T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
VR        16     78         .40.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
VU        50    230         .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
XE        29     64   160.  .40.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
XT         1      5                     .15.                  .S.     .SSB. 
XU         6     42         .40.  .  M. .W.T.F.S.   CW.SSB.RTTY
XX9        1      1                     .15.          .T.             .SSB. 
YB        62    260      .80.  .  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
YI         7     32         .40.  .      M.T.   .F. .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
YL        14     42      .  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
YN         5     28            .30.  .17.  .12.               .S.   CW.SSB.RTTY
YO        28     58               .20.17.15.     .6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
YS         6     14      .80.     .20.     .12.10.6   .T.W.   .S.S    .SSB. 
YU        39    132         .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
YV        23     32         .   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
Z2         6     35                  .17.15.  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
Z3        11     40            .   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
ZA         4     16               .      M. .W.T.       CW.SSB.RTTY
ZB        10     40      .80.40.  .   M.T.W.   .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
ZC4        4     91            .   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
ZD7        6     19               .20.17.        .6  M.T.W.T.F. .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
ZD8        6     11                              .6  M.T.W.T. .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
ZF         1      1                              .6         .F.       .SSB. 
ZK1/s      8    186               .   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
ZL        61    101  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
ZL7        1     10               .20.  .15.                  .S.     .SSB. 
ZP        11     34      .80.        .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
ZS        65    227  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
Tot Stations: 5682  Tot Spots: 21994  Spotter of the week: K3ZO-1 (265 spots)

From: 'Victor Rivera' <sales@computers.co.ck>
To: 'Northern Ohio DX Group' <kb8nw@barf80.nshore.org>
Subject: ZK1 North and South Cooks update
Date: Thu, 3 May 2001 08:14:24 -1000
MIME-Version: 1.0

Kia Orana from the Island of Rarotonga

 Kia Orana to all Hams from ZK1CG Victor Rivera
As you may have heard we are making a DX trip to North Cooks in October for
CQWW SSB contest with five operators from the Western Washington DX Club.
We will be in Manihiki North Cooks for 2 weeks from October 18th .
We need help with this operation and would like to know if anyone is
planning a vacation or trip to the Cook Islands before October.

We just received the antennas we will use in the North and South Cooks for
this operation at great expense via air freight to insure we can ship to the
North Cooks before October.

Now we need to get some ham radio gear down to Rarotonga so we can ship to
before October.

So if any of you serious or not so serious hams are coming to the Cooks for
a vacation or DXing please contact me. I'm sure we will make your stay in
the Cook Islands a most pleasant and enjoyable, plus you will be helping
many make a new contact from North and South Cooks.

If you would like more information about this operation and what bands and
modes we will be operating on please contact me.



Victor Rivera
Po Box 618
Rarotonga Cook Islands
Ph (682) 23412  Fax (682) 23411
E-Mail  sales@computers.co.ck
ZK1CG (Ham Radio call sign)

Tedd Mirgliotta  KB8NW
InterNet: kb8nw@barf80.nshore.org
Basic Amateur Radio Frequency BBS (BARF-80) +1 (440) 237-8208
'Totally devoted to Amateur Radio' - 24 Hrs a day 8/N/1 28.8k-1200 baud


As of Sun May 6 11:43:17 PDT 2001

SB DX @ WW < KB8NW $OPDX.510
Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin No. 510

The Ohio/Penn DX PacketCluster
DX Bulletin No. 510
BID: $OPDX.510
May 7, 2001
Editor Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW
Provided by BARF-80 BBS Cleveland, Ohio
Online at 440-237-8208 28.8k-1200 Baud 8/N/1

Thanks to the Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society, Northern Ohio DX
Association, Ohio/Penn PacketCluster Network, AB5K & the AR TelNet
Clusters Network, W1JR, K2FRD, KF2TI, N2OO, W3UR & The Daily DX, N4AA
DJ7AO, DL1EK & DX News Letter, EA7FTR, F6AJA & Les Nouvelles DX, G4EDG,
ZP6CW for the following DX information.

TIP OF THE MONTH: When sending regular messages, turn OFF your 'HTML' format
                  in your mail programs and use plain text. This will save
                  a lot of bandwidth. Using 'HTML' usually makes the message
                  twice as big and copies itself twice in one message!

DXCC COUNTRY/ENTITY REPORT: According to the AR-Cluster Network for the
week of Sunday, 29/April, through Sunday, 6/May there were 234 countries
active. Countries available: 3A, 3B8, 3B9, 3D2, 3D2/r, 3DA, 3V, 3W, 4J, 4L,
4S, 4X, 5A, 5B, 5H, 5N, 5R, 5U, 5V, 5X, 5Z, 6W, 6Y, 7Q, 7X, 8P, 8Q, 8R, 9A,
9G, 9H, 9J, 9K, 9L, 9M2, 9M6, 9N, 9Q, 9V, 9Y, A2, A4, A5, A6, A9, AP, BV, BY,
C3, C6, C9, CE, CE0A, CE9, CM, CN, CP, CT, CT3, CU, CX, D2, D4, D6, DL, DU,
EA, EA6, EA8, EA9, EI, EK, EL, EP, ER, ES, ET, EU, EX, EY, EZ, F, FG, FH, FJ,
FK, FM, FO, FP, FR, FW, FY, G, GD, GI, GJ, GM, GW, H4, HA, HB, HB0, HC, HH,
HI, HK, HK0/a, HK0/m, HL, HP, HR, HS, HV, HZ, I, IS, J2, J5, J6, J7, J8, JA,
JD/m, JD/o, JT, JW, JX, JY, K, KG4, KH0, KH2, KH6, KH8, KL, KP2, KP4, LA, LU,
LX, LY, LZ, OA, OD, OE, OH, OH0, OK, OM, ON, OX, OY, OZ, P2, P4, PA, PJ2, PJ7,
PY, PY0F, PZ, R1FJ, S2, S5, SM, SP, SU, SV, SV5, SV9, T5, T7, T9, TA, TF, TG,
TI, TI9, TK, TL, TR, TT, TU, TX0, TY, UA, UA2, UA9, UK, UN, UR, V3, V4, V5,
V6, V7, V8, VE, VK, VK9C, VK9N, VK9X, VP2E, VP2M, VP2V, VP6, VP8, VP8/o,
VP9, VQ9, VR, VU, XE, XT, XU, XX9, YB, YI, YL, YN, YO, YS, YU, YV, Z2, Z3,
ZA, ZB, ZC4, ZD7, ZK1/s, ZL, ZP, ZS
      There were 39 CQ Zones available during the past week.
         CQ Zones that were not active are:  2
      There were 55 ITU Zones available during the past week.
         ITU Zones that were not active are:  3,4,15,21,22,23,24,25,26,

* PLEASE NOTE: The report 'could' contain 'Pirate/SLIM' operations. As
  always, you never know - 'Work First Worry Later' (WFWL).
  OPDX InterNet Subscribers will receive an additional bulletin (due to its
  size) with a complete breakdown and 'DXCC/Entities Chart of Activity'.

ARE WE HAVING A GREAT YEAR FOR DXING? Joe, W1JR, thinks so. Joe wrote to
OPDX and states, 'Just a note to tell you DX this year is doing well and
possibly ahead of all years. Each year I try to see how many DXCC entities
I can work. In a good year I can make about 280-290. Hence, on January 1,
2001 I started anew AGAIN. I guess I never learn! Yesterday (May 3rd) I
worked XU7 for DXCC #270, all in just over 4 months. This is the earliest
in the year that I have ever worked 270 entities. I figure I have missed
about 10 others. I do keep a normal sleep pattern and don't catch them
all! The DX is there. You just have to listen and work them!'

3B6RF THE AGALEGA DXPEDITION (Update/Change). It has been reported that
the 3B6RF team is now on the island as this bulletin was being prepared,
but not after a change in traveling plans. The team flew to Seychelles
as planned but ended up taking a boat to Agalega instead of flying. It was
reported that it took the team 34 hours by boat, with rough seas and waves
3 meters high, to reach the island. They are expected to be on the air by
1500z, May 6th. The official news and updates will be posted on the team's
Web page at:               http://www.agalega2000.ch/

9H, MALTA. To mark the event of the Pope's visit to Malta, the Malta
Amateur Radio League is issuing a special Award and QSL Card. For further
details, check out the Web page:   http://www.9h1mrl.cjb.net

A2, BOTSWANA. Charles, A25/KY4P, has been pleasing the crowd on CW on
17/15/10 meters. Watch 10 and 15 meters after 1530z around 1 to 2 kHz
up from band edge. Check around 18089 kHz later in the day (as late as
2100z). QSL via SV0LM.

AP, PAKISTAN. A good friend told me he needed AP on CW. Well, look for
AP2ARS on 30 meters (one QSN said 'NO TAKERS'). Look around 10103 and
10104 kHz as early as 1600, but generally as late as 1900-2100z. Also,
check 17 meters around 18074 kHz between 1200-1500z. QSL via S53R.

DX ACTIVITY (Dayton HamVention).
    The Northern Ohio DX Association (along with WVNO Radio) will once
    again sponsor a Hospitality Suite at this year's Dayton Hamvention. It
    will be in Suite 1011 on the 10th Club Floor of the Crowne Plaza Hotel
    (old Stouffers) on Friday and Saturday evenings. All DXers/Contesters
    are welcome.  Munchies and refreshments will be avaialble. Come and
    meet the members and friends of NODXA.
   Visit the NJDXA Hospitality suite on the 12th floor of the Crowne
   Plaza. The suite should be open around 9 PM on Friday and will start
   hoping after the DX Dinner.

ET, ETHIOPIA. Claudio, ET3VSC, continues to please many on CW on the
17 and 12 meter bands. Look for him on either band after 2200z, sometimes
as early as 1030z. QSL via K3IRV.

IOTA NEWS...............
  AS-089.  By the time you read this, UA1PBP should have started a two
           week operation as UA1PBP/9 from the Kara Sea Coast West
           Group. QSL to RK1PWA.
  EU-038.  Joel, F5PAC, will be active from Texel Island, as PA/F5PAC
           for the IOTA Contest at the end of July.
  EU-113.  (Possibly EU-158) Steve, G4EDG, informs OPDX that he intend
           to operate from Kythira Island as SV8/G4EDG and possibly
           EU-158 as SV3/G4EDG starting appox. May 7th, for 2 weeks.
           This is a backpacking trip and operation will be 20 meters
           CW only with 5 watts to a dipole. QSL via home call.
  EU-148.  Operators F5AUB, F5OSN, F5RVI, F5DBX, F5UOE, F5BJW, F5BKB,
           F4CLO, F5JBR, F5VV and F5XX will be active as F5XX/P from
           Fort Brescou, May 24-28th. However, during the CQWPX CW
           Contest, F5XX, F5VV and F5JBR will be active as TM5B.

  NA-041.  NODXA member Byron, KF8UN, will sign KF8UN/KL7, and will be
           active (time permitting) from Sitka City Island, Alaska. The
           dates are July 7 through 10th, and he will start at 0700z.
           Operations will be on 40 and 20 meters. QSL via CBA.

J5, GUINEA-BISSAU. Baldur, DJ6SI, and the J5X team continue to be active
until May 11th. There has been plenty of active on RTTY and the WARC bands.
This should be an easy catch if some one needs it.

JD/M, MINAMI TORISHIMA. Katsumi, JD1BCK, seems to really like 15 meters.
Look for him between 21270 and 21290 kHz after 2300z. QSL via JM1TUK.

JD/O, OGASAWARA. You, JD1BIA, was heard this week and weekend on 15 meters
around 21280 and 21290 kHz after 0000z and as late as 0830z. QSL via

JW PHOTOS. Rag, JW5HE, reports photos from Svalbard can be viewed at:

KH2, GUAM. Members of Mitsubishi Electric, JA1RTG, JF1CPE, JI1EOP, JK1EBA,
JR3OET, JA5AGW and JI0PFJ will be active as KH2/JM1YGG between 0800z on
May 10th through 0100z on May 13th. Activity will be on 40, 20, 17, 15,
10 and 6 meters CW/SSB. QSL via JM1YGG for the bureau or direct to JA1RTG.

KH2, GUAM. A group from the JA2 area will be active from here between
June 9-12th. Activity will be on 160-6 meters. The callsigns and the QSL
information are as follows:
      K1HP/KH2 (Yoshi) via JE2EHP         KH2/JH2QFY (Aki) via JH2QFY
      N3WW/KH2 (Ban) via JF2WXS           KH2/JJ2CYO (Yasu) via JJ2CYO
      KH2/JH2CYU (Michy) via JH2CYU       KH2/JS2ITP (Yasu) via JS2ITP

  Operators G0KJW and G0OWE will be active as homecall/P on May 13th
  from Longstone Lighthouse (LH 0234 - WLH Award). QSL via their home

  Look for SK0QO to be active between August 18th to 20th from Soderarm
  Lighthouse (LH 0175 - WLH Award). QSL via SK0QO.

LU1ZA, SOUTH ORKNEY ISLAND (Update). The station LU1ZA has not been heard
since April 21st. However, OPDX has received some info about this station.
The operator's name is Claudio, and he is in the Argentina Army. He is a
Ham but not a DXer. He does not speak English, but thanks to Raymundo,
YS1RR, on April 21st a few people were able to work this station. His
QSL route is as follows: Serv. Auxil. de Radioafic., de la Armada,
Av. Del Libertador 8209, Capital Federal, CC 1429, Argentina.

OJ0, MARKET REEF. Operators Arne/LA3IKA, Bjorn/LA5UKA, Paul/LA6YEA and
Trond/LA9VDA will be active from Market Reef's Lighthouse (LH 0542 -
WLH Award) between August 5-8th. They will sign OJ0/LA3IKA, OJ0/LA5UKA,
OJ0/LA6YEA and OJ0/LA9VDA. Lars, OH0RJ, has also been invited to join
them. They plan to be active on 160-2 meters, SSB/CW/RTTY. LA5UKA
(ex-LC3NAT) will be active in the 2m NAC contest. QSL to homecalls except
for LA6YEA (QSL via LA9VDA). Look for more info later by checking
the following Web page:         http://www.qsl.net/la9vda

OY, FAROE ISLAND. Max/ON5UR and Wim/ON4CJI of the United Radio team will
operate from Faroe Island (Stremoy Island - EU-018) with the callsign
OY9UR, from May 28th through June 7th. They will be operating on 160, 80,
40, 20, 15, 10 and 6 meters. Wim is expected to be on PSK31. Also, look
for them on May 26-27th and June 8-9th as a /MM. They will be active
during the 6 meter contest on June 2-3rd. There will be a special full
color QSL cards for both callsigns. QSL direct via OY9UR: United Radio,
P.O.Box 33, Zichem 3271, Belgium. Remember: The QSO is short, the QSL
is forever.

  Fran, EA7FTR, reports that he has the logs for BA1RB, and any station
  who needs a QSL can send via EA7FTR: Francisco Lianez Suero, Asturias 23,
  21110 Aljaraque, Huelva, Spain. He is also the QSL Manager for Jack,
  QSL MANAGER CHANGE. Steve, DJ7AO, informs OPDX that he is no longer
  the QSL Manager for Ray, DL2GG/YV5. The new QSL Manager is Sigi, DL3AMA.
  Send direct via the CBA or via bureau.
  Allan, VK2CA, reports that Norried, H44NC, will be leaving New Georgia
  Island (OC-149) shortly to return to the USA for approx. 12 months. He
  will be carrying the H44NC logs from July 2000 onwards with him.  The
  new address for H44NC, as of the 1st of May 2001, DIRECT ONLY will be as
  follows: Norried F. Chaisson, P.O. Box 2262, Springfield, MO 65801, USA.
  QSLs before July 2000 will still be answered, but only after returning
  to H4.
  QSL INFORMATION FROM THE DESK OF OH2BN: 'Effective May 15th, late QSLing
  of E44DX, H40AA, 4W/N5KO and 4W/W3UR will be done by Steve, KU9C. The
  procedure we use is to keep answering all direct requests for 18 to 24
  months from the time of the actual DXpedition. At the end of that
  period, all remaining QSOs will be QSLed through the bureau network.
  Because we do not print extra QSLs for another round, a 'combo late
  request QSL-card' has been designed to confirm these late requests at
     In the case of TX0DX, we will keep answering all direct requests up
  to September 2001, when the bureau release will take place. All TX0DX
  direct requests have been answered as of today and we hold no backlog.'
                         de Jarmo Jaakola, OH2BN  

  Update on PW0S QSL Status by Steve, KU9C: 'It appears that I will have
  the QSL cards for PW0S, barring unforeseen shipping problems, the weekend
  BEFORE Dayton. I expect them to arrive at my QTH on May 11th. If this
  happens on schedule, I plan to issue ALL direct QSL cards that are clean
  in the log by Tuesday, May 15th (it will be a busy weekend, but most of
  the preparation is done). Thus, many of you should have a shot at having
  your card in advance of the Dayton Hamvention. If the schedule slips, my
  plans are to do what I can do before leaving for Dayton, and finishing the
  process upon my return. Some of the PW0S members will be at Dayton, and
  will be hand carrying the paper logs, which will allow me to research any
  of the 'not in log' QSOs. Thus, if your card does not appear in your box
  immediately, please give me a few weeks to research the logs, as you may
  well be not in the log. I'll post a note when the QSL process is 'up to
  date'. Thanks to all of you that included donations with your QSL requests.
  The donations will be forwarded to the PW0S team to help pay down the
  expenses of this operation. If you would like further details, PY7ZZ's
  web site has a very detailed accounting of the DXpedition expenses, which
  you may find of interest. Go to the log search page at: 
  Click on the 'Costs' shortcut.  Donations are still being accepted by
  myself and W9VA, Bill, as we are still trying to close the gap on
  expenses.............. 73 es DX IS!  Steve KU9C'
  OPDX has been asked 'What is the QSL status of the VK9XY cards?' Last
  we heard was cards were coming out (for the U.S.) the first past of the
  year. Does anyone have a more current update to report?

  Doug, ZP6CW, informs OPDX that he has had a houseguest for the last
  thirty-some days, Ian, G4DIE. He obtained permission to operate and
  was active on CW and PSK. He has made over 400 PSK contacts to date.
  Ian was scheduled to leave May 1st. His QSL MANAGER is Doug's wife,
  Dani, ZP6CU. Doug states that, ZP6CU continues to be his manager, and
  manager for another North American there ZP6GG. She still has logs for
  S07UN and CN2UN, and they still have the cards on hand for those
  operations which are now QRT.

  Raul, LU6EF, GACW Coordinator and QSL Manager, announced this week
  that 'The GACW Group will accept eQSL cards to achieve the awards that
  they are currently using. Also, they will accept eQSL cards for any
  special certificate of merit issued to relevant individuals and/or
  organizations. In other words, the GACW coordinators will spread the
  benefits of this system to more than 500 members in Argentina and some
  other countries to encourage and enforce the use of this very safe,
  quick and cheap method of confirming amateur radio contacts.

R1, FRANZ JOSEF LAND. R1FJL has been active on 12 meters lately. Check
24910 kHz around 1200z and after 0800z. QSL via UA3AGS.

SPECIAL EVENT. Peter McDonald, VK3DI, Secretary, EMDRC Inc., informs
OPDX that the special event callsign AX3ITU will be operated by members
of the Eastern and Mountain Districts Radio Club (EMDRC) to celebrate the
International Telecommunications Day for 24 hours commencing 0000z on May
17th, on behalf of the Wireless Institute of Australia (Vic Div).  This
is a relatively rare prefix for those prefix hunters. All HF bands will
be activated at some time during the period of operation. QSL via VK3ER:
P.O. Box 87, Mitcham, Victoria, Australia 3132.  All logged callsigns
will receive a QSL via the Bureau unless a direct request with sufficient
return postage is received within 90 days of event.

SPECIAL EVENT. Look for special event station EO56JM to be on by the
Crimea Contest Club now through May 13th. QSL via KG6AR (Direct or Bureau).

SPECIAL EVENT. The club station PI4TIL will use the special callsign PA6T
during the period May 27th through June 3rd. During the field day weekend
they will enter the CW contest and the 6 meter contest. During the weekend
of June 2nd and 3rd, they will be active on 80-6 meters, 2 meters, 70 cm,
23 cm and 13 cm. Operations will be on CW, Phone, SSTV, RTTY, PSK31, ATV
and satellites. On Wednesday, May 30th, they will be active on SSTV from
1800-2200z around the usual SSTV frequencies on 10, 15 and 20 meters.

SPECIAL EVENT. The Old Barney A.R.C. announces a Special Event operation
for the 'International Lighthouse Activity Weekend'. Station W2T will be
operating from the 'Tucker's Island Lighthouse' in the 'Tuckerton Seaport',
Tuckerton, New Jersey, at 1300z, August 18th, through 2300z, August 19th.
Suggested frequencies are: 7280, 14280, 21380 and 28480 kHz (146.835/rpt).
QSL via N2OO, PO Box 345, Tuckerton, NJ 08087 USA. Send a 9'x12' SASE
with 55 cents postage for QSL and Certificate... or SASE/SAE+IRC for just
a QSL.

TI, COSTA RICA. Philip, N0KE, will operate in the CQ WPX CW Contest as
TI5X from TI5KD's station as QRP/All Band entry. N0KE will handle all
contest QSLs for TI5X and TI5/N0KE outside the contest. ADDED NOTE:
Over the previous two years contest operations were TI5N, and TI5KD
handled the QSLs for this and other contest operations of TI5N.

   The Roane County Amateur Radio Club (KW4JS) will be active beginning
   1300z on May 19th, from Thief Neck Island, Tennessee. Thief Neck Island
   is in the Tennessee River in Roane County. Operation will be on all
   bands 20 through 10 meters. QSL via KW4JS. The USI reference number was
   not provided.

VO2, LABRADOR, CANADA (Update). Fred, K2FRD, want to make one last plug
for his Labrador DXpdition before he leaves for the north country on
June 1st. He expects to commence operations about June 6th and will operate
daily until he QRTs on August 31st. This will give the worldwide hams an
opportunity to contact CQ Zone 2 and ITU Zone 9 (which are usually not
active/listed every week). In brief, Fred will be operating mostly SSB
(with occasional CW) on 10, 12, 15, 17, 20, and 40 meters and CW on 30
meters per the schedule on his Web site. Normally, look for him near the
MUF, which given the state of 10 meters recently, could be 17 or 20 meters.
For more on his frequencies, bands, and schedule details, check his Web
page at:          http://sites.netscape.net/thefred3/labr1
Fred, K2FRD, states in his last press release: 'I'd like to thank you
(KB8NW) and the Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin, and the many hams worldwide who
have provided encouragement and moral support for this trip. I will do
my best to live up to everyone's (and my own) expectations. See you on
the air......73, Fred K2FRD'

VP8, FALKLAND ISLANDS. Only a few more days to work VP8SDX. They will go
QRT on May 9th. QSL via GM4FDM.

XU, CAMBODIA. The station signing XU7ABC has been active over the past week
on 20/17/15/12/10 meters CW. Check around 18072 kHz, 24903 kHz and 11 kHz
from band edge. QSL via G3XAQ. Meanwhile, XU7ABN, has been playing on
RTTY on 20 and 15 meters between 1330 and 1400z, also after 1800z.

YO, ROMANIA. Jean Michel, F6AJA, will again be active as YO/F6AJA for
the 8th year from Suceava (450km north of Bucarest). He will operate
from the YO8FZ's QTH during his free time. Jean will be there from
May 14-20th.

ZD8, ASCENSION ISLAND. Jim, N6TJ, will once again be active from here
during May 7-17th. QSL via VE3HO.

SPECIAL NOTE BY EDITOR: If you are having a problem receiving bounced
mail by sending mail to me via ' kb8nw@barf80.nshore.org ', please send
mail to me via ' kb8nw@arrl.net '...... TNX de Tedd KB8NW
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Excerpts and distribution of The OPDX Bulletin are granted as long as
KB8NW/OPDX/BARF80 receive credit. To contribute DX info, call BARF-80 BBS
online at 440-237-8208 28.8k/14400/9600/2400/1200 and leave a message with
the Sysop or send via InterNet Mail to: 
        kb8nw@barf80.nshore.org     - OR -   kb8nw@arrl.net
Use the VOICE or FAX answering machine at 440-237-8208 which shares the
same phone line as BARF-80 BBS using a data/fax/phone switch. To access:
1) Dial Number. 2) Wait for first ring (the second ring should be a false
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(NOTE: Some FAX machines that send single 'BEEPS' every second will not
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leave your voice message or FAX.


Tedd Mirgliotta  KB8NW
InterNet: kb8nw@barf80.nshore.org
Basic Amateur Radio Frequency BBS (BARF-80) +1 (440) 237-8208
'Totally devoted to Amateur Radio' - 24 Hrs a day 8/N/1 28.8k-1200 baud

Your Moderator is Larry Wilson KE1HZ
Email: owner-dx@qth.net
Submissions dx@qth.net


As of Thu May 3 12:31:33 PDT 2001

ARLD018 DX news

QST de W1AW  
DX Bulletin 18  ARLD018
>From ARRL Headquarters  
Newington CT  May 3, 2001
To all radio amateurs   

ARLD018 DX news

This week's bulletin was made possible with information provided by
Tedd, KB8NW, the OPDX Bulletin, QRZ DX, 425DXnews, The Daily DX,
W5STI, JT1KAA and Contest Corral from QST.  Thanks to all.

AGALEGA AND ST. BRANDON, 3B6.  Look for 3B6RF to be QRV from Agalega
beginning about May 6.  Activity will be on all bands and modes.

BAHAMAS, C6.  Bill, W4WX, will be QRV from Treasure Cay from May 7
to 14 as W4WX/C6A.  He will be active using RTTY and some SSB on the
newer bands.  QSL to home call.

ETHIOPIA, ET.  Claudio, ET3VSC, has been QRV of late on 21260 kHz
between 2030 and 2330z.  QSL via K3IRV.
GUINEA-BISSAU, J5.  DJ6SI and others are QRV as J5X.  They will be
QRV until May 11 on 160 to 6 meters using CW, SSB, RTTY, FSK and
SSTV.  QSL via operator's instructions.

JAPAN, JA.  Special event station 8J3EAG is QRV until May 27 from
the East Asian Games in Osaka.  Activity is on 80 to 10 meters.  QSL
via JA3DBD.

MONGOLIA, JT.  Special event station JU1O will be QRV from May 5 to
13.  QSL via JR0CGJ.

FRANZ JOSEF LAND, R1FJ.  R1FJL has been QRV on 24911 kHz from 0800
to 1230z.  QSL via UA3AGS.

POLAND, SP.  Helmut, DL7VOX, is QRV as SO1VOX from Wolin Island,
IOTA EU-132, until May 15.  Activity is on all HF bands, including
the newer bands, using mostly CW.  QSL to home call.

EGYPT, SU.  Said, SU1SK, has been QRV on 21084 kHz just after 1200z.

CENTRAL AFRICA, TL.  Charles, TL8CK, has been QRV on 17 meters just
prior to 2100z.  QSL via F6EWM.

UKRAINE, UR.  The Ukrainian QRP Club will hold its first QRP
expedition to the mountain Ai-Petri in the Crimea.  They will be QRV
as EM5QRP.  Activity will generally be on the international QRP
frequencies using mostly CW.  Some SSB, RTTY and SSTV activity is
also planned.  QSL via UR7IRL.

MONTSERRAT, VP2M.  Look for VP2MR to be QRV for the first two weeks
in May on all HF bands.  QSL via W5PB.

IRAQ, YI.  Rodger is QRV from YI1BGD.  He has been active on 18150
kHz just prior to 1400z and then on 14184 kHz just before 1600z.

ASCENSION ISLAND, ZD8.  Jim, N6TJ, is expected to be QRV as ZD8Z
from May 7 to 17.  QSL via VE3HO.

CHATHAM ISLANDS, ZL7.  Ed, K8VIR, is here on business during the
next few weeks.  He will be QRV as ZL7IR during his spare time.
Activity will be on 20, 17 and 15 meters.  QSL via W8WC.

International DX Contest, Danish SSTV Contest, Indiana, Connecticut,
and Massachusetts QSO Parties, Ten-Ten International Net Spring CW
QSO Party and the VHF/UHF Spring Sprint will certainly keep
contesters busy this weekend.  Please see May QST, page 106 for


As of Sun Apr 29 15:28:07 PDT 2001

SB DX @ WW < KB8NW $OPDX.509
Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin No. 509

The Ohio/Penn DX PacketCluster
DX Bulletin No. 509
BID: $OPDX.509
April 30, 2001
Editor Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW
Provided by BARF-80 BBS Cleveland, Ohio
Online at 440-237-8208 28.8k-1200 Baud 8/N/1

Thanks to the Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society, Northern Ohio DX
Association, Ohio/Penn PacketCluster Network, AB5K & the AR TelNet
Clusters Network, N2OO, N3SL, W3HC, W3UR & The Daily DX, K4JZ, N4AA &
F5UJK & WLH Board, HB9DLE, HL1IWD, I1JQJ/IK1ADH & 425 DX News, IK4NQL,
and YS1RR for the following DX information.


TIP OF THE WEEK: When sending regular messages, turn OFF your 'HTML' format
                 in your mail programs and use plain text. This will save
                 a lot of bandwidth. Using 'HTML' usually makes the message
                 twice as big and copies itself twice in one message!

DXCC COUNTRY/ENTITY REPORT: According to the AR-Cluster Network for the
week of Sunday, 22/April, through Sunday, 29/April there were 231 countries
active. Countries available: 3A, 3B8, 3B9, 3D2, 3DA, 3V, 3W, 4J, 4L, 4S,
4U1U, 4X, 5A, 5B, 5H, 5N, 5R, 5X, 5Z, 6W, 6Y, 7Q, 7X, 8P, 8Q, 8R, 9A, 9G,
9H, 9J, 9K, 9M2, 9M6, 9N, 9Q, 9V, 9Y, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A9, AP, BV, BY,
C3, C6, C9, CE, CE9, CM, CN, CP, CT, CT3, CU, CX, D2, D4, DL, DU, EA, EA6,
EA8, EA9, EI, EK, EL, EP, ER, ES, ET, EU, EX, EY, EZ, F, FG, FJ, FK, FM,
FO, FO/a, FR, FW, FY, G, GD, GI, GJ, GM, GU, GW, H4, HA, HB, HB0, HC, HI,
HK, HK0/a, HK0/m, HL, HP, HR, HS, HZ, I, IS, J2, J3, J5, J6, J7, J8, JA,
JD/m, JT, JW, JX, JY, K, KH0, KH2, KH4, KH6, KH8, KL, KP2, KP4, LA, LU,
LX, LY, LZ, OA, OD, OE, OH, OH0, OK, OM, ON, OX, OY, OZ, P2, P4, PA, PJ2,
PJ7, PY, PY0F, PZ, R1FJ, S2, S5, S7, S9, SM, SP, SU, SV, SV5, SV9, T7, T8,
T9, TA, TF, TG, TI, TK, TL, TR, TT, TU, TX0, UA, UA2, UA9, UK, UN, UR, V2,
V3, V4, V5, V6, V7, V8, VE, VK, VK9C, VK9M, VK9N, VP2E, VP2V, VP5, VP6,
VP8, VP9, VQ9, VR, VU, XE, XT, XU, XX9, XZ, YB, YI, YK, YL, YN, YO, YS,
YU, YV, Z2, Z3, ZA, ZB, ZC4, ZD7, ZD8, ZK1/s, ZL, ZP, ZS
    There were 39 CQ Zones available during the past week.
          CQ Zones that were not active are:  2 
    There were 55 ITU Zones available during the past week.
          ITU Zones that were not active are:  3,4,9,15,21,22,23,24,25,

* PLEASE NOTE: The report 'could' contain 'Pirate/SLIM' operations. As
  always, you never know - 'Work First Worry Later' (WFWL).
  OPDX InterNet Subscribers will receive an additional bulletin (due to its
  size) with a complete breakdown and 'DXCC/Entities Chart of Activity'.

3B6RF THE AGALEGA DXPEDITION (Update). As this was being written, the
3B6RF team is heading to Agalega and plans to arrive around May 2nd or
3rd. The team will start operating 10 or 12 hours after landing and stay
active until the 16th or 17th of May. From a press release by Steve, N3SL,
the advance team for 3B6RF had been on 3B8 for a week where they obtained
the license and landing permit, and purchased the perishable supplies and
arranged final transportation. The remaining crew should have been in
3B8-land by Saturday, April 28th. Their flight arrangements now calls for
travel to 3B6 via S7, and they expect to be on the air by May 3rd, and to
begin the tear down process on May 16th. They will not begin operations
until all 6 stations are assembled, which includes the massive array of
antennas. Once they start, they will be on all bands, 160-6 plus satellite,
and all modes (CW, SSB, RTTY/PSK, FM, and SSTV). Their team of 21 members,
many of whom gave you 3B7, is giving concentrated effort to North America,
with extra attention to the low bands. Unfortunately, they do not share
common darkness past the Midwest, so pray hard to the 160 gods! There may
be times they have 2 or even 3 stations on 160 simultaneously if conditions
warrant.  They fully expect to finish with 100,000+ QSOs, approximately
65,000 on CW and at least 2,500 on RTTY/PSK. The digital modes will
commence on day 1, but with times limited to 1 hour/continent until
the CW pile-ups are worked down a bit. Then more effort will be placed
on digital. PSK31 will be a bit unique, as they are using software capable
of decoding multiple signals simultaneously. They will listen both up and
down 1+ kHz, allowing them to work someone 'up 1' while already decoding
the next station 'down 1' and vice versa, keeping the rates as high as
possible. Standard DX frequencies will be used, and they will always
work split. The entire band plan is spelled out on their web page. A color
QSL is planned, so QSLing will not begin for some time after the expedition
is over.  North American (Canada, U.S., and Mexico) QSLs go via
Kimberly Larson, the daughter of N3SL, at N3SL's CBA: 22 N Hidden Acres 
Drive, Sioux City, IA, 51108.  All other QSLs via HB9AGH.  As usual, the 
bureau will be used for cards received via the bureau or without sufficient 
return postage. Their web page gratefully acknowledges all of their sponsors
and contributors to date.  Each team member has put forth a minimum of
6000 USD toward this effort, but with the change in travel plans via S7,
significant, unexpected expenses have been incurred, and further
assistance/donations will be greatly appreciated. Information and feedback
during the expedition should be sent via their American pilot station:
Bill Avery, K6GNX, at ' bavery@telemetry.com '.  They especially want
feedback from the western half of the U.S., where 3B6 is needed most.
Online logs will be updated daily during the expedition. For more info and
daily news, check out the 3B6RF Web page at:   http://www.agalega2000.ch

3D2/R, ROTUMA. Katsumi, JA1NVF, is now active as 3D2NV/R. His length of
stay is unknown at this time. He has been very active on 20/17/15/12/10
meters SSB and FM 10 meters. QSL via home callsign.

4N8, KOSOVO, YUGOSLAVIA. Boyan, LZ1BJ, was signing 4N8/LZ1BJ from Pristina
this past week. Activity seems to be on 40-10 meters CW/SSB.  QSL via
his home callsign.

8Q, MALDIVES. Only a few more days to work Peter, HA2SX, as 8Q7KK. He will
go QRT on May 4th. His activity has been mainly on CW. Check 3504, 7005,
10107, 14003, 18080 and 21005 kHz. QSL via HA2SX.

9A, CROATIA (Lighthouse Operation). Franjo, 9A2MF, has started operation
from the Croatian lighthouse Savudrija. Franjo is a lighthouse keeper who
has been in service for the past 20 years, and stationed on many Croatian
lighthouses. Currently, he is stationed on the SAVUDRIJA, where he will
be for the next several years. He has already erected an antenna on the
lighthouse building. The 'Lighthouse Savudrija' is valid for Croatian
Light House Award. Savudrija is a CLH-73. Hams interested in the Croatian
Light House Award can get all the details on the following Web page at:

C6A, BAHAMAS. Bill, W4WX, will be operating from the Treasure Cay, Bahamas,
May 7-14th, as W4WX/C6A. He will be active on RTTY and some SSB on the
WARC bands. QSL via home call.

will be active from 'Point of Sagres' (locator IM56MX) as CS0RCL/p, June
2-3rd. This operation is valid for the 'Castles and Forts Portuguese
Award', reference numbers: DCFP (F-054), DMP (815) and DFP (FAL-02). Their
activity will be on HF, 6 meters, 2 meters and 23cm. Skeds can be made
for 6/2 meters and 23cm via E-mail through CT1EPS at: ct1eps@netc.pt
QSL via bureau or direct to CT1EPS.

CW, URUGUAY. Jorge, CX6VM, reports that he will be active in the next
CQ WPX CW Contest as CW6V. He will be operating as a Single Operator/
All Bands/ Tribander / Single elements category (SOAB TS). Jorge will
be mostly on 10/15/20/40 meters due to the difficultly of getting 6
point QSOs on the others low bands. QSL to his QSL Manager W3HNK:
Joseph Arcure Jr., P.O.Box 73, Edgemont PA 19028, USA

EAST TIMOR VIDEO. Dennis/K7BV and Dick/N6FF have announced that a 32 minute
video titled, 4W/K7BV 4W/N6FF Timor Lorosae DXpedition - 'Memories Beyond
the Pileups', is now available in VHS 1/2' tape format (standard USA) or on
a CD for 15USD + 5USD handling (USA via Priority Mail). They will also
make the video available in PAL format if there is sufficient interest. If
interested, contact K7BV, and he will forward all inquires on to the proper
people. Please send inquiries via E-mail to:          k7bv@aol.com 
Or by (snail) mail to: Dennis Motschenbacher, K7BV, 4357 Appollonio Way,
Washoe Valley, NV 89704.

FP, ST. PIERRE & MIQUELON ISLANDS. Wendell, K4JZ, has announced what he
calls 'The Poor Boy DX-Pedition'. From June 14-18th, Wendell will be
operating from FP-land using the callsign FP/K4JZ. His operations will
be on 40-10 meters SSB. QSL To K4JZ with SASE. This is a one man operation,
and any donations will be appreciated.

HC8, GALAPAGOS ISLAND. Operators Robert/N5KO, Charles/W6OAT, Ken/K6TA,
Kay/K6KO, Jon/N0JK and George/K5PI will activate HC8N in the CQ WPX CW
Contest as a Multi-Multi catagory. QSL via AA5BT.

HK0, MALPELO. Pedro, HK3JJH/HK0, continues to be active. This will be the
last week to work him. Activity will end May 7th. QSL Manager Carl, N4AA,
reports he will NOT have cards/logs until mid-May after Pedro returns
home. He estimates that it will be at least June before everything is in
place to start answering the hundreds of requests pouring in. PLEASE READ

HV, VATICAN. Look for HV5PUK to be active from the Vatican City on May
3rd, as usual during the 'V Lateran Journey'. Operations will be on HF,
6 and 2 meters starting around 0800z. QSL to Luca, IW0DJB, the QSL Manager
of HV5PUL.

IOTA NEWS...................
   AS-NEW.  Lee, HL1IWD, informs OPDX that the Korea DX Club regrets to
            say that their scheduled (May 5-6th) operation for the Kangwondo
            Province has been cancelled. They could not get the landing
            permission from government's Ministry of Defence. He states
            that a few years ago, a North Korean submarine was wrecked
            and captured near where they were going to operate. After
            that, the military's HQ has been sensitive to island landing,
            especially overnight stays. Also, they do not understand
            about ham radio and IOTAs! They will try to find another way.
   AS-056.  Joe, JA4PXE/6, will be active from Danjo Island starting around
            2200z on May 4th, ending May 6th at 2200z. He will be operating
            on 14260 and 21260 kHz +/- QRM, and 50.145 MHz. QSL via JA4PXE.

   AS-096.  Chetan, VU3DMP, from Mangalore (West coast of Southern India)
            and Srikanth, VU2SBJ from Manipal, informs OPDX that a team of
            Indian operators will be activating St. Mary's Island from
            May 5-7th. The un-inhabited, bare and very small St. Mary's
            Island is located in the Udupi district in the state of
            Karnataka. The permission from the government, WPC (Wireless
            Planning & Coordination) has already been granted for this
            operation. WX permitting, they intend to run 3 stations active
            on most bands most of the time with about 12 operators. The
            stations will be active on CW and Phone. The 12 operators that
            were mentioned are: VU2MHC (Manipal Club Callsign), VU2SBJ,
            VU2RCT, VU2JIX, VU2GPH and VU2JRO. Their activity will be on
            80-10 meters with Yagis, Verticals etc..., on CW and SSB with
            three station active continuously. There is a web page with more
            information about the operations on:   http://www.vuiota.com
            QSLing will be handled individually for each callsigns, direct
            (S.A.S.E) (Qrz.com, vuiota.com) or via Bureau is OK. Bureau
            requests can be sent to:         qsl@vuiota.com
   EU-048.  Francois, F2GL, will be active from Houat Island now through
            May 6th. Operations will be on CW/SSB, 80-10 meters (including
            the WARC bands). QSL to F2GL, direct or via bureau.
   EU-130.  Andy/IV3SKB and Mauro/IV3HAX will be active from Martignano
            Island (IIA-UD-005), May 1-7th. Activity will be 40-10 meters,
            including the WARC bands, on CW/SSB. QSL via IV3HAX.
   EU-136.  Dusan, S52DG, will be active as 9A/S52DG/P from Krk Island
            (CI-046 - Croatian Island Award), now through May 1st. His
            activity will be 80-10 meters. QSL via CBA or bureau.

J5, GUINEA-BISSAU. Baldur, DJ6SI, and others have activated the callsign
J5X now through May 11th. Their activity will be on 160-6 meters on SSB,

JW, SVALBARD (Update/Rare IOTA). 'DXpedition Artic 2001' will take place
during June 1-9th, from Prins Karls Forland Island (Polpynten Area) which
has the rare IOTA EU-063 (Spitsbergen's Coastal Islands). The callsign will
be JW0PK. The team operators are as follows: DL5NAM/Christoph, ES1CH/
Aleksei, F5PBL/Claude, I2ADN/Angelo, IK2XDE/Andrea, IK2XDF/Giampaoalo,
IK4MED/Dario, LA3OHA/JW3OHA/Terje, LA8AV/JW8AV/Egil, ON4AMX/Marc, S57FYL/
Aleksandra, S53AC/Atila, SP5DRH/Jacek, SP5LCC/Witold, US0VA/Igor (Doctor
of the team), XE1BEF/Hector and others (members of logistic & security).
They plan to operate on all bands and modes on the following suggested
SSB  -  1840, 3790, 7060, 14195, 18145, 21295, 24950, 28460, 50145, 144250
CW   -  1822, 3505, 7005, 10105, 14020, 18080, 21020, 24895, 28020, 50095,
RTTY -  14080, 21080, 28080       |  JW7SIX    Beacon  Frq.  50.047 Mhz.
PSK31-  14071, 21071, 28071       |  WW Locator JQ68TB
FM   -  29200                     |
  There will be activity on the satellites/RTTY/PSK31. They will try 6
meters 24 hours a day. They will try the lower bands, but they will have
daylight during the operation, so low bands QSO will be difficult. They
are looking for sponsors or support, so if you want send them a contribu-
tions, you can use this address: DXPEDITION ORG., P.O. Box 584, 
9171 Longyearbyen, Svalbard Islands, (Norway). QSL Manager is SP5DRH,
QSL via the bureau is ok. If you prefer a direct QSL from SP5DRH, send
it to: Mr. Jacek Kubiak, P.O.Box 4, 00-957 Warszawa - Poland. For more
info, please send E-mail to them at:  dxpedition2000@dxpedition.org
Their Web Page is at:        http://www.dxpedition.org

KH1, BAKER AND HOWLAND ISLANDS. Raymundo, YS1RR, announced this past
weekend that the same team which was active from Conway Reef 2001, is
planning a DXpedition to Baker and Howland Islands at the end of the year.
The expect it to take place during the months of September/October 2001,
with alternative schedule for the months of February/March 2002. The
leader of DXpedition will be Hrane, YT1AD. More datails and plans are
forthcoming soon.

LU, SOUTH ORKNEY ISLAND. A station signing LU1ZA from here was active
for about an hour on April 21st on 28325 kHz on SSB. His activity started
about 1830z, and the operator could not speak English. It is unknown
how long he will be there. If anyone knows more information about this
operator/station, please pass it on to OPDX. There are many who need this
station as a new one.

NEW DXER IN THE FAMILY? The DX team of Holger/DL7IO and Birgit/DL7IQ
added an addition to the family on Sunday, April 22nd. NODXA's friend
Holger informs OPDX that the mother Birgit and new daughter Xenia are
fine. Xenia weighted in at 3590g and her length was 51 cm. She has long
black hair (like her sister Saskia had). Congratulations to both Birgit
and Holger! By the way, the first pictures of the new arrival are available
at the following Web link:         http://www.ea8.de/xenia.html

QSL INFO AND NEWS....................
  IMPORTANT NOTICE. Carl, N4AA, editor of QRZ DX and QSL Manager for
  Pedro, HK3JJH/HK0, reports that he has just learned that the FCC made
  an error in his zip code when they processed a change of address several
  months ago and he never noticed their mistake. The post office brought
  this to his attention when all the mail started coming in for HK3JJH/HK0.
  Please help and spread the word that the correct address for N4AA is:
  Carl Smith, PO Box 249, Leicester, NC 28748-0249
  Mac, W3HC, has informed OPDX that he is now the QSL Manager for

  Gil, F5NOD, reports that Eric, F5SIH (ex-FO0BOG), states that the QSL
  cards are printed, and the first package of QSL should be in the mail
  as of this past weekend.

  FR/T QSL STATUS. Gil, F5NOD, reports that 1000 QSLs are still in the
  hands of Larry F5PYI, (QSL receieved in August/September). Larry is
  back at home and they will mail them very soon. They have sent about
  8000 QSLs out, but they are still working on the QSLing and there is
  about 1000 QSL cards yet to go. Gil states the following:
    - 'PLEASE, Do not resend QSL request !! (save your green stamps)
    - We will start Bureau QSLing after all direct QSLs are sent
    - DO NOT SEND ME (or to Erwann F6JJX) E-mail 'Did you received my
      QSL ?' >> We really don't know!
    - DON'T FORGET to put with your request , postage contribution and
      SAE (SELF ADRESSED Envelop) many of you forgot the SAE!!! ... Also
      don't forget to write your country on the SAE!! Many of you forgot
      it too ... That's the major reason for lost mail.'

  QSL K5K STATUS. The 425 DX News reports that Tom, N4XP, is processing
  and mailing QSLs daily. He started six weeks ago, but the queue was over
  30,000, so it will take a while.
  R2/DK8LV STATUS. Stephan, DK8LV, reports that all cards received have
  not been answered yet. The  reason  for this is that after his stay in
  Kaliningrad last year, friends in UA2-land ordered the QSL cards by
  UA3AA in Moscow. He received the package with the cards last December,
  but they were all printed with the wrong callsign (R2/DL8LV!). So,
  Stephan had to order new cards again, but they have not arrived yet
  - shipment date was February 22nd (!!). He states that he will wait
  until the end of April, and if the cards are not received by then, he
  will look for a new printer. Stephan will answer all cards as soon as
  they are ready from the printer.
  QSLs for TA0/IT9YRE/p and TA0/IT9WDY/p go to IT9YRE either direct
  (Ferdinando Rubino, P.O. Box 30, 96012 Avola - SR, Italy) or through
  the ARI bureau.
  The team of operators that were active from Enewetak as V73E are back
  on Kwajalein as this bulletin was being prepared. They made about
  18,000 QSOs. QSL via WF5T. A Web site has been set up for this operation
  at:               http://www.sixmeters.com/v73e
  Bill, K6KM, reports that all direct QSLs for VK9NOO and VK9NNN have
  been answered. No bureau cards have been received yet. He mentions
  that about 5% of the cards had the wrong date. NONE had time off by
  more than five minutes. Bill states, 'Apparently many ops don't know
  that U. S. postage to almost anywhere is now 80 cents. Many cards had
  60 cent stamps. Correct U. S. postage is best, 1 USD is almost as good,
  IRCs are a pain but they work (only 1 required). Envelopes with peel-off
  stickies are GREAT! Thanks to those who sent them!'
  Bob Schenck, N2OO/9M6OO/V85OO, announced the formation of 'The QSL
  Manager's Society'. This will be a web based 'organization' that will
  act as a 'point of contact' for quality QSL managers, and for DXpeditions
  or DX stations looking for one. It will also provide a central source of
  information useful to any QSL manager. Please visit the web page at:

SAD NOTE. Bob Schenck, N2OO/9M6OO/V85OO, sadly reported this week the
passing of H.G. Hassan, V85HG (aka V8HG). Hassan was always a strong
and steady voice for Ham Radio in Brunei. He will be sorely missed. Bob
mentions that a nice photo of Hassan can be found on the Buckmaster
callsign server at the web site: http://buck.com/cgi-bin/do_hamcallexe
(enter V85HG). OPDX and the DX community send out our deepest sympathy
to the family and friends.

SPECIAL EVENT. During the celebration of the 56th Anniversary of the end
World War II, the members of the 'Michurinsk Contest Groupe' will activate
the special event stations RP3RST, RP3RTG, RP3RTK and RP3RZK between May
5-9th and May 12-13th (including the 'ARI DX' and 'CQ-M' contests). If
you make contacts with these stations (CIS stations - 15 QSOs, EU stations
- 10 QSOs, DX stations - 5 QSOs; dupes are valid on different bands or
modes) you will receive a 'MCG-medal' trophy free of charge (please, send
only 2 IRCs for postal expenses). QSLs for all these stations are via
RN3RQ (direct, bureau or E-mail requests for bureau cards is OK): 
Jack Yatskiv, P.O.Box 30, Michurinsk 393760, Russia. His E-mail address
is:                           mcg@pub.tmb.ru 
All QSL requests for the 2000 year activity were sent via the bureau.

'THE MOBILE DXER' (New Book). Dave, AC6WO, has informed OPDX that he has
written a new book for 'The Mobile DXer'. This book is the 'First and Only'
book devoted entirely to Mobile Dxing. 'The Mobile DXer' will be introduced
to the Amateur Radio community by CQ Publications next month at Dayton.
If you are interested in Mobile DXing and are going to Dayton, stop by the
CQ Booth and take a peek at 'The Mobile DXer'.

TK, CORSICA (IOTA Activity). Pierre/F5MOG and Jean-Pierre/F1AHO, will be
active from North Corsica (EU-014, DIFM TK001) near cap Corse now through
May 6th, as TK/F5MOG and TK/F1AHO. Activity will be on the HF bands, both
CW and SSB, every day after 4:00 PM (their local time). On April 29th or
May 1st (according to boat possibilities), check for them to be active
from Giraglia Island (EU 164, DIFM TK 007, WLH 0511). On May 5 and 6th,
Jean Pierre, F1AHO, will be active on hyper (5.7, 10 and 24 Ghz). QSL via
F5MOG, direct CBA or via French REF Bureau.

TX0, CHESTERFIELD ISLAND. The TX0C team is now active until about May
2nd or 3rd. Activity will be on 160-6 meters CW/SSB. QSL via JA1BK.

VK9C, COCOS-KEELING ISLAND. The English team of three operators is very
active on 30-10 meters CW/SSB (frequencies listed in OPDX.508). Activity
by VK9CXF, VK9CXJ and VK9CXW will last until May 5th.

VP8, FALKLAND ISLANDS. The Scottish team of 4 four operators is making
it easy for anyone who needs this on CW. VP8SDX is on ALL bands 160-10
meters (frequencies listed in OPDX.508). Activity will last until May

XX9, MACAO. Arto, OH2KW, will be on the air again from here. He will be
active between May 18-20th and during the CQ WPX CW Contest (May 26-27th).
His callsign will again be XX9TKW. QSL via his home callsign, via the
bureau or CBA.

ZK1, NORTH & SOUTH COOK ISLANDS. Remember to look for Uwe/DL9NDS and
Klaus/DL7NFK to be active as ZK1NDS and ZK1NFK (refer to OPDX.500). By the
time you read this, they should be active. Activity will last until May
18th. They will activate a few IOTAs during their stay: Rarotonga (OC-013),
Mangaja Island (OC-159), Aitutaki Island (OC-083) and Manihiki (OC-014).
Their emphasis will be on the modes RTTY/PSK31/MFSK16. QSL via their
home callsigns. They will have an online log available at:

ZL7, CHATHAM ISLANDS. Ed, K8VIR/ZL4IR, is expected to be here on business
during the next few weeks. He will operate as ZL7IR during his spare time.
Suggested frequencies are: 14260, 18130 and 21260 kHz. QSL direct via W8WC.

SPECIAL NOTE BY EDITOR: If you are having a problem receiving bounced
mail by sending mail to me via ' kb8nw@barf80.nshore.org ', please send
mail to me via ' kb8nw@arrl.net '...... TNX de Tedd KB8NW
   Help:        <mailto:opdx-request@nshore.org?subject=help>
   Subscribe:   <mailto:opdx-request@nshore.org?subject=subscribe>
   Unsubscribe: <mailto:opdx-request@nshore.org?subject=unsubscribe>
Excerpts and distribution of The OPDX Bulletin are granted as long as
KB8NW/OPDX/BARF80 receive credit. To contribute DX info, call BARF-80 BBS
online at 440-237-8208 28.8k/14400/9600/2400/1200 and leave a message with
the Sysop or send via InterNet Mail to: 
        kb8nw@barf80.nshore.org     - OR -   kb8nw@arrl.net
Use the VOICE or FAX answering machine at 440-237-8208 which shares the
same phone line as BARF-80 BBS using a data/fax/phone switch. To access:
1) Dial Number. 2) Wait for first ring (the second ring should be a false
ring from the fax/data switch box) and then dial four quick ones ('1111').
(NOTE: Some FAX machines that send single 'BEEPS' every second will not
have to do this step.) 3) The phone will pick up and after the 'BEEP' 
leave your voice message or FAX.

Additional Bulletin for OPDX InterNet Subscribers.
                       AB5K AR-Cluster Network
                   DXCC/Entities Chart of Activity
             For the week of Sunday, 22/April - Saturday, 28/April
        Nmbr   Nmbr              Band of                Days of
DXCC  Stations Spots            Activity               the Week       Modes
----  -------  -----  -----------------------------  -------------  ----------
3A         2     19         .40.  .20.17.15.  .10.    .T.W.T.F.S.   CW.SSB.RTTY
3B8        5     43            .30.20.  .15.12.10.   M.T.W.T.F.S.   CW.SSB.RTTY
3B9        2     20               .      M. .W. .F.     CW.SSB.RTTY
3D2/r      2     40               .         .F.S.     .SSB.    
3D2        3     30               .20.  .15.         M.T. .T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY          
3DA        1     11                     .15.  .10.          .F.S.   CW.   .RTTY
3V         6     24               .20.17.15.  .10.   M.T. .T. .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
3W         7    206         .40.  .20.  .15.  .10.        .T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
4J         7     37            .30.20.  .15.  .10.   M.T.W.T. .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
4L        12     27      .80.40.  .20.  .15.  .10.   M.   .T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
4S         9     95         .   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
4U1U       1      1                  .17.            M.                     
4W         2      9                              .6  M. .W.T.F.S.     .SSB. 
4X       104    280      .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
5A         2     25   160.           .17.15.12.      M.T.W.T. .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
5B        18     98      .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
5H         3     48      .80.  .      M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
5N        12     32               .      M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
5R         6     41            .  M. .W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
5X         1      3                           .10.            .S.     .SSB. 
5Z         4      5               .20.17.15.  .10.    .T.     .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
6W         4     27               .20.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
6Y         3      8               .20.17.15.  .10.      .W. .F.S.S    .SSB. 
7Q         8     66         .40.     .17.15.  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
7X        10     38         .40.  .20.17.15.  .10.   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
8P         4     11                     .15.  .10.   M. .W. .F. .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
8Q         6    231      .   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
8R         6     10         .40.  .20.17.15.  .10.   M.T.W. .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
9A        24     60     .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
9G         1      1                     .15.              .T.         .SSB. 
9H        14     33         .40.30.  .  M.T. .T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
9J         2     27         .40.  .  .6  M.T.W. .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
9K         8     70               .   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
9L         0      0                                                         
9M2       13     87               .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
9M6        2     13               .20.17.15.     .6  M.T.W.T.F.       .SSB. 
9N         3     14                     .15.  .10.   M.T.W.   .S.S    .SSB. 
9Q         3     24                  .17.  .12.           .T. .S.   CW.   .RTTY
9V         7     53               .  .6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
9Y         6     15            .30.20.  .15.  .10.6     .W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
A2         7     60                  .17.  .12.10.6  M.T.W.T. .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
A3         1      1               .20.                .T.             .SSB. 
A4        14     89               .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
A5         1      2               .20.        .10.        .T.   .S    .SSB. 
A6         4     26         .40.  .20.  .15.  .10.6  M. .W.T.F. .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
A9         2      7                  .17.  .12.         .W.   .S.   CW.   .RTTY
AP        10     60               .   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
BV        28     53   160.80.     .20.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
BY        32     78            .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
C3         6      8               .20.17.  .12.10.      .W. .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
C6         2      2               .20.               M.     .F.     CW.SSB.RTTY
C9         5     16                     .15.12.  .6  M.T.W.   .S.S  CW.   .RTTY
CE        26     57         .40.  .20.17.15.  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
CE9        5     48            .30.20.  .15.12.10.   M. .W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
CM        27     64   160.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
CN         8     23            .  M.T. .T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
CP         8     24   160.  .40.  .20.17.15.  .10.    .T. .T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
CT        20     31   160.80.40.  .20.  .15.  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
CT3        6     21      .80.  .30.20.     .12.10.6  M.T.W.   .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
CU        11     55               .   M.T.W.T.F. .S    .SSB. 
CX        30     75   160.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
D2         6     33         .40.  .20.  .15.  .10.      .W.T. .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
D4         2     52         .40.  .20.               M.T.W.T.F.S.S    .SSB. 
DL       170    295   160.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
DU        27     82               .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
EA       104    280  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
EA6       15     38   160.  .40.  .20.17.15.  .10.6  M. .W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
EA8       24     51            .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
EA9       11     46         .40.  .  .6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
EI        19     37               .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
EK         5     16               .20.17.15.         M.T.W. .F.S.S    .SSB. 
EL         3      4               .20.               M.T.           CW.SSB.RTTY
EP         3      8               .20.        .10.   M. .W.T.F. .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
ER         4     13            .30.20.17.  .12.      M. .W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
ES        14     20               .20.  .15.  .10.6  M. .W.T.F. .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
ET         4      8      .80.           .15.     .6       .T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
EU        22     48      .80.40.  .20.17.15.  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
EX        14     58      .   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
EY         4     23            .30.  .17.  .12.10.6     .W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
EZ         6     18               .20.17.15.  .10.      .W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
F        113    351  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
FG         8     15               .20.17.15.  .10.   M.T.W. .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
FJ         1      8               .20.     .12.       .T. .T. .S.     .SSB. 
FK        10     53         .  M.T. .T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
FM         6     19         .40.30.20.     .12.10.   M.T.W. .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
FO         8    109         .40.  .20.  .   .T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
FO/a       1      4                           .10.              .S  CW.   .RTTY
FR        17    136            .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
FW         2     35         .40.  .20.  .15.  .10.6  M.T.W. .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
FY         7     27         .40.  .20.17.  .12.10.   M.     .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
G        109    256   160.  .  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
GD         9     33               .20.           .6   .T.W. .F. .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
GI        13     24         .  .10.6  M.T.W. .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
GJ         3      3            .30.           .10.      .W.T.F.     CW.   .RTTY
GM        48    164      .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
GU         8     12            .  .10.6  M. .W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
GW        14     25                  .17.15.  .10.6  M.T.W.   .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
H4         1      2               .20.17.                   .F.S.     .SSB. 
H40        0      0                                                         
HA        33     54      .  .10.   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
HB        43     64  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
HB0        1      1                     .15.                  .S.           
HC         8     50      .80.  .  .10.   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
HI         3      4         .40.  .20.17.     .10.   M.   .T.F. .S  CW.   .RTTY
HK        16     31         .  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
HK0/a      8     46         .   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
HK0/m     15    169      .80.40.  .   M.T.W.T.F.S.S    .SSB. 
HL        66    154      .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
HP         4     10      .80.     .20.17.15.  .10.      .W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
HR         4     16            .30.20.  .15.  .10.   M.       .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
HS        16     92               .20.  .15.  .10.   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
HZ         5     24               .20.  .15.     .6     .W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
I        222    555  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
IS        12     34         .40.  .20.17.15.     .6  M.T.W.T.F. .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
J2         5     88            .30.  .   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
J3         1      1                           .10.      .W.         CW.   .RTTY
J5         1    111      .         .F.S.   CW.SSB.RTTY
J6         1      2               .20.               M. .W.           .SSB. 
J7         5    155      .   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
J8         3     85            .30.20.17.  .12.10.   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
JA       176    287  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
JD/m       2      3                     .15.  .10.            .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
JT         8     71         .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
JW        10     97         .   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
JX         2     13      .80.40.  .20.  .15.         M.T.W. .F.     CW.SSB.RTTY
JY         6     44         .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
K        304    451  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
KG4        2      5                              .6  M.   .T.F. .S    .SSB. 
KH0        7     18         .40.  .20.  .15.  .10.   M.T.W. .F.S.S    .SSB. 
KH2        8     65         .  M.T.W. .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
KH4        3     19      .80.        .              .S    .SSB. 
KH6       18     35            .  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
KH8        3     45                     .15.     .6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
KL        16     41            .  .10.    .T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
KP2        6     24            .      .W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
KP4       27     49         .40.  .20.17.15.  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
LA        37     62      .  .15.  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
LU        85    149      .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
LX        10     30         .40.30.20.  .  M.T.   .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
LY        13     21      .80.40.  .20.17.15.          .T.W. .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
LZ        21     53         .40.  .20.17.15.  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
OA        10     19               .20.  .15.  .10.   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
OD         8     73            .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
OE        32     46         .  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
OH        37     76   160.80.  .30.20.  .15.  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
OH0        6     21            .  M.T.   .F. .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
OK        32     48      .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
OM        18     24         .  .6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
ON        27     36  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
OX         3     16         .40.30.  .17.15.            .W.T.F.S.   CW.SSB.RTTY
OY         3     12         .      M.T.W.T. .S.   CW.SSB.RTTY
OZ        38    116         .40.30.20.  .15.  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
P2         6     27         .40.  .20.  .15.  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
P4         2      3                  .17.                       .S    .SSB. 
PA        52     94   160.80.40.  .20.17.15.  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
PJ2        3      7               .20.17.     .10.    .T.W.   .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
PJ7        3     10               .20.  .15.  .10.    .T. .T.F. .S    .SSB. 
PY       103    261   160.80.40.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
PY0F       3     16               .20.  .15.  .10.6  M.T.     .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
PZ         5     17         .  .10.   M.T. .T.F. .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
R1FJ       2     11                           .10.          .F.     CW.   .RTTY
S0         1      4                                  M.             CW.   .RTTY
S2         2     17               .20.  .15.         M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
S5        24     44         .40.  .20.  .15.  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
S7         1      2            .30.           .10.      .W.         CW.   .RTTY
S9         1      8                     .15.                .F.S.     .SSB. 
SM        70    243      .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
SP        38     63            .  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
SU        21    110         .40.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
SV        42    107         .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
SV5        3     20               .20.17.15.          .T.W.T.F.S.S    .SSB. 
SV9        6      9               .20.17.        .6     .W. .F. .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
T7         5     30         .         M.T.W.T.   .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
T8         4     29            .  .6           .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
T9        12     23         .40.  .20.  .15.     .6  M.T.W. .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
TA        39    206      .   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
TF         9     12      .80.40.  .20.17.15.         M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
TG         3     20         .40.  .20.17.  .12.10.    .T.   .F.S.S    .SSB. 
TI        17     42         .40.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
TK         5     13         .40.  .20.17.            M.T.W.T. .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
TL         3      5               .20.  .15.12.10.   M.       .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
TR         9     47         .40.  .20.  .  M.T. .T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
TT         1      2                     .15.  .10.        .T.   .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
TU         5     28               .20.  .15.  .10.    .T. .T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
TX0        1      2  .15.  .10.          .F.S.S  CW.SSB.
UA       122    255      .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
UA2       11     57         .40.  .   M.T.W.T. .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
UA9       86    615      .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
UK        17     52         .   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
UN        23     39         .40.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
UR        71    241      .  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
V2         2      2                     .15.     .6     .W.   .S.     .SSB. 
V3         2      3               .20.  .15.     .6     .W.   .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
V4         2      5               .20.               M. .W.T.   .S    .SSB. 
V5         5    106         .   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
V6         1      1                     .15.                  .S.   CW.   .RTTY
V7         5    391         .40.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
V8         5     31               .20.  .15.  .10.   M. .W.T.F.S.     .SSB. 
VE        58     91  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
VK       145    356  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
VK9C       3     87      .               .S.   CW.   .RTTY
VK9M       4    465         .40.  .20.17.15.  .10.6  M.T.       .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
VK9N       3      9               .20.  .15.  .10.6  M.T.W.     .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
VP2E       1      1                     .15.                    .S    .SSB. 
VP2V       4      6            .      M.T.   .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
VP5        2      4                  .17.  .12.         .W.           .SSB. 
VP6        2      7               .20.                          .S    .SSB. 
VP8       12    616  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
VP9        3      8            .30.  .17.15.         M.T.   .F.S.   CW.SSB.RTTY
VQ9        6     80            .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
VR         8     42         .40.30.20.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
VU        38    145         .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
XE        24     37   160.  .  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
XT         2      4               .20.        .10.   M. .W.     .S    .SSB. 
XU         1      2               .20.                      .F.     CW.   .RTTY
XX9        1      3                     .15.                .F.       .SSB. 
XZ         2      3               .20.                          .S    .SSB. 
YB        58    245      .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
YI         8     35         .40.  .      M. .W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
YK         1      3               .20.               M.T.W.         CW.   .RTTY
YL         9     27      .80.  .     .6  M.T.W.T. .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
YN         1      1         .40.                     M.             CW.   .RTTY
YO        13     19               .       .T.W.T. .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
YS         4     13               .20.  .15.     .6  M.T.     .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
YU        35    126  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
YV        19     39         .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
Z2         6     49               .20.  .15.  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
Z3        11     36         .40.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
ZA         2      5               .20.17.     .10.        .T.       CW.   .RTTY
ZB        21    256   160.80.40.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
ZC4        6     81      .   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
ZD7        6     24            .     .6  M.T.W.T. .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
ZD8        5     21                           .10.6  M.T.W.T.F. .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
ZF         1      4                              .6  M.T. .T.   .S    .SSB. 
ZK1/s      3     13               .20.17.  .12.10.   M.   .T.F.S.S    .SSB. 
ZL        61    148  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
ZP         9     25         .  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
ZS        76    241         .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
Tot Stations: 4428  Tot Spots: 15749  Spotter of the week: PY5EG (98 spots)


Tedd Mirgliotta  KB8NW
InterNet: kb8nw@barf80.nshore.org
Basic Amateur Radio Frequency BBS (BARF-80) +1 (440) 237-8208
'Totally devoted to Amateur Radio' - 24 Hrs a day 8/N/1 28.8k-1200 baud


As of Thu Apr 26 12:14:04 PDT 2001

ARLD017 DX news

QST de W1AW  
DX Bulletin 17  ARLD017
>From ARRL Headquarters  
Newington CT  April 26, 2001
To all radio amateurs   

ARLD017 DX news

This week's bulletin was made possible with information provided by
Tedd, KB8NW, the OPDX Bulletin, QRZ DX, 425DXnews, DL7NFK, BA1DU,
The Daily DX and Contest Corral from QST.  Thanks to all.

ROTUMA, 3D2.  Kit, JA1NVF, will be QRV as 3D2NV/p from April 27 to
May 4.  QSL to home call.

VIETNAM, 3W.  Look for BA1DU, BA4TA, BA7QT, 3W6AR and 3W6LI to be
QRV as 3W7D from Tam Island, a new IOTA, until May 1.  Activity is
on 40 to 10 meters using CW and SSB.  QSL via BA1DU.

MALDIVES ISLANDS, 8Q.  Peter, HA2SX, is QRV as 8Q7KK until May 4.  He
is QRV on 80 to 10 meters using CW, RTTY and PSK31, with SSB and
SSTV as well.  QSL to home call.

NEPAL, 9N.  Kaz, JA8MWU, is QRV as 9N7WU until May 3.  Activity is
on 20 to 6 meters using SSB.  QSL to home call.

CAPE VERDE ISLANDS, D4.  D44AC is usually QRV around 14190 kHz from
1900 to 0000z.

KYRGYZSTAN, EX.  Vlad, EX8F, is usually QRV on 18074 kHz around

MAYOTTE, FH.  Ted, JJ1LIB, will be QRV as FH/JJ1LIB from April 29 to
May 4 on all HF bands and 6 meters using CW, SSB and RTTY.  QSL via

CHESTERFIELD ISLAND, FK/C.  Look for TX0C to be QRV from April 27 to
May 1.  Activity will be on all HF bands and 6 meters.  QSL via

THAILAND, HS.  Kurt, HS0ZBS, is active using RTTY and PSK31.  He has
been QRV on 15 meters using either mode just before 0900z and later
around 1600z.

MARIANA ISLANDS, KH0.  Look for Taka, KH0/JR3TVH, and Natsu,
KH0/JJ3NAW, to be QRV from Saipan, IOTA OC-086, from April 28 to May
1.  Activity will be on 160 to 6 meters, using CW and SSB.  QSL
KH0/JR3TVH via bureau and KH0/JJ3NAW to home call.

GREECE, SV.  William, N2DH, will be QRV as SV8/N2DH from Thassos
Island, IOTA EU-174, from April 27 to May 4.  Activity will be on 20
to 10 meters, and possibly 80 meters, using SSB.  QSL to home call.

QRV as VK9CXJ, VK9CXW and VK9CXF, respectively, from April 28 to May
5.  Activity will be on 160 to 10 meters, including the newer bands,
using CW only.  QSL to home calls.

Jack, GM4COX are active as VP8SDX until May 8.  Activity is on 160
to 10 meters, including the newer bands.  QSL via GM4FDM.

ALBANIA, ZA.  Loreto, IK7VJP, is here for two months and is QRV as
ZA1/IK7VJP from Durres.  QSL to home call.

SOUTH COOK ISLANDS, ZK1.  Uwe, DL9NDS, and Klaus, DL7NFK, will be
active as ZK1NDS and ZK1NFK, respectively, from April 28 to May 18.
They will be QRV from Rarotonga, IOTA OC-013, Mangaja Atoll, IOTA
OC-014 and Aitutaki Island, IOTA OC-083.  Later on, they will also
be QRV from Manihiki Atoll, IOTA OC-014, on the North Cook islands.
Activity using RTTY, PSK31 and MFSK16 is planned.  QSL to home

THIS WEEKEND ON THE RADIO.  The Florida and Nebraska QSO Parties and
the Six Meter Sprint are all scheduled for this weekend.  Please see
April QST, page 109 for details.


As of Sun Apr 22 17:13:56 PDT 2001

SB DX @ WW < KB8NW $OPDX.508
Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin No. 508

The Ohio/Penn DX PacketCluster
DX Bulletin No. 508
BID: $OPDX.508
April 23, 2001
Editor Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW
Provided by BARF-80 BBS Cleveland, Ohio
Online at 440-237-8208 28.8k-1200 Baud 8/N/1

Thanks to the Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society, Northern Ohio DX
Association, Ohio/Penn PacketCluster Network, AB5K & the AR TelNet
Clusters Network, KT1J, K2KW, K3SWZ, W3UR & The Daily DX, K4VUD, N4AA
& QRZ DX, K7BV, K8YSE, N8BJQ, 4Z5AY, BA1DU, DJ9IN, DL1EK & DX News Letter,
YS1AG, Z36W, ZK1CG, ZL1AMO and Prodromos Hytiroglou for the following DX

NOTE FROM THE EDITOR: Linda and I would like to thank the many who sent
congratulation messages on OPDX's celebrating its 10th anniversary in
publication. We hope to continue to provide you with a possible new...
Best 73 de Tedd/KB8NW and Linda/XYL.

DXCC COUNTRY/ENTITY REPORT: According to the AR-Cluster Network for the
week of Sunday, 15/April, through Sunday, 22/April there were 226 countries
active. Countries available: 3A, 3B8, 3D2, 3V, 3W, 3X, 4J, 4L, 4S, 4X, 5A,
5B, 5H, 5N, 5R, 5X, 5Z, 6W, 6Y, 7Q, 7X, 8P, 8Q, 8R, 9A, 9G, 9H, 9J, 9K, 9M2,
9M6, 9N, 9Q, 9V, 9Y, A2, A4, A6, A7, A9, AP, BV, BY, C2, C3, C5, C6, C9, CE,
CE0A, CE9, CM, CN, CP, CT, CT3, CU, CX, D2, D4, DL, DU, EA, EA6, EA8, EA9,
EI, EK, EL, EP, ER, ES, ET, EU, EX, EY, EZ, F, FG, FJ, FK, FM, FO, FO/A,
FP, FR, FW, FY, G, GD, GI, GJ, GM, GU, GW, HA, HB, HB0, HC, HI, HK, HK0/a,
HK0/m, HL, HP, HR, HS, HZ, I, IS, J2, J3, J5, J6, J7, J8, JA, JT, JW, JX,
JY, K, KG4, KH0, KH2, KH4, KH6, KH8, KL, KP2, KP4, LA, LU, LX, LY, LZ, OA,
OD, OE, OH, OH0, OK, OM, ON, OX, OY, OZ, P2, P4, PA, PJ2, PJ7, PY, PZ, S2,
S5, S7, S9, SM, SP, SU, SV, SV5, SV9, T7, T8, T9, TA, TF, TG, TI, TK, TL,
TN, TR, TU, UA, UA2, UA9, UK, UN, UR, V2, V3, V4, V5, V7, V8, VE, VK, VK9M,
VK9N, VP2E, VP2V, VP6, VP8, VP8/o, VP9, VQ9, VR, VU, XE, XT, XX9, XZ, YB,
YI, YK, YL, YN, YO, YS, YU, YV, Z2, Z3, ZA, ZB, ZC4, ZD7, ZD8, ZF, ZK1/s,
    There were 39 CQ Zones available during the past week.
        CQ Zones that were not active are:  2
    There were 53 ITU Zones available during the past week. ITU Zones
        that were not active are:  3,4,15,21,22,23,24,25,26,31,34,35,43,

* PLEASE NOTE: The report 'could' contain 'Pirate/SLIM' operations. As
  always, you never know - 'Work First Worry Later' (WFWL).
  OPDX InterNet Subscribers will receive an additional bulletin (due to its
  size) with a complete breakdown and 'DXCC/Entities Chart of Activity'.

2000 DXCC YEARBOOK IS OUT. Many have began receiving the '2000 DXCC
Yearbook' and the ARRL has put out another excellent publication for
members involved on the DXCC program. The yearbook not only has the top
'100 Most Need DXCC Entities' and the DXCC Annual List, but great
articles by Wayne/N7NG, Martti/OH2BH and Carl/N4AA. There is also,
an article and interview with Bob Eshleman, W4DR, the 2000 DeSoto Cup's
winner. The Top 10 Most Wanted Entities are: 
  1 -  P5     North Korea             6 -   H40    Temotu Province
  2 -  BS7H   Scarborough Reef        7 -   BV9P   Pratas Island
  3 -  E4     Palestine               8 -   VU4    Andaman & Nicobar Islands
  4 -  FO/A   Austral Islands         9 -   7O     Yemen
  5 -  FO/M   Marquesas Islands      10 -   A5     Bhutan

3W, VIETNAM (Possible New IOTA). Look for Alan/BA1DU, Jin/BA4TA, Liao/BA7QT
to team up with Bac Ai/3W6AR and Hau/3W6LI to activate Tam Island (new
IOTA) from Vietnam. Tam Island is located in the South China Sea, about
12''10'N and 109''15'E. The team will use the callsign 3W7D and plans to
operate from April 26th April to May 1st. They will set up two stations
and work on CW and SSB on the normal IOTA frequencies from 40-10 meters.
Their equipment will include FT-990 and TS-50 transceivers, GO-2KW linear
amplifier, Cushcraft R5 vertical and multiband dipole antennas. The 3W7D
team is supported by The Beijing DX Club, Chinese Radio Sports Association,
The Vietnam Amateur Radio Club and sponsored by Island Radio Expedition
Foundation Inc. QSL via BA1DU (E-mail: ba1du@arrl.net ). Send directly
to: P.O.Box 8091, Beijing 100088, CHINA, or Chinese QSL bureau.

4U, UNTIED NATIONS HQ (Update). Henry, KT1J, informed OPDX that:
'Yes, we had 4U1UN on the air in PSK and SSTV for a short time again last
Friday (April 13th). (We initially ran some tests back in February). It is
anticipated that 4U1UN will be on in the digital modes fairly regularly in
the near future, once a few computer issues have been resolved, and antenna
improvements have been made.'

6Y1, JAMAICA (Attention Prefix Hunters!). The rare prefix of 6Y1A will be
activated by Tom/N6BT, Fred/KE7X, Walter/N6XG and Ken/K2KW in the CQ WPX
CW Contest, May 26-27th, 2001. Outside the contest, look for operations
using their homecall/6Y5 from May 20-29th. They will use KW amplifiers
on 40-6 meters, and vertical arrays will be provided by Force 12. Special
emphasis will be given on the WARC bands and 6m outside the contest. QSL
6Y1A and K2KW/6Y5 via WA4WTG, others via their home callsigns. Questions
go to Kenny, K2KW at:                     k2kw@prodigy.net 
For information, visit the Web page:      http://www.k2kw.com

AP, PAKISTAN. Robert, S53R, informs OPDX that he wil be starting a new
assignment with the U.N. beginning in May and will start in Pakistan. He
will try to sign AP2ARS as much as possible again. Operation will be on
40-10 meters, including the WARC bands, almost exclusively on CW. Robert
told us that other operations from the region are also possible, and he
will keep us posted.

BEACON CALLSIGN CHANGE. Yacov, 4Z5AY, informs use that the 4Z5AY 6 meter
beacon located in Tel-Aviv has a new callsign. Look for 4X4SIX to be
active on 50.080.20 MHz. More details are available at the Web site:

DAYTON DX DINNER BANQUET (Update). Steve Bolia, N8BJQ, informs OPDX that
at the moment, all tickets for the DX dinner have been sold. All orders
on hand have been filled and due to space constraints, no more can be sold.
It is possible that some may become available just prior to the dinner.
Also, Chuck Brady, N4BQW (3Y0C), will be the featured speaker and will
talk about his 3Y expedition. For those that want to know more about
Chuck's real job they can find it at:

FH, MAYOTTE. According to Ted, JJ1LIB, who operated as S07U, 5T5U and
8Q7JY, he will be active as FH/JJ1LIB from April 29th through May 4th.
Ted will use a TS-570 plus an IC2KL(500W), a 2 element HB9CV yagi for
20-10 meters, and a 6 element yagi for 6 meters. For the lower bands,
he will use wire antennas. Operations will be on CW, SSB, and RTTY.
The QSL for FH/JJ1LIB should be sent to JN1HOW.

H40RW WRAP-UP. Ron, ZL1AMO, informs OPDX that he is back home slowy
recovering, and he has completed his H40RW DXpedition to Temotu on April
6th. He made about 11500 QSOs which includes about 300 on 6 meters (this
was a suprise for Ron). Ron states that the weather there was really
really hot and also extremely wet with constant electrical storms with
deafening thunder. He also mentioned things have really changed in Honiara
since his last visit in 1990. He also thanked OPDX for the write up on
his DXpedition and congratulated OPDX on its ten years of dedication.

HK0, MALPELO ISLAND. Pedro, HK3JJH/HK0M, continues to be very active
on 75-10 meters, usually not working split. He will be there until
May 7th. QSL via N4AA.

HR, HONDURAS. Wolf, HR1BY, is active from Valle de Angeles on 6 meters.
He is working QRP, only 8 watts. Check around 1830z and 2330z. QSL via

HS, THAILAND. Charly, K4VUD, will be active from Bangkok as HS0ZCW from
April 26-28th. He states to look for him on the higher bands.

IOTA NEWS................
  AS-079.  Take, JI3DST, will be active from Miyako Island (Miyakojima
           Hirara-City Okinawa-ken) as JI3DST/6 from April 27th through
           May 6th. Activity will be on 80/40/17/15/12/10/6/2 meters on
           SSB (he is planning SSTV/RTTY). QSL via the Bureau.
  EU-030.  Klaus, DL7UXG, will be active from Bornholm Island as OZ/DL7UXG/p
           from August 5-18th. Activity will be on 80/40/30/20/17/15/12/10
           meters, using CW and SSB. QSL via DL7UXG.
  EU-047.  Karl, DJ9IN, reports that DA0IMD was active from Borkum Riff
           Lightvessel during the 'International Marcoi Day' this past
           weekend. Look for more activity from here using the callsigns
           DL0KBM and DL0BRF.
  EU-094.  (Update) Team TM5N will be operators F2FZ, F4AJQ, F4BUX, F4BTP,
           F4TTR, F5FG, F5AGB, F5IKO, F6DOP, F6EGG, F8BUI, F8CTY, F8UHU
           and F9IE. Activity will be from St. Nicolas Island (Glenan
           Islands/DIFM AT-10) from April 26th through May 1st. They then
           will be active as F6KOP/P from Cigogne Island (DIFM AT-61) on
           April 28th or 29th. Operations will be on 160m-23cm. QSL via
  EU-127.  Felix, DL5XL, will be active and signing DL5XL/p from Helgoland
           Island, July 28-29th. Activity will be on 80/40/20/15/10 meters,
           using CW only. He plans to participate in the RSGB IOTA Contest
           as a Single OP/24hr/CW/Island Class entry. QSL cards are 'OK'
           via the bureau. Further information is available at:
           QSL via DL5XL, P.O. Box 1253, D-30984 Gehrden, Germany.

  EU-148.  The 'Castres DX Gang', consisting of operators F5AUB, F5OSN,
           F5XX, F5RVI, F5DBX, F5UOE, F5BJW, F5BKB, F4CLO, F5JBR and F5VV,
           will be active from Fort Brescou Island, May 24-28th. Activity
           will be on CW/SSB, all bands 80-10 meters including the WARC
           bands. The will use the callsign F5XX/P, however, there will
           be a special entry in CQ WPX CW Contest CW using the callsign
           TM5B. QSL via F5XX direct CBA or via French REF Bureau.
           Other reference numbers for this operation are:
               French Metropolitan Islands Award - DIFM ME001
               World Light Houses Award -  0500
               International Light Houses Society - FRA 015
               French Forts and Castles award - DFCF 34001

  EU-174.  Will, N2DH, will operate as SV8/N2DH from Thassos, from April
           27th through May 4th. Operation will be on 20-10 meters SSB
           with some possible 75 meters operation. QSL direct to home
           callsign N2DH.
           Bill, VK4FW, reported this past week that he had to change his
           planned Queensland operation from OC-138, OC-171 and OC-172
           slightly. Due to problems associated with OC-138, he has made
           the following arrangements. By the time you read this, he should
           be active from North Coast Centre Group (OC-172) on Monday, April
           22nd, for 3 days. From there, he will then go to North Coast
           (North) Group (OC-187) for 3 days. From there he will head south
           to activate the North Coast (South) Group (OC-171) for 3 days.
           As this trip is not funded, Bill would appreciate if you
           could help a little when QSLing. He will spend most of his time
           on CW on all bands 80-6 meters.

JW, SVALBARD (Rare IOTA). Terje, JW3OHA, reports that he and others are
planning/arranging a DXpedition to a rare Arctic island and are looking
for operators. The operation is planned to take place this year from
May 31st to June 9th from Prins Karls Forland (IOTA EU-063). If interested,
check out the Web page:       http://www.dxpedition.org

PY0F, FERNANDO DE NORONHA. Dennis, K7BV, < k7bv@aol.com > will operate
from Fernando de Noronha, May 24th through June 1st. He will sign with a
special callsign throughout the DXpedition. Dennis will be active in the
CQ WPX CW Contest, most likely entering as a SOABHP category. After the
contest he will be very active on all bands 160-6 meters, generally on
CW. Rod, WC7N, < wc7n@gb.wave.net > will serve as Pilot Station, assisting
Dennis, helping 9BDXCC chasers fill empty bands. Logs will be posted on
web site:               http://www.qth.com/k7bv/PY0F
This web site is expected to be launched sometime this week with details
of the DXpedition. Steve, KU9C, will handle QSL chores.

QSL INFO AND NEWS.................
   Carl, N4AA, editor of 'QRZ DX' reports that there has been some confusion
   on the callsign for the QSL Manager for 3V8SM and 3V8SQ. John, K1XN,
   of the GoList, tells Carl that the information he received was 3V8SM
   via DL1DBF: Manfred Wiedemann, Am Feldberg 43, D-57334 Bad Laasphe,
   The correct address for 3W2KF (operated by F5PBL) is: Claude Terrier,
   18 allee du Mail, 92360 Meudon la Foret, France.
   Robert, S53R, informs OPDX that all direct requests for E4/S53R have
   been answered. All contacts made will also be confirmed via bureau
   when he is back home for a holiday in July 2001. Many requests for
   his recent operations as AP2ARS, EY8/S53R and UK8AXA were received.
   QSLs are being printed and will also be answered during the next 
   holiday. Do not send duplicate requests.
   Fran, EA7FTR, reports that he is the QSL Manager for the following
   stations: CE3HKF, HR1BY, HR1RGA, HR1RQF and ZP6EM.

   It is reported that Ken, N8KR, is having printer problems on his
   QSL cards for his October 2000 operation from FP land. He states
   to please stand by and QSLs will be out as soon as he receives them.
   Also, his XYL wants the dining room table back!
   RAC CORRECT ADDRESS. Fred, PY7ZZ/PY0FZ, informs OPDX that there is
   a bad listing of his RAC address. The correct address is: 
   Fred Souto Major, Rua Almedia Belo 241/302 - Bairro Novo, Olinda,
   PE 53030-030, Brazil.
   Leif, SM5BFJ, informs OPDX that he is QSL Manager for 5X1D, 9Q5TE,
   9U5D and 9X/SM5DIC. The QSL information has been 'via SM0BFJ', but
   from now on the QSL information is 'via  SM5BFJ'. His address is:
   Leif Hammarstrom, PL 1053, SE-730 91 Riddarhyttan, SWEDEN.

SPECIAL EVENT. Look for the Mongolian special event station JU1O to be
active from Ulaanbaatar between May 5-13th. We contacted Khos, JT1CD,
explained what the special event is for and he stated that JU1O will be
active during the 'National Technical Olympiad'. The children of the
High Schools of the Mongolia will compete in these championships (which
are Amateur radio direction finding, aeromodelling, Ship modelling and
Car modelling... etc). QSL via JR0CGJ: Takashi Shimizu, P. O. Box5,
Tateshina Kitasaku, Nagano 384-2305 JAPAN.

TT8, CHAD. Look for Eric, F5JKK, to be active starting the 2nd or 3rd week
of May. He has asked for the callsign TT8JE again. Eric prefers 6 meters
using and FT 847 w/100 watts (maybe more!) into a 5 element Yagi antenna.
He states to listen for his CQ on 50.110 kHz and will begin listening on
50.200 kHz (5 to 10 up). His operations will be mainly CW, but there will
be some SSB if conditions are good. Eric will be running a beacon using
25 watts on 50.096 kHz. The beacon will send: VVVVV DE TT8JE JK72MC --
(5'') and break (5''). IMPORTANT! Eric reports that he worked many stations
in 1998, however, in 2001, he states, 'NO dupe or I'll cancel old QSO.
Listening carefully on my frequency, don't loose time for you and all
others (Sample: When I say Alpha Bravo NO others like Alpha Kilo...).
Education and courtesy, no need to say more.' Eric will be on HF using
the same radio but with a R7000, dipoles and loop antennas. His modes
of operation will be RTTY/PSK31 and will try SSTV and CW. He suggests
to look for him on the WARC bands and especially on 10 meters. QSL via

TX0, CHESTERFIELD ISLAND (Update). Andy, YS1AG, informs/reports to OPDX
that he has received the following information from Kan, JA1BK, about
the upcoming TX0 operation. Kan states that rumors of the upcoming TX0C
DXpedition being cancelled is FALSE. Only Jacky/F2CW, and Akinori/JA4EKO
have dropped out of the DXpedition. There will be only four operators now,
Georges/FK8FS, Daniel/FK8FU, Dany/FK8VHY and Philippe/FO3BM. Activity
is scheduled to take place April 27th through May 2nd, on HF and the 6
meters band. Pilippe will be the only operator that will listen to 6
meters using a 7 element beam and a FT-100D plus a small amp. All QSLs
via JA1BK.

plan to be active from here as VK9CXJ, VK9CXW and VK9CXF, respectively,
from April 28th through May 5th. Activity will be on all nine bands,
CW only. As many other DXpeditions will be active during that week,
there are two suggested frequencies for each HF band. They will try
to always be on one or the other of them: 10108/118, 14008/018,
18078/088, 21008/018, 24898/908 and 28008/018. On the lower frequencies,
try 7008, 3508 and 1825 kHz. For their propagation and other details,
check the web site:  http://www.G3TXF.com/dxtrip/vk9cxf/vk9c.html
QSL via home callsign.

VK9M, MELLISH REEF. After three days of sailing, the VK9ML team landed
on the Mellish Reef Thursday, April 19th at 2321z. According to a press
release by Adam, VK4CP: 'There was some concern that Mellish Reef may
not exist as such anymore as it has been a few years since the last
DXpedition and there have been several cyclones in that area in recent
years. Mellish Reef is only 1 metre above high tide, as was the case
when the team arrived.' The team is expected to be active until April
24th. Look for them on various bands. For more details on the Mellish
Reef Site Survey DXpedition have a look at the web site:

VP8, FALKLAND ISLANDS. By the time you read this, the Scottish team of
Gav/GM0GAV, Rob/GM3YTS, Tom/GM4FDM and Jack/GM4COX should be active as
VP8SDX until May 8th. Activity will be on all bands 160-10 meters. Their
suggested frequencies are:
  CW    - 1823.5*, 3503, 7003, 10103, 14023, 18073, 21023, 24893, 28023
  SSB   - 1843*, 3793, 7053, 14193, 18123, 21263, 24923, 28493
  RTTY  - 14083, 21083, 28083
  PSK31 - 14069
  * Other frequencies will also be used to accommodate specific country
    sub-bands (e.g for Japan).
  Their goal is to make 30,000 QSOs with two stations on the air. There
will be lots of low band activity besides the HF. They plan to keep the
WARC bands busy. There will be (as they state) 'gallons of CW, a few pints
of SSB, a glass or two of RTTY, and maybe a 'wee dram' of PSK31. Their
pilot station will be Chris, GM3WOJ. You will be able to send your
feedbacks, comments and suggestions to them via E-mail at:
  QSLs can be sent via the bureau, E-mail or direct to GM4FDM: Thomas Wylie,
3 Kings Crescent, Elderslie, Renfrewshire, PA5 9AD, Scotland. Check out
their interesting Web page at: http://www.hfdx.co.uk/vp8sdx

VQ9, CHAGOS ISLANDS. VQ9IO has been active on 24904 kHz at 1445z and
21017 kHz between 1430-1530z.

Z3, MACEDONIA. Venco informs OPDX that since April 1st, he has changed
his callsign from Z31JA to Z36W. He can usually be found on 40/20/17
meters CW after 2230z or on 10 meters after 1400z. QSL via NN6C, or the
QRZ.com and CBA (using his old callsign). Venco states any contacts with
him for skeds, info... etc, can be made via his E-mail address at:

ZK1, NORTH COOK ISLAND. Victor, ZK1CG, reports to OPDX that Tuatai, ZK1MA,
is back in Manihiki, North Cook Island after his long stay in Rarotonga,
South Cook as ZK1CY. Tuatai is mainly a CW operator using FT-747GX and
dipoles for antennas. His home and radio gear/antennas were completely
wipe off the Atoll a few years ago during a hurricane that destroyed 85.%
of the Atoll. He is slowly recovering from this, Victor/ZK1CG sent Tuatai
the FT 747GX to use with battery power. Victor is now operational from
South Cook thanks to W7VV (Roger and Sue) who so kindly sent him a rig
that he had as a spare. Victor states that they will be donating some
antennas to Tuatai after their October CQWW SSB Contest operation. What
Tuatai needs now is new a mike for his rig. If you have an old (not too
used) mike for his FT-747GX laying around, please let Victor know and he
will make arrangements to send it to Tuatai.  Victor's E-mail address is:

SPECIAL NOTE BY EDITOR: If you are having a problem receiving bounced
mail by sending mail to me via ' kb8nw@barf80.nshore.org ', please send
mail to me via ' kb8nw@arrl.net '...... TNX de Tedd KB8NW
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online at 440-237-8208 28.8k/14400/9600/2400/1200 and leave a message with
the Sysop or send via InterNet Mail to: 
        kb8nw@barf80.nshore.org     - OR -   kb8nw@arrl.net
Use the VOICE or FAX answering machine at 440-237-8208 which shares the
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1) Dial Number. 2) Wait for first ring (the second ring should be a false
ring from the fax/data switch box) and then dial four quick ones ('1111').
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leave your voice message or FAX.

Additional Bulletin for OPDX InterNet Subscribers.

                       AB5K AR-Cluster Network
                   DXCC/Entities Chart of Activity
             For the week of Sunday, 15/Apr - Saturday, 21/Apr
        Nmbr   Nmbr              Band of                Days of
DXCC  Stations Spots            Activity               the Week       Modes
----  -------  -----  -----------------------------  -------------  ----------
3A         2      9               .20.  .15.  .10.    .T.W. .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
3B8        4     37            .30.20.  .15.12.10.   M.T.W.T.F.S.   CW.SSB.RTTY
3C         5      9                              .6  M.T.   .F.S.   CW.   .RTTY
3D2        7     53         .40.  .20.     .12.10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
3V         3     77      .80.40.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
3W         4     11                     .15.         M.T.W.   .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
3X         1      2                           .10.            .S.     .SSB. 
4J         7     22               .20.  .15.  .10.   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
4L        13     44      .80.40.  .   M.T.W.T. .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
4S         9     73         .      M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
4W         2      7                              .6  M.   .T.F.S.     .SSB. 
4X        79    235   160.80.40.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
5A         1     12                  .17.15.         M.   .T. .S.   CW.   .RTTY
5B        28    126         .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
5H         3     46   160.80.  .30.20.  .15.  .10.   M.T.W.T.F.S.   CW.SSB.RTTY
5N         6     36         .40.  .20.17.  .12.10.   M.T.W.T.F. .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
5R         7     46               .20.17.15.  .10.   M.T.W. .F. .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
5X         2     31                     .  M.       .S.S    .SSB. 
5Z         6     15               .  M. .W. .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
6W         3     84                     .  M.     .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
6Y         5     11               .20.17.     .10.6  M.   .T.F.S.S    .SSB. 
7Q         7     72                  .  M.T.W. .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
7X         9     50            .   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
8P        11     26               .20.        .10.   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
8Q         4    273  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
8R         5     24               .20.17.  .12.10.   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
9A        36    111  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
9G         2      3               .20.  .15.          .T.W.           .SSB. 
9H        18     39         .40.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
9J         7     47               .20.  .15.  .10.6  M.T.W.T. .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
9K         9    101               .   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
9M2        9     41         .40.  .20.  .15.  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
9M6        4     22                  .17.15.  .10.6   .T.W.T.F.S.     .SSB. 
9N         2      5               .20.  .15.          .T. .T. .S.     .SSB. 
9Q         1     65                  .17.  .12.      M.T.       .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
9V        13     75               .20.17.15.  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
9Y         9     21               .20.  .  M.T.W. .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
A2         5     48                        .12.  .6  M.T. .T. .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
A3         0      0                                                         
A4         8     44               .20.     .12.10.6  M.T. .T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
A6         3      9               .20.           .6  M. .W.     .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
A7         1      1                           .10.      .W.         CW.   .RTTY
A9         3      9   160.        .20.     .12.10.   M.T.W.T.F.     CW.SSB.RTTY
AP         9     71               .   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
BV        34     85      .80.     .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
BY        30    109            .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
C2         1      1               .20.                          .S  CW.   .RTTY
C3         8     20               .20.17.15.  .10.6  M.T.W. .F.S.     .SSB. 
C5         5     15               .20.  .15.  .10.6  M.     .F. .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
C6         1      6                           .10.   M.T. .T.         .SSB. 
C9         2     27                           .10.   M.T.   .F.S.S  CW.   .RTTY
CE        25     83         .40.  .20.17.15.  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
CE0A       2      2                           .10.          .F.S.   CW.SSB.RTTY
CE9        2     15         .40.  .20.  .15.         M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
CM        30    104         .   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
CN        10     33               .  M.T.W.T. .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
CP         7     50      .80.  .   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
CT        33     49   160.  .40.30.20.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
CT3        9     33            .30.20.17.  .12.10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
CU        13     28               .20.17.  .12.10.6  M.T.W.   .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
CX        33     92   160.  .40.30.20.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
D2         4     31         .40.  .20.  .15.  .10.   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
D4         1      9               .20.                .T.W. .F.S.     .SSB. 
DL       131    253  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
DU        39    128      .80.40.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
EA       140    328      .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
EA6       17     48      .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
EA8       35     74   160.     .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
EA9        8     81   160.80.40.  .  M.T. .T. .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
EI        16     25      .80.  .  .10.   M.T. .T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
EK         8     25               .20.17.15.  .10.   M.T. .T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
EL         1      1                     .15.              .T.         .SSB. 
EP         9     42               .20.  .15.  .10.   M.T.W.T.F.S.S    .SSB. 
ER         8     30         .   M.T.W. .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
ES         3     12               .20.     .12.10.            .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
ET         5     17                     .  M.T. .T.   .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
EU        16     31      .80.40.  .20.17.15.         M.T.W.T.F.S.   CW.SSB.RTTY
EX        10     67            .   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
EY         8     68         .40.30.20.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
EZ         8     23      .80.     .20.  .15.  .10.   M.T. .T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
F         78    172      .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
FG         6     22               .20.17.15.  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
FH         1      1                                  M.             CW.   .RTTY
FJ         2     12                        .12.10.   M.   .T.   .S    .SSB. 
FK        20    113      .80.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
FM         9     23         .40.  .20.  .15.  .10.6  M. .W. .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
FO        12    131               .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S    .SSB. 
FO/a       2     28         .40.  .  M.T.W. .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
FP         1      4      .80.                           .W.           .SSB. 
FR        12     98         .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
FW         1     53         .40.  .20.  .15.  .10.6  M.T. .T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
FY         3     17         .40.  .20.  .15.12.  .6  M.   .T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
G         98    315      .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
GD         7     13               .20.  .15.  .10.6  M.T.W. .F. .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
GI        18     26   160.     .30.20.  .  M.T. .T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
GJ         5     10               .20.17.        .6  M. .W. .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
GM        24     49         .  M.T.W. .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
GU         9     22               .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
GW        16     20      .  .15.  .10.6  M. .W. .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
H4         1      1                              .6           .S.     .SSB. 
HA        31     53   160.  .   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
HB        16     31      .  .15.12.10.   M.T. .T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
HB0        2      6         .40.           .12.10.   M. .W.   .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
HC         7     29         .40.  .20.17.15.  .10.6  M.T.W.T.   .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
HC8        3     12                              .6  M.T.W. .F. .S  CW.   .RTTY
HI         7     26      .        .6  M.T. .T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
HK        23     47         .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
HK0/a     14     67         .40.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
HK0/m     12    276      .80.40.  .   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
HL        55    121      .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
HP         8     22               .20.        .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
HR        11     25            .30.20.  .15.12.10.    .T.W.   .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
HS        14     61               .20.  .15.  .10.   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
HZ         5     37               .20.17.     .10.6  M.T.W.T. .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
I        141    391  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
IS        16     76         .       .T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
J2         7     63               .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
J3         2      5               .20.        .10.        .T.   .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
J5         2      2               .20.                      .F.       .SSB. 
J6         2      7         .40.  .20.               M.   .T.F.S.     .SSB. 
J7         1      1                           .10.          .F.       .SSB. 
J8         3     43               .20.     .12.10.    .T. .T.F.S.   CW.   .RTTY
JA       257    449  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
JT         5     89         .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
JW         6     54               .   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
JX         1     28               .20.  .15.  .10.   M.     .F.S.S    .SSB. 
JY         6     29               .20.     .12.10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
K        340    459  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
KG4        3      6         .40.  .20.        .10.        .T.F.S.   CW.SSB.RTTY
KH0       10     45   160.        .   M.   .T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
KH2        6     54               .20.17.15.  .10.6   .T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
KH4        7    228      .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
KH6       33    108      .80.     .20.17.15.  .10.6  M.T.W. .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
KH8        6     32               .20.17.        .6  M.T.W.T. .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
KL         8     17         .40.  .         .W.T. .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
KP2        6     34         .    .T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
KP4       35     61         .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
LA        18     22   160.80.  .30.20.  .15.  .10.6  M.T.W. .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
LU       106    232   160.80.40.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
LX        16     29            .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
LY         7      7               .20.17.15.  .10.    .T.W. .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
LZ        28     52      .80.40.  .20.17.15.  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
OA         6     18               .20.17.     .10.6  M.T.W.T. .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
OD        16    100            .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
OE        36    123      .   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
OH        22     29      .80.  .  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
OH0        9    188      M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
OK        60    101      .  .12.10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
OM        24     33      .  M.T.W. .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
ON        24     50         .40.  .  M. .W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
OX         3      6               .20.17.        .6   .T.W.         CW.SSB.RTTY
OY         4     11         .     .6  M. .W. .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
OZ        22     44   160.  .  .6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
P2         6     40            .30.20.        .10.6  M. .W. .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
P4         3     51               .20.17.  .12.10.6  M.T.W. .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
PA        30     41      .        .10.6  M.T. .T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
PJ2        4     14            .30.     .15.  .10.6  M.T. .T.F.S.   CW.SSB.RTTY
PJ7        5      9               .20.  .15.  .10.   M.T.W.T.F.S.S    .SSB. 
PY       137    403  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
PY0F       3     14                              .6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
PY0S       1      1               .20.                    .T.       CW.   .RTTY
PZ         4     32      .80.  .  M.T.W. .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
S2         1     10                     .15.            .W.T.F.S.   CW.SSB.RTTY
S5        27     51      .  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
S7        12    176         .  M.T.W.T.   .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
S9         2      2               .20.                    .T.   .S    .SSB. 
SM        43    109      .  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
SP        39     56      .  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
SU        14    109               .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
SV        35     98         .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
SV5        5      5         .40.  .20.17.     .10.   M.T.       .S    .SSB. 
SV9        6     45         .  .10.6  M.T.W. .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
T7         8     61      .80.40.  .   M.T.W. .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
T8         5     49               .20.17.15.  .10.6  M.     .F.S.     .SSB. 
T9        10     21   160.  .40.  .20.17.15.  .10.   M.T. .T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
TA        29    107         .   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
TF         5     19            .30.20.17.     .10.   M. .W.T.F.S.   CW.SSB.RTTY
TG         4     21               .20.     .12.  .6  M.T. .T. .S.S    .SSB. 
TI        30    115         .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
TK         9     36         .         M.T. .T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
TL         1      3                        .12.      M.               .SSB. 
TN         1      1                           .10.          .F.       .SSB. 
TR        10     89               .20.17.15.  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
TU         3     12               .20.17.  .12.10.   M.T.     .S.   CW.SSB.RTTY
UA       101    262   160.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
UA2       10     17         .  .12.10.   M.T. .T.F.S.   CW.SSB.RTTY
UA9       91    538   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
UK        11     26            .   M.T.W.T.F.S.   CW.SSB.RTTY
UN        27     47            .   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
UR        47     77  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
V2         1      2                  .17.            M.               .SSB. 
V3         3     10               .20.        .10.6  M.   .T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
V4         4     12               .20.  .15.              .T.F.S.     .SSB. 
V5         9    121            .30.20.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
V7        17    516         .  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
V8         3     10               .20.  .15.  .10.    .T.W. .F.S.   CW.SSB.RTTY
VE        58     95   160.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
VK       142    283  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
VK9M       4    366       .T.F.S.   CW.SSB.RTTY
VK9N       4     19               .20.  .15.  .10.6   .T.W. .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
VK9W       1      3               .20.                      .F.     CW.   .RTTY
VP2E       2      3      .80.        .17.            M.   .T.   .S    .SSB. 
VP2V       3     36               .20.17.  .12.10.   M.T. .T.F.S.S    .SSB. 
VP6        1      4                     .15.            .W.           .SSB. 
VP8        4     16                           .10.6   .T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
VP8/o      1      5                           .10.            .S.     .SSB. 
VP9        1      1               .20.               M.               .SSB. 
VQ9        6    105                     .  M.T.W. .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
VR        22    101      .  M. .W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
VU        37    150         .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
XE        29     80         .40.30.20.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
XT         2      3               .20.                  .W.           .SSB. 
XX9        3     10                  .17.15.          .T.W.   .S.   CW.SSB.RTTY
XZ         1     11               .20.                .T.W.T.   .S    .SSB. 
YB        62    310   160.80.40.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
YI         3      8            .30.20.                      .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
YK         5      9               .20.17.15.         M. .W.T. .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
YL        10     21   160.80.  .  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.   CW.SSB.RTTY
YN         1      5                     .15.     .6  M.T. .T.         .SSB. 
YO        23     32         .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
YS         6     31      .80.     .20.     .12.10.6  M.T. .T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
YU        36    113  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
YV        25     44      .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
Z2         8     48            .30.        .12.10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
Z3        10     41      .      M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
ZA         6     20         .40.  .   M.T.W. .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
ZB         8     27               .   M.T.W. .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
ZC4        4     44            .30.20.  .15.  .10.6  M.T. .T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
ZD7        6     71   160.     .  M.T.W.T.F. .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
ZD8        4     32                           .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
ZF         3     11         .40.30.20.           .6  M.T.W.   .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
ZK1/s      1      2               .20.        .10.    .T.       .S    .SSB. 
ZL        68    153  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
ZP        21     52         .40.  .20.  .  M.T.W.T.F. .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
ZS        58    158         .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
Tot Stations: 4452  Tot Spots: 15478  Spotter of the week: PY5EG (135 spots)
Tedd Mirgliotta  KB8NW
InterNet: kb8nw@barf80.nshore.org
Basic Amateur Radio Frequency BBS (BARF-80) +1 (440) 237-8208
'Totally devoted to Amateur Radio' - 24 Hrs a day 8/N/1 28.8k-1200 baud


As of Thu Apr 19 13:06:31 PDT 2001

ARLD016 DX news

QST de W1AW  
DX Bulletin 16  ARLD016
>From ARRL Headquarters  
Newington CT  April 19, 2001
To all radio amateurs   

ARLD016 DX news

This week's bulletin was made possible with information provided by
Tedd, KB8NW, the OPDX Bulletin, QRZ DX, 425DXnews, The Daily DX,
MM0BQI, VE3TKI and Contest Corral from QST.  Thanks to all.

GUINEA, 3X.  3XY6A, a new station, has been QRV on 20 and 12 meters.
QSL via VE2XO.  Meanwhile, Jacques, 3XY2S, has also been active on
10 meters.  QSL to home call.

ISRAEL, 4X.  Yoram, 4Z1GY, will be QRV as 4X2K on 80, 40, 20, 15 and
10 meters using CW and SSB during the Holyland Contest.  QSL to home

BOTSWANA, A2.  Charles, A25/KY4P, has been active over the past
weekend on 10 meters using CW and SSB.  Check around 28002 kHz or
28452 kHz between 1200 and 1500z.  QSL via SV0LM.

MOZAMBIQUE, C9.  Joe, G3MRC/C9, is QRV on 10 meters using CW around
1600 to 1800z.  QSL to home call.

GERMANY, DA.  Willy, DL1BJN, and others will be active as DA0IMD
from Borkum Island, IOTA EU-047, during the International Marconi
Day event.  They are here until April 22.  QSL via operator's

SCOTLAND, GM.  Look for MM0BQI/p to be QRV from April 20 to 23 from
the island of Tanera Mor, IOTA EU-092.  Activity will be on 80 to 10
meters using CW, SSB, RTTY and PSK31.  QSL to home call.

MALPELO ISLAND, HK0.  Pedro, HK3JJH, is active as HK3JJH/HK0M.  He
is QRV on 160 to 6 meters.  QSL via N4AA.

ITALY, I.  Operators from ARI Pisa will be active as IY5PIS from the
Marconian site at Coltano during the International Marconi Day
event.  QSL via IK5QPZ.

GUAM, KH2.  Shige, JI3CEY will be active on HF and 6 meters as
KH2/JI3CEY from April 21 to 23.  QSL to home call.

MIDWAY ISLAND, KH4.  Hiro, JF1OCQ, is active as W1VX/KH4 until April
22.  He is QRV on 80 to 6 meters using mostly CW, with some RTTY.
QSL to home call.

CANADA, VE.  The Golden Horseshoe DX Association will be QRV as
VE3TKI from Manitoulin Island from April 20 to 22.  This includes an
entry in the Ontario QSO Party.  Activity will be on 160 to 10
meters, including 6 and 2 meters, and 70 cm, using CW, SSB and FM.
QSL to home call.

MELLISH REEF, VK9M.  David, VK4ZEK, Alan, VK4BKM, Peter, VK4APG and
Harris, VK4CWT, will be QRV as VK9ML from April 21 to 24.  This
activity is in preparation for a much larger operation planned in
late 2001 or early 2002.  Their activity will be on 80 to 6 meters
using CW and SSB.  QSL via VK4APG.

FALKLAND ISLANDS, VP8.  Keith, VP8CMT, has been extremely active on
6 meters.  QSL to home call.

GIBRALTAR, ZB.  Look for Babs, DL7AFS and Lot, DJ7ZG, to be QRV as
ZB2/homecalls from April 23 to 30.  Activity will be on 80 to 10
meters using SSB, RTTY and PSK31.  QSL via operator's instructions.

THIS WEEKEND ON THE RADIO.  The Michigan QSO Party, Ontario QSO
Party, The TARA PSK31 Rumble (The Spring Wakeup), The International
Marconi Day and the Holyland DX Contest are all scheduled for this
weekend.  On April 25, look for activity in the 432 MHz Spring
Sprint and the DXYL-NAYL Phone Contest.  Please see April QST, pages
108 and 109 for details.


As of Sun Apr 15 14:20:03 PDT 2001

SB DX @ WW < KB8NW $OPDX.507
Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin No. 507

The Ohio/Penn DX PacketCluster
DX Bulletin No. 507
BID: $OPDX.507
April 16, 2001
Editor Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW
Provided by BARF-80 BBS Cleveland, Ohio
Online at 440-237-8208 28.8k-1200 Baud 8/N/1

Thanks to the Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society, Northern Ohio DX
Association, Ohio/Penn PacketCluster Network, AB5K & the AR TelNet
Clusters Network, K1NU, K1VV, N3SL, W3UR & The Daily DX, N4AA & QRZ DX,
K8AV, K8YSE, KC8FS, 4X4NJ, DL1EK & DX News Letter, F5NQL, F9IE, IZ8AJQ,
following DX information.

OPDX CELEBRATES ITS 10TH ANNIVERSARY! I can't believe that almost every
Sunday morning for the last 10 years I have sat in front of my computer
writing the OPDX bulletin. Even my wife Linda (OPDX's chief proof reader)
can't believe she has been reading 'all this stuff' (as she puts it) for
10 years. When I first started the bulletin, it used to take a few hours
to write, but it has grown, and now it takes several hours.
   Actually, I am a week late in celebrating. With all the confusion last
week in losing my link to the InterNet for BARF-80 BBS, I forgot that
April 7th, 1991, was the first issue of the OPDX. Many ask, why do you write
the OPDX for free?' (including my wife, she says, 'If you get one USD from
everyone you could buy a new radio'). The reason that I write the OPDX
and my involvement in the DX community is to help others achieve the
pleasure and challenge of working DX as I have. I really enjoy the hobby.
However, I also must not forget the many friends I have gained over the
years writing the bulletin. Without their help and contributions of
information, there would not be a bulletin. Lastly, I would like to thank
my wife. Without her there would not be an OPDX. She is a non-ham (which
one day I hope to change), but a LD teacher and proof reads the bulletin
every week (usually telling me she is not sure what she is reading), plus
she puts up with the many hours I spend at the keyboard and with club
  Thanks for reading the OPDX and I hope to continue to provided information
each week that will let you work a 'NEW ONE'.... Remember, DX IS .. 
               73 de Tedd KB8NW (Editor of OPDX)  

DXCC COUNTRY/ENTITY REPORT: According to the AR-Cluster Network for the
week of Sunday, 8/April, through Sunday, 15/April there were 230 countries
active. Countries available: 3A, 3B8, 3B9, 3C, 3D2, 3V, 3W, 3X, 4J, 4L,
4S, 4U1U, 4X, 5A, 5B, 5H, 5N, 5R, 5X, 5Z, 6W, 6Y, 7Q, 7X, 8P, 8R, 9A, 9G,
9H, 9J, 9K, 9M2, 9M6, 9N, 9Q, 9V, 9X, 9Y, A2, A4, A5, A6, A7, A9, AP, BV,
BY, C2, C3, C5, C6, C9, CE, CE0A, CE9, CM, CN, CP, CT, CT3, CU, CX, D2,
D6, DL, DU, E4, EA, EA6, EA8, EA9, EI, EK, EP, ER, ES, ET, EU, EX, EY, EZ,
F, FG, FJ, FK, FM, FO, FO/a, FR, FW, FY, G, GD, GI, GJ, GM, GU, GW, H4,
HA, HB, HB0, HC, HH, HI, HK, HK0/a, HK0/m, HL, HP, HR, HS, HZ, I, IS,
J2, J3, J6, J8, JA, JT, JW, JX, JY, K, KG4, KH0, KH2, KH6, KL, KP2, KP4,
LA, LU, LX, LY, LZ, OA, OD, OE, OH, OH0, OK, OM, ON, OX, OY, OZ, P2, P4,
PA, PJ2, PJ7, PY, PY0F, PY0S, PZ, S0, S2, S5, S7, S9, SM, SP, SU, SV, SV5,
SV9, T30, T7, T9, TA, TF, TG, TI, TJ, TK, TL, TR, TT, TU, UA, UA2, UA9,
UK, UN, UR, V2, V4, V5, V7, VE, VK, VK9N, VP2E, VP2V, VP8, VP8/o, VP9,
VQ9, VR, VU, XE, XT, XU, XX9, XZ, YB, YI, YJ, YK, YL, YN, YO, YS, YU,
YV, Z2, Z3, ZA, ZB, ZC4, ZD7, ZD8, ZF, ZK1/s, ZL, ZP, ZS
    There were 39 CQ Zones available during the past week.
       CQ Zones that were not active are:  2
    There were 51 ITU Zones available during the past week.
       ITU Zones that were not active are:  3,4,15,21,22,23,24,25,26,
* PLEASE NOTE: The report 'could' contain 'Pirate/SLIM' operations. As
  always, you never know - 'Work First Worry Later' (WFWL).
  OPDX InterNet Subscribers will receive an additional bulletin (due to its
  size) with a complete breakdown and 'DXCC/Entities Chart of Activity'.

3A, MONACO. Fabrizio/IK5GQK, Giuseppe/IK5YOJ, Stefano/IW5BZQ and Virginio/
IW5EDQ will be active for 3 days from 3A-land (JN33RR) between June 1-3th.
They will CONCENTRATE their activity on 6 meters, but they will also be
active on 2 meters and HF. Their callsigns will be 3A/IK5GQK, 3A/IK5YOJ,
3A/IW5BZQ and 3A/IW5EDQ. Their activity is as follows:
    6 meters  - (50.210 SSB, 50.600 RTTY, 50.620 PSK31) using an Icom
                IC-706MKIIG with 6 element yagi and HQ50 Halo Loop.
    2 meters  - (144.290 SSB) Icom IC-706 with 9 element yagi.
    HF bands  - (SSB, RTTY, PSK31, SSTV) two Yaesu FT-100 and vertical
   You can make skeds before and during their operation by sending
E-mail to:                   3a@mannelli.com
They will check their E-mail at the top of every hour during their
operation. For the latest news and log, please check their Web page at
QSL VHF QSOs (6/2 meters) direct to: Stefano Mannelli, P.O.BOX 569,
50123, Firenze Centro, ITALY. QSL HF QSOs direct to: Fabrizio Vannini,
via Forlanini 68, 50127 Firenze, ITALY.

3B6, AGALEGA (Update). Steve, N3SL, informs OPDX of the following and
states that there will probably be one last press release bulletin from
the 'official sources' before the team hits the air. The advance team
leaves in little over one week with the rest of the team on April 28th
from Zurich to Mauritius. It is NOT absolutely certain, but it is looking
like the team is flying to and from 3B6, which would give them an extra
3 days on the air (that should probably come from the official news
release). Steve, N3SL, states that his daughter, Kim, is now going to
handle the QSLs for North America (not just the USA). So, Canada and
Mexico are to be sent via Kim Larson, 22 N. Hidden Acres Dr., Sioux City,
IA  51108 (which is N3SL's CBA). Reportedly, Kim is handicapped and is
getting a real thrill in doing this job. It occupies her time, and she
loves seeing all the cards. She did probably 75% of the AH1A QSL cards,
so she is not a novice. The 3B6RF team is planning a photo card, so that
will undoubtedly take a bit of time after the DXpedition to get printed.
Steve states that he will see to it that all the U.S. DX newsletters are
kept informed on their status. Steve will be doing mostly CW, but he has
been asked to do RTTY (or possibly SSB) whenever they're trying to work
the U.S.
    Riki, 4X4NJ, reports that he will be joining the 3B6RF team as part
of a 21 amateur group. He states, 'We'll have 8 stations on the air during
the first 3 weeks of May. All of the equipment and antennas are 'World
Class' - examples: 4square arrays on 80m & 40M, Titanex vertical and
Beverages for 160M, beams for HF, Yaesu FT1000MP transceivers with 1KW
amplifiers, etc...... Naturally, I will devote myself to 160M as much
as possible!' For more details, check online at: http://www.agalega2000.ch

3C, EQUATORIAL GUINEA. Martin, 3C5J, was active last week on 20/17/10
meters. The sad part is that his operation will not count for DXCC because
he is operating from an oil platform. He is expected to be there for 6
months. The good news is that 'The Daily DX' is reporting Martin may have
a chance to go to Malabo to operate which will count for DXCC.

3XY, GUINEA. A couple of new stations have been on the air signing the
prefix 3XY. Station 3XY6A was active during last week, mainly on 12 meters
(24955 kHz between 1730-1930z) with little activity on 20 meters (14203
kHz after 2230z). QSL via VE2XO. Station 3XY2S showed up over the weekend
on 10 meters (28447 kHz around 0915z). QSL via P.O. Box 1484, Konakry.

4U, UNITED NATIONS HQ. This one has to be the most interesting report of
the week. Reports on the Cluster Network indicate that 4U1UN was active
on PSK31 on 20 meters and SSTV on 15 meters.

A2, BOTSWANA. Charles, A25/KY4P, was heard active over the past weekend
on 10 meters CW/SSB. Check around 28002 kHz or 28452 kHz between 1200
and 1500z. QSL via SV0LM.

C6, BAHAMAS. By the time you read this, Tom, WB8N, should be in Nassau
(IOTA NA-001) beginning Easter Sunday, for 6 days. He intend to operate
a portable HF station from the resort he is staying at, beginning Monday
April 16th. He will receive his callsign upon arrival. His operating times
will be approximatly from 2000-2200z (possibly longer). His suggested
frequencies are: 
        10 meters -  28495 kHz +/- 10 kHz (main)
                     28450 kHz +/-  5 kHz (secondary)
                     28520 kHz +/-  5 KHz
   If conditions are poor on 10 meters, look for him on 20 meters (14195
kHz +/- 10 kHz). He will also give 12 meters a try, on: 24950 kHz (SSB)
and 24890 kHz (CW) both +/- 5 kHz.

E4, PALESTINE. Gunter, OE1GZA, is now active from here as E4/OE1GZA. He
was heard this past weekend on 15/10 meters between 1100 and 1600z.
Check around 28460 and 21270 kHz.

HK0, MALPELO ISLAND. Pedro, HK3JJH, is now active as HK3JJH/HK0M. Reports
show he has been on 40/20/15/10 meters SSB. 

INTERNATIONAL MARCONI DAY (Special Event). Over 30 Special Event Stations
representing Historic Marconi station locations worldwide will participate
on April 21st, from 0000-2359z, on CW/SSB/Digital. The list of participating
stations is on the Web page:
Award Certificate rules are available at: 
The Marconi Radio Club W1AA/IMD wll represent the 1903 Marconi Transatlantic
Station on Cape Cod, Massachusetts. W/K QSL to CBA with an S.A.S.E., DX
via the W1 Bureau. Their Web page is: http://personal.tmlp.com/k1vv/w1aa/

IOTA NEWS.................
  EU-048.  Francois, F2GL, will be active from Houat Island (French
           Brittany - DIFM AT-016), April 30th through May 6th. Check
           the HF bands from 80 to 10 meters, including the WARC bands,
           both on CW and SSB. QSL direct via F2GL's CBA or via the
           French REF Bureau.
  EU-051.  Look for Erminio/IZ8AJQ and Mario/IZ8DBJ to be active from
           Ustica on April 26-29th, sign IE9/homecall. Activity will be
           on 80-10 meters including the WARC bands on CW/SSB/RTTY and
           possibly PSK31. QSL IE9/IZ8AJQ to: Erminio Cioffi di Michele,
           Piazza Umberto I 16, 84036 Sala Consilina - SA, Italy. QSL
           IE9/IZ8DBJ to: Mario Pesce, Via Privata Falci 2, 80070 Bacoli
           - NA, Italy. QSL either direct or through the bureau.
  EU-065.  Look for stations F6BFH/p, F6EGG/p and F9IE/p to be active from
           Molene Island (DIFM AT-002), May 2-8th. Activity will be on
           the HF IOTA frequencies on CW and SSB. QSL via home callsigns.
  EU-092.  Jim, MM0BQI, will be active from the Island of Tanera Mor in
           the Summer Isles from April 20-23rd. The various references
           numbers are; Islands of Scotland Award SC10, WAB NB90 and QRA
           IO78. Activity will be on all bands 80-10 meters SSB/CW/RTTY
           and PSK31. He states, 'Hopefully this year conditions will be
           better, and I am looking forward to working lots of DX stations
           who require the Summer Isles for IOTA or IOSA. I will be using
           my own call MM0BQI/P for some contest activity and also special
           callsign GB5SI (Summer Isles).' QSL is 100% via RSGB or direct
           to MM0BQI: Jim Martin, 3 Lismore Avenue, Edinburgh, EH8 7DW,
           SCOTLAND - UK.
  EU-094.  Look for TM5N to be active from Saint Nicolas Island (Glenan
           Archipelago), from April 27th to May 1st. Other reference
           numbers are: DIFM  AT-010 and Loc Grid IN77XR. Check the usual
           IOTA frequencies on 160-23cm on CW and SSB. There will be
           14 operators and 2 YLs at the logs. QSL via F6KOP.
  EU-094.  Look for F6KOP/p to be active on Cigogne Island, April 28-29th
           (depending on WX conditions). Other reference numbers are:
           DIFM AT-061, Loc Grid IN87AR and DFCF29004. Activity will be
           mainly around 7055 kHz SSB. QSL via F6KOP.
  EU-171.  On April 17th, Jakob, OZ7AEI, plans to activate the Danish
           Islands, Venoe (NO IOTA, DIA NJ-005) around 1200z for about
           an hour before going to Jegingoe (IOTA EU-171 and DIA NJ-006).
           Activity will be on 14260 +/- QRM. QSL via bureau or direct:
           Jakob Pedersen, Hvamvej 47, DK-7500 Holstebro, Denmark.

  NA-137.  Scott/K1OA and Len/K1NU will be activating Peaks Island, ME,
           on Saturday, April 28th using the special event call W1N. This
           island represents a new counter for the U.S. Island awards and
           will be issued a number after this activation. Look for them
           on 14260 and 21260 kHz +/-. QSL via K1OA, bureau or CBA.

JW, SVALBARD. Rag, LA5HE, will once again be active as JW5HE from April
26th through  May 1st. He states low band contacts are very unlikely as
there is the 'midnightsun' now.

KH4, MIDWAY. Hiro, JF1OCQ, is now active as W1VX/KH4 now through April
22nd. Look for his activity on 80-6 meters, mostly on CW with some RTTY.
As this bulletin was being prepared he was active on 7007 kHz around
1345z. QSL via JF1OCQ either JARL QSL bureau or direct to: Hiroyuki Miyake,
1-3-6 Asakura, Maebashi, 371-0811 Japan.

KH0, MARIANA ISLAND. Members of the ODXLG will be active from Saipan
Island, Northern Mariana Island (IOTA OC-086) April 28th through May
1st. Look for Taka to sign KH0/JR3TVH and Natsu to sign KH0/JJ3NAW.
Activity will be mainly on 40-6 meters CW/SSB/SSTV/RTTY/PSK31 (will take
any request). Antennas used are: C4 (Force12 JA dealer,EDC) and a 6 element
yagi (Radix). Also, they will use a Zepp like wire (Saga) and a HB9CV
(Minimulti) housed in the shack. QSL via the Bureau or direct w/SASE to
JR3TVH home QTH listed on QRZ.com.

KP4, PUERTO RICO (QRP Op). Hal, KC8FS, reports that his 18-year old
daughter Holly, N8VUQ, is now there with several of her high school
classmates and a local college biology class. She will be in San Juan
and the north coast of KP4 until April 21st for an ecological research
trip that will net her some pre-college biology credit. She took along
a borrowed AEA 10 meter DX Handy and will try to work her father if
conditions are right. This would be a great demo of amateur radio for
the other students if it works. She will be calling him near 28375 kHz
(+/- 5 kHz) at the top of the hour beginning at 1700z and depending upon
her scheduled activities. Her operating time will be limited because her
itinerary is pretty full with snorkeling, exploring mangrove swamps and
hiking in a tropical rain forest. Hal asks that if any DXers hear her,
please spot her on the DX PacketCluster. Also, he can be reached via
E-mail ( kc8fs@aol.com ) or via the phone (304) 744-5949 (H) and
(304) 767-6202 (W).

LIGHTHOUSE OPERATION. Leon, ON4ZD, will be signing F/ON4ZD/P between 
May 5-7th from Fort Boyard. There are three lighthouses on that Fort,
FRA 287, FRA 288 and FRA290. Leon will attempt to find a place that will
have all lights in the line of sight on at the same moment. QSL via home
call, bureau (UBA) or direct with sase.

LLDXT 2001 CARIBBEAN TOUR. The Low Land DX-pedition Team (LLDXT) is pleased
to announce the 6th Caribbean Tour. This year's tour will bring them to
the 'Island of Carriacou' (Grenada - IOTA NA-147) from August 2-15th and
the Island of Bequia (St. Vincent - IOTA NA-025) from August 16-27th.
The team members will be Bouke/PA0ZH, Ronald/PA3EWP, Rob/PA5ET and Dennis/
PA7FM. The callsigns will be J3/homecall and J8/homecall. They will use
two FT1000MPs with amplifiers and will be active around the clock on
160-10 meters on the modes CW, SSB, RTTY and PSK31. Titanex has sponsored
a V160E vertical to give them a good low-band signal. As is in past years,
they will have a Tour Web site which will be updated daily with the latest
information, on-line logs, tour diary, digital photo's and digital pile-up
recordings. The Guestbook can already be signed. The LLDXT home page can
be found at:             http://www.qsl.net/lldxt/
All QSLs will be managed again by PA5ET, Rob Snieder, Van Leeuwenstraat 137,
2273 VS Voorburg, The Netherlands. He is a QSL Manager for many other
stations; look under 'QSL INFO AND NEWS'.

QRP-PEDITION FROM A UR-QRP CLUB. The Ukrainian QRP Club will hold its
first (what they call a) 'QRP-pedition' to the Ai-Petri mountain in
Crimea, from May 4-11th. The main aim of this expedition are:
   1) To publicize low power activity on the air.
   2) To attract the attention of hams to the QRP movement and to show
      the boundless possibilities for low power operations.
   3) To test home-made QRP transceivers, as well as, to meet friends
      and associate with them.
A special callsign will be used during the QRP-pedition: EM5QRP. The
members of the QRP-pedition are: RK3ZK, UR6IRL, UR7IRL, US1RCH, US1REO,
UU4JCQ, UY1AW and UZ8RR. The QRP-pedition members output power of their
transmitters will be: 5 watts (CW) and 10 watts (SSB). Look for them to
be active mainly on the international QRP frequencies. Operations on
RTTY and SSTV are being planned too. Prizes (A book, published by Igor
Grigorov, RK3ZK) will be given out to three stations who have the largest
number of the QSOs with the QRP-pedition members on various bands. All
other contacts will get a special QSL card confirming their QSOs. Those
who wish to get the QRP-pedition pennant must send their QSL and 4 IRC
to the expedition QSL Manager UR7IRL: Vladimir Tretyakov, Post Box 41,
Konstantinovka-10, Donetsk  Region, 85110, Ukraine.

QSL INFO AND NEWS...............
   The final and complete logs for 5U2K, 5U3T, and 5U5A are now available
   on Sil's, I2YSB, Web site at:  http://digilander.iol.it/i2ysb

   Rob, PA5ET, is the QSL Manager for the following stations:
     1994 - HB0/PA3ERC/p
     1995 - VP5C (August 95), VP5/PA3BBP, VP5/PA3ERC, VP5/PA3EWP, VP5/PA3FQA
     1996 - FG/PA3BBP, FG/PA3ERC, FG/PA3EWP, FG/PA3FQA, TO5C (Guadeloupe
            August96), J79BP, J79RC, J79WP, J79QA, J77C (August 96),
     1997 - J6/PA3BBP, J6/PA3ERC, J6/PA3EWP, 9Y4/PA3BBP, 9Y4/PA3ERC,
     1998 - 6Y5/PA3ERC, 6Y5/PA3EWP, ZF2RC/ZF9, ZF2WP/ZF9
     1999 - PJ7/PA3EWP, PJ7/PA3GCV, PJ7/PA4EA, PJ7/PA4WM, PJ7/PA5ET,
            FS/PA7FM, V47WP, V47CV, V47EA, V47WM, V47ET, V47FM, VP2EWP,
            VP2ECV, VP2EEA, VP2EWM, VP2EET, VP2EFM
     2000 - 8Q7ET (January 00), 8Q7WP (January 00), V26EA, V26ET, V26WP,
            V26FM, VP2MPA , 8P9JR, 8P9JS, 8P9JT, 8P9JU

S0, WESTERN SAHARA. By the time you read this, the short operation by
S07BT will probably be over. QSL via EA1BT.

V7, MARSHALL ISLANDS. Just a quick reminder that Tom/K7ZZ, Dave/WW2AVG,
George/AH8H and Jim/W7UG will be active from Enewetak Atoll (IOTA OC-087)
in the Marshall islands from April 19-26th. They plan to use the callsign
V73E, some operators have their own individual callsigns. Activity will
be 80-6 meters with operation on CW/SSB/RTTY. Check the usual IOTA
frequencies. QSL via WF5T.

VK9M, MELLISH REEF (Refer to OPDX.500). Look for David/VK4ZEK, Alan/VK4BKM,
Peter/VK4APG and Harris/VK4CWT to be active later in the week from here.
They will be on the reef signing VK9ML between April 21-24th. This activity
is in preparation for a much larger operation planned in late 2001 or early
2002. Their activity will be on the following suggested frequencies:
   CW  - 3504, 7025, 14025, 21025, 28025 and 50105 kHz
   SSB - 3799, 7085, 14195, 21295, 28480 and 50145 kHz.
Check the web site for more details at:    http://www.qsl.net/vk9ml

ZK1, SOUTH COOK ISLANDS (Update/Help Answered). OPDX received another
message from a very excited Victor, ZK1CG, and he stated that thanks to
the call for help for his KT43A antenna situation in last week's bulletin,
someone has offerred to send him a complete/operational KT43A. Details
have to be worked out on sending it, but Victor will keep us informed.
He will use the antenna at his Rarotonga location, and on his vacation
in October to Manihiki, North Cook Islands for the CQWW SSB Contest
with five operators from the Western Washington DX Club. They will be
in Manihiki for one week, and possibly Victor will be there for 2 weeks.
If you are planning a trip to the Cooks and would like to help in getting
some antennas down to Rarotonga (so they can be shipped to Manihiki before
October), contact Victor. He states, '..... coming to the Cooks for a
vacation or DXing........... I'm sure we will make your stay in the Cook
Islands a most pleasant and enjoyable one, plus you will be helping many
make a new contact from North and South Cooks.' Keep looking for Victor
on 10 meters between 28480 and 28490 kHz after 0000z. ADDED NOTE: Victor
is looking for the extension kit to make the KT43A into a six element beam.

SPECIAL NOTE BY EDITOR: If you are having a problem receiving bounced
mail by sending mail to me via ' kb8nw@barf80.nshore.org ', please send
mail to me via ' kb8nw@arrl.net '...... TNX de Tedd KB8NW
   Help:        <mailto:opdx-request@nshore.org?subject=help>
   Subscribe:   <mailto:opdx-request@nshore.org?subject=subscribe>
   Unsubscribe: <mailto:opdx-request@nshore.org?subject=unsubscribe>
Excerpts and distribution of The OPDX Bulletin are granted as long as
KB8NW/OPDX/BARF80 receive credit. To contribute DX info, call BARF-80 BBS
online at 440-237-8208 28.8k/14400/9600/2400/1200 and leave a message with
the Sysop or send via InterNet Mail to: 
        kb8nw@barf80.nshore.org     - OR -   kb8nw@arrl.net
Use the VOICE or FAX answering machine at 440-237-8208 which shares the
same phone line as BARF-80 BBS using a data/fax/phone switch. To access:
1) Dial Number. 2) Wait for first ring (the second ring should be a false
ring from the fax/data switch box) and then dial four quick ones ('1111').
(NOTE: Some FAX machines that send single 'BEEPS' every second will not
have to do this step.) 3) The phone will pick up and after the 'BEEP' 
leave your voice message or FAX.

Additional Bulletins for OPDX InterNet Subscribers.
Path: barf80!news
From: 'Steve Wheatley  KU9C' <ku9c-steve@ku9c.com>
Subject: PW0S/BQ9P QSL Status
Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2001 15:22:26 -0400

I've had several requests for information on BQ9P and PW0S
status....here goes:

PW0S:  I have the logs and have started the process of printing labels for
the cards I have.  We've about completed the QSL design, which I think you
will find a prominent spot in your collection for, as it depicts the
challenges and personal efforts and risks the team took in putting PW0S
on the air for you.  As soon as we get the QSL into the printing process,
I'll have an arrival date and be able to predict when cards will go out and
the first round of cards completed.  

There are on-line logs at http://www.soutomaior.eti.br/mario/ and then
follow the PW0S link....and click on logs.   Please report any problems
to me at ku9c@arrl.net, but please also note I'm a bit behind, and in many
cases, have to direct the question to the appropriate PY amateur.  Also,
if you have submitted your card, no need to ask via email, I'll research
it as I process the cards.

BQ9P:  The logs  were all by hand, and have yet to be entered into a
computer.  I'm about to start that process.   The QSL design has been
started, and as with PW0S, when I send the card to the printer, I'll be
able to predict when the cards will be going out.  It too will be a color
card, so your patience will be rewarded with a nice QSL to commemorate
this operation.

Logs may be posted on the web if I find time, although there appears to
be limited value in doing so.  If you have submitted your card, your QSOs
will be checked against the paper logs if there are any questions. 

Email me at ku9c@arrl.net if you have any questions.

Steve KU9C

Steve Wheatley KU9C
PO Box 5953
Parsippany NJ  07054-6953  (yes, the -6953 is correct!)

Phone:  973.644.5111
Fax:    973.644.5053

email:  ku9c@ku9c.com
From: 'Danny Van Tricht ON4VT' <on4vt@qsl.net>
To: <kb8nw@arrl.net>
Subject: Info for DX-bulletin
Date: Sat, 14 Apr 2001 09:28:55 +0200
MIME-Version: 1.0

SSTV and DX-peditions

Never before there was so many SSTV activity from different countries as
nowadays. The release of the free soundcard software 'MMSSTV' is a big
help on the popularity of SSTV. And it's fine to see that major
DX-peditions add SSTV to their mode-list. In the past we had already
SSTV from 3D2CI, BQ9P, XZ0A, ZK1AXU, ZD7K, ZD8K, A35SC etc etc.
If you are going on a trip to an exotic spot, we ( a bunch of SSTV
DX'ers )  like to help you to do some SSTV ...
It's different to run a SSTV pile up ... we can advise you and bring you
in contact with previous  'SSTV DX-peditioners'.
For everybody there is a lot of info for STARTERS on my website:
www.qsl.net/on4vt. There you find also recently received DX pictures
(4U1UN, ZC4BS, ZD7K, ZD8K, 3D2CI, etc etc).

73 Danny ON4VT

Hot SSTV info ??? Join the PDXB-SSTV reflector at www.qsl.net/on4vt  !!!

*** Radio Amateur Station ON4VT ***

Danny Van Tricht

Hulshoutveld 2
B-2235 Hulshout

Email  ON4VT@qsl.net=20
Website  http://www.qsl.net/on4vt

SSTV AWARDS:   CQ WAZ #001   ARRL WAS #031   IVCA WAS #001  =20
               IVCA DXAA #006  WAC  RUSSIA SSTV AWARD #005=20

***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***    ***   ***   ***

                       AB5K AR-Cluster Network
                   DXCC/Entities Chart of Activity
             For the week of Sunday, 8/Apr - Saturday, 14/Apr
        Nmbr   Nmbr              Band of                Days of
DXCC  Stations Spots            Activity               the Week       Modes
----  -------  -----  -----------------------------  -------------  ----------
3A         5     29         .  .10.6  M. .W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
3B8        4     39            .30.20.  .15.12.10.   M.T.W.T.F. .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
3B9        1      1                  .17.                   .F.     CW.   .RTTY
3C         4     27               .20.17.     .10.6  M.T.   .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
3D2        6     67         .40.  .20.     .12.10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
3V         7     85         .40.  .20.  .15.12.10.   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
3W         4     12               .20.  .15.  .10.      .W.   .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
3X         3     27               .20.     .12.10.    .T.W.T. .S.     .SSB. 
4J         8     12            .30.20.  .15.  .10.   M. .W.T. .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
4L        11     27      .80.40.  .20.  .15.  .10.6  M.T. .T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
4S         6     44      .   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
4U1U       1      2               .20.  .15.                .F.     CW.SSB.RTTY
4W         2      8                              .6   .T.W.T.F.       .SSB. 
4X        47    165   160.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
5A         3     31                  .   M. .W. .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
5B        16     66   160.     .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
5H         1     44   160.     .  .10.   M. .W.T.F. .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
5N         9     56         .40.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S    .SSB. 
5R         8     68            .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
5U         1      3                              .6  M.             CW.   .RTTY
5X         3     28                  .17.15.  .10.6       .T.F.S.S    .SSB. 
5Z         5     32               .20.17.15.  .10.6     .W.T.F.S.   CW.SSB.RTTY
6W         3     28         .40.        .15.  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
6Y         3      5               .20.17.     .10.    .T.W. .F.       .SSB. 
7Q         7     39               .20.  .15.  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
7X         8     55               .20.17.15.  .10.   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
8P         3      8               .20.        .10.6   .T.W.T. .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
8R         4      7               .20.  .15.  .10.    .T.   .F.S.S    .SSB. 
9A        33     77   160.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
9G         1      4                     .15.                  .S.     .SSB. 
9H        21     54         .40.  .20.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
9J         3     29         .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
9K         8     57               .20.17.15.  .10.   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
9M2        6     38            .30.  .   .T. .T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
9M6        3      9               .20.  .15.     .6  M. .W.T.F.S.     .SSB. 
9N         3      7                     .15.  .10.    .T.W.T.F. .S    .SSB. 
9Q         3      5      .80.              .12.10.    .T.   .F.S.   CW.SSB.RTTY
9U         0      0                                                         
9V         8     49               .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
9X         1     13         .40.  .20.                  .W. .F.       .SSB. 
9Y         6     25               .20.17.15.  .10.6     .W.T.F.S.S    .SSB. 
A2         1     11                           .10.          .F.S.   CW.SSB.RTTY
A3         1      4                              .6         .F.       .SSB. 
A4         6     30               .20.  .  M.T.   .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
A5         2     19               .20.  .15.12.10.   M.T.       .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
A6         3     44               .20.17.  .12.       .T.W.     .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
A7         2      4               .20.17.     .10.              .S    .SSB. 
A9         2     18   160.        .20.17.  .12.         .W. .F.S.   CW.   .RTTY
AP         8     38         .40.  .20.  .15.12.10.   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
BV        21     51         .40.  .20.17.15.  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
BY        38     89   160.80.     .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
C2         1      1               .20.                  .W.           .SSB. 
C3         5      6               .20.  .15.          .T.W.T.   .S    .SSB. 
C5         2     27         .40.  .20.        .10.6     .W.T.F.S.   CW.SSB.RTTY
C6         5     27      .80.40.     .17.15.  .10.   M.T. .T. .S.S    .SSB. 
C9         5     17               .20.        .10.6  M.     .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
CE        36    130         .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
CE0A       4     46               .20.        .10.6  M.         .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
CE9        4     31               .20.17.15.  .10.   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
CM        34    143      .   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
CN         9     30         .40.  .20.  .15.  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
CP         7     45      .80.40.  .20.17.15.  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
CT        26     49   160.80.     .20.17.  .12.10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
CT3       10     75         .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
CU        10     25               .20.17.  .12.10.6  M.T.W. .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
CX        55    166   160.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
D2         3     72         .40.  .   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
D6         1      2               .20.        .10.        .T.       CW.SSB.RTTY
DL       203    397  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
DU        36    117         .40.  .20.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
E4         4     22                     .15.  .10.            .S.     .SSB. 
EA       145    352  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
EA6       18     63      .80.40.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
EA8       45    116  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
EA9       13    118   160.80.40.  .  M.T. .T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
EI        23     54      .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
EK         4     15               .20.  .15.          .T.W.T.F. .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
EP         6     28               .20.  .15.  .10.   M.T.W. .F.S.S    .SSB. 
ER         5     20      .80.  .30.20.  .15.  .10.   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
ES        10     23         .40.30.20.  .15.  .10.6   .T.W. .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
ET         8     51      .80.     .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
EU        15     24     .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
EX         6     35         .  .10.   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
EY         8     95         .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
EZ         4      4               .20.17.     .10.   M. .W. .F.     CW.SSB.RTTY
F         95    157  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
FG         9     31               .20.  .15.  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
FJ         2     25               .20.     .12.      M.T.W. .F.S.   CW.SSB.RTTY
FK        12     34         .40.  .20.17.15.  .10.6  M.T. .T.F.S.   CW.SSB.RTTY
FM         9     23         .40.  .20.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
FO         8    197               .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S    .SSB. 
FO/a       2     44         .    .T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
FP         1      1                              .6         .F.       .SSB. 
FR        20     99         .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
FW         2     31               .20.  .15.  .10.6   .T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
FY         4     21         .40.30.     .15.12.10.   M.       .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
G        135    261  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
GD         6     10               .20.17.     .10.6     .W. .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
GI        13     31   160.  .  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
GJ         3      5               .20.17.        .6   .T. .T.       CW.SSB.RTTY
GM        33    103         .40.  .20.  .15.  .10.6  M. .W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
GU         8     52               .   M.T.W. .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
GW        17     22     .6  M.T.W. .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
H4         1      2               .20.                        .S.     .SSB. 
HA        22     30      .80.40.30.  .17.15.  .10.   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
HB        20     32   160.  .40.  .  .6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
HB0        1      6   160.80.40.  .20.     .12.      M. .W. .F.     CW.   .RTTY
HC        17     83      .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
HC8        5     40                              .6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.   .RTTY
HH         2      4               .20.        .10.      .W.T. .S.     .SSB. 
HI        11     45   160.80.40.  .  M. .W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
HK        31     58         .40.  .20.17.15.  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
HK0/a     12     58      .  .10.   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
HK0/m     11    151      .80.40.  .20.17.15.  .10.      .W.T.F.S.     .SSB. 
HL        48    122   160.  .40.30.20.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
HP         9     26      .80.     .20.  .15.  .10.6   .T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
HR        13     89      .80.40.  .   .T.W.T.F.S.   CW.SSB.RTTY
HS        16    118         .40.  .20.  .15.  .10.6  M.T.W. .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
HV         1      1                              .6             .S    .SSB. 
HZ         5     84               .20.17.     .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
I        138    277   160.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
IS        18     47               .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
J2        11    104            .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
J3         4     56               .20.17.  .12.10.   M.T.W.     .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
J6         4      9               .20.     .12.      M.     .F.S.S    .SSB. 
J8         1      1                     .15.                .F.     CW.   .RTTY
JA       217    421  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
JT         7     35            .   M.T.   .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
JW         7     52            .  .10.6  M.T.   .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
JX         1      2         .40.                            .F.     CW.   .RTTY
JY         6     54               .20.17.15.  .10.6  M. .W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
K        409    585  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
KG4        3      4         .40.              .10.6  M.         .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
KH0        7     33   160.  .40.  .20.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
KH2        7     72            .  M.T.   .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
KH5        1      1                              .6         .F.     CW.   .RTTY
KH6       33     85   160.80.  .  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
KH8        9    103                              .6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
KL         7      8            .            .W.   .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
KP2        2      7                        .12.10.6         .F.S.S    .SSB. 
KP4       39     95         .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
LA        33     62  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
LU       153    439   160.80.40.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
LX        16     47         .  M.T.W. .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
LY        16     42      .80.     .20.17.15.  .10.   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
LZ        20     38   160.80.  .30.20.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
OA        13     76               .20.  .15.  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
OD         7     66               .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
OE        21     52      .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
OH        28     51      .80.40.  .20.17.     .10.6  M. .W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
OH0        9     70  .10.   M.     .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
OK        34     53  .15.  .10.6     .W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
OM        12     17               .20.  .  M.   .T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
ON        30     52      .80.40.  .20.17.15.  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
OX         6     38         .40.30.  .   .T.W.T. .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
OY         4     11            .30.20.17.  .12.10.6  M. .W.T.F.S.   CW.SSB.RTTY
OZ        40    128     .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
P2         4     15               .20.        .10.6     .W. .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
P4         5     43            .30.  .17.  .12.10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
PA        54     92      .80.  .  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
PJ2        3     19               .20.  .15.  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
PJ7        5     10               .20.        .10.    .T.W.T.F. .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
PY       199    611  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
PY0F       5     34      .80.40.  .20.  .15.  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
PY0S       1     32               .20.  .15.              .T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
PZ         5     35      .80.40.30.     .15.12.10.   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
S0         4     69         .40.  .20.  .15.  .10.   M. .W.T.F.S.   CW.SSB.RTTY
S2         3     30               .20.  .15.         M.T.W.T.F. .S    .SSB. 
S5        26     35      .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
S7        14    147            .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
S9         1      1                     .15.                .F.       .SSB. 
SM        64    173  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
SP       122    244  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
SU        16     83         .40.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.   CW.SSB.RTTY
SV        39    102  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
SV5        5     23         .40.  .20.17.  .12.10.   M. .W.T.F.S.S    .SSB. 
SV9        6     34               .    .T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
T30        1      2               .20.                          .S    .SSB. 
T7         3     40   160.     .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
T9         8     18   160.  .40.  .20.17.15.  .10.   M.T. .T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
TA        27     76         .40.  .   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
TF         5     10      .80.  .30.20.  .15.12.      M.       .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
TG         5     20      .80.     .20.        .10.6  M.T.W. .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
TI        34    250      .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
TI9        2      4                           .10.        .T.         .SSB. 
TJ         1      1               .20.               M.                     
TK         4      5               .20.17.                   .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
TL         1      1                        .12.                 .S    .SSB. 
TR        11     46               .  M. .W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
TT         3      5               .20.        .10.   M.   .T. .S.     .SSB. 
TU         6     15               .       .T. .T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
UA        91    330  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
UA2        6     20      .80.40.  .20.17.             .T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
UA9       88    138  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
UK         9     24      .80.  .     .6  M. .W.T. .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
UN        16     31         .   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
UR        47     57  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
V2         1      1                  .17.                     .S.     .SSB. 
V3         3     14                              .6   .T. .T.F. .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
V4         2      6               .20.  .15.  .10.   M.         .S    .SSB. 
V5        10    220      .80.  .30.20.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
V7        10     39               .20.17.15.  .10.6   .T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
VE        61     90      .80.40.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
VK       169    358  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
VK9N       1     30      .80.        .17.     .10.6  M.   .T.F.S.   CW.SSB.RTTY
VP2E       2     18         .40.  .20.17.15.         M.     .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
VP2V       4     32   160.           .  M. .W. .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
VP8        8     48                           .10.6   .T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
VP8/o      1      3               .20.  .15.              .T. .S.   CW.SSB.RTTY
VP9        2      5                           .10.              .S    .SSB. 
VQ9        3     45               .20.17.  .12.10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
VR        12     40      .80.40.  .  M. .W. .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
VU        43    149      .  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
XE        41    106         .40.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
XT         2     14               .20.  .15.  .10.      .W. .F.S.     .SSB. 
XU         2      3               .20.           .6   .T.W.T.       CW.   .RTTY
XX9        2      5                     .15.         M.T.W.         CW.SSB.RTTY
XZ         1      2               .20.                .T.             .SSB. 
YB        67    307      .80.40.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
YI         1      1                     .15.            .W.           .SSB. 
YJ         1      1               .20.                      .F.       .SSB. 
YK         2      6               .20.17.15.          .T.W.T.F.     CW.SSB.RTTY
YL        12     33      .80.  .30.20.  .15.  .10.6  M.T.W. .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
YN         1      1                           .10.          .F.       .SSB. 
YO        15     17   160.80.  .  .10.6  M.T.W. .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
YS         4     25               .20.        .10.6   .T.W.T.F.S.S    .SSB. 
YU        26     63   160.  .  M. .W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
YV        28     84   160.  .40.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
Z2         7     28               .20.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
Z3         9     44         .   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
ZA         6     13         .40.  .20.17.15.  .10.   M.T.W. .F.S.   CW.   .RTTY
ZB        10     47            .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
ZC4        5     25      .80.40.        .15.  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
ZD7        8    599  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
ZD8        6     25               .20.  .15.  .10.6  M.T. .T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
ZF         4     16               .20.  .15.     .6  M.T.W.T. .S.   CW.SSB.RTTY
ZK1/s      3      9               .20.        .10.6  M.     .F.S.S    .SSB. 
ZL        83    202  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
ZP        20     68         .40.        .15.  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
ZS        87    244      .80.40.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
Tot Stations: 4857  Tot Spots: 15536  Spotter of the week: HR1BY (94 spots)


Tedd Mirgliotta  KB8NW
InterNet: kb8nw@barf80.nshore.org
Basic Amateur Radio Frequency BBS (BARF-80) +1 (440) 237-8208
'Totally devoted to Amateur Radio' - 24 Hrs a day 8/N/1 28.8k-1200 baud


As of Sun Apr 15 00:24:11 PDT 2001

ARLD015 DX news

QST de W1AW  
DX Bulletin 15  ARLD015
>From ARRL Headquarters  
Newington CT  April 12, 2001
To all radio amateurs   

ARLD015 DX news

This week's bulletin was made possible with information provided by
Tedd, KB8NW, the OPDX Bulletin, QRZ DX, CE1URH, N5VEI and Contest
Corral from QST.  Thanks to all.

WESTERN MALAYSIA, 9M2.  Bruce, KD6WW, will be active from April 20
to May 2.  QSL via home call.

ALAND ISLAND, OH0.  Frank, DL2SWW and Ric, DL2VFR, will operate CW,
SSB and RTTY from April 14 to 20.

CHILE, CE.  3G1M will be active April 13 to 15 on 40, 20, 15 and 10
meters from Sta Maria Island in the north of Chile.  QSL via CE1VLY,
POB 103, Santiago 21, CHILE.

US VIRGIN ISLANDS, KP2.  Bill, N5VEI, will be activating St. Thomas
from April 18 to 20.  Primary operations will be on 10 meters,
around 28360 or 28500 kHz.  Look for him on 17 and 20 meters during
the evening hours.  QSL with SASE to home call.

ISRAEL, 4X.  Look for Yoram, 4Z1GY, under special callsign 4X2K,
during the Holyland Contest, April 21 and 22.  Activity will be on
SSB and CW on 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10 meters.

MALDIVES, 8Q.  Peter, HA2SX, will be active as 8Q7KK from April 14
through May 4 on 160 through 10 meters.  His main operating modes
will be CW, RTTY, PSK31, and SSTV skeds by special request.  QSL to
the following address only: Peter Kalocsa, MARKO, Bakonyi ut 20,
H-8441, HUNGARY.

TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO, 9Y.  Charlie, N2IM, will be operating from
Trinidad, as 9Y4/N2IM, April 26 through May 4.  He is expected to be
on 20, 15, 10 and 6 meters, and possibly other bands.  QSL direct to

ARMENIA, EK.  Daniel, F5LGQ, will be here from April 9 to 21,
signing EK8ZZ.  Look for him to be active around 1600 to 1700z.

AUSTRAL ISLANDS, FO0/A.  Alain, F2HE/FO0CLA, will be active from
Tubuai Island (OC-152) until April 27.  QSL via F6CTL.

DJIBOUTI, J2.  Jean Louis, J28NH, and others will be active as
J28CDX from April 12 to 16.

MARIANA ISLANDS, KH0.  Look for Akira, JA3AOP, to be active April 13
to 17.  Activity will be on all bands, including 6 meters.  QSL via

NAMIBIA, V5.  Nick, ZS4NS, is expected to be active as V51/ZS4NS
until April 20.  His activity will be mainly on 6 meters, listening
on 50110 kHz.  He will, however, be active on 20, 15 and 10 meters
also.  QSL via N7RO.

ST. HELENA, ZD7.  The ZD7K team is now active.  Operations are
expected to last until April 12.  QSL via GW0ANA.

THIS WEEKEND ON THE RADIO.  The Japan International DX Contest, CW,
Lighthouse Spring Lites Rites QSO Party, QRP ARCI Spring QSO Party,
His Majesty the King of Spain Contest, DXYL-NAYL Contest, CW, and
the Low Power Spring Sprint will keep contesters occupied this
weekend.  Please see April QST, page 109 for details.


As of Sun Apr 8 19:57:23 PDT 2001

SB DX @ WW < KB8NW $OPDX.506
Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin No. 506

The Ohio/Penn DX PacketCluster
DX Bulletin No. 506
BID: $OPDX.506
April 9, 2001
Editor Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW
Provided by BARF-80 BBS Cleveland, Ohio
Online at 440-237-8208 28.8k-1200 Baud 8/N/1

Thanks to the Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society, Northern Ohio DX
Association, Ohio/Penn PacketCluster Network, AB5K & the AR TelNet
Clusters Network, NC1L, N2IM, N3CR, W3EH, W3UR & The Daily DX, KJ4UY,
DL1EK & DX News Letter, DL2SBY, F5PBL, F6AJA & Les Nouvelles DX, F8BBL,
ZL3CW for the following DX information.

SPECIAL NOTE FROM EDITOR: Last week was a rough week for your editor.
After about 7 days of no connection to the outside world, BARF-80 BBS
was finally back on-line connected to the InterNet on Thursday, April
12th. How bad was the connection missed? After several hours of down-
loading, BARF-80's backlog of messages was just over 1400 messages
(and this does not include all the amateur radio UseNet New Groups).
We were very lucky (and thankful) that 'APK.NET' held all messages
(few were lost) until the new DSL service was reconnect with BARF-80's
ISP 'NSHORE.ORG'. The DSL service that pulled the plug because of
bankruptcy effected over 1000 ISP and 81,000 users in northern Ohio.
We are glad it is back!

DXCC COUNTRY/ENTITY REPORT: According to the AR-Cluster Network for the
week of Sunday, 1/April, through Sunday, 8/April, there were 233 countries
active. Countries available: 1A, 3A, 3B8, 3D2, 3D2/r, 3V, 3W, 4J, 4L, 4S,
4X, 5A, 5B, 5H, 5N, 5R, 5W, 5Z, 6W, 6Y, 7Q, 7X, 8P, 8R, 9A, 9G, 9H, 9J, 9K,
9M2, 9M6, 9N, 9V, 9Y, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A9, AP, BV, BY, C2, C3, C6,
C9, CE, CE0A, CE0Z, CE9, CM, CN, CP, CT, CT3, CU, CX, D2, DL, DU, E3, EA,
EA6, EA8, EA9, EI, EK, EL, EP, ER, ES, ET, EU, EX, EY, EZ, F, FG, FJ, FK,
FM, FO, FO/a, FP, FR, FW, FY, G, GD, GI, GJ, GM, GU, GW, H4, H40, HA, HB,
HB0, HC, HH, HI, HK, HK0/a, HL, HP, HR, HS, HV, HZ, I, IS, J2, J3, J6, J8,
JA, JT, JW, JX, JY, K, KG4, KH0, KH2, KH3, KH6, KL, KP2, KP4, LA, LU, LX,
LY, LZ, OA, OD, OE, OH, OH0, OK, OM, ON, OX, OY, OZ, P2, P4, PA, PJ2, PJ7,
PY, PY0F, PY0S, PZ, R1MV, S2, S5, S7, S9, SM, SP, SU, SV, SV5, SV9, T30,
T31, T7, T9, TA, TF, TG, TI, TJ, TK, TL, TR, TT, TU, TZ, UA, UA2, UA9, UK,
UN, UR, V5, V7, V8, VE, VK, VK9N, VK9X, VP2E, VP2V, VP5, VP8, VP8/o, VP9,
VQ9, VR, VU, VU4, XE, XU, XW, XX9, YB, YI, YJ, YK, YL, YN, YO, YS, YU,
YV, Z2, Z3, ZA, ZB, ZC4, ZD7, ZD8, ZD9, ZF, ZK1/s, ZL, ZP, ZS
  There were 39 CQ Zones available during the past week.
     CQ Zones that were not active are:  2 
  There were 54 ITU Zones available during the past week.
     ITU Zones that were not active are: 

  PLEASE NOTE: The report 'could' contain 'Pirate/SLIM' operations. As
  always, you never know - 'Work First Worry Later' (WFWL).
  OPDX InterNet Subscribers will receive an additional bulletin (due to its
  size) with a complete breakdown and 'DXCC/Entities Chart of Activity'.

3A, MONACO (SLIM ALERT).  A station signing as 3A2DX was heard active on
April 4th, on 28495 kHz at 1400z and then QSYed to 15 meters CW. This
station is a 'Pirate/Slim'. DO NOT QSL. Save your money. Buckmaster also
has this station listed as a Pirate.

3W2KF IS NOW QRT. Claude, F5PBL, is now back in France as of April 2nd.
He sent OPDX the following and requested that we publish it: 
'Tnx to everybody for the calls. Despite a high level QRN on my side, I
hope I have answered to most of your calls (except USA ... sorry guys,
the QRN was S9 towards the States ! Did my best but ...). That was my
very first DX trip so sorry for my lack of experience in pile-ups
managering! QSLing is OK via bureau or direct (Claude TERRIER,
18 allee du Mail, F-92360 Meudon-la-Foret, France). Note that the address
in Villeparisis (Zip 77270) is OK also but not the quickest one and
please avoid Aulnay (Zip 93600) because the Postal services will soon
stop the forwarding to me. QSL cards should be printed and delivered
within 6 weeks now. I will then start the answering process, starting with
direct requests, of course. I will NOT answer to eQSLs, sorry.' For more
updated information and the log (which will be available soon), check
out the Web site at:            http://www.qsl.net/f5pbl

4X, ISRAEL. Look for Yoram, 4Z1GY, to sign with the special callsign
4X2K during the Holyland Contest, April 21-22nd. Activity will be on SSB
and CW on 80/40/20/15/10 meters.

8Q, MALDIVES. Phil, G3SWH, and his XYL Jan, will be in the Maldives between
June 4-11th. Phil has been allocated the callsign 8Q7WH. This will be the
usual holiday type of operation, and he will have his IC-706 and R-7000
with him. Phil will be active on all bands 40-10 meters, CW only, as time
allows. QSL to his CBA with SAE and return postage or via the RSGB bureau.

8Q, MALDIVES. Peter, HA2SX, will be on tour again to the Indian Ocean. He
has received his old callsign which he used last year. Look for him to
sign 8Q7KK again from April 14th through May 4th. He will be using his
FT-1000MP Mark V w/200 watts. His antennas are a DX-88 + 160 m kit and
a windom antenna (by DK9FN) for 80-10 meters. His main operation modes
will be CW/RTTY/PSK31 and some times (only during his local daily time)
he will be on SSB and for special requests, on SSTV. Request for SSTV
skeds should be sent by E-mail until April 12th. Peter's E-mail address
is:    kalocsa@infornax.hu       QSL requests should be sent only to the
following address: Peter Kalocsa, MARKO, Bakonyi ut 20, H-8441, HUNGARY.
Peter will try to be active in the following contests: JA-DX, TARA PSK31,

9Y, TRINIDAD & TOBAGO. Charlie, N2IM, will be operating from Trinidad,
as 9Y4/N2IM, April 26th through May 4th. He is expected to be on 20, 15,
10, and 6 meters, and possibly other bands. He will be using dipoles and
100 watts. Look for him on the air in the early morning and late evening. 
QSL direct to N2IM.

CO/CM, CUBA. Eric, F5SSM, will be in Cuba from April 23-30th. He will
try to operate if he can get a licence.

DXCC NEWS. Bill Moore, NC1L, DXCC Manager, informs OPDX that documentation
has been received for the operations listed below; cards will now be
accepted for DXCC credit:  3XY2D Guinea and 3W2LWS Vietnam

EK, ARMENIA. Daniel, F5LGQ, will be here from April 9-21st, signing EK8ZZ.
Look for him to be active during his evening around 1600-1700z.

FJ, SAINT MARTIN. Philippe, F6BXE (ex-TR8DX and FG5HE), has been active
as FJ5DX since March. At the moment, he has been heard on 12 and 20 meters.
He was heard this past week on 14176 kHz around 0300z.

will once again be active from this area, possibly the same dates as last
year (Sept. 25th through Nov. 25th). He will be active from Pukapuka
(OC-062) in the Tuamotu Island group, then from Rapa (OC-051) in the
Australes and may be again from Reao (OC-238) in the Tuamotu.

FO0/A, AUSTRAL ISLANDS. Alain, F2HE/FO0CLA, is now active from Tubuai
Island (OC-152) in the Australes. He will be there until April 27th. He
will then move to Rurutu (OC-050) 'maybe' without a radio. QSL via F6CTL.

FS & PJ, ST. MARTIN AND ST. MAARTEN. George, W3EH (ex K2KTT), will be at
his St. Maarten home from April 11-17th. He will be on the air as PJ/W3EH
and FS/W3EH, mostly on 10 meters phone (28.450 to 28.500) with appearances
on other bands and CW depending on propagation.

HK0, MALPELO ISLAND (Update). By the time you read this Pedro, HK3JJH,
should be on his way or may even be active from Malpelo. He is expect to
be active from HK0 at the beginning of the week and stay active until
around May 7th. QSL via N4AA. He was heard this past week and weekend 
active from a Lighthouse on Isla La Palma (IOTA SA-017) as HK3JJH/5.

HK0, MALPELO ISLAND (2nd Operation Update). Jairo/HK5MQZ and Hiro/HK5QGX
have announced that the DXpedition originally planned between April 8-21st
has been cancelled. The reason for this cancellation: The second voyage of
the only ship that sails to Malpelo was cancelled; the scuba group that
had originally contracted the ship cancelled out. Jairo informs OPDX that
the first sailing from April 6th and 13th has no problems and would have
taken place. They had planned to sail on April 6th on the first trip and
return to Buenaventura on the second sailing. But their second trip was
cancelled and they did not have any possibilities for the return trip.
Therefore they cordially present their apologies to all colleagues who
were interested in this operation.

HONOR GIVEN. The Magnolia DX Association ( http://www.mdxa.org ) has sent
an appreciation plaque to Chuck Brady, N4BQW, for his one man operation
as 3Y0C. They wanted Chuck to know how much the DX community appreciated
his one man operation from Bouvet Island. Chuck endured many hardships
and much improvising to allow many thousands of DXers world-wide to make
a contact with the VERY rare DXCC entity.

IOTA NEWS.................
  EU-051.  Look for IE9/IZ8AJQ and IE9/IZ8DBJ to be active April 26-29th
           from Ustica Island. Activity will be on 10/12/15/17/20/30/40/80
           meters, using CW, SSB, RTTY. If if is possible, they will also
           try to work PSK31. QSL via homecalls direct or bureau:
           IZ8AJQ - Erminio Cioffi (di Michele), Piazza Umberto 1 n.16,
                    84036 Sala Consilina (SA), ITALY
           IZ8DBJ - Mario Pesce, Via Privata Falcin.2, 80070 BACOLI (NA),

  EU-096.  Pekka, OH1lU, will be active from Kustavi Island April 13-15th.
           Their is no QSL information at this time.
  EU-098.  Wolfgang, DH3ZK, will be active from Poel Island April 13-16th.
           This island will stop counting for IOTA on February 01, 2005. He
           will be on 15, 20, and 40 meters using SSB and RTTY. QSL via
           home callsign.
  EU-146.  Eric, F5SSM, will be signing PA/F5SSM, April 14-16th, from
           Shouwen Duviland.

  OC-154.  Dan, VK8AN, has decided to take his equipment back to Troughton
           Island for his next few tours. His activity is expected to
           take place April 10-24th, May 8-22nd and June 5-19th. If there
           are any alterations to those dates we will be advised. Dan has
           some changes planned for this time. Besides his 3 element
           tribander and IC-738, he will have a linear amp (FL2100) to
           help a bit. Later he might try a vertical on either 12m or 17m
           and a long wire for 40/80/160 meters. QSL to VK4AAR (as before)
           DIRECT ONLY to: POB 421, Gatton 4343, Australia. A Reminder:
           Do NOT send SASE with Aussie stamps unless you have access to
           the right series (this is IMPORTANT). It is better to send USD
           (or IRC if you must).

  SA-069.  Pat, CA1URH, will be active from Santa Maria Island near to
           Antofagasta in the north of Chile. His callsign will be 3G1M
           from April 13-15th. Activity will be 40/20/15/10 meters. QSL
           via CE1VLY: Pat Valero Dazarola, P.O. Box 103, Santiago - 21

J2, DJIBOUTI (IOTA Op). Jean Louis, J28NH, and others will be active as
J28CDX from Dijboutian Island of 7 Freres (Sept Freres Brother) IOTA
AF-059. They will be there from April 12-16th.

KH2, GUAM. Shige, JI3CEY, will be active as KH2/JI3CEY on HF and 6 meters
from Guam between  April 21-23rd. This is a short DX holiday from KH2JU's
rental shack. QSL via homecall bureau or direct: Shigeru Yokoi, 
2-138-1-704 Hamaderasuwanomorichonishi, Sakai-City Osaka 592-8347 Japan.

KH0, SAIPAN. Look for Akira, JA3AOP, to be active April 13-17th. Activity
will be on all bands and 6 meters. There was no callsign mentioned. QSL
via JA3AOP.

QSL INFO AND NEWS...........
  TX5CW QSL CORRECTION. It is recommend that QSLs for TX5CW be sent to
  Jacky's ZL3CW address instead of his F2CW address as reported last week.
  QSL to: Jacques Calvo, P.O. Box 593, Pukekohe, Auckland 1800, New Zealand
  (NOT to Chatham Island, New Zealand).

  Erik, SM0AGD, informs OPDX that all direct QSL requests received up to
  April 1st, for his January/February 3C1AG operation, have now been
  answered and were expected to be in mailed sometime last week.
  The 5A24PA special event station by Abubaker is history now. Currently,
  Abubaker is working to get the logs sorted and sent to Alex, PA1AW.
  Alex reports that after he receives the logs, it will be about 2-3
  weeks to get the cards, and another 2-3 weeks to get the cards out in
  the mail. PLEASE NOTE: Alex is NOT the QSL Manager for 5A1A. QSLs for
  5A24PA go to: Alex van Hengel, Schoener 85, 2991JK Barendrecht, The
  9M2TO QSLS (New address). Tex, JA0DMV/9M2TO, informs OPDX that all QSLs
  received before March 31st (2001) have been sent out to the JARL Bureau.
  PLEASE NOTE: The JA0DMV address has been changed. The new address is as
  follows: Tex Izumo, 827 Nakanojyou Ueda, Nagano 386-0034, Japan.

  A61AJ QSL Situation. Bernie, W3UR, Editor of 'The Daily DX', reports that
  all direct U.S. requests received prior to March 23, 2001, for QSOs prior
  to January 1, 2001, have been answered and are now in the mail. He is
  now (1/5 through) working on all direct DX QSOs received prior to March
  23, 2001, for QSOs prior to January 1, 2001. Bernie hopes to have this
  completed by the end of this month. Next will be all direct requests
  received after March 24, 2001. He also states that 95% of all QSOs are
  now on-line at:       http://www.dailydx.com/a61aj_search.html
  If your QSO is not in the on-line log, more than likely it is in one of
  the hand logs. Please do not panic.
  Kasimir, DL2SBY, reports that he has been active as LX/DL2SBY, IS0/DL2SBY,
  TK/DL2SBY and HB0/DL2SBY. However, many stations continue to QSL via the
  wrong address. His correct address is: Kasimir Bastian, Gruenaeckerstr.39,
  71069 Sindelfingen, Germany.
  Gene, UT7ND/ER0ND, QSL Manager for ER4DX, ER0N, ER/UT7ND and ER0ND,
  informs OPDX that many envelopes have been ripped open by what he calls
  ' mail rats ' and return postage in the SAE has been taken. He states
  that he can not send these QSL cards back direct, so cards will be sent
  back via the bureau. Gene recommends that when sending QSLs to him, use
  envelopes that are dense and sealed with tape. Also, it is better/safer
  to use IRCs.
  NEW address for Fred, IK7JWX, (also IQ7J and IQ7J/7): Alfredo De Nisi,
  Vico della Cavallerizza, 4/d, 73100 - Lecce - Italy
  Recently, AH7X was on Guam for the CQ WPX Contest. His QSL routes as
  AH7X go via JP1NWZ. Also, AH7X/PORTABLE is via JP1NWZ.
  TO5T logs for the last CQ WPX Contest are now online at the following
  Web page:                        http://www.madinina.fr.fm
  QSL TO5T direct via FM5BH not W3HNK.

  VK0MM QSLS. Alan, VK4AAR, reports that he is pleased to announce that
  the backlog of QSLs for VK0MM have been cleared. He adds that each day's
  mail is now being processed the same day and mailed back the next day
  (24 hour turn around now!) Alan, states, 'Just want to say 'thanks a
  million' to those amateurs that heeded our request for generosity with
  funds which we donate to Camp Quality (a children's cancer support
  charity). So far we have donated close to $20,000.00 and more will be
  welcome. US$$ are easily donated but IRCs will help a bit if you can't
  get greenstamps. Don't get the wrong impression... donations don't
  'buy' a card... you MUST be in the log also, of course. Please visit
  the Macquarie Island web site (it is regularly up dated).........'
  QSL DIRECT ONLY to VK4AAR. Important reminder.... Do NOT (repeat 'NOT')
  waste your time (and Alan's) asking for a QSL card for VK0LD.  Cards
  are NOT available. Details on the above web site.

  QSL Z39A to: Radio Amateur Society Of Macedonia, P.O. Box 14,
  Skopje 1000, Republic of Macedonia.

SPECIAL EVENT. Look for special event station 8J3EAG to be activated on
80/40/20/15/10 meters and VHF bands by several operators. Activity will
take place from April 28th through May 27th during the East Asian Games
from Osaka city (East Asian Games's Web site: http://www.eagocweb.com/ )
This station will also help in trying to promote publicity of Osaka to be
a candidate for the next Olympic Games in 2008. Information about this
station and an online log search can be found on the following Web site:
QSL via JARL Bureau or direct to the JA3DBD: Souichi Miyamoto,
6-9-2 Habikigaoka, Habikino Osaka, 583-0864 Japan.

SPECIAL EVENT. Pepin, CO2TK, informs OPDX readers to look for station
T40VPG to be active durings the 40th aniversary commemoration of the
'Victoria Playa Giron', from April 14-15th. Activity will be on
160/80/40/20/17/15/12/10/6 meters on SSB and 2m FM, reference number
EL-92. QSL via CO/CM Bureau.

SPECIAL EVENT. The special callsign TM6JUN will be on the air from 'Utah
Beach' from June 1-10th. Suggested frequencies are:
    CW   - 3526, 7026, 14026, 21026, 28026 and 50206
    SSB  - 3644, 7074, 14174, 21174, 28574 and 50200 kHz.
    QSL via F8LDX (preferably via the bureau).

SU, EGYPT. Members of the Russian Robinson, and Russian Contest Clubs
(RW3GW and RN3OA) will operate as SU1HR as Multi-Single in the CQ WPX
Contest and a few days before and after the contest. A special award is
available for two QSOs on different bands. The QSL and Award Manager is:
Valery Sushkov, RW3GW, P.O.Box 3, 398000, Lipetsk, Russia. The log will
be available at the RRC Web site at: http://rrc.sc.ru/

SV9, CRETE. Laurent, F8BBL, will be on the Island of Crete (EU-015), near
Heraklion, as SV9/F8BBL, from June 25th through July 2nd. Activity will
be on 160-6 meters CW/SSB using an IC-706MKII w/100w and long wire (L:80m)
into an ICOM AH4. QSL card via home callsign (CBA 2001).

TM, FRANCE. Patrick, F6OIE, will use the TM0A callsign from May 13-25th.
He will be active on all bands SSB/CW and is expected to participate in
the CQ WPX CW Contest.

TX0C, CHESTERFIELD ISLAND (Update). Jacky, F2CW/ZL3CW, reports to OPDX
that they found a 48 foot yacht last month capable of carrying up to 6
passengers. Originally, they wanted to travel with 4 operators and 2
divers in order to help share the cost. Unfortunatly, they could not
find 2 divers. So, instead of leaving with 2 empty spaces (which still
has to be paid as the charter and is a fixed price regardless the number
of passengers) they decided to invite 2 more operators. The operators now
are: F2CW, F5CW (FK8VHY), FK8FS, FK8FU, ZL1GO (JA4EKO) and FO3BM. They
will be leaving Noumea, April 24th for a 3 day journey. In route they
will be using the callsign TX4A/MM (for prefix hunters!). Their estimated
time of arrival (ETA) is Friday, April 27th. They plan to depart the
island on Thursday, May 3rd. They will again use the callsign TX4A/MM
on their way back to Noumea (3 to 4 day journey). QSL for TX0C and
TX4A/MM are via ZL3CW.

UZ5, UKRAINE (6 meters). Look for grid square LN08 and LN09 to be active
from June 2-11th, by UX2MM, UX2MF, UX5MZ, UR5LCV, UX7MX, UX7MA, UR3MP,
UR5MID and UR5EAW. The group of Ukrainians will be active as UZ5M in the
IARU1 50 MHz June Contest and the UKSMC. QSL via UX2MM (Box 59, Lisichansk,

V4, ST. KITTS AND NEVIS. Larry, KJ4UY, will be operating again as V47UY
in May from the 10th through the 16th. He will be staying at Karl's, V44NK,
shack on Nevis. Larry is sending a KT34A and 2 element Hygain 40m beam as
soon as he can find out how to do it. QSL to homecall, KJ4UY.

V5, NAMIBIA. Nick, ZS4NS, is expected to be active as V51/ZS4NS from April
10-20th. His activity will be mainly on 6 meters (listening on 50.110 MHz).
He will, however, be active 20/15/10 meters also. QSL via N7RO.

VP9, BERMUDA. Rich, AI5P, will be operating as VP9/AI5P from April 29th
through May 9th, from Hamilton Parish, Bermuda. This is primarily a holiday
trip with operating as a possibility. The emphasis will be on CW and on the
WARC bands. QSL via AI5P.

ZB2, GILBRALTAR. Babs/DL7AFS and Lot/DJ7ZG will be active again, this
time as ZB2/DL7AFS and ZB2/DJ7ZG from April 23-30th. Activity will be
on 80-10 meters RTTY/PSK/SSB. Look for more info (and their logs) on the
Web page:                http://www.qsl.net/DL7AFS
Lot reports that they are still looking for a light weight power-amp
(p.e.500-700 Watts) for their DXpeditions (Weight of 8-12 kg, incl.PS
120/220V is welcome). If you can help or have some helpful ideas, contact
Lot at:                 DJ7ZG@t-online.de

ZD7, ST. HELENA. The ZD7K team is now active. Activity is expected to
last until April 12th. QSL via GW0ANA.

ZK1, SOUTH COOK ISLANDS (Update/Help Need). OPDX received another message
from Victor, ZK1CG, and he states the following (edited): 'Jim/ZK1JD and
myself are both running barefoot rigs. Jim has a dipole up about 30 to
40 feet for 20 meters, I know this because I threw the rock over the
tree Hi Hi. He also has a vertical and a 5 element monobander on 10 meters
up 20 to 30 feet pointed at a very high tree. I Have a G5RV up 35 feet
and a Vertical and a Icom 751A (Thanks to W7VV Roger and Sue). I do have
a KT34A that's on the ground that I'm trying to get parts for. It is over
ten years old and has not seen much action on the Ham bands. I would love
to get it up and running before we go to North Cook in October for CQWW
SSB Contest with the group from Seattle and Canada for one week. If anyone
has a old KT34A with usable parts on it that they would like to see and
hear operating from both North and South Cook please contact me. I know
not many old and used KT34As are around but you never know your luck...
I am running on a single battery at the moment so if anyone hears me FMing,
let me know so I can save the rig. Yes, I know you may need the contact,
but I like to skip around to the new bands when possible to give the hams
a new one on 17 and 12 meters....... Regards, Victor, ZK1CG'. QSL ZK1CG to:
Victor Rivera, PO Box 618, Rarotonga Cook Islands.

SPECIAL NOTE BY EDITOR: If you are having a problem receiving bounced
mail by sending mail to me via ' kb8nw@barf80.nshore.org ', please send
mail to me via ' kb8nw@arrl.net '...... TNX de Tedd KB8NW
   Help:        <mailto:opdx-request@nshore.org?subject=help>
   Subscribe:   <mailto:opdx-request@nshore.org?subject=subscribe>
   Unsubscribe: <mailto:opdx-request@nshore.org?subject=unsubscribe>
Excerpts and distribution of The OPDX Bulletin are granted as long as
KB8NW/OPDX/BARF80 receive credit. To contribute DX info, call BARF-80 BBS
online at 440-237-8208 28.8k/14400/9600/2400/1200 and leave a message with
the Sysop or send via InterNet Mail to: 
        kb8nw@barf80.nshore.org     - OR -   kb8nw@arrl.net
Use the VOICE or FAX answering machine at 440-237-8208 which shares the
same phone line as BARF-80 BBS using a data/fax/phone switch. To access:
1) Dial Number. 2) Wait for first ring (the second ring should be a false
ring from the fax/data switch box) and then dial four quick ones ('1111').
(NOTE: Some FAX machines that send single 'BEEPS' every second will not
have to do this step.) 3) The phone will pick up and after the 'BEEP' 
leave your voice message or FAX.

Additional Bulletins for OPDX InterNet Subscribers.
>From g3nug@btinternet.com  Thu Apr  5 13:16:17 2001
From: 'Neville Cheadle' <g3nug@btinternet.com>
To: 'OPDX Bulletin' <kb8nw@barf80.nshore.org>
Subject: RSGB IOTA Millennium Programme - IOTA 2000
Date: Mon, 2 Apr 2001 14:56:13 +0100
MIME-Version: 1.0

There has been a very high level of interest in the IOTA 2000 Programme. A
large number of applications have been received and these are now being
processed by the CDXC Committee.

We now plan to issue the first batch of certificates in May. The closing
date for applications is 31 December 2001.

Would those applying please remember to complete the application form. This
can be found on the CDXC web site:
The calls of the two amateurs checking the log should be shown on the form.

Both e-mail and postal applications are welcome. Applications by post should
be sent to:
C/o Neville Cheadle
Further Felden
Longcroft Lane
Hemel Hempstead
Herts HP3 0BN

In the case of e-mail applications the SM6DEC system is being used by about
70% of the applicants. It is highly recommended and can be downloaded from
the CDXC web site.

Neville Cheadle G3NUG
Chairman - CDXC (Chiltern DX Club), The UK DX Foundation

(CDXC are managing the IOTA 2000 Programme on behalf of the RSGB IOTA

                       AB5K AR-Cluster Network
                   DXCC/Entities Chart of Activity
             For the week of Sunday, 1/Apr - Saturday, 7/Apr
        Nmbr   Nmbr              Band of                Days of
DXCC  Stations Spots            Activity               the Week       Modes
----  -------  -----  -----------------------------  -------------  ----------
3A         5     29      .80.40.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.     .SSB. 
3B8        7     57            .30.20.  .15.12.10.   M.T.W.T.F.S.   CW.SSB.RTTY
3D2        7     63               .20.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
3D2/r      1      1                           .10.   M.               .SSB. 
3V        11     79         .40.  .20.17.15.  .10.   M. .W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
3W        11    124      .80.40.  .  M.T.W. .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
4J         3     13         .40.30.           .10.      .W.     .S  CW.   .RTTY
4L        11     35      .80.40.  .   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
4S         8     77         .   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
4X        49    136         .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
5A         3     50               .   M.T.W.T.   .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
5B        11     50         .     .6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
5H         2     44   160.80.  .30.20.  .15.  .10.   M.T. .T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
5N        11     57         .40.  .  M. .W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
5R         5     48            .   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
5W         2      2               .20.           .6         .F. .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
5Z         2      3                           .10.6  M.             CW.   .RTTY
6W         3     13                     .15.  .10.      .W.T.F.S.     .SSB. 
6Y         5     31               .20.  .15.12.10.   M.T.W. .F. .S    .SSB. 
7Q         5     57                     .15.     .6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
7X         8     77               .   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
8P         7      9               .20.  .15.  .10.6  M.T.W. .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
8R         4      8               .20.  .15.  .10.      .W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
9A        25     51   160.     .30.20.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
9G         2      8                     .15.  .10.              .S    .SSB. 
9H        18     54               .  M.T.W. .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
9J         2     40               .20.17.        .6  M.T.   .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
9K        10     75            .   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
9M2        8     57         .40.30.  .17.15.12.  .6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
9M6        3     75         .40.  .20.  .  M.T.W. .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
9N         2     26               .20.  .15.  .10.   M.T.W. .F.S.   CW.SSB.RTTY
9V         8     72               .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
9Y         6     31               .20.17.     .10.   M.T.   .F.S.S    .SSB. 
A2         2      6               .20.17.             .T. .T.         .SSB. 
A3         1     11                     .15.12.10.            .S.   CW.   .RTTY
A4        10     96      .80.40.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
A5         3     40               .20.  .15.  .10.   M.T.W.T.F. .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
A6         4     20               .20.     .12.       .T.   .F.S.   CW.SSB.RTTY
A7         3      5               .20.        .10.    .T.   .F.S.   CW.SSB.RTTY
A9         2     17   160.        .20.17.     .10.        .T.F.S.S  CW.   .RTTY
AP        11     69               .20.17.15.  .10.   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
BV        23     85         .40.30.20.  .15.  .10.   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
BY        33    111               .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
C2         1      3                           .10.    .T.             .SSB. 
C3         5     14               .20.17.            M.T.W.   .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
C6         4     64   160.        .20.  .15.  .10.    .T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
C9         2      7               .20.        .10.          .F. .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
CE        28     63         .40.  .20.17.15.  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
CE0A      11    195         .40.  .20.        .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
CE0Z       2     67               .20.        .10.6  M.T.W.T.   .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
CE9        5     44            .30.20.  .15.  .10.   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
CM        37    131  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
CN        13     50         .40.  .20.17.15.  .10.6  M.T.W.T. .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
CP         5     41         .40.  .   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
CT        29     49   160.  .40.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
CT3        8     62   160.     .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
CU         6     19               .20.17.15.  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
CX        30     76         .40.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
D2         4     31               .20.        .10.    .T.   .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
DL       154    264  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
DU        31    127   160.  .40.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
EA       150    348  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
EA6       16     34         .40.  .20.17.15.  .10.6  M.T.W. .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
EA8       29     86         .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
EA9       10     31         .40.  .  M.T.W.T. .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
EI         9     14      .80.40.30.  .17.15.12.      M.T.W. .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
EK         7     22               .20.17.15.     .6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S    .SSB. 
EL         3      7         .40.        .15.            .W.T. .S.   CW.SSB.RTTY
EP         6      7               .20.  .15.            .W. .F.S.S    .SSB. 
ER         6     14            .         M.T.W.T.F.S.   CW.SSB.RTTY
ES         7     13            .30.20.  .15.          .T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
ET         7     78      .80.  .  .10.6  M.T.W. .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
EU        22     56      .80.40.  .20.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
EX        13     40         .         M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
EY         4     49            .30.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
EZ         8     26         .40.30.20.  .15.         M. .W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
F         96    251  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
FG         5     14               .20.17.15.  .10.   M.T. .T.F. .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
FJ         4     16               .20.     .12.10.   M.T.   .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
FK        10     78   160.        .20.17.15.  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
FM         6     21               .   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
FO        16    207               .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
FO/a       1      7                     .15.  .10.   M.       .S.   CW.   .RTTY
FP         1      8               .20.                    .T.         .SSB. 
FR        13    129         .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
FW         2     54               .20.  .15.     .6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S    .SSB. 
FY         6     31            .   .T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
G         95    276  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
GD         3      9               .20.               M.T.W. .F. .S    .SSB. 
GI        12     18      .  .15.12.10.   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
GJ         1      1                     .15.            .W.                 
GM        17     53      .80.40.  .20.17.15.  .10.6  M.T.W. .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
GU         6     21                  .   .T. .T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
GW        11     18   160.80.  .   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
H4         2     15               .20.  .15.          .T.   .F. .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
H40        2    144      .  M.T.W.T.F. .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
HA        26     36      .80.  .  .10.    .T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
HB        20     29  .15.  .10.   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
HB0        2      6            .30.     .15.12.         .W.T. .S.   CW.SSB.RTTY
HC        11     71      .80.40.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
HC8        2      6                              .6  M.T.     .S.S  CW.   .RTTY
HH         2      6               .20.     .12.       .T.W.         CW.SSB.RTTY
HI        13     52  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
HK        21    103      .  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
HK0/a      4     14            .30.20.  .15.12.10.    .T.   .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
HL        71    211      .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
HP         7     18      .80.     .20.  .15.  .10.6   .T.W. .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
HR         3      5               .20.        .10.6  M.T.W.   .S.   CW.SSB.RTTY
HS        22    150         .40.  .20.  .15.  .10.   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
HV         2      3                  .17.15.            .W.T.       CW.   .RTTY
HZ         8    118      .80.     .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
I        125    260  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
IS        12     30         .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
J2         6     40               .20.17.15.  .10.6  M.T.W. .F.S.S    .SSB. 
J3         6    103         .40.  .   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
J6         1      2                           .10.          .F.       .SSB. 
J8         1      2            .30.                       .T.       CW.   .RTTY
JA       215    328  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
JD/m       1      1                              .6     .W.         CW.   .RTTY
JT         7     35               .    .T.W. .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
JW         7     79            .      M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
JX         2     38            .      M. .W.T.F. .S  CW.   .RTTY
JY         9     93   160.        .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
K        318    445  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
KG4        1      1               .20.                          .S  CW.   .RTTY
KH0        4     14   160.        .20.17.15.  .10.   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
KH2        5     25               .20.  .15.  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.     CW.SSB.RTTY
KH3        1      1                           .10.          .F.       .SSB. 
KH5        1      1                              .6         .F.       .SSB. 
KH6       30     60      .80.     .20.17.15.  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
KH8        3     51                              .6     .W.T.F.S.   CW.SSB.RTTY
KL         9     17         .40.  .20.  .15.  .10.   M.T.     .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
KP2        3      5               .20.        .10.        .T. .S.     .SSB. 
KP4       26     82  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
LA        16     40         .40.  .20.  .15.     .6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
LU       122    289      .80.40.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
LX        15     46      .80.     .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
LY         6     13                     .15.12.10.    .T.W.     .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
LZ        15     31         .   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
OA        15     44      .80.     .20.  .15.  .10.6   .T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
OD        14    134   160.  .40.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
OE        24     35   160.80.     .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
OH        17     31         .     .6  M. .W. .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
OH0        4     16            .30.  .17.15.12.      M.T.   .F. .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
OK        31     44  .10.   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
OM         9     19         .40.     .   .T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
ON        26     34   160.80.40.  .20.  .  M.   .T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
OX         3     42            .  .10.      .W. .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
OY         4     10            .30.20.17.  .12.  .6  M.   .T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
OZ        31    109         .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
P2         8     33               .20.        .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
P4         4     31                  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
PA        36     50   160.  .  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
PJ2        4     10         .40.30.     .15.  .10.   M.T.W.   .S.   CW.SSB.RTTY
PJ7        9     76         .40.  .  M.T.W. .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
PY       136    298      .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
PY0F       4     16               .20.  .15.  .10.6     .W.   .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
PY0S       3     29               .20.                  .W.T.F.S.S    .SSB. 
PZ         5     44         .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
R1MV       1      1               .20.                  .W.           .SSB. 
S2         6     25               .20.  .15.         M.T.W.T.F. .S    .SSB. 
S5        26     57               .20.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
S7         4     44               .  M.T.W.T.F.S.   CW.SSB.RTTY
S9         1     11                     .15.                .F.S.     .SSB. 
SM        33     68            .  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
SP        90    139  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
SU        22    111               .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
SV        31     99   160.  .40.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
SV5        3     16                  .17.15.  .10.6  M.T.     .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
SV9        8    114   160.  .40.  .20.17.15.  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
T30        2     17               .20.               M.T.W.T.F.S.     .SSB. 
T31        1      1                  .17.                       .S  CW.   .RTTY
T7         6     61         .    .T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
T9         8     20               .20.  .15.  .10.   M.   .T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
TA        18     94      .80.  .   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
TF         2      5         .          .T.   .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
TG         8     57         .  .12.10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
TI        21    133   160.  .   .T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
TJ         1      1                     .15.          .T.             .SSB. 
TK         7     13            .30.20.17.     .10.   M.T.W.T.F.     CW.SSB.RTTY
TL         1      2               .20.                .T.                   
TR         9     50               .20.  .15.  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
TT         2      5                     .15.  .10.      .W.     .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
TU         5     10               .20.17.15.     .6     .W.   .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
TZ         2      2               .20.     .12.             .F.S.   CW.SSB.RTTY
UA       122    178  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
UA2        4      6         .40.  .20.  .15.         M.T. .T. .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
UA9      117    233   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
UK        14     39   160.  .40.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
UN        19     42      .   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
UR        53     79  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
V2         3     41                              .6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
V3         3      5                              .6  M.     .F.S.     .SSB. 
V4         1      1                              .6             .S    .SSB. 
V5         8     68               .20.17.     .10.6  M.T.W. .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
V7        10     50            .30.     .15.  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
V8         1      2                           .10.        .T.         .SSB. 
VE        57     80  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
VK       182    462  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
VK9N       8    166         .  M.T.W.T. .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
VK9X       1      1               .20.               M.             CW.   .RTTY
VP2E       5     13            .  .10.    .T. .T.F.S.   CW.SSB.RTTY
VP2V       2      3               .20.  .15.            .W.T.F.       .SSB. 
VP5        6     99   160.  .40.  .20.  .15.  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F. .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
VP6        0      0                                                         
VP8        6     44               .20.17.15.  .10.6  M.T.W. .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
VP8/o      1      2                     .15.  .10.   M.             CW.SSB.RTTY
VP9        5      6               .20.        .10.      .W.   .S.     .SSB. 
VQ9        6     59               .   .T.W.T.F.S.   CW.SSB.RTTY
VR        11     50      .80.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
VU        49    245   160.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
VU4        3      3                  .17.15.  .10.              .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
XE        33     88   160.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
XU         3      7               .20.  .15.                  .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
XW         1      1                     .15.                    .S  CW.   .RTTY
XX9        1      3                     .15.                  .S.     .SSB. 
YB        74    395      .80.40.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
YI         4      7                     .15.  .10.    .T.     .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
YJ         5    161   160.  .40.  .   M.T.W. .F. .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
YK         2      5            .30.           .10.      .W.T.F.S.   CW.   .RTTY
YL         8     12         .         M.T.W.T. .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
YN         1      6                     .15.                .F.S.     .SSB. 
YO        10     12      .80.     .20.17.  .12.10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.   CW.SSB.RTTY
YS         6     21               .20.  .15.  .10.6  M.T.W. .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
YU        18     45   160.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
YV        16     62         .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
Z2         6     41               .20.  .15.  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
Z3        10     58         .  .10.   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
ZA         7     23         .40.  .20.  .15.12.10.    .T.W.T.F.S.   CW.SSB.RTTY
ZB         6     32            .  M.T.W.T.F. .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
ZC4        5     91   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
ZD7       13    487  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
ZD8        5     24               .20.17.  .12.10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.   CW.   .RTTY
ZD9        2      2            .30.           .10.        .T. .S.   CW.   .RTTY
ZF         5     16               .20.        .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
ZK1/s      6     19               .20.17.15.  .10.    .T.W. .F. .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
ZL        77    144  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
ZP        11     21         .40.  .20.        .10.6  M.T.W. .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
ZS        79    436         .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
Tot Stations: 4385  Tot Spots: 15030  Spotter of the week: OZ1SKY (111 spots)

Tedd Mirgliotta  KB8NW
InterNet: kb8nw@barf80.nshore.org
Basic Amateur Radio Frequency BBS (BARF-80) +1 (440) 237-8208
'Totally devoted to Amateur Radio' - 24 Hrs a day 8/N/1 28.8k-1200 baud


As of Fri Apr 6 11:47:59 PDT 2001

MESSAGE FROM KB8NW: After about 7 days of no connection to the outside,
BARF-80 BBS is now back on-line connected to the InterNet (Details in 
next week's bulletin. To OPDX InterNet Subscribers and readers on the
various UseNet groups, 'We are sorry for the delay'.

SB DX @ WW < KB8NW $OPDX.505
Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin No. 505 (*Corrected)

The Ohio/Penn DX PacketCluster
DX Bulletin No. 505 (*Corrected)
BID: $OPDX.505
April 2, 2001
Editor Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW
Provided by BARF-80 BBS Cleveland, Ohio
Online at 440-237-8208 28.8k-1200 Baud 8/N/1

Thanks to the Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society, Northern Ohio DX
Association, Ohio/Penn PacketCluster Network, AB5K & the AR TelNet
Clusters Network, KA1GJ, NC1L, K2FRD, W3HC, W3UR & The Daily DX, WN3VAW,
Zik and ZK1CG for the following DX information.

SPECIAL NOTE FROM EDITOR: As of 2230z Thursday, March 29th, BARF-80 BBS
lost its ISP mailer until possibly April 2nd or 3rd. This is due to
a changeover of DSL ownership and equipment/hardware/cable (which will
not be available until then). This means your editor will probably lose
all of his mail sent between March 29th and April 2nd or 3rd. If you have
sent something for the OPDX, PLEASE send it again after April 3rd. Also,
OPDX's InterNet Subscriber will be receiving their bulletin one to two
days later than normal due to this changeover. I am very sorry for this
inconvenience. However, OPDX.505 will be available as usual at the K8YSE
OPDX Home Page. Provisions are being taken to have OPDX.505 uploaded to
the various DX Reflectors and UseNet groups...... Thanks de Tedd KB8NW

DXCC COUNTRY/ENTITY REPORT: According to the AR-Cluster Network for the
week of Sunday, 25th March, through Sunday, 1st April there were 237
countries active. Countries available: 3A, 3B8, 3B9, 3D2, 3V, 3W, 4J,
4L, 4S, 4U1I, 4W, 4X, 5A, 5B, 5H, 5N, 5R, 5V, 5X, 5Z, 6W, 6Y, 7X, 8P, 8Q,
8R, 9A, 9G, 9H, 9J, 9K, 9M2, 9M6, 9N, 9U, 9V, 9Y, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A9,
AP, BV, BY, C2, C3, C6, C9, CE, CE0A, CE0Z, CE9, CM, CN, CP, CT, CT3, CU,
CX, D2, DL, DU, EA, EA6, EA8, EA9, EI, EK, EP, ER, ES, ET, EU, EX, EY, EZ,
F, FG, FJ, FK, FM, FO, FP, FR, FW, FY, G, GD, GI, GJ, GM, GU, GW, H4, H40,
HA, HB, HB0, HC, HC8, HH, HI, HK, HK0/a, HL, HP, HR, HS, HV, HZ, I, IS,
J2, J3, J6, J7, J8, JA, JD/m, JT, JW, JX, JY, K, KG4, KH0, KH2, KH6,
KH8, KL, KP2, KP4, LA, LU, LX, LY, LZ, OA, OD, OE, OH, OH0, OK, OM, ON,
OX, OY, OZ, P2, P4, PA, PJ2, PJ7, PY, PY0F, PY0S, PZ, R1FJ, S2, S5, S7,
S9, SM, SP, SU, SV, SV5, SV9, T2, T32, T7, T8, T9, TA, TF, TG, TI, TI9,
TK, TL, TR, TT, TU, UA, UA2, UA9, UK, UN, UR, V2, V3, V4, V5, V7, V8, VE,
VK, VK9C, VK9N, VP2E, VP2V, VP5, VP6, VP8, VP8/g, VQ9, VR, VU, XE,
XT, XU, XW, XX9, YB, YI, YJ, YK, YL, YO, YS, YU, YV, Z2, Z3, ZA, ZB,
ZC4, ZD7, ZD8, ZF, ZK1/s, ZL, ZP, ZS
  There were 39 CQ Zones available during the past week.
  CQ Zones that were not active are:  2 
  There were 49 ITU Zones available during the past week.
  ITU Zones that were not active are:  3,4,15,21,22,23,24,25,26,31,34,

PLEASE NOTE: The report 'could' contain 'Pirate/SLIM' operations. As
always, you never know - 'Work First Worry Later' (WFWL).
OPDX InterNet Subscribers will receive an additional bulletin (due to its
size) with a complete breakdown and 'DXCC/Entities Chart of Activity'.

4W, EAST TIMOR. Neville, VK2QF, is once again active from here as 4W/VK2QF.
Reports indicate that he will be active on all bands 80-6 meters CW/SSB
until April 5th. Over the past weekend, he was spotted on 15 and 10 meters
CW. Check 10 meters after 0100z and 15 meters after 0830z. QSL via his

5R, MADAGASCAR. Sigi, 5R8GT, was quite active this past week on 12 meters
and some other WARC bands. Check around 24942 kHz between 1630 and 1730z.
Also, check 10104 kHz after 0300z, 18142 kHz around 1630z and 21242 kHz
after 1730z. QSL via DK8ZD.

5X, UGANDA. Graham, 5X1GS, was active over the past week on 10 meters.
Look for him on SSB on/around 28460 or 28475 kHz after 1030z and again
after 2000z. QSL via WB2YQH.

C9, MOZAMBIQUE. Joe, G3MRC, was active this past week as G3MRC/C9. He
was heard on 28029 kHz between 1330 and 1600z. QSL via home callsign.

D70, SOUTH KOREA (Special Event/Attention Prefix Hunters). A group of
HL operators will be active now through May 25th with the special callsign
D70IAF (Delta Seven Zero India Alfa Foxtrot) to celebrate the opening
of the 'Incheon International Airport'. They were spotted last week on
CW/SSB/RTTY/PSK31. Check the following frequencies: 7006, 7070, 14014,
14070, 14086, 21070 and 21290 kHz. QSL Manager is Lee, HL1IWD, and he
prefers QSLs be sent via the bureau.

DXCC NEWS. Bill Moore, NC1L, DXCC Manager, reports that 'Documentation
has been received for ET3VSC and cards will now be accepted for DXCC

E4, PALESTINE. The '425 DX News' reports that Gunter, OE1GZA, will be
active from Ramallah until the end of next year as E4/OE1GZA. Activity
will only be on 30-10 meters at this time. It is recommend that direct
QSLs should be sent (as bureau cards will not be answered for a long time)
to: Gunter Zwicki, c/o SICT, P.O. Box 91196, Ramallah, Palestine.

H40, TEMOTU PROVINCE. Ron, ZL1AMO, continues to be active as H40RW and
has been heard on 7007, 14025, 14226.5, 14236, 21028 and 28024 kHz.
QSL via home callsign.

reports that planning for this year's International Lighthouse/Lightship
Weekend, Saturday 18th and Sunday 19th August, is progressing very well.
A list of stations that have already confirmed their participation can
be found at the following Web site:  http://www.vk2ce.com/illw/2001.htm
Rules and information on the weekend can also be found at:
    http://www.vk2ce.com/illw/index/html       If you require any more
information just contact Mike at:      GM4SUC@compuserve.com

IOTA NEWS............
   AS-NEW.  The Korea DX Club (KDXC) has an IOTA DXpedition scheduled
            for May 5-6th (only two days) to one of the Kangwondo Province
            Islands. The island name will be announced later because of
            military security. This will be a new IOTA and will also be
            the last IOTA in South Korea. They plan on using a beam and
            amp during this operation. QSL via HL1XP. All contacts will
            be confirmed via the bureau automatically.
   AS-024.  Nasu, JM1TUK, will be active from Ishigaki Island from April
            4-16th. He will use the callsign JM1TUK/6 and will be operating
            on 40-15 meters using a TS-50 and groundplane. QSL via JM1TUK.
   AS-056.  Masa, JA6GXK, will be active from Danjo Archipelago (Meshima
            Island) during the following dates: April 10-20th, May 1-10th
            and June 1-12th. This will not be a DXpedition, and Masa will
            be active only during his spare time. He will be active from
            a lighthouse on Meshima. Suggested frequencies are: 7 MHz,
            14260 +/-10kHz or 21260 +/-10kHz. QSL only via the Bureau.
   AS-056.  Joe, JA4PXE/6, will be active from Danjo Island starting
            around 2200z on May 4th, ending May 6th at 2200z. He will
            be operating on 14260 and 21260 kHz +/- QRM, and 50.145 MHz.
            QSL via JA4PXE.

   AS-079.  Look for JH0BLI to be active from Miyako Island, May 3-5th.
            He will use JH0BLI/6 and will be active on 40-10 meters CW/SSB.
            QSL via JH0BLI.
   EU-174.  There is a correction to last week's bulletin. Look for
            operators Eddy/ON6HE, Dirk/ON5CT and Frank/ON4AAC (not ON4AAX
            as mentioned in OPDX.504) to be active from Thasos Island
            between May 27th and June 3rd.

LYNX DX CONVENTION. The LYNX DX Group is proud to be hosting its annual
Convention in Alicante, Spain, on April 28-29th, 2001, at the Hotel Melia
Alicante. DX forum guests will be: N4XP (K5K), F2VX (A52FH), EA4DX
(T24DX + 8Q7XX) and CT1EEB (4W6EB). For more info about the Convention,
check the Web page:    http://www.lynxdxg.com/conv2001/index.htm

NORTHWEST DX CONVENTION 2001. The Western Washington DX Club (WWDXC) is
proud to be hosting the Northwest DX Convention in Seattle on July 20-22th,
2001. The special event will be held at the Everett Holiday Inn (Web page
http://www.rogueweb.com/holidayeverett/  ). DX Forum guests will be Bill
Fisher/W4AN, Carl Luetzelschwab/K9LA, Bill Moore/NC1L, Al Rovner/K7AR,
Garry Shapiro/NI6T, Dennis R. Motschenbacher/K7BV and others. For
additional information and details, check the Web page at:
Or send questions to WWDXC, P.O. Box 395, Mercer Island, WA  98040 or
E-mail to:              convention@wwdxc.org
OPDX InterNet Subscribers will receive the complete WWDXC press release
as an addtional bulletin.

QSL INFO AND NEWS...............
  Frank, 9Y4VU, informs OPDX that all QSL requests, including the cards
  by QSL Managers W3EVW and NY3Y up to September 2000, and all direct
  requests received up to March 23rd (2001) have been answered and mailed
  by March 23rd. He apologies for the delays.

  Doug, N6RT, reports that the A52CO log is now available online at:
  Take, JI3DST, was expected to be active from 'O Island' (Ooshima-mura
  Munakata-gun Fukuoka-ken) during the past weekend as JI3DST/6. QSL via
  the bureau.
 *TX5CW QSL UPDATE. It is recommend that QSLs for TX5CW be sent to Jacky's
  ZL3CW address instead of his F2CW address as reported last week. QSL
  to: Jacques Calvo, P.O. Box 593, Pukekohe, Auckland 1800, New Zealand.

  Dr. Jeffrey Parker, KA1GJ, informs OPDX that all QSLs received to date
  have been answered for his V73GJ operation during January 2001. 
  Confirmation of contacts with V73GJ are via KA1GJ.
  Zik a member of 'Radio Sekcija Kozara' (YU1AAV), informs OPDX that
  QSLs for YZ1V should go via YU1AAV. QSL via the bureau or direct to:
  Radio Sekcija Kozara, Jurija Gagarina 210, YU-11070 Novi Beograd,
  Serbia, Yugoslavia.
  ZX0F, active from Fernando De Noronha Island as a Multi-Single entry
  during the CQ WPX Contest, gets QSLed via W3HC.
  ZX5J, active from Boa Vista as a Multi-Multi entry during the CQ WPX
  Contest, gets QSLed via VE3HO.

SPECIAL EVENT (IOTA Operation). Look for special event station OZ5HCA
to be active from April 2-8th. The special callsign OZ5HCA will be used
to commemorate the birthday of the fairy tale writer 'Hans Christian
Andersen' (suffix HCA). The QTH of OZ5HCA will be located in Odense on
the 'Island of Fyn' (IOTA EU-172 and for the Danish Island Award FY-001).

THE SURPRISE OF WEEK. Mike, GM0HCQ, showed up as VP8SGK on South Georgia.
He was active on Friday and Saturday, but it is reported that he will
only be there for a few more days. However, he is there to work, and his
operating is unpredictable or may have ended. Keep watching 14052 kHz.
According to his Web page at      http://www.qsl.net/gm0hcq/
Mike is a crew member of the 'Ernest Shackleton', a British Antarctic
relief ship. There is a possibility he may also go to South Orkney Island.
QSL via: Mike Gloisten, Rose Cottage Kinlochleven, Argyll, PA707RE,
Scotland, U.K.

VK9, COCOS KEELING/CHRISTMAS ISLAND. Jurek, SP9EVP, currently active as
VK9KCP from Cocos Keeling as this bulletin is being written, is expected
to be on Christmas Island soon (if not already there). He seems to like
12 meters a lot but has been on 40/30/20/17/15/10 meters. Activity should
end April 6th. QSL via home callsign.

VO2, LABRADOR, CANADA (DXPEDITION Update). Fred, K2FRD, reports to OPDX:
'Many thanks for adding my Labrador DXpedition to the OPDX List. I feel a
little insignificant being listed next to the likes of 3G, 5R, and 9G, but
from the hits I've received on my Web site and the E-mail messages I've
received, I'm going to be very busy up there!' (ed. Hey Fred, 'DX IS')
Fred also mentioned that, based upon all this feedback, he has updated
the Web site with additional bands, frequencies, and schedules. All info
may be found in:          http://sites.netscape.net/thefred3/labr1

WAIS WEB SITE. Alfred, IK7JWX, informs OPDX that you can find the rules
on the 'Worked All Italian Squares Award' (W.A.I.S.) on the Web site:

SOUTH COOK ISLANDS. Victor, ZK1CG, has been active on 20 meters SSB
recently. Check above 14200 kHz after 0630z and again around 1500z. Also
active is Jim, ZK1JD, on 20/10 meters SSB. Check 20 meters after 0400z
and 10 meters (above 28470 kHz) after 2330z. It was mentioned this week
by Victor that Jim, ZK1JD, would like QSLs sent direct to: Jim Ditchburn,
PO Box 491, Rarotonga Cook Islands, via New Zealand. The Cook Islands do
not have a QSL bureau, so all cards for ZK1 must go direct or to any
managers indicated by operator. Any cards sent via the QSL bureau get
dumped in the trash can. Victor states, 'If you are QSLing direct, please
include a self addressed envelope and 2 IRCs or a green stamps to help cover
the cost of the postage and QSL cards.' Jim/ZK1JD, Victor/ZK1CG, and
Tuatai/ZK1CY (Also ZK1MA when he is in North Cook) are the only local
hams on Rarotonga, South Cook Island that are operating. QSL ZK1CG to:
Victor Rivera, P.O. Box 618, Rarotonga Cook Islands, via New Zealand.

ZY0, ST. PETER AND ST. PAUL ROCKS. Joaquim, PS7JN, showed up as ZY0SAT
on March 1st, on 14267 kHz and was active between 2300 and 0200z. He
will be here through April 15th. Remember his is activity will be limited
to his free time (his afternoons and evenings). QSL via PS7JN.

SPECIAL NOTE BY EDITOR: If you are having a problem receiving bounced
mail by sending mail to me via ' kb8nw@barf80.nshore.org ', please send
mail to me via ' kb8nw@arrl.net '...... TNX de Tedd KB8NW
   Help:        <mailto:opdx-request@nshore.org?subject=help>
   Subscribe:   <mailto:opdx-request@nshore.org?subject=subscribe>
   Unsubscribe: <mailto:opdx-request@nshore.org?subject=unsubscribe>
Excerpts and distribution of The OPDX Bulletin are granted as long as
KB8NW/OPDX/BARF80 receive credit. To contribute DX info, call BARF-80 BBS
online at 440-237-8208 28.8k/14400/9600/2400/1200 and leave a message with
the Sysop or send via InterNet Mail to: 
        kb8nw@barf80.nshore.org     - OR -   kb8nw@arrl.net
Use the VOICE or FAX answering machine at 440-237-8208 which shares the
same phone line as BARF-80 BBS using a data/fax/phone switch. To access:
1) Dial Number. 2) Wait for first ring (the second ring should be a false
ring from the fax/data switch box) and then dial four quick ones ('1111').
(NOTE: Some FAX machines that send single 'BEEPS' every second will not
have to do this step.) 3) The phone will pick up and after the 'BEEP' 
leave your voice message or FAX.

Additional Bulletins for OPDX InterNet Subscribers.
>From oolon@eskimo.com  Sun Mar 25 09:49:26 2001
Date: Sun, 25 Mar 2001 06:49:03 -0800
To: kb8nw@barf80.nshore.org
From: Jack Fleming <oolon@eskimo.com>
Subject: Northwest DX Convention Announcement
Mime-Version: 1.0

2001 Northwest DX Convention - DXing in the 21st Century!

The Western Washington DX Club is proud to be hosting the Northwest DX 
Convention in Seattle in 2001.

Dates: July 20-22, 2001

Location: Everett Holiday Inn (www.rogueweb.com/holidayeverett/).


Friday and Saturday - Hospitality Suite hosted by the Western Washington DX 

Saturday -

Programs from 9AM through 4PM -

Internet Portals for Ham Radio - Bill Fisher, W4AN (eham.net, contesting.com)
DXing on the Back Porch of Cycle 23 - Carl Luetzelschwab, K9LA
DXCC Manager - Bill Moore, NC1L
YK9A DXpedition - Al Rovner, K7AR and others
Other programs to be announced!
DX videos hourly all day!

Saturday Dinner - Garry Shapiro, NI6T, 'Confessions of a Mad Reefer' (a 
summary of his adventures to several rare reefs and islands)

Sunday -

DX Breakfast - Guest Speaker, Dennis R. Motschenbacher, K7BV - 'Tales of 
East Timor, 4W6/K7BV'

Fantastic raffle prizes!


Complete Package (Programs, Saturday Dinner, Sunday Breakfast): $62 (2 Free 
Raffle Tickets if you register early! $5 late fee if you register after 
July 10, 2001!)

Programs: $20
Saturday Dinner (London Broil, Salmon, or Vegetarian): $30
Sunday Breakfast: $12

Additional Information will be announced at www.wwdxc.org/convention as our 
plans continue to progress.  Send questions to  convention@wwdxc.org or to 
WWDXC, P.O. Box 395, Mercer Island, WA  98040.


Data: Thu, 29 Mar 2001 17:16:15 +0000
To: 'OPDXB' <kb8nw@barf80.nshore.org>
From: I2UIY <i2uiy@cqww.com>
Subject: EU Sprint 2001
Mime-Version: 1.0

In 1994 the EU Sprint Gang (I2UIY, OK2FD, DL6RAI, and G4BUO) organized  the 
first European Sprint contests. For 2001 there have been some rule changes, 
introducing an awards programme and bringing the Spring Sprints forward  in 
the  calendar.  You can find past scores and other  information  about  the 
sprints  by  visiting  the official EU Sprint web  site  at  this  address: 
The BIG news is that now we will award a certificate to the winners in each 
country but this is not all. Three nice plaques will be awarded for the top 
three scores from all four contests combined. Therefore, please red  circle 
the  four EU Sprint saturdays on your calendar, we will be looking for  you 
starting April 14!

The  EU Sprint Gang hereby invites you to participate in the four  European 
Sprint Contests held in 2001.

ENTRANTS: any licensed station may enter the Sprint. European stations  can 
work everybody; stations outside of Europe can work only European stations.
CATEGORIES: Single Operator ONLY. Only ONE signal may be aired at one time.
  * SSB: second Saturday in April - 14 April 2001 - managed by G4BUO
  * CW: third Saturday in April - 21 April 2001 - managed by B.C.C.
  * SSB: first Saturday in October - 6 October 2001 - managed by I2UIY
  * CW: second Saturday in October - 13 October 2001 - managed by OK2FD
TIME: from 15:00 UTC until 18:59 UTC.
BANDS: 20, 40 and 80 metres only. 
Pilot frequencies are: SSB: 14.250, 7.050, 3.730. CW: 14.040, 7.025, 3.550
EXCHANGE: all of the following data MUST BE PART OF THE EXCHANGE: 
  a) your callsign, 
  b) the other station's callsign,
  c) your serial number starting from 001 (RST not required),
  d) your name or nickname.
Please  note  that  BOTH stations MUST repeat  BOTH  callsigns  DURING  the 
A valid exchange is: 'OK2FD de I2UIY 118 Paolo' while 'OK2FD 118 Paolo'  is 
NOT a valid exchange.
SPECIAL  QSY  RULE: if any station initiates a call (by sending  CQ,  QRZ?, 
etc.),  he is permitted to work ONLY one station on the same frequency.  He 
must  thereafter  move  AT LEAST 2 (two) kHz before  he  may  call  another 
station or before he may solicit again (CQ, QRZ?, etc.) other calls.
VALID  CONTACTS:  valid contacts are QSOs correctly logged  and  confirmed. 
Each  operator  may  use ONE and ONLY one name during the  Sprint.  If  the 
exchange is copied incorrectly, that operator will receive zero (0) points. 
In case of miscopied callsigns, both stations will receive zero (0)  points 
for that QSO.
SCORING:  each valid QSO counts one 1 (one) point. The final score  is  the 
total number of QSOs.
AWARDS: Colorful certificates will be issued to the winners of each Sprint, 
and  to the leaders in each country. A special plaque will also be  awarded 
for  the top three scores from all four contests combined. To  be  eligible 
for this award an operator must enter at least three of the Sprints in  the 
year.  Results will be forwarded as soon as possible to Leagues,  magazines 
and bulletins.
LOGS:  a single chronological log is required. Please send us your log  via 
email or on a floppy disk, if you use computer for logging. Use any of  the 
available software or send a plain ASCII file. A separate summary sheet  is 
also  required. Please send us the right files: for DL2NBU  software,  send 
yourcall.ASC;  for N6TR software, send yourcall.DAT; for  IK4EWK  software, 
send yourcall.DBF. 
If you want the latest release of the DL2NBU software, you can download it 
from the EU Sprint web site:
Log files must be sent NO LATER than 15 days after the contest to: 
<eusprint@dl6rai.muc.de>. The receipt of your electronic log will be
If you do not receive a confirmation within two days, try again or use the
Disk logs, or paper entries must be posted NO LATER than 15 days after the 
contest to the appropriate address:
  *  Spring  SSB Sprint: Dave Lawley, G4BUO, Carramore,  Coldharbour  Road, 
Penshurst, Kent, TN11 8EX, England, UK.
  *  Spring  CW  Sprint: Bernhard Buettner,  DL6RAI,  Schmidweg  17,  85609 
Dornach, Germany.
  *  Autumn  SSB Sprint: Paolo Cortese, I2UIY, P. O. Box  14,  27043  Broni 
(PV), Italy.
  *  Autumn  CW  Sprint: Karel Karmasin, OK2FD, Gen. Svobody  636,  674  01 
Trebic, Czech Republic.

Thanks  in advance for your participation de: G4BUO, I2UIY, OK2FD, and  the 
B.C.C. Sprint Committee.

                       AB5K AR-Cluster Network
                   DXCC/Entities Chart of Activity
             For the week of Sunday, 25/Mar - Saturday, 31/Mar
        Nmbr   Nmbr              Band of                Days of
DXCC  Stations Spots            Activity               the Week       Modes
----  -------  -----  -----------------------------  -------------  ----------
3A         4      8               .20.17.15.  .10.    .T. .T.F.       .SSB. 
3B8        8     32         .40.30.20.  .15.  .10.   M.T.W.T.F.S.   CW.SSB.RTTY
3B9        1      2            .30.     .15.            .W.     .S  CW.   .RTTY
3C         3     63                              .6         .F. .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
3D2/r      3    107         .40.        .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
3D2        2      2                     .15.  .10.        .T.F.       .SSB. 
3V        13    626   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
3W        23    294      .80.40.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
4J         4     24            .30.     .15.12.10.    .T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
4L        16     47      .80.40.  .20.  .15.12.10.   M. .W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
4S        11     52      .   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
4U1I       1      4                  .17.               .W.         CW.   .RTTY
4W         7     28                     .  M.   .T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
4X        44     88         .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
5A         5     18               .20.  .15.            .W.T.   .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
5B        30    339   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
5H         1     26   160.80.  .30.     .15.  .10.   M.T.W.T.F. .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
5N         6     26         .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
5R         4     32         .   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
5U         2      3                              .6  M.         .S  CW.   .RTTY
5V         2      3               .20.  .15.          .T.             .SSB. 
5W         1      3                              .6   .T.             .SSB. 
5X         3      9                     .15.  .10.    .T.     .S.     .SSB. 
5Z         4      6                  .17.15.  .10.6  M.T.       .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
6W         3      9               .20.17.     .10.   M.       .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
6Y         9     25               .20.  .15.12.10.   M. .W. .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
7Q         3     38                              .6  M.T.W.T.F. .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
7X         4     39   160.  .40.  .20.  .15.12.10.   M.T.W.T.F. .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
8P        10     41      .80.     .20.  .15.  .10.   M.T. .T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
8Q         1     26               .20.        .10.   M.T.       .S    .SSB. 
8R         5     97         .40.  .   M.T.   .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
9A        45    163   160.80.40.  .20.  .15.  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
9G         3     59               .20.  .15.  .10.    .T.W.     .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
9H        19     75   160.  .  .12.10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
9J         6     44               .  .6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
9K         8     99               .   M.     .F.S.S    .SSB. 
9M2        7     41         .40.  .20.  .15.  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
9M6        5    156               .20.17.15.  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
9N         3     11                     .15.  .10.   M.T.W.         CW.SSB.RTTY
9U         1      1               .20.                    .T.         .SSB. 
9V        11     80               .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
9Y         8     20               .20.17.15.  .10.    .T. .T.F. .S    .SSB. 
A3         1      7                        .12.10.            .S.   CW.   .RTTY
A4         7    104      .80.     .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
A5         2     28               .20.  .15.  .10.   M.T.W.T.F.S.S    .SSB. 
A6         5    239   160.80.40.  .20.17.15.  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
A7         3      8               .20.  .15.  .10.    .T.W.   .S.S    .SSB. 
A9         4     10   160.80.        .   M.T. .T. .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
AP        12     55         .40.  .20.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
BS7        0      0                                                         
BV        26     95         .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
BY        54    185  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
C2         2      2               .20.               M.       .S.     .SSB. 
C3         3      7               .20.  .15.              .T.F.       .SSB. 
C5         1      1                              .6           .S.   CW.   .RTTY
C6         4     63   160.80.40.  .20.17.15.  .10.   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
C9         2     27                           .10.            .S.S  CW.   .RTTY
CE        27    116         .40.  .20.17.15.  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
CE0A       3     31         .40.  .20.17.15.  .10.6  M.T.   .F.S.   CW.SSB.RTTY
CE0Z       1     68                  .17.        .6   .T.W.T.F.S.   CW.SSB.RTTY
CE9        5     49         .  .10.   M.T.W.T.F. .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
CM        34    125      .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
CN         8     95         .   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
CP        10     48         .40.  .20.17.15.  .10.   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
CT        30     52   160.  .40.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
CT3        7    107      .80.40.  .20.  .15.12.10.   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
CU        12     33            .   M.T.W.T.F.     CW.SSB.RTTY
CX        42    138         .40.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
D2         3     18         .40.30.     .15.  .10.   M.       .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
DL       202    410  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
DU        35    138         .40.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
EA       188    481  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
EA6       15     43         .40.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
EA8       34    145      .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
EA9       11     72         .40.  .   M.T.W. .F. .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
EI        27     71            .  M.T. .T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
EK         5     25      .80.     .20.17.        .6  M.T.W.T.F. .S    .SSB. 
EP         3      4               .20.        .10.          .F.S.     .SSB. 
ER        11     40         .   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
ES        19     66      .80.40.  .  M.T. .T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
ET         5     42               .  .6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
EU        32     72      .  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
EX        13     50      .80.  .   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
EY         6     62         .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
EZ        10     27            .  .10.   M. .W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
F        105    435  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
FG         6     21               .20.17.15.  .10.   M.T. .T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
FJ         5     16               .20.  .15.  .10.        .T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
FK        12    243  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
FM        12    159      .   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
FO        11     64         .40.  .20.     .12.10.   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
FP         3      3               .20.               M.         .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
FR        17     77            .  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
FW         2     55      .80.40.  .20.  .15.  .10.6  M.T.W. .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
FY         3     32               .20.  .15.  .10.   M.T.   .F. .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
G        143    359  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
GD         6     16   160.        .20.        .10.6  M.T.W. .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
GI        16     38      .80.40.           .12.10.6  M.       .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
GJ         3      3                  .17.15.  .10.    .T.   .F.     CW.SSB.RTTY
GM        53    185      .80.40.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
GU         5     12   160.        .20.     .12.10.6  M.T. .T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
GW        17     57      .80.     .  M.T.W. .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
H4         3     19               .20.17.  .12.10.   M.     .F.S.S    .SSB. 
H40        4    228         .40.  .20.17.15.  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
HA        46    118   160.80.40.  .20.  .15.  .10.   M.T.   .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
HB        16     33   160.80.40.  .20.  .15.  .10.6  M.T.W. .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
HB0        2      6      .80.40.        .15.12.               .S.S  CW.   .RTTY
HC         7     69      .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
HC8        2     56      .80.40.  .20.  .15.  .10.6   .T. .T. .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
HH         1      1                           .10.              .S    .SSB. 
HI        18    209  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
HK        17     46         .40.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
HK0/a      3     12         .40.  .20.        .10.   M.T. .T.F. .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
HL        62    215   160.80.40.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
HP        17     92      .80.     .20.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
HR         5      6   160.  .40.              .10.6   .T. .T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
HS        21     98               .20.  .15.  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
HV         2     21               .20.17.15.  .10.   M.       .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
HZ         4     24               .20.  .15.  .10.6   .T.W.T.F.S.   CW.SSB.RTTY
I        166    433  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
IS         7     16               .20.  .15.  .10.    .T. .T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
J2         5     29               .20.  .15.  .10.6  M.T. .T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
J3         4     26               .20.        .10.   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
J6         2      3               .20.               M.       .S.     .SSB. 
J7         2      2                           .10.   M.T.           CW.SSB.RTTY
J8         1      1         .40.                        .W.         CW.   .RTTY
JA       298    638  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
JD/m       2      5      .80.                 .10.              .S    .SSB. 
JT         8     40         .40.  .20.  .15.  .10.    .T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
JW        10    185   160.     .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
JX         5     48            .   M.T. .T.F. .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
JY         6     94      .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
K        633   1320  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
KG4        6     16               .20.  .15.12.10.   M. .W.   .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
KH0        8     58   160.        .   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
KH2        7     78         .40.  .20.  .15.  .10.6         .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
KH6       24    104  M.T.W. .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
KH8        3      3               .20.           .6     .W.     .S    .SSB. 
KL        25    274      .80.40.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
KP2        5     23      .80.40.  .20.  .15.  .10.            .S.S    .SSB. 
KP4       22    100      .80.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
LA        48    106  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
LU       139    483  .15.  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
LX        15     89         .40.  .20.17.15.  .10.6  M.T. .T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
LY        28    125   160.80.40.  .20.  .  M.       .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
LZ        25     45  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
OA         8     40         .40.  .20.  .15.  .10.        .T. .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
OD        12     94         .40.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
OE        36     88      .80.40.  .20.  .  M.T. .T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
OH        43    129  .15.  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
OH0        6     23   160.80.        .17.15.12.  .6   .T.W. .F.S.   CW.SSB.RTTY
OK        48    106  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
OM        18     56  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
ON        35    148   160.80.40.  .20.  .  M.T. .T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
OX         6     14                  .17.     .10.6           .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
OY         5     23   160.     .30.20.17.  .12.  .6  M.T. .T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
OZ        42    141   160.     .30.20.  .  M.T.   .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
P2         4     16                     .15.  .10.6  M. .W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
P4        10    125      .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
PA        73    176         .40.  .20.  .15.  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
PJ2        6     48      .80.     .20.  .15.12.10.   M.T. .T.F. .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
PJ7       13    138         .   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
PY       114    400  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
PY0F       8    266  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
PY0S       1      4               .20.                        .S.     .SSB. 
PZ         3     15            .30.20.17.     .10.6  M. .W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
R1FJ       2     19         .40.30.  .17.  .12.10.   M.         .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
S0         1      1                              .6     .W.           .SSB. 
S2         3     11               .20.  .15.              .T.F.S.     .SSB. 
S5        43    203   160.80.40.  .20.  .  M.T.W. .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
S7         2     86         .40.30.  .17.15.  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
S9         1      1                           .10.            .S.   CW.   .RTTY
SM        73    170  .15.  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
SP        60    152      .  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
SU        11     72            .30.20.  .  M. .W. .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
SV        32    117   160.80.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
SV5        7     42               .20.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
SV9        2     10               .20.  .15.                  .S.     .SSB. 
T2         1      1                           .10.              .S    .SSB. 
T32        1      1               .20.                .T.             .SSB. 
T7         2     28   160.80.  .   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
T8         3     19         .40.  .20.  .15.          .T.W.T.F. .S  CW.   .RTTY
T9        14     42   160.80.  .  .10.   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
TA        18     85   160.80.40.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
TF         6     29               .20.17.15.  .10.   M.T.W.     .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
TG        11     19         .40.  .20.17.  .12.10.6  M.T.   .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
TI        19    134      .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
TI9        1      1                           .10.    .T.             .SSB. 
TK         7     11               .20.17.     .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
TL         1      1                     .15.              .T.         .SSB. 
TR         9     31            .  M.T.W.T. .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
TT         1      1                     .15.              .T.               
TU         4      4            .30.  .17.15.  .10.   M.       .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
TX0        1      1                     .15.                    .S    .SSB. 
UA       155    556  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
UA2        7     29         .40.  .20.     .12.10.      .W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
UA9      128    412  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
UK        16     56   160.80.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
UN        30     81         .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
UR        82    171  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
V2         2      5               .20.        .10.      .W. .F.S.     .SSB. 
V3         1      3               .20.                          .S    .SSB. 
V4         4     52      .80.40.  .20.  .15.  .10.   M.T.       .S    .SSB. 
V5        10    110               .  M.T.W.T.F. .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
V7         7     35         .40.              .10.6  M. .W. .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
V8         1      1                           .10.        .T.         .SSB. 
VE       124    408  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
VK       161    356  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
VK9C       2      7      .80.     .20.  .15.          .T. .T. .S.   CW.SSB.RTTY
VK9N       8    291   160.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
VP2E       5      7            .30.  .17.  .12.10.    .T. .T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
VP2V       3      5                     .15.12.      M.       .S.S    .SSB. 
VP5       17    318   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
VP6        1      1               .20.                    .T.         .SSB. 
VP8        8     13               .20.  .15.  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
VP8/g      1     30               .20.                      .F.S.   CW.        
VQ9        4     36   160.        .20.  .15.12.10.   M.T. .T. .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
VR        17     64      .80.40.  .20.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
VU        44    190  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
XE        28     84      .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
XT         2     16               .20.  .15.  .10.      .W.T.F.       .SSB. 
XU         1      1               .20.                      .F.             
XW         2      4                     .15.  .10.   M.   .T.   .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
XX9        1      1                     .15.                  .S.     .SSB. 
YB        56    221   160.  .40.30.20.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
YI         2      3         .40.  .20.                      .F. .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
YJ         6    257         .40.  .   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
YK         2      8         .40.  .20.  .15.            .W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
YL        13     42      .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
YO        21     44   160.80.     .   .T.W. .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
YS         5     19      .80.40.        .   .T.W. .F.S.   CW.SSB.RTTY
YU        54    211  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
YV        23    149      .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
Z2         8     53                  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
Z3        16     90   160.80.40.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
ZA         5     20            .30.20.  .15.12.10.   M.T. .T.F.S.   CW.   .RTTY
ZB         5     14         .40.  .20.  .15.12.  .6  M.T.W.T.   .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
ZC4        9     93   160.80.  .   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
ZD7        5     26               .20.17.15.     .6   .T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
ZD8        5    161               .  M.T.W.T.F. .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
ZF         2      6            .30.  .17.15.  .10.   M. .W.T.F.     CW.SSB.RTTY
ZK1/s      5     33         .40.  .20.17.15.  .10.   M.T.W.T.F. .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
ZL        59    145      .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
ZP        19     71         .40.  .  M.T. .T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
ZS        77    297  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
Tot Stations: 5539  Tot Spots: 22363  Spotter of the week: W2GI (266 spots)


Tedd Mirgliotta  KB8NW
InterNet: kb8nw@barf80.nshore.org
Basic Amateur Radio Frequency BBS (BARF-80) +1 (440) 237-8208
'Totally devoted to Amateur Radio' - 24 Hrs a day 8/N/1 28.8k-1200 baud


As of Thu Apr 5 12:37:30 PDT 2001

ARLD014 DX news

QST de W1AW  
DX Bulletin 14  ARLD014
>From ARRL Headquarters  
Newington CT  April 5, 2001
To all radio amateurs   

ARLD014 DX news

This week's bulletin was made possible with information provided by
Tedd, KB8NW, The OPDX Bulletin, QRZ DX, The Daily DX, 425DXnews,
DXNL and Contest Corral from QST.  Thanks to all.

ROTUMA, 3D2.  Antoine, 3D2AG/p, continues to be QRV most days on 10
meters around 2200z and 0800z.  QSL to home call.

MALDIVES, 8Q.  Armin, HB9JBN, is QRV as 8Q7JB until April 19.
Activity is on 20, 15 and 10 meters.  QSL to home call.

NEPAL, 9N.  Lawrence, 9N7RB, has been QRV on 20 meters from 0130 to
0230z.  QSL via W4FOA.

BHUTAN, A5.  Yeshey, A51AA, has been QRV on 28480 kHz from around
1100 to 1330z.

CHINA, BY.  Zhang, BA0AA, is located in Zone 23.  He has been QRV on
28015 kHz just before 1300z and then on 21025 kHz just after 1400z.

ANDORRA, C3.  Toni, C31OF, has been QRV using RTTY on 20 meters just
after 1800z.

MADEIRA ISLANDS, CT3.  Ben, DJ8FW, is QRV as CT3AS until April 16.
His activity is on 40 to 10 meters using CW, RTTY and PSK31.  QSL to
home call.

TAJIKISTAN, EY.  Nodir, EY8MM, has been QRV near 18072 kHz between
0100 and 0200z and then on 24895 kHz around 1300z.  QSL via K1BV.

AUSTRAL ISLANDS, FO.  Frank, DL7FT, is QRV as FO/DL7FT on Rurutu
Island, IOTA OC-050.  He is usually active on 28490, 24940, 21290,
18140, and 14195 kHz.  QSL to home call.

SOUTH KOREA, HL.  Special event station D70IAF is QRV until May 25
to celebrate the opening of the new Incheon International Airport.

THAILAND, HS.  Station E29AL is QRV from Terutao Island, IOTA
AS-126, until April 15.  Activity is on 160 to 10 meters and 2
meters, using CW, SSB, RTTY, FM and PSK31.  QSL via HS0GBI.
Meanwhile, club station HS0AC has been QRV on 10 meters CW from 1300
to 1500z.  QSL via G3NOM.

CENTRAL AFRICA, TL.  Charles, TL8CK, has been QRV on 14118 kHz
between 1700 and 1800z.  QSL via F6EWM.
NAMIBIA, V5.  Nick, ZS4NS, will be active as V51/ZS4NS from April 10
to 20.  He plans to operate mainly on 6 meters, monitoring 50110
kHz.  He may also be active on 20, 15 and 10 meters as well.  QSL
via N7RO.

ANGUILLA, VP2E.  Bill, W5SJ, is active as VP2EJ until April 10.  His
activity is concentrated on the low bands.  QSL to home call.

ST. HELENA, ZD7.  ZD7K is QRV until April 12.  QSL via GW0ANA.

DX Contest and the VHF/UHF Spring Sprints are all scheduled for this
weekend.  Please see April QST, page 109 for details.


As of Sun Apr 1 10:26:14 PDT 2001

Relayed for KB8NW

SB DX @ WW < KB8NW $OPDX.505
Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin No. 505

The Ohio/Penn DX PacketCluster
DX Bulletin No. 505
BID: $OPDX.505
April 2, 2001
Editor Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW
Provided by BARF-80 BBS Cleveland, Ohio
Online at 440-237-8208 28.8k-1200 Baud 8/N/1

Thanks to the Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society, Northern Ohio DX
Association, Ohio/Penn PacketCluster Network, AB5K & the AR TelNet
Clusters Network, KA1GJ, NC1L, K2FRD, W3HC, W3UR & The Daily DX, WN3VAW,
Zik and ZK1CG for the following DX information.

SPECIAL NOTE FROM EDITOR: As of 2230z Thursday, March 29th, BARF-80 BBS
lost its ISP mailer until possibly April 2nd or 3rd. This is due to
a changeover of DSL ownership and equipment/hardware/cable (which will
not be available until then). This means your editor will probably lose
all of his mail sent between March 29th and April 2nd or 3rd. If you have
sent something for the OPDX, PLEASE send it again after April 3rd. Also,
OPDX's InterNet Subscriber will be receiving their bulletin one to two
days later than normal due to this changeover. I am very sorry for this
inconvenience. However, OPDX.505 will be available as usual at the K8YSE
OPDX Home Page. Provisions are being taken to have OPDX.505 uploaded to
the various DX Reflectors and UseNet groups...... Thanks de Tedd KB8NW

DXCC COUNTRY/ENTITY REPORT: According to the AR-Cluster Network for the
week of Sunday, 25th March, through Sunday, 1st April there were 237
countries active. Countries available: 3A, 3B8, 3B9, 3D2, 3V, 3W, 4J,
4L, 4S, 4U1I, 4W, 4X, 5A, 5B, 5H, 5N, 5R, 5V, 5X, 5Z, 6W, 6Y, 7X, 8P, 8Q,
8R, 9A, 9G, 9H, 9J, 9K, 9M2, 9M6, 9N, 9U, 9V, 9Y, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A9,
AP, BV, BY, C2, C3, C6, C9, CE, CE0A, CE0Z, CE9, CM, CN, CP, CT, CT3, CU,
CX, D2, DL, DU, EA, EA6, EA8, EA9, EI, EK, EP, ER, ES, ET, EU, EX, EY, EZ,
F, FG, FJ, FK, FM, FO, FP, FR, FW, FY, G, GD, GI, GJ, GM, GU, GW, H4, H40,
HA, HB, HB0, HC, HC8, HH, HI, HK, HK0/a, HL, HP, HR, HS, HV, HZ, I, IS,
J2, J3, J6, J7, J8, JA, JD/m, JT, JW, JX, JY, K, KG4, KH0, KH2, KH6,
KH8, KL, KP2, KP4, LA, LU, LX, LY, LZ, OA, OD, OE, OH, OH0, OK, OM, ON,
OX, OY, OZ, P2, P4, PA, PJ2, PJ7, PY, PY0F, PY0S, PZ, R1FJ, S2, S5, S7,
S9, SM, SP, SU, SV, SV5, SV9, T2, T32, T7, T8, T9, TA, TF, TG, TI, TI9,
TK, TL, TR, TT, TU, UA, UA2, UA9, UK, UN, UR, V2, V3, V4, V5, V7, V8, VE,
VK, VK9C, VK9N, VP2E, VP2V, VP5, VP6, VP8, VP8/g, VQ9, VR, VU, XE,
XT, XU, XW, XX9, YB, YI, YJ, YK, YL, YO, YS, YU, YV, Z2, Z3, ZA, ZB,
ZC4, ZD7, ZD8, ZF, ZK1/s, ZL, ZP, ZS
  There were 39 CQ Zones available during the past week.
  CQ Zones that were not active are:  2 
  There were 49 ITU Zones available during the past week.
  ITU Zones that were not active are:  3,4,15,21,22,23,24,25,26,31,34,

PLEASE NOTE: The report 'could' contain 'Pirate/SLIM' operations. As
always, you never know - 'Work First Worry Later' (WFWL).
OPDX InterNet Subscribers will receive an additional bulletin (due to its
size) with a complete breakdown and 'DXCC/Entities Chart of Activity'.

4W, EAST TIMOR. Neville, VK2QF, is once again active from here as 4W/VK2QF.
Reports indicate that he will be active on all bands 80-6 meters CW/SSB
until April 5th. Over the past weekend, he was spotted on 15 and 10 meters
CW. Check 10 meters after 0100z and 15 meters after 0830z. QSL via his

5R, MADAGASCAR. Sigi, 5R8GT, was quite active this past week on 12 meters
and some other WARC bands. Check around 24942 kHz between 1630 and 1730z.
Also, check 10104 kHz after 0300z, 18142 kHz around 1630z and 21242 kHz
after 1730z. QSL via DK8ZD.

5X, UGANDA. Graham, 5X1GS, was active over the past week on 10 meters.
Look for him on SSB on/around 28460 or 28475 kHz after 1030z and again
after 2000z. QSL via WB2YQH.

C9, MOZAMBIQUE. Joe, G3MRC, was active this past week as G3MRC/C9. He
was heard on 28029 kHz between 1330 and 1600z. QSL via home callsign.

D70, SOUTH KOREA (Special Event/Attention Prefix Hunters). A group of
HL operators will be active now through May 25th with the special callsign
D70IAF (Delta Seven Zero India Alfa Foxtrot) to celebrate the opening
of the 'Incheon International Airport'. They were spotted last week on
CW/SSB/RTTY/PSK31. Check the following frequencies: 7006, 7070, 14014,
14070, 14086, 21070 and 21290 kHz. QSL Manager is Lee, HL1IWD, and he
prefers QSLs be sent via the bureau.

DXCC NEWS. Bill Moore, NC1L, DXCC Manager, reports that 'Documentation
has been received for ET3VSC and cards will now be accepted for DXCC

E4, PALESTINE. The '425 DX News' reports that Gunter, OE1GZA, will be
active from Ramallah until the end of next year as E4/OE1GZA. Activity
will only be on 30-10 meters at this time. It is recommend that direct
QSLs should be sent (as bureau cards will not be answered for a long time)
to: Gunter Zwicki, c/o SICT, P.O. Box 91196, Ramallah, Palestine.

H40, TEMOTU PROVINCE. Ron, ZL1AMO, continues to be active as H40RW and
has been heard on 7007, 14025, 14226.5, 14236, 21028 and 28024 kHz.
QSL via home callsign.

reports that planning for this year's International Lighthouse/Lightship
Weekend, Saturday 18th and Sunday 19th August, is progressing very well.
A list of stations that have already confirmed their participation can
be found at the following Web site:  http://www.vk2ce.com/illw/2001.htm
Rules and information on the weekend can also be found at:
    http://www.vk2ce.com/illw/index/html       If you require any more
information just contact Mike at:      GM4SUC@compuserve.com

IOTA NEWS............
   AS-NEW.  The Korea DX Club (KDXC) has an IOTA DXpedition scheduled
            for May 5-6th (only two days) to one of the Kangwondo Province
            Islands. The island name will be announced later because of
            military security. This will be a new IOTA and will also be
            the last IOTA in South Korea. They plan on using a beam and
            amp during this operation. QSL via HL1XP. All contacts will
            be confirmed via the bureau automatically.
   AS-024.  Nasu, JM1TUK, will be active from Ishigaki Island from April
            4-16th. He will use the callsign JM1TUK/6 and will be operating
            on 40-15 meters using a TS-50 and groundplane. QSL via JM1TUK.
   AS-056.  Masa, JA6GXK, will be active from Danjo Archipelago (Meshima
            Island) during the following dates: April 10-20th, May 1-10th
            and June 1-12th. This will not be a DXpedition, and Masa will
            be active only during his spare time. He will be active from
            a lighthouse on Meshima. Suggested frequencies are: 7 MHz,
            14260 +/-10kHz or 21260 +/-10kHz. QSL only via the Bureau.
   AS-056.  Joe, JA4PXE/6, will be active from Danjo Island starting
            around 2200z on May 4th, ending May 6th at 2200z. He will
            be operating on 14260 and 21260 kHz +/- QRM, and 50.145 MHz.
            QSL via JA4PXE.

   AS-079.  Look for JH0BLI to be active from Miyako Island, May 3-5th.
            He will use JH0BLI/6 and will be active on 40-10 meters CW/SSB.
            QSL via JH0BLI.
   EU-174.  There is a correction to last week's bulletin. Look for
            operators Eddy/ON6HE, Dirk/ON5CT and Frank/ON4AAC (not ON4AAX
            as mentioned in OPDX.504) to be active from Thasos Island
            between May 27th and June 3rd.

LYNX DX CONVENTION. The LYNX DX Group is proud to be hosting its annual
Convention in Alicante, Spain, on April 28-29th, 2001, at the Hotel Melia
Alicante. DX forum guests will be: N4XP (K5K), F2VX (A52FH), EA4DX
(T24DX + 8Q7XX) and CT1EEB (4W6EB). For more info about the Convention,
check the Web page:    http://www.lynxdxg.com/conv2001/index.htm

NORTHWEST DX CONVENTION 2001. The Western Washington DX Club (WWDXC) is
proud to be hosting the Northwest DX Convention in Seattle on July 20-22th,
2001. The special event will be held at the Everett Holiday Inn (Web page
http://www.rogueweb.com/holidayeverett/  ). DX Forum guests will be Bill
Fisher/W4AN, Carl Luetzelschwab/K9LA, Bill Moore/NC1L, Al Rovner/K7AR,
Garry Shapiro/NI6T, Dennis R. Motschenbacher/K7BV and others. For
additional information and details, check the Web page at:
Or send questions to WWDXC, P.O. Box 395, Mercer Island, WA  98040 or
E-mail to:              convention@wwdxc.org
OPDX InterNet Subscribers will receive the complete WWDXC press release
as an addtional bulletin.

QSL INFO AND NEWS...............
  Frank, 9Y4VU, informs OPDX that all QSL requests, including the cards
  by QSL Managers W3EVW and NY3Y up to September 2000, and all direct
  requests received up to March 23rd (2001) have been answered and mailed
  by March 23rd. He apologies for the delays.

  Doug, N6RT, reports that the A52CO log is now available online at:
  Take, JI3DST, was expected to be active from 'O Island' (Ooshima-mura
  Munakata-gun Fukuoka-ken) during the past weekend as JI3DST/6. QSL via
  the bureau.
  TX5CW QSL UPDATE. It is recommend that QSLs for TX5CW be sent to Jacky's
  ZL3CW address instead of his F2CW address as reported last week. QSL
  to: Jacques Calvo, P.O. Box 593, Pukekohe, Auckland 1800 Chatham Island,
  New Zealand.

  Dr. Jeffrey Parker, KA1GJ, informs OPDX that all QSLs received to date
  have been answered for his V73GJ operation during January 2001. 
  Confirmation of contacts with V73GJ are via KA1GJ.
  Zik a member of 'Radio Sekcija Kozara' (YU1AAV), informs OPDX that
  QSLs for YZ1V should go via YU1AAV. QSL via the bureau or direct to:
  Radio Sekcija Kozara, Jurija Gagarina 210, YU-11070 Novi Beograd,
  Serbia, Yugoslavia.
  ZX0F, active from Fernando De Noronha Island as a Multi-Single entry
  during the CQ WPX Contest, gets QSLed via W3HC.
  ZX5J, active from Boa Vista as a Multi-Multi entry during the CQ WPX
  Contest, gets QSLed via VE3HO.

SPECIAL EVENT (IOTA Operation). Look for special event station OZ5HCA
to be active from April 2-8th. The special callsign OZ5HCA will be used
to commemorate the birthday of the fairy tale writer 'Hans Christian
Andersen' (suffix HCA). The QTH of OZ5HCA will be located in Odense on
the 'Island of Fyn' (IOTA EU-172 and for the Danish Island Award FY-001).

THE SURPRISE OF WEEK. Mike, GM0HCQ, showed up as VP8SGK on South Georgia.
He was active on Friday and Saturday, but it is reported that he will
only be there for a few more days. However, he is there to work, and his
operating is unpredictable or may have ended. Keep watching 14052 kHz.
According to his Web page at      http://www.qsl.net/gm0hcq/
Mike is a crew member of the 'Ernest Shackleton', a British Antarctic
relief ship. There is a possibility he may also go to South Orkney Island.
QSL via: Mike Gloisten, Rose Cottage Kinlochleven, Argyll, PA707RE,
Scotland, U.K.

VK9, COCOS KEELING/CHRISTMAS ISLAND. Jurek, SP9EVP, currently active as
VK9KCP from Cocos Keeling as this bulletin is being written, is expected
to be on Christmas Island soon (if not already there). He seems to like
12 meters a lot but has been on 40/30/20/17/15/10 meters. Activity should
end April 6th. QSL via home callsign.

VO2, LABRADOR, CANADA (DXPEDITION Update). Fred, K2FRD, reports to OPDX:
'Many thanks for adding my Labrador DXpedition to the OPDX List. I feel a
little insignificant being listed next to the likes of 3G, 5R, and 9G, but
from the hits I've received on my Web site and the E-mail messages I've
received, I'm going to be very busy up there!' (ed. Hey Fred, 'DX IS')
Fred also mentioned that, based upon all this feedback, he has updated
the Web site with additional bands, frequencies, and schedules. All info
may be found in:          http://sites.netscape.net/thefred3/labr1

WAIS WEB SITE. Alfred, IK7JWX, informs OPDX that you can find the rules
on the 'Worked All Italian Squares Award' (W.A.I.S.) on the Web site:

SOUTH COOK ISLANDS. Victor, ZK1CG, has been active on 20 meters SSB
recently. Check above 14200 kHz after 0630z and again around 1500z. Also
active is Jim, ZK1JD, on 20/10 meters SSB. Check 20 meters after 0400z
and 10 meters (above 28470 kHz) after 2330z. It was mentioned this week
by Victor that Jim, ZK1JD, would like QSLs sent direct to: Jim Ditchburn,
PO Box 491, Rarotonga Cook Islands, via New Zealand. The Cook Islands do
not have a QSL bureau, so all cards for ZK1 must go direct or to any
managers indicated by operator. Any cards sent via the QSL bureau get
dumped in the trash can. Victor states, 'If you are QSLing direct, please
include a self addressed envelope and 2 IRCs or a green stamps to help cover
the cost of the postage and QSL cards.' Jim/ZK1JD, Victor/ZK1CG, and
Tuatai/ZK1CY (Also ZK1MA when he is in North Cook) are the only local
hams on Rarotonga, South Cook Island that are operating. QSL ZK1CG to:
Victor Rivera, P.O. Box 618, Rarotonga Cook Islands, via New Zealand.

ZY0, ST. PETER AND ST. PAUL ROCKS. Joaquim, PS7JN, showed up as ZY0SAT
on March 1st, on 14267 kHz and was active between 2300 and 0200z. He
will be here through April 15th. Remember his is activity will be limited
to his free time (his afternoons and evenings). QSL via PS7JN.

SPECIAL NOTE BY EDITOR: If you are having a problem receiving bounced
mail by sending mail to me via ' kb8nw@barf80.nshore.org ', please send
mail to me via ' kb8nw@arrl.net '...... TNX de Tedd KB8NW
   Help:        <mailto:opdx-request@nshore.org?subject=help>
   Subscribe:   <mailto:opdx-request@nshore.org?subject=subscribe>
   Unsubscribe: <mailto:opdx-request@nshore.org?subject=unsubscribe>
Excerpts and distribution of The OPDX Bulletin are granted as long as
KB8NW/OPDX/BARF80 receive credit. To contribute DX info, call BARF-80 BBS
online at 440-237-8208 28.8k/14400/9600/2400/1200 and leave a message with
the Sysop or send via InterNet Mail to: 
        kb8nw@barf80.nshore.org     - OR -   kb8nw@arrl.net
Use the VOICE or FAX answering machine at 440-237-8208 which shares the
same phone line as BARF-80 BBS using a data/fax/phone switch. To access:
1) Dial Number. 2) Wait for first ring (the second ring should be a false
ring from the fax/data switch box) and then dial four quick ones ('1111').
(NOTE: Some FAX machines that send single 'BEEPS' every second will not
have to do this step.) 3) The phone will pick up and after the 'BEEP' 
leave your voice message or FAX.


Your Moderator is Larry Wilson KE1HZ
Email: owner-dx@qth.net
Submissions dx@qth.net


As of Thu Mar 29 12:34:07 PST 2001

ARLD013 DX news

QST de W1AW  
DX Bulletin 13  ARLD013
>From ARRL Headquarters  
Newington CT  March 29, 2001
To all radio amateurs   

ARLD013 DX news

This week's bulletin was made possible with information provided by
Tedd, KB8NW, The OPDX Bulletin, F6BJW, W1HEO, QRZ DX, The Daily DX,
425DXnews and DXNL.  Thanks to all.

EAST TIMOR, 4W.  Neville, VK2QF, is QRV as 4W/VK2QF from Dili until
April 5.  Activity is on 80 to 6 meters using CW and SSB.  QSL to
home call.

GHANA, 9G.  Derek, 9G5MD, has been very active on 15 and 10 meters
generally between 1200 to 1800z.  QSL via F5VCR.

PAKISTAN, AP.  Bob, AP2JZB, is active on 12 meters and 10 meters,
usually around 1430 and 1530z.

EASTER ISLAND, CE0.  Arliss, W7XU, and Holly, N0QJM, are active as
CE0Y/W7XU and CE0Y/N0QJM, respectively, until April 8.  Activity is
concentrated on 6 meters using CW and SSB.  QSL to home calls.

and Roman, XE2EED, are QRV as 3G0Z until April 3 from Robinson
Crusoe running two stations on 6 meters.  They will transmit on
50102 kHz and receive on 50140 kHz.  QSL via N6XQ.

IRAN, EP.  Abdullah, EP2FM, has been QRV using RTTY on 20 meters
after 0330z.  He is also active using SSB on 20 meters generally
after 1430z and again around 2000z.

FRANCE, F.  Look for F6BJW to be QRV as TM2A from Noirmoutier
Island, IOTA EU-064, from March 31 to April 7.  QSL to home call.

GRENADA, J3.  W1HEO and W5PF will be QRV as J3/homecalls from March
30 to April 11.  Activity will be on 40 to 10 meters, including 17
and 12 meters, using CW and SSB.  QSL to home calls.

JAN MAYEN, JX.  Trond, LA8XM, will be QRV in his spare time as JX8XM
from March 30 to April 4.  QSL to home call.

ST. PETER AND ST. PAUL ROCKS, PY0S.  Kim, PS7JN, will be here to
carry out some scientific research between April 1 to 15.  He plans
to be QRV as ZY0SAT in his free time.  Activity is planned on 80 to
10 meters.  There is also some satellite activity planned on AO-10,
UO-14, FO-20 and FO-29.  QSL to home call.

CHRISTMAS ISLAND, VK9X.  Jerzy, SP9EVP, will be QRV as VK9KXP from
March 31 to April 6.  QSL to home call.

ANTARCTICA.  Mike, GM0HCQ, is QRV as VP8ROT from Rothera Base.  He
will be here for another month.  Look for him on 21052 or 28052 kHz
around 1530z and on 14052 or 18082 kHz around 2130z.  QSL to home

VIETNAM, XV.  Look for JA3AFJ, JR1JAA and JA1TAA to be QRV as
XV3MRC, XV3JAA and XV3TAA, respectively, until April 3.  Activity is
on 80 to 6 meters, excluding 30 meters, using CW, SSB, RTTY and
PSK31.  QSL all calls via JA1TAA.

VENEZUELA, YV.  Rick, NE8Z, will be active as YV5/NE8Z from Los
Roques, IOTA SA-035, from March 31 to April 2.  Activity will be
mainly on 10 meters, with some operations on 20 and 15 meters using
SSB.  QSL to home call.

ZC4DW.  He has been active using CW, SSB and RTTY on 12 meters
around 1500z.  QSL to home call.


As of Sun Mar 25 12:27:13 PST 2001

SB DX @ WW < KB8NW $OPDX.504
Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin No. 504

The Ohio/Penn DX PacketCluster
DX Bulletin No. 504
BID: $OPDX.504
March 26, 2001
Editor Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW
Provided by BARF-80 BBS Cleveland, Ohio
Online at 440-237-8208 28.8k-1200 Baud 8/N/1

Thanks to the Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society, Northern Ohio DX
Association, Ohio/Penn PacketCluster Network, AB5K & the AR TelNet
Clusters Network, K2FRD, N2OO, W3UR & The Daily DX, N4AA & QRZ DX,
K4VUD, N4GN, K7ZZ, K8YSE, KB9YXM, A35RK, CX6VM, DL1EK & DX News Letter,
EU1EU, F6AJA & Les Nouvelles DX, G3PJT, HK5MQZ, I2MOV, IW5BZQ, LU4FM,
ON4AAC, PA3AXU, PS7JN, VK4AAR, YS1RR and YV5EED for the following DX

DXCC COUNTRY/ENTITY REPORT:According to the AR-Cluster Network for the
week of Sunday, 18/Mar, through Sunday, 25/Mar there were 235 countries
active. Countries available: 3A, 3B8, 3B9, 3D2, 3V, 3W, 4J, 4L, 4S, 4X,
5A, 5B, 5H, 5N, 5R, 5U, 5W, 5X, 5Z, 6W, 6Y, 7P, 7X, 8P, 8Q, 8R, 9A, 9G,
9H, 9J, 9K, 9L, 9M2, 9M6, 9N, 9Q, 9V, 9Y, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A9, AP,
BV, BY, C3, C6, CE, CE0A, CE0Z, CE9, CM, CN, CP, CT, CT3, CU, CX, D2, D4,
D6, DL, DU, EA, EA6, EA8, EA9, EI, EK, EL, EP, ER, ES, ET, EU, EX, EY, EZ,
F, FG, FH, FJ, FK, FM, FO, FR, FW, FY, G, GD, GI, GJ, GM, GU, GW, H4, H40,
HA, HB, HB0, HC, HC8, HH, HI, HK, HK0/a, HL, HP, HR, HS, HV, HZ, I, IS,
J2, J3, J6, J7, J8, JA, JD/m, JT, JW, JX, JY, K, KG4, KH0, KH2, KH6, KH8,
KL, KP2, KP4, LA, LU, LX, LY, LZ, OA, OD, OE, OH, OH0, OK, OM, ON, OX, OY,
OZ, P2, P4, PA, PJ2, PJ7, PY, PY0F, PZ, R1FJ, S2, S5, S7, SM, SP, SU, SV,
SV5, T30, T7, T8, T9, TA, TF, TG, TI, TK, TR, TU, TZ, UA, UA2, UA9, UK,
UN, UR, V3, V4, V5, V6, V7, V8, VE, VK, VK9N, VP2E, VP2M, VP2V, VP5, VP6,
VP8, VP8/h, VP9, VQ9, VR, VU, XE, XT, XU, XW, XX9, YB, YI, YJ, YK, YL, YN,
YO, YS, YU, YV, Z2, Z3, ZA, ZB, ZC4, ZD7, ZD8, ZD9, ZF, ZK1/s, ZL, ZP, ZS
  There were 39 CQ Zones available during the past week. CQ Zone that
  were not active are:  2 
  There were 50 ITU Zones available during the past week. ITU Zones that
  were not active are: 3,4,9,15,21,22,23,24,25,26,31, 34,35,43,58,59,69,

PLEASE NOTE: The report 'could' contain 'Pirate/SLIM' operations. As
always, you never know - 'Work First Worry Later' (WFWL).
OPDX InterNet Subscribers will receive an additional bulletin (due to its
size) with a complete breakdown and 'DXCC/Entities Chart of Activity'.

3A, MONACO. A group of Italian operators will be active for 3 days from
here (grid JN33RR) during June 1-3rd. They will mainly concentrate their
activity on 6 meters, but they will also be active on HF and 2 meters.
Look for the following callsigns (operators) to be active: 3A/IK5GQK
(Fabrizio), 3A/IK5YOJ (Giuseppe), 3A/IW5BZQ (Stefano) and 3A/IW5EDQ
(Virginio). Their activity on 6 meters is as follows: 50.210 SSB,
50.600 RTTY and 50.620 MHz PSK31 (using an Icom IC-706MKIIG with 6 element
yagi and HQ50 Halo Loop). Their 2 meters activity will be on 144.290 MHz
SSB (using an Icom IC-706 with 9 element yagi). Their HF activity will
be on SSB, RTTY, PSK31 and SSTV (using two Yaesu FT-100 and vertical
antennas). You can send E-mail for skeds to:      3a@mannelli.com
They mentioned that while they are on air they will check their E-mail
every hour at the top of the hour. For the latest news, check their Web
page at:                 http://www.mannelli.com/3a
Direct QSL (SASE) for VHF QSOs (6/2 meters) via: Stefano Mannelli (IW5BZQ),
P.O. Box 569, 50123 Firenze Centro, ITALY. QSL HF QSOs to: Fabrizio Vannini
(IK5GQK), via Forlanini 68, 50127 Firenze, ITALY.

3G, JUAN FERNANDEZ ISLAND. Look for Key/JE6JYT, Chip/N6CA, Jack/N6XQ and
Roman/XE2EED to be active from the Isla Robinson Crusoe (IOTA SA-005)
between March 27th and April 3rd signing 3G0Z. They will have two stations
active to cover many directions: one in San Juan Bautista village, the
other on a nearby hilltop operating part-time. Activity will be mainly on
6 meters, transmitting on 50102 kHz and receiving on 50140 kHz. Their pilot
stations, N6RV and KB6NAN, will be on 28885 kHz. QSL via N6XQ. For more
details, check/watch the Web page: http://www.ham-radio.com/ce0z/ce0z.html

5R, MADAGASCAR. Stations 5R8FL, 5R8FU and 5R8GO have been active over the
past week. Claude, 5R8GO, has been active on 20 and 10 meters. He was
also active SSTV on 28680 kHz around 1245z. Ake, 5R8FU, has been active
mainly on 15/12 meters CW. Check 12 meters around 0915z and 15 meters
around 1815z. QSL via SM5DJZ. Andre, 5R8FL, has been active on 20 meters
(14206 kHz) around 0430z and 10 meters (28496 kHz) around 1445z. QSL via

7X, ALGERIA. The 'LNDX' reports tha Yannick, F6FYD, will be here for the
next 2 months starting very soon (mi-March). There was no callsign
or bands of operation mentioned. However, Mohammad, 7X4AN, has been very
active lately on 10 and 15 meters, mostly SSB. Activity has been between
1700 and 2200z.

7Z, SAUDI ARABIA. Joe, W5FJG, is expected to be active about April 15th
from Jeddah as 7Z1AC. He will be working as a technician for the U.S.
Consulate and is expected to be here for two years. According to his Web
page, Joe works both CW/SSB, but will spend 60% of his operating on
SSB. He likes and probably will spend most of his time on 20 meters. He
will have equipment and antennas for 20/17/15/12/10 meters and expects
30/40/80 meters may come later. His operating time will be Saturday through
Wednesday after 1530z and on Thrusday and Friday (his weekend) anytime.
He does have equipment for the digital modes, so expect to possibly see
him on Packet/RTTY/SSTV. QSL via WA4JT. More details can be found on his
homepage:       http://sites.netscape.net/joeyjeep99usa/homepage
Joe mentions on his Web page that the American Embassy in Riyadh has
received permission to restart amateur radio operations using the callsign
7Z1AB. Look for them soon to be on the air.

9G, GHANA. Derek, 9G5MD, has been very active on 15/10 meters, generally
between 1200-1800z. Check around 28500 and 21250 (and above). QSL via

AP, PAKISTAN. Bob, AP2JZB, continues to be active on 12 meters, as well as
10 meters. Check these bands between 1430 and 1530z around 28492 or 24946

ASIAN TRIP PLANNED. Charly, K4VUD, reports that he has purchased his airline
tickets to Asia for the period of early May through mid-August, 2001. He
plans to operate as HS0ZCW again and will apply for India (VU) and Laos
(XW) licenses. He states that it will be not likely for him to be active
as/from 9N7UD nor A52UD this trip.

EP, IRAN. Abdullah, EP2FM, is a nice find on RTTY on 20 meters after
0330z. You can catch him on SSB on 20 meters generally after 1430z and
again around 2000z.

EV21, BELARUS (Arctic Expedition, 'POLAR RING'). There is currently an
expedition going on in the Arctic and is being helped by the members of
the 'Activity Group of Belarus' (AGB). The expedition/operation started
February 1st in Minsks and will travel the southern part of the Arctic and
the Polar Area. The expedition will pass through Yama (R9K/), Taimyr (R0B),
Yakutia (R0Q) and Chukot (R0K). Currently, R0B/EV21ABG is now on from
Taimyr. Igor, EU1EU (AGB#001 - President of AGB), informs OPDX that there
is usually traffic being passed every Monday, Wednesday and Friday on 14120
kHz at 0500z. However, most of the information is in Russian. The operators
are Yuri (AGB#124) and Vladimir (AGB#123, Leader of expedition). There is
an award available for working this station. Some information can be found
on the club's Web page at:       http://www.qsl.net/eu1eu
A special link for the English language can be found at:
In a week the group plans to be active from Yakutia and sign R0Q/EV21AGB.
Any questions/messages can be sent to either/or:
   Igor,     EU1EU, at: eu1eu@qsl.net
   Vladimir, EU1CQ, at: eu1cq@usa.net

FM, MARTINIQUE. Gerard, FM/F2JD, has closed down his station from here
and he will be back in France sometime this week. He made 11,200 QSOs
(6600 CW, 1000 RTTY, 3600 SSB).

H40, TEMOTU PROVINCE. Ron, ZL1AMO, now active as H40RW, has been very
active on 15 and 10 meters CW.

HK0, MALPELO ISLAND (Update). It has been reported that Jairo/HK5MQZ and
Hiro/HK5QGX will be embarking off to Buenaventura on April 6th arriving
on Malpelo Island April 8th in the late evening. They will disembark April
9th and expect to start operation April 10th until April 21st. They will
operate on all bands 80/40/30/20/17/15/12/10 and 6 meters. They will carry
a Hygain TH3-MK3 Tri-Bander and home brew 3 element monobands for 17 and
12 meters. For 80/40/30 meters they will use wire dipoles. The group
will also use a Yaesu FL-2100B linear amplifier and two HF transceivers:
One Icom model IC-706-MK2 and another Kenwood TS-430S. Jairo will be active
as HK5MQZ/0 only on SSB. QSL direct ONLY, via HK5MQZ (Jairo Vargas, P.O.
Box 10862, Cali, Colombia). Hiro will be active as HK5QGX/0 and will operate
on CW only. QSL his contacts via his QSL Manager JA0MGR (direct ONLY).

IOTA NEWS...............
  EU-065.  Didier, F5BWJ, will be active as TM2A from Noirmoutier Island
          from March 31st to April 7th. QSL via F5BWJ.
  EU-126.  Lawrence, KB9YXM, reports that the Finnish Club station, OH8TA,
           is planning an IOTA DXpedition to the Island of Hailuto in the
           Gulf of Bothnia off of the Finnish coast near Oulu. They will
           be operating for three days from the University of Oulu's marine
           research station on the island. They will be operating on HF,
           VHF and UHF. The frequency for 6 meters will be 50110 kHz. For
           other bands and frequencies please send an E-mail message to:
           Operating conditions for 6 meters will be a Cushcraft 3 element
           Yagi, Yaesu ATAS-100 with GP and counterpoise, Yaesu FT-100 at
           100-500Watts. The Yagi and ATAS-100 will be mounted atop the
           lighthouse station at 30-35 meters above sea-leval. The dates
           will be April 6-8th. KB9YXM is a U.S. operator currently living
           in Finland and very active on 50 Mhz and above. QSL to KB9YXM
           will be 100% via OH8TA.
  EU-174.  Eddy/ON6HE, Dirk/ON5CT and Frank/ON4AAX will be active from
           Thasos Island between May 27th and June 3rd. Their activity
           will be on all HF bands, CW and SSB. They will try to have a
           special callsign. QSL via the bureau or direct to ON4AAC:
           Frank Pletinck, Potaardestraat 72, B-9190 Stekene, Belgium.
  OC-087.  Tom, K7ZZ, informs OPDX that plans for the expedition to Enewetak
           (part of the Marshall Island group) on April 19-26th are going
           smoothly. An antenna mast will be loaned from Force 12. Support
           has been obtained from the makers of Mountain House freeze dried
           foods. And a donation to cover part of their QSL expenses is
           expected from the Island Radio Expedition Foundation. The only
           real snag has been the failure of a second amplifier to material-
           ize. The two Stateside team members will depart the West Coast
           on about April 10th to join the rest of the team on Kwajalein.
           From there they will fly on to Enewetak. Although only one
           station will have an amplifier, two additional tranceivers will
           be included. Antennas are a small tri-bander, a log for 10-6
           meters, and a R-7000 vertical plus a wire dipole for the low
           bands. Propogation predictions show a slim chance of a 10 meter
           opening to Europe, but lots of chances on 15 meters. All other
           areas should have lots of openings. The callsign V73E has been
           issued/assigned. QSL cards go to WF5T.

  SA-035.  Dr. Rick, NE8Z/HC1MD, will be active as YV5/NE8Z from Los Roques
           roughly between March 31st-April 2nd. He will be using a TS50 +
           dipole mainly on 28.460 SSB. If propagation is poor on 10 meters,
           he will operate on 21260 or 14260 kHz SSB. No CW this trip. QSL
           via NE8Z: Rick Dorsch, Box 616, Hamburg, MI 48139 USA

JW, SVALBARD. Per, LA3FL, is  currently active in his spare time from
Hopen Island (EU-063) as JW3FL. He is the only radio operator on this
little island with many polar bears. He will be here until June 2001.
He was recently heard on CW on 21025 kHz at 0915z and 1833 kHz between
0045 and 0330z. QSL via LA3FL.

PACIFIC TRIP 2001. Gerard, PA3AXU, has announced another DX trip into the
South Pacific. This time during September 2001, he will be heading to T30,
C21 and 3D (Fiji). He reports that like his last trips, this will not be
a holiday but work on the radio. He also hopes to give everyone a new one
on SSB/CW/RTTY/SSTV and/or PSK31. Gerard will start his activity on
Tarawa, West Kiribati, as T30XU, beginning September 4th. He will then
travel to Nauru and sign C21XU beginning September 11th. Gerard will end
his activity in Fiji signing as 3D2XU, from September 20-28th. For more
details and up-to-date information, check the Web site at:
Gerard requests to please submit any comments/remarks/suggestions on his
2001 Pacific trip in the guestbook on his Web site.

QSL INFO AND NEWS.................
   3D2CI Update. Hrane, YT1AD, in Belgrade, reports that the logs are going
   to be on the Web site soon (they may be there!). They are currently
   having problem recovering some QSOs from a damaged hard disk, but they
   hope in a few days all will be consolidated into one log on the Web
   site. There are some photos of the Conway Reef operation on the Web site.
   Check them out at: http://www.kragujevac.co.yu/3d2/photos/photos.htm
   Hrane is going to be at the Dayton HamVention with a 1 hour video of
   Conway Reef.
   LAST MINUTE CHANGE: The Hillview Gardens ARC (9M6AAC) was assigned
   the special callsign 9M6A for this past weekend's CQWW WPX SSB Contest
   with Peter G4MJS as the operator. Please QSL 9M6A via N2OO: 
   Bob Schenck, PO BOX 345, TUCKERTON, NJ 08087 USA.
   Paul, A35RK, would like to remind everyone that the Kingdom of Tonga
   (licensing authority - Tonga Communication Commission) has no national
   amateur radio society, no radio club of any sort, and NO QSL BUREAU.
   At present, it is a waste of time and money to send 'bureau' cards to
   Tonga.  Currently licensed A3 operators are certainly not receiving any
   'bureau' cards, and therefore they are unable to reply. In his own
   case, 'QSL A35RK via W7TSQ' is the only possible route. The postal
   address for A35RK, in any database that he has seen is incorrect:
   'via direct', using that incorrect information, will most certainly
   result in a 'dead letter' and no response.
   Gerard, F2VX, can confirm the contact made with A51AA ONLY for the
   contacts made in September 2000, NOT for the new operator that was
   newly autorized.
   Charly, K4VUD (aka A52UD), reports that all direct mail requests for
   A52UD QSLs have been answered to date. The bureau QSL will be done
   next fall.

   QSL CW6V, which was active in last weekend's contest, to W3HNK.
   Yannick, F6FYD, informs us that all direct and bureau requests for his
   operation as 5T5YD and 5T5YD/P are on the way.
   HI9/DL7AFS and HI9/DJ7ZG QSL and Log. Babs, DL7AFS, informs OPDX that
   as of the early morning of March 23rd, the duo have arrived back in
   Germany. They thank the many for the interest in their Dxpedition.
   They made 16340 QSOs and plan to begin printing the QSLs next week.
   The log search is now available at:   http://www.qsl.net/DL7AFS
   L40F was active in the CQ WW WPX SSB Contest as a Multi/Multi category.
   The LU4FM team was: LU1FAK, LU1FAM, LU1FGE, LU1FGZ, LU1FZR, LU2FT,
   QSL Manager is LU4FM: Radio Club Rosario, Zeballos 811/817, 
   (2000) Rosario, Republica Argentina.
   The Finnish Army Signals School is celebrating its 60th anniversary
   this year with their station OI3AY that was activated during the CQ
   WPX Contest. Also, Martti Laine, OH2BH, was one of the operators from
   the OI3AY station during the contest. A special QSL card will be issued
   for this special event. The QSL Manager is Teuvo Kaistila, OH1BV,
   Ahventie 5B1, 25410 Suomusjarvi, FINLAND.
   Alan, VK4AAR, announced that all QSL requests for VK0MM cards received
   through March 20th have now been processed. There were some 'not-in-log'
   replies sent out, but please be assured, that they were not sent out
   without a thorough check. Alan states, 'My wife opened and checked the
   incoming card against the computer log. If she found any sort of problem
   she gave it to me to look for obvious typos etc etc..  If I could still
   not resolve the situation I would E-mail Alan, VK0MM, who would then
   search his own master log and get back to me. Therefore, it is useless
   to contact me for further checks.... I have already done all that is
   possible. Donations for Camp Quality (a charity supporting children who
   are dying of cancer  etc..) are coming in regularly though some still
   expect a card when they don't even send reply postage and SAE. But a
   donation will NOT 'buy' a card for a QSO that is not in the log. To
   those who have not yet sent their card to me..... be warned .... DO NOT
   do not have the correct series of international stamps.  Most are putting
   the wrong amount on their SASEs, too.  Let me do the stamps.  Just send
   SAE and USD or IRCs (dollars are preferred as the surplus can go to the
   charity...IRCs only buy stamps).  Those that have the wrong stamps on
   will be mailed back to you but I don't guarantee if you will receive
   them. Finally, and for the umpteenth time, **DO NOT** SEND REQUESTS FOR
   The Grupo DX Caracas which participated in the CQ WW WPX SSB Contest
   this past weekend as YW4M gets QSLed via W4SO.
   ZL4CC QSLs for the March 2001 operation. Bob, G3PJT, informs OPDX that
   the correct direct QSL route for this operation is to Bob Whelan, G3PJT,
   36 Green End, Comberton, Cambridge CB3 7DY UK. Bob states, 'Do not send
   cards to any other address which may appear in old callbooks as the call
   was reissued to me for this operation. Bureau cards are OK via G3PJT and
   the RSGB QSL bureau. An E-mail log request is OK for a bureau card.'
   Bob's E-mail address is:          Bob_g3pjt@compuserve.com

TX, NEW CALEDONIA. Jacky, F2CW, is now active as TX5CW. Look for him
mainly on CW. His activity this past week was on 30/20/17/15 meters.
QSL via F2CW.

VO2, LABRADOR, CANADA DXPEDITION. Fred, K2FRD, reports that he is planning
a DXpedition to Labrador; not a DXCC Entity, but an uncommon contact
nevertheless. He will be operating from about June 6th through August 31st,
as VO2/K2FRD from a tent. His QTH is about 90km WSW of Churchill Falls,
Labrador, Province of Newfoundland, Canada. His activity will be mainly
10, 15 and 20 meters in that order. Suggested frequencies are: 28415,
28515, 21315, 21415, 14215 and 14295 kHz. He does plan to be active on
some nets. For more details on bands, frequencies, schedules, QSL info,
etc...., check the Web page at:  http://sites.netscape.net/thefred3/labr1

ZD8, ASCENSION ISLAND. The UK team is now active from here as ZD8K until
March 28th. They will move onto St. Helena and sign ZD7K and be active
until April 12th. QSL via GW0ANA.

ZY0, ST. PETER ANS ST. PAUL ROCKS. Joaquim, PS7JN, reports that he will
be active from 'Sao Pedro and Sao Paulo Archipelago' beginning April 1st
through April 15th, as ZY0SAT during his free times (afternoons and
evenings). His primary objective there is Geochemical of Sao Pedro and
Sao Paulo Archipelago. He will be active on HF and the satellites. His
suggested operating frequencies are:
   HF  -  3780, 7085, 14180, 21280, and 28450
   SAT -  AO-10 (145.9), UO-14 (435.07), FO_20 (435.850) and FO-29 (435.850)
His equipment will be a FT-480R, 20dB amp., XY 7+7 element, 4800 Standard,
20W PA, XY 15+15 element and a HF Atlas 210 with inverted V all band.
QSL Manager is PS7JN: Joaquim 'Kim' das Virgens, Rua Carlos Serrano, 1969,
CEP: 59076-740, Natal-RN, Brasil (Send 2 IRC and a SASE. Any contribution
will be welcomed).

SPECIAL NOTE BY EDITOR: If you are having a problem receiving bounced
mail by sending mail to me via ' kb8nw@barf80.nshore.org ', please send
mail to me via ' kb8nw@arrl.net '...... TNX de Tedd KB8NW
   Help:        <mailto:opdx-request@nshore.org?subject=help>
   Subscribe:   <mailto:opdx-request@nshore.org?subject=subscribe>
   Unsubscribe: <mailto:opdx-request@nshore.org?subject=unsubscribe>
Excerpts and distribution of The OPDX Bulletin are granted as long as
KB8NW/OPDX/BARF80 receive credit. To contribute DX info, call BARF-80 BBS
online at 440-237-8208 28.8k/14400/9600/2400/1200 and leave a message with
the Sysop or send via InterNet Mail to: 
        kb8nw@barf80.nshore.org     - OR -   kb8nw@arrl.net
Use the VOICE or FAX answering machine at 440-237-8208 which shares the
same phone line as BARF-80 BBS using a data/fax/phone switch. To access:
1) Dial Number. 2) Wait for first ring (the second ring should be a false
ring from the fax/data switch box) and then dial four quick ones ('1111').
(NOTE: Some FAX machines that send single 'BEEPS' every second will not
have to do this step.) 3) The phone will pick up and after the 'BEEP' 
leave your voice message or FAX.

Additional Bulletins for OPDX InterNet Subscribers.
Date: Mon, 19 Mar 2001 17:30:47 +0900
From: Mitsu Sugawara <sugawara@jarl.or.jp>
Organization: The Japan Amateur Radio League, Inc.
MIME-Version: 1.0
To: kb8nw@arrl.net
Subject: The 42nd All Asian DX Contest- 2001

Dear Sirs/Madams,

JARL would like to offer the following contest information for your

1. The 42nd All Asian DX Contest- 2001
Supported by the Ministry of Public Management, Home Affairs, Posts and
Telecommunications, Japan. (former MPT)

Contest Period
(1) CW
>From June 16th, 00:00 to June 17th 24:00 UTC (48 hours)
(2) Phone
>From Sept. 1st 00:00 to Sept. 2nd 24:00 UTC (48 hours)

Please refer to JARL's web site for more detailed information.

Note: Please note carefully that there are some rule changes.

2. The Results of the 41st All Asian DX Contest - 2000
The results appeared on JARL's web site:

Thank you very much for your attention.


 International Section
 The Japan Amateur Radio League, Inc.

From: 'Leszek Przybylak' <sp6cik@op.onet.pl>
To: <kb8nw@barf80.nshore.org>
Subject: Invitation to SP DX Contest 2001
Date:   Mon, 19 Mar 2001 21:48:36 +0100
MIME-Version: 1.0

Hello Tedd,
We would like to invite you to our SP DX Contest. 
We enclose the rules. Please, pas it on to your readers and friends. 
Mni tnx & vy 73! 
SP DX Contest 2001 Committee Chairman
Leszek Przybylak SP6CIK

   SP DX  CONTEST 2001

1.  Contest  organizers:  The  PZK - Polski  Zawiazek  Krotkofalowcow
  (Polish Amateur Radio Union) and the SP DX Club have the honour  to
  invite  radio  amateurs and SWLs all over the world to  participate
  in  the  SPDX  Contest.

2. Date: Every year - the first full weekend of April (April 7 - 8 in
  2001) from 15:00 UTC on Saturday to 15:00 UTC on Sunday.

3.  Contest  subject: To make the highest possible number of contacts
  among  Polish  HAMs  and  non-polish   HAMs.      Remember:  Polish
  stations  can  work  only other countries;  stations  from  outside
  Poland can work only Polish stations in the contest.

4. Bands: From 1,8 to 28 MHz (without WARC bands).

5.  Modes:  CW  and/or SSB. It is possible to work the  same  station
  twice  a band but on different modes. No crossmode contacts. It  is
  necessary to observe IARU band plan during the contest.

6.  Contest  CQ:  Foreign  stations: 'CQ SP';  Polish  stations:  'CQ
  CONTEST' on SSB or 'CQ TEST' on CW.

7. Exchange numbers:
  * Foreign  stations send a five or six  figure number consisting  of
    RST  or  RS report + serial number, for example 599001 on  CW  or
    59001 on SSB.
  * Polish  stations  give a two or three  figure number  representing
    the  RST  or  RS  report  + one letter denoting  the  WOJEWODZTWO
    (province) abbreviation, for example 599G on CW or 59G on SSB.
  * Possible  abbreviations  of  Polish provinces  (max.  16  on  one
    band): B, C, D, F, G, R, J, K, L, M, O, P, S, U, W, Z.

8. Points:
  * Foreign stations: 3 points for each QSO with Polish station.
  * Polish  stations: DX QSO: 3 points; QSO with EU station: 1 point;
    QSO with another SP station: 0 points.

9. Multiplier:
  For   foreign  stations:  each  different  WOJEWODZTWO   (province)
  denoted  by  the one letter abbreviation counts for one  multiplier
  (counted  only  once  per  band).  The  maximal  multiplier  is  16
  provinces x 6 bands
  For  Polish  stations: DXCC countries (counted only  one  time  per
  10.  Final score: The sum of QSO - points from all bands multiplied
  by  the  sum of provinces from all bands (or from a band in  Single
  Band entries).
11. Categories:
  * SO MB Mixed Mode,
  * SO SB Mixed Mode,
  * MO MB Mixed Mode,
  * SO MB SSB,
  * SO SB SSB,
  * SWL's Mixed Mode,
  * SO MB CW,
  * SO SB CW.
  **  Note  1: Using DX nests, DXclusters will qualify a station  for
  Multi Operator category.
  ** Note 2: Club (MO MB) stations should notify all operators.

  12. SWL stations:
  * Foreign  SWL  must copy the call-sign of the Polish  station  and
     its contest report and the call-sign of the foreign station
  * Polish SWL must copy the foreign station call and contest report and
     call-sign of the Polish station.
  * Scoring is the same as for stations in transmitting section.  The
     same  Polish  station and foreign station can  be  listened  only
     once on the same band/mode.
13.  Final  scores:Score  tables will be  held  separately  for  each
  country and then for all categories for one country.
14.  Awards: For first places in all categories. The number of awards
  in  one  category  is the thing of the Contest Committee  decision.
  Foreign  winners  can  also  receive special  plates  sponsored  by
  Polish HAMs.
15. Contest logs:
  Logs   must   contain  date,  time  in  UTC,  correspondent   call,
  exchanges,  indicated  multipliers  and  points.  A  summary  sheet
  should  contain  all  scoring information:  category,  contestant's
  name  and  adress and a signed declaration that all  contest  rules
  and  regulations for amateur radio in the country of operation have
  been  observed.  Logs  must be checked for  duplicate  contacts.  A
  multiplier  check list should be enclosed. Log can  be  sent  on  a
  floppy  disc  as a file (MS-DOS ASCII). The deadline  for  logs  is
  April 30, 2001. Logs should be sent to the following addresss:
     Polski Zwiazek Krotkofalowcow,
     SPDX Contest Committee,
     P. O. Box 320,
     00-950 WARSZAWA,

  Logs  can  be  sent  also  via  e-mail  (ASCII  file)  to:
  It is recommended to use e-mail or disc logs  if possible.

16. Disqualification: Violation of the rules of the contest or taking
  credit  for  incorrect  or  multipliers or  duplicate  contacts  in
  excess  3%  of  total made will be deemed as sufficient  cause  for
  disqualification. The decisions of the SPDX Contest  Committee  are
  final and not contestable.
17.  Additional information 1: SP DX Contest is fully supported by  a
  demo  version  of  Super Duper - contest log by EI5DI.  It  can  be
  downloaded from author's WWW site at: <http://www.ei5di.com>.

18. Additional information 2: It is possible to apply for some Polish
  awards  with  no need to handle QSL cards from Polish  stations  if
  contacts  are  made during the SP DX Contest in 2001. Please  check
  visit         SP         DX         Contest         Page         at
  <http://dendro.sggw.waw.pl/sp5zcc/spdxc/spdxc.htm>      for     all

If  you have any questions about the contest, please write to  SP  DX
Contest     2001     Committee     Chairman     -     Leszek SP6CIK


                       AB5K AR-Cluster Network
                   DXCC/Entities Chart of Activity
             For the week of Sunday, 18/Mar - Saturday, 24/Mar
        Nmbr   Nmbr              Band of                Days of
DXCC  Stations Spots            Activity               the Week       Modes
----  -------  -----  -----------------------------  -------------  ----------
3A         4     10            .         M.T.W.T.   .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
3B8        6     24            .30.20.  .15.12.10.   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
3B9        2     24            .  .10.   M.T. .T. .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
3D2/r      7     94         .40.  .20.  .  M.T.W.T. .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
3D2        2     11               .20.  .15.            .W.           .SSB.
3V         7    110   160.80.40.  .   M. .W.T.F.S.   CW.SSB.RTTY
3W        10    117            .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
3Y/b       2      3                           .10.              .S    .SSB. 
4J         7     53   160.        .20.  .15.  .10.   M.T.W.T.F. .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
4L        13     55      .  .15.12.10.   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
4S         8     38         .      M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
4X        47    107  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
5A         6     13                     .15.  .10.      .W.T.F.S.   CW.SSB.RTTY
5B        39    464  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
5H         2     20   160.     .30.20.               M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.   .RTTY
5N         4     10               .20.17.     .10.   M.T.W.T.F.       .SSB. 
5R         7     26      .80.     .20.  .15.12.10.   M.T.W.T. .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
5U         3      8                     .15.     .6   .T.W.T.   .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
5W         2     24         .40.30.     .  M.T.W.   .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
5X         3      8                           .10.6       .T.F.S.S    .SSB. 
5Z         1      3                           .10.            .S.S    .SSB. 
6W         3     11         .40.     .17.     .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
6Y        10     59         .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
7P         1      1                           .10.        .T.       CW.   .RTTY
7Q         5     55                              .6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
7X         7     35         .40.30.20.  .15.12.10.   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
8P         5     33         .40.  .20.  .15.  .10.   M. .W.T. .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
8Q         1     73               .20.        .10.   M.T.W.T.F. .S    .SSB. 
8R         7     79         .40.30.20.  .15.12.10.   M.T.W.T.F.S.   CW.SSB.RTTY
9A        52    220  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
9G         6     74               .20.  .15.  .10.      .W.T.F.S.S    .SSB. 
9H        16     74   160.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
9J         1     11            .30.20.  .15.12.10.   M.T.   .F.S.   CW.   .RTTY
9K         6    104         .40.  .20.  .15.  .10.   M.T. .T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
9L         2      2                        .12.                 .S  CW.   .RTTY
9M2        7     51         .40.30.20.  .15.  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
9M6        6    100               .20.17.15.  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
9N         2     23                           .10.6       .T.   .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
9Q         1      1               .20.                    .T.         .SSB. 
9V        11     93   160.  .40.30.20.  .15.  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
9Y         6     12               .20.     .12.10.6       .T.F.S.S    .SSB. 
A2         2     12               .20.        .10.    .T.             .SSB. 
A3         1      1               .20.                    .T.         .SSB. 
A4         9    102      .80.     .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
A5         6    100      .80.40.  .20.  .15.  .10.   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
A6        12    357   160.80.40.  .20.  .15.  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
A7         1      1               .20.                      .F.       .SSB. 
A9         3      8               .20.17.     .10.   M.T. .T. .S.   CW.SSB.RTTY
AP         4     21               .20.  .  M.T.W.T.F. .S    .SSB. 
BV        23    149         .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
BY        45    144         .40.30.20.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
C3         6     14         .40.  .20.  .15.12.      M.T.W.     .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
C6         4     16         .40.  .20.  .15.  .10.      .W. .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
CE        36    143      .80.40.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
CE0A       3    162   .T.     .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
CE0Z       1      5                     .15.  .10.      .W.         CW.   .RTTY
CE9        6     98         .   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
CM        40    134   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
CN        16    111      .80.40.  .20.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
CP         7     26               .   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
CT        26     66         .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
CT3       16    127         .40.30.20.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
CU        11     42            .30.20.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
CX        33    110      .80.40.  .20.17.15.  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
D2         2      7               .20.        .10.    .T. .T.F. .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
D4         1      1               .20.                        .S.           
D6         1      2                        .12.                 .S    .SSB. 
DL       155    328  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
DU        31    128         .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
EA       170    404  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
EA6       15     48  M.T. .T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
EA8       35    172  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
EA9       10     66         .40.     .  M. .W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
EI        18     41      .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
EK         8     37      .80.     .20.17.15.         M. .W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
EL         2      3            .30.     .15.            .W. .F. .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
EP         8     45         .40.  .20.  .15.  .10.   M.T.W.T.F. .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
ER        12     46   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
ES        15     53   160.80.40.  .20.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
ET         6     56                  .17.  .12.  .6  M. .W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
EU        26     45  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
EX        16     92      .80.40.  .   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
EY         5     65      .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
EZ         7     27      .  .10.   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
F        118    355  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
FG         5     15               .20.  .15.  .10.   M. .W. .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
FH         1     12               .20.        .10.      .W.T.F.       .SSB. 
FJ         4     28         .40.  .20.17.  .12.      M. .W.T.F.S.S    .SSB. 
FK        11    126      .80.40.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
FM        21    346   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
FO         6     33            .  M.T.W.T.F.S.   CW.SSB.RTTY
FR         8     75         .40.  .20.  .  M.T.W.T. .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
FW         1     40         .40.  .20.  .15.  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F. .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
FY         8     58               .20.  .15.  .10.6  M.T.W. .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
G        107    210  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
GD         5     12                     .  M.T.W.T.   .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
GI        12     21      .80.40.     .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
GJ        11    122      .   M.T.W. .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
GM        36    123   160.80.        .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
GU         8     24   160.  .40.        .  M.T.W.T. .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
GW        27     54      .  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
H4         4     26               .20.17.     .10.6   .T.W.T.F.S.   CW.SSB.RTTY
H40        3    108               .20.17.15.  .10.      .W.T.F.S.S  CW.   .RTTY
HA        36    109  .15.  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
HB        28     55  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
HB0        4     15      .  .15.12.10.          .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
HC         9     66  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
HC8        3    116   160.80.40.  .20.  .15.  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
HH         3      8                     .15.  .10.   M.         .S    .SSB. 
HI        18    222   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
HK        32     77      .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
HK0/a      3     16         .     .10.   M.T.W.T.F. .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
HL        50    123         .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
HP        12     95         .40.  .   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
HR         8     56   160.80.40.  .20.  .15.  .10.6  M. .W.T. .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
HS        13     63               .20.  .15.  .10.   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
HV         1      1               .20.                .T.           CW.   .RTTY
HZ         2      8               .20.  .15.            .W.T.F.       .SSB. 
I        185    500  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
IS         7     10      .  .15.12.      M.T.W.T.F. .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
J2         8     35               .20.  .15.  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
J3         4     32               .20.  .15.  .10.   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
J6         1      1                           .10.      .W.           .SSB. 
J7         2      4            .30.20.                .T.W.   .S.   CW.SSB.RTTY
J8         1      5         .40.30.                   .T.       .S  CW.   .RTTY
JA       318    610  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
JD/m       2     12      .80.           .15.         M.       .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
JT         6     54         .40.  .   M.T.W.T. .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
JW        11     67  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
JX         1     28            .   M. .W.T. .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
JY         6     95      .  .10.   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
K        467   1158  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
KG4       12    416   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
KH0       14    143   160.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
KH2        9     86         .40.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
KH6       32    150   160.80.40.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
KH8        2     18               .20.  .15.  .10.        .T.   .S    .SSB. 
KH9        0      0                                                         
KL        24    184         .40.  .20.17.15.  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
KP2       10     41      .   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
KP4       36    120  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
LA        44     87   160.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
LU       144    573      .80.40.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
LX        22     84  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
LY        27    103  .  M.T. .T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
LZ        36     73  .15.12.10.   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
OA         8     58               .20.  .15.  .10.   M.   .T.F.S.   CW.SSB.RTTY
OD        10     68               .  M. .W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
OE        36    109  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
OH        55    135  .10.6  M.T. .T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
OH0        3      7         .40.     .17.15.            .W.   .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
OK        82    193  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
OM        29     92   160.80.40.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
ON        43    191   160.80.40.  .  M.T.W. .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
OX         8     17            .30.     .15.12.  .6  M.T.       .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
OY         7     50         .   .T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
OZ        42    109   160.80.40.  .20.  .  M.T. .T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
P2         4     20                           .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
P4        10    180      .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
PA        46     78  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
PJ2        7     95      .80.40.  .20.17.15.  .10.   M. .W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
PJ7        6     31         .40.30.20.  .15.12.10.   M. .W.T.F.S.   CW.SSB.RTTY
PY       137    526   160.80.40.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
PY0F       5    255      .80.40.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
PZ         5     31      .      M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
R1FJ       1     38         .40.  .20.17.             .T. .T. .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
S2         2      3                     .15.                .F.S.     .SSB. 
S5        51    243   160.80.40.  .20.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
S7         2     83         .40.30.     .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
SM        75    169  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
SP        61    153  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
SU        12    121   160.80.40.  .   M.T. .T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
SV        27    120   160.80.40.  .20.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
SV5        2      4               .20.17.15.  .10.        .T. .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
T30        2     81         .   M.T.W.T.   .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
T7         5     22   160.80.  .30.20.  .15.12.10.   M. .W. .F.S.   CW.SSB.RTTY
T8         4     10            .30.  .17.15.                .F. .S  CW.   .RTTY
T9        15     36   160.80.40.  .20.  .15.  .10.   M.T. .T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
TA        16     81      .  .15.12.10.   M. .W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
TF         9     45         .40.  .20.  .15.  .10.      .W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
TG         9     41         .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
TI        20    243  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
TI9        2      2         .40.              .10.        .T.   .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
TK         9     49         .   M.T.W. .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
TR         9     58               .20.17.15.  .10.6  M.T.W. .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
TT         1      4                              .6  M. .W.         CW.SSB.RTTY
TU         3      3               .20.        .10.      .W. .F. .S  CW.   .RTTY
TX0        1      1               .20.                  .W.         CW.   .RTTY
TZ         1      1                  .17.                       .S  CW.   .RTTY
UA       240    606  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
UA2       15     52   160.80.40.  .20.17.  .12.10.   M.T. .T. .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
UA9      216    599  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
UK        11     37   160.        .   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
UN        36    121      .80.40.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
UR        90    237  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
V3         2      2                           .10.   M.         .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
V4         4     60      .80.     .20.  .15.12.10.    .T. .T.F.S.S    .SSB. 
V5        10    126            .30.20.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
V6         7    127         .   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
V7         8     51            .30.     .15.  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
V8         1      2                           .10.        .T.         .SSB. 
VE       118    359  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
VK       134    326  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
VK9N       9    119            .   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
VP2E       6      8      .80.  .  .10.   M.   .T. .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
VP2M       1      1      .80.                           .W.           .SSB. 
VP2V       3      5            .30.20.     .12.         .W. .F.     CW.SSB.RTTY
VP5        7    149   160.  .40.  .     .W.T.F.S.   CW.SSB.RTTY
VP6        1      1                           .10.            .S.     .SSB. 
VP8        4      6               .20.        .10.   M.T.W.T. .S.   CW.SSB.RTTY
VP8/h      1      1               .20.                          .S  CW.   .RTTY
VP8/s      0      0                                                         
VP9        2      3                     .15.12.      M.         .S    .SSB. 
VQ9        5     38   160.  .40.  .20.  .15.12.10.    .T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
VR        16     77      .  .15.  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
VU        39    156         .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
XE        34     87      .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
XF4        1      1                  .17.                       .S  CW.   .RTTY
XT         2      8                     .15.  .10.        .T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
XU         4      9               .20.  .15.  .10.    .T.W.T.F.S.   CW.   .RTTY
XW         1      1                     .15.                  .S.   CW.   .RTTY
XX9        1      2                     .15.          .T.             .SSB. 
YB        55    218      .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
YI         1      1               .20.                      .F.       .SSB. 
YJ         6    163         .  M.T.W.T.F.S.   CW.SSB.RTTY
YK         2      3               .20.  .15.  .10.        .T. .S.   CW.SSB.RTTY
YL        22     68  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
YN         2      5                     .15.                .F. .S    .SSB. 
YO        17     26   160.80.  .30.20.  .15.  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
YS         5     32      .80.     .  M.T. .T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
YU        59    229  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
YV        25    127  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
Z2         4     40                     .15.  .10.6  M.T.     .S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
Z3        12     84   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
ZA         6     16         .  .10.   M.T.W.T.F.S.   CW.   .RTTY
ZB         4     10         .40.  .20.  .15.12.  .6   .T.   .F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
ZC4        5     64               .20.17.15.  .10.      .W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
ZD7        6     42         .40.  .20.  .15.  .10.6  M. .W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
ZD8        6    292   160.  .  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
ZD9        1      1                     .15.                  .S.   CW.   .RTTY
ZF         4      5         .40.  .20.        .10.6     .W.T.F. .S  CW.SSB.RTTY
ZK1/s      7     31               .20.17.  .12.10.   M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
ZL        54    139  .10.6  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
ZP        15     56         .40.  .20.17.15.  .10.6  M. .W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
ZS        63    353  M.T.W.T.F.S.S  CW.SSB.RTTY
Tot Stations: 5559  Tot Spots: 22826  Spotter of the week: W2GO (343 spots)
Tedd Mirgliotta  KB8NW
InterNet: kb8nw@barf80.nshore.org
Basic Amateur Radio Frequency BBS (BARF-80) +1 (440) 237-8208
'Totally devoted to Amateur Radio' - 24 Hrs a day 8/N/1 28.8k-1200 baud


As of Sun Mar 25 10:38:30 PST 2001

SB DX @ WW < KB8NW $OPDX.504
Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin No. 504

The Ohio/Penn DX PacketCluster
DX Bulletin No. 504
BID: $OPDX.504
March 26, 2001
Editor Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW
Provided by BARF-80 BBS Cleveland, Ohio
Online at 440-237-8208 28.8k-1200 Baud 8/N/1

Thanks to the Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society, Northern Ohio DX
Association, Ohio/Penn PacketCluster Network, AB5K & the AR TelNet
Clusters Network, K2FRD, N2OO, W3UR & The Daily DX, N4AA & QRZ DX,
K4VUD, N4GN, K7ZZ, K8YSE, KB9YXM, A35RK, CX6VM, DL1EK & DX News Letter,
EU1EU, F6AJA & Les Nouvelles DX, G3PJT, HK5MQZ, I2MOV, IW5BZQ, LU4FM,
ON4AAC, PA3AXU, PS7JN, VK4AAR, YS1RR and YV5EED for the following DX

DXCC COUNTRY/ENTITY REPORT:According to the AR-Cluster Network for the
week of Sunday, 18/Mar, through Sunday, 25/Mar there were 235 countries
active. Countries available: 3A, 3B8, 3B9, 3D2, 3V, 3W, 4J, 4L, 4S, 4X,
5A, 5B, 5H, 5N, 5R, 5U, 5W, 5X, 5Z, 6W, 6Y, 7P, 7X, 8P, 8Q, 8R, 9A, 9G,
9H, 9J, 9K, 9L, 9M2, 9M6, 9N, 9Q, 9V, 9Y, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A9, AP,
BV, BY, C3, C6, CE, CE0A, CE0Z, CE9, CM, CN, CP, CT, CT3, CU, CX, D2, D4,
D6, DL, DU, EA, EA6, EA8, EA9, EI, EK, EL, EP, ER, ES, ET, EU, EX, EY, EZ,
F, FG, FH, FJ, FK, FM, FO, FR, FW, FY, G, GD, GI, GJ, GM, GU, GW, H4, H40,
HA, HB, HB0, HC, HC8, HH, HI, HK, HK0/a, HL, HP, HR, HS, HV, HZ, I, IS,
J2, J3, J6, J7, J8, JA, JD/m, JT, JW, JX, JY, K, KG4, KH0, KH2, KH6, KH8,
KL, KP2, KP4, LA, LU, LX, LY, LZ, OA, OD, OE, OH, OH0, OK, OM, ON, OX, OY,
OZ, P2, P4, PA, PJ2, PJ7, PY, PY0F, PZ, R1FJ, S2, S5, S7, SM, SP, SU, SV,
SV5, T30, T7, T8, T9, TA, TF, TG, TI, TK, TR, TU, TZ, UA, UA2, UA9, UK,
UN, UR, V3, V4, V5, V6, V7, V8, VE, VK, VK9N, VP2E, VP2M, VP2V, VP5, VP6,
VP8, VP8/h, VP9, VQ9, VR, VU, XE, XT, XU, XW, XX9, YB, YI, YJ, YK, YL, YN,
YO, YS, YU, YV, Z2, Z3, ZA, ZB, ZC4, ZD7, ZD8, ZD9, ZF, ZK1/s, ZL, ZP, ZS
  There were 39 CQ Zones available during the past week. CQ Zone that
  were not active are:  2 
  There were 50 ITU Zones available during the past week. ITU Zones that
  were not active are: 3,4,9,15,21,22,23,24,25,26,31, 34,35,43,58,59,69,

PLEASE NOTE: The report 'could' contain 'Pirate/SLIM' operations. As
always, you never know - 'Work First Worry Later' (WFWL).
OPDX InterNet Subscribers will receive an additional bulletin (due to its
size) with a complete breakdown and 'DXCC/Entities Chart of Activity'.

3A, MONACO. A group of Italian operators will be active for 3 days from
here (grid JN33RR) during June 1-3rd. They will mainly concentrate their
activity on 6 meters, but they will also be active on HF and 2 meters.
Look for the following callsigns (operators) to be active: 3A/IK5GQK
(Fabrizio), 3A/IK5YOJ (Giuseppe), 3A/IW5BZQ (Stefano) and 3A/IW5EDQ
(Virginio). Their activity on 6 meters is as follows: 50.210 SSB,
50.600 RTTY and 50.620 MHz PSK31 (using an Icom IC-706MKIIG with 6 element
yagi and HQ50 Halo Loop). Their 2 meters activity will be on 144.290 MHz
SSB (using an Icom IC-706 with 9 element yagi). Their HF activity will
be on SSB, RTTY, PSK31 and SSTV (using two Yaesu FT-100 and vertical
antennas). You can send E-mail for skeds to:      3a@mannelli.com
They mentioned that while they are on air they will check their E-mail
every hour at the top of the hour. For the latest news, check their Web
page at:                 http://www.mannelli.com/3a
Direct QSL (SASE) for VHF QSOs (6/2 meters) via: Stefano Mannelli (IW5BZQ),
P.O. Box 569, 50123 Firenze Centro, ITALY. QSL HF QSOs to: Fabrizio Vannini
(IK5GQK), via Forlanini 68, 50127 Firenze, ITALY.

3G, JUAN FERNANDEZ ISLAND. Look for Key/JE6JYT, Chip/N6CA, Jack/N6XQ and
Roman/XE2EED to be active from the Isla Robinson Crusoe (IOTA SA-005)
between March 27th and April 3rd signing 3G0Z. They will have two stations
active to cover many directions: one in San Juan Bautista village, the
other on a nearby hilltop operating part-time. Activity will be mainly on
6 meters, transmitting on 50102 kHz and receiving on 50140 kHz. Their pilot
stations, N6RV and KB6NAN, will be on 28885 kHz. QSL via N6XQ. For more
details, check/watch the Web page: http://www.ham-radio.com/ce0z/ce0z.html

5R, MADAGASCAR. Stations 5R8FL, 5R8FU and 5R8GO have been active over the
past week. Claude, 5R8GO, has been active on 20 and 10 meters. He was
also active SSTV on 28680 kHz around 1245z. Ake, 5R8FU, has been active
mainly on 15/12 meters CW. Check 12 meters around 0915z and 15 meters
around 1815z. QSL via SM5DJZ. Andre, 5R8FL, has been active on 20 meters
(14206 kHz) around 0430z and 10 meters (28496 kHz) around 1445z. QSL via

7X, ALGERIA. The 'LNDX' reports tha Yannick, F6FYD, will be here for the
next 2 months starting very soon (mi-March). There was no callsign
or bands of operation mentioned. However, Mohammad, 7X4AN, has been very
active lately on 10 and 15 meters, mostly SSB. Activity has been between
1700 and 2200z.

7Z, SAUDI ARABIA. Joe, W5FJG, is expected to be active about April 15th
from Jeddah as 7Z1AC. He will be working as a technician for the U.S.
Consulate and is expected to be here for two years. According to his Web
page, Joe works both CW/SSB, but will spend 60% of his operating on
SSB. He likes and probably will spend most of his time on 20 meters. He
will have equipment and antennas for 20/17/15/12/10 meters and expects
30/40/80 meters may come later. His operating time will be Saturday through
Wednesday after 1530z and on Thrusday and Friday (his weekend) anytime.
He does have equipment for the digital modes, so expect to possibly see
him on Packet/RTTY/SSTV. QSL via WA4JT. More details can be found on his
homepage:       http://sites.netscape.net/joeyjeep99usa/homepage
Joe mentions on his Web page that the American Embassy in Riyadh has
received permission to restart amateur radio operations using the callsign
7Z1AB. Look for them soon to be on the air.

9G, GHANA. Derek, 9G5MD, has been very active on 15/10 meters, generally
between 1200-1800z. Check around 28500 and 21250 (and above). QSL via

AP, PAKISTAN. Bob, AP2JZB, continues to be active on 12 meters, as well as
10 meters. Check these bands between 1430 and 1530z around 28492 or 24946

ASIAN TRIP PLANNED. Charly, K4VUD, reports that he has purchased his airline
tickets to Asia for the period of early May through mid-August, 2001. He
plans to operate as HS0ZCW again and will apply for India (VU) and Laos
(XW) licenses. He states that it will be not likely for him to be active
as/from 9N7UD nor A52UD this trip.

EP, IRAN. Abdullah, EP2FM, is a nice find on RTTY on 20 meters after
0330z. You can catch him on SSB on 20 meters generally after 1430z and
again around 2000z.

EV21, BELARUS (Arctic Expedition, 'POLAR RING'). There is currently an
expedition going on in the Arctic and is being helped by the members of
the 'Activity Group of Belarus' (AGB). The expedition/operation started
February 1st in Minsks and will travel the southern part of the Arctic and
the Polar Area. The expedition will pass through Yama (R9K/), Taimyr (R0B),
Yakutia (R0Q) and Chukot (R0K). Currently, R0B/EV21ABG is now on from
Taimyr. Igor, EU1EU (AGB#001 - President of AGB), informs OPDX that there
is usually traffic being passed every Monday, Wednesday and Friday on 14120
kHz at 0500z. However, most of the information is in Russian. The operators
are Yuri (AGB#124) and Vladimir (AGB#123, Leader of expedition). There is
an award available for working this station. Some information can be found
on the club's Web page at:       http://www.qsl.net/eu1eu
A special link for the English language can be found at:
In a week the group plans to be active from Yakutia and sign R0Q/EV21AGB.
Any questions/messages can be sent to either/or:
   Igor,     EU1EU, at: eu1eu@qsl.net
   Vladimir, EU1CQ, at: eu1cq@usa.net

FM, MARTINIQUE. Gerard, FM/F2JD, has closed down his station from here
and he will be back in France sometime this week. He made 11,200 QSOs
(6600 CW, 1000 RTTY, 3600 SSB).

H40, TEMOTU PROVINCE. Ron, ZL1AMO, now active as H40RW, has been very
active on 15 and 10 meters CW.

HK0, MALPELO ISLAND (Update). It has been reported that Jairo/HK5MQZ and
Hiro/HK5QGX will be embarking off to Buenaventura on April 6th arriving
on Malpelo Island April 8th in the late evening. They will disembark April
9th and expect to start operation April 10th until April 21st. They will
operate on all bands 80/40/30/20/17/15/12/10 and 6 meters. They will carry
a Hygain TH3-MK3 Tri-Bander and home brew 3 element monobands for 17 and
12 meters. For 80/40/30 meters they will use wire dipoles. The group
will also use a Yaesu FL-2100B linear amplifier and two HF transceivers:
One Icom model IC-706-MK2 and another Kenwood TS-430S. Jairo will be active
as HK5MQZ/0 only on SSB. QSL direct ONLY, via HK5MQZ (Jairo Vargas, P.O.
Box 10862, Cali, Colombia). Hiro will be active as HK5QGX/0 and will operate
on CW only. QSL his contacts via his QSL Manager JA0MGR (direct ONLY).

IOTA NEWS...............
  EU-065.  Didier, F5BWJ, will be active as TM2A from Noirmoutier Island
          from March 31st to April 7th. QSL via F5BWJ.
  EU-126.  Lawrence, KB9YXM, reports that the Finnish Club station, OH8TA,
           is planning an IOTA DXpedition to the Island of Hailuto in the
           Gulf of Bothnia off of the Finnish coast near Oulu. They will
           be operating for three days from the University of Oulu's marine
           research station on the island. They will be operating on HF,
           VHF and UHF. The frequency for 6 meters will be 50110 kHz. For
           other bands and frequencies please send an E-mail message to:
           Operating conditions for 6 meters will be a Cushcraft 3 element
           Yagi, Yaesu ATAS-100 with GP and counterpoise, Yaesu FT-100 at
           100-500Watts. The Yagi and ATAS-100 will be mounted atop the
           lighthouse station at 30-35 meters above sea-leval. The dates
           will be April 6-8th. KB9YXM is a U.S. operator currently living
           in Finland and very active on 50 Mhz and above. QSL to KB9YXM
           will be 100% via OH8TA.
  EU-174.  Eddy/ON6HE, Dirk/ON5CT and Frank/ON4AAX will be active from
           Thasos Island between May 27th and June 3rd. Their activity
           will be on all HF bands, CW and SSB. They will try to have a
           special callsign. QSL via the bureau or direct to ON4AAC:
           Frank Pletinck, Potaardestraat 72, B-9190 Stekene, Belgium.
  OC-087.  Tom, K7ZZ, informs OPDX that plans for the expedition to Enewetak
           (part of the Marshall Island group) on April 19-26th are going
           smoothly. An antenna mast will be loaned from Force 12. Support
           has been obtained from the makers of Mountain House freeze dried
           foods. And a donation to cover part of their QSL expenses is
           expected from the Island Radio Expedition Foundation. The only
           real snag has been the failure of a second amplifier to material-
           ize. The two Stateside team members will depart the West Coast
           on about April 10th to join the rest of the team on Kwajalein.
           From there they will fly on to Enewetak. Although only one
           station will have an amplifier, two additional tranceivers will
           be included. Antennas are a small tri-bander, a log for 10-6
           meters, and a R-7000 vertical plus a wire dipole for the low
           bands. Propogation predictions show a slim chance of a 10 meter
           opening to Europe, but lots of chances on 15 meters. All other
           areas should have lots of openings. The callsign V73E has been
           issued/assigned. QSL cards go to WF5T.

  SA-035.  Dr. Rick, NE8Z/HC1MD, will be active as YV5/NE8Z from Los Roques
           roughly between March 31st-April 2nd. He will be using a TS50 +
           dipole mainly on 28.460 SSB. If propagation is poor on 10 meters,
           he will operate on 21260 or 14260 kHz SSB. No CW this trip. QSL
           via NE8Z: Rick Dorsch, Box 616, Hamburg, MI 48139 USA

JW, SVALBARD. Per, LA3FL, is  currently active in his spare time from
Hopen Island (EU-063) as JW3FL. He is the only radio operator on this
little island with many polar bears. He will be here until June 2001.
He was recently heard on CW on 21025 kHz at 0915z and 1833 kHz between
0045 and 0330z. QSL via LA3FL.

PACIFIC TRIP 2001. Gerard, PA3AXU, has announced another DX trip into the
South Pacific. This time during September 2001, he will be heading to T30,
C21 and 3D (Fiji). He reports that like his last trips, this will not be
a holiday but work on the radio. He also hopes to give everyone a new one
on SSB/CW/RTTY/SSTV and/or PSK31. Gerard will start his activity on
Tarawa, West Kiribati, as T30XU, beginning September 4th. He will then
travel to Nauru and sign C21XU beginning September 11th. Gerard will end
his activity in Fiji signing as 3D2XU, from September 20-28th. For more
details and up-to-date information, check the Web site at:
Gerard requests to please submit any comments/remarks/suggestions on his
2001 Pacific trip in the guestbook on his Web site.

QSL INFO AND NEWS.................
   3D2CI Update. Hrane, YT1AD, in Belgrade, reports that the logs are going
   to be on the Web site soon (they may be there!). They are currently
   having problem recovering some QSOs from a damaged hard disk, but they
   hope in a few days all will be consolidated into one log on the Web
   site. There are some photos of the Conway Reef operation on the Web site.
   Check them out at: http://www.kragujevac.co.yu/3d2/photos/photos.htm
   Hrane is going to be at the Dayton HamVention with a 1 hour video of
   Conway Reef.
   LAST MINUTE CHANGE: The Hillview Gardens ARC (9M6AAC) was assigned
   the special callsign 9M6A for this past weekend's CQWW WPX SSB Contest
   with Peter G4MJS as the operator. Please QSL 9M6A via N2OO: 
   Bob Schenck, PO BOX 345, TUCKERTON, NJ 08087 USA.
   Paul, A35RK, would like to remind everyone that the Kingdom of Tonga
   (licensing authority - Tonga Communication Commission) has no national
   amateur radio society, no radio club of any sort, and NO QSL BUREAU.
   At present, it is a waste of time and money to send 'bureau' cards to
   Tonga.  Currently licensed A3 operators are certainly not receiving any
   'bureau' cards, and therefore they are unable to reply. In his own
   case, 'QSL A35RK via W7TSQ' is the only possible route. The postal
   address for A35RK, in any database that he has seen is incorrect:
   'via direct', using that incorrect information, will most certainly
   result in a 'dead letter' and no response.
   Gerard, F2VX, can confirm the contact made with A51AA ONLY for the
   contacts made in September 2000, NOT for the new operator that was
   newly autorized.
   Charly, K4VUD (aka A52UD), reports that all direct mail requests for
   A52UD QSLs have been answered to date. The bureau QSL will be done
   next fall.

   QSL CW6V, which was active in last weekend's contest, to W3HNK.
   Yannick, F6FYD, informs us that all direct and bureau requests for his
   operation as 5T5YD and 5T5YD/P are on the way.
   HI9/DL7AFS and HI9/DJ7ZG QSL and Log. Babs, DL7AFS, informs OPDX that
   as of the early morning of March 23rd, the duo have arrived back in
   Germany. They thank the many for the interest in their Dxpedition.
   They made 16340 QSOs and plan to begin printing the QSLs next week.
   The log search is now available at:   http://www.qsl.net/DL7AFS
   L40F was active in the CQ WW WPX SSB Contest as a Multi/Multi category.
   The LU4FM team was: LU1FAK, LU1FAM, LU1FGE, LU1FGZ, LU1FZR, LU2FT,
   QSL Manager is LU4FM: Radio Club Rosario, Zeballos 811/817, 
   (2000) Rosario, Republica Argentina.
   The Finnish Army Signals School is celebrating its 60th anniversary
   this year with their station OI3AY that was activated during the CQ
   WPX Contest. Also, Martti Laine, OH2BH, was one of the operators from
   the OI3AY station during the contest. A special QSL card will be issued
   for this special event. The QSL Manager is Teuvo Kaistila, OH1BV,
   Ahventie 5B1, 25410 Suomusjarvi, FINLAND.
   Alan, VK4AAR, announced that all QSL requests for VK0MM cards received
   through March 20th have now been processed. There were some 'not-in-log'
   replies sent out, but please be assured, that they were not sent out
   without a thorough check. Alan states, 'My wife opened and checked the
   incoming card against the computer log. If she found any sort of problem
   she gave it to me to look for obvious typos etc etc..  If I could still
   not resolve the situation I would E-mail Alan, VK0MM, who would then
   search his own master log and get back to me. Therefore, it is useless
   to contact me for further checks.... I have already done all that is
   possible. Donations for Camp Quality (a charity supporting children who
   are dying of cancer  etc..) are coming in regularly though some still
   expect a card when they don't even send reply postage and SAE. But a
   donation will NOT 'buy' a card for a QSO that is not in the log. To
   those who have not yet sent their card to me..... be warned .... DO NOT
   do not have the correct series of international stamps.  Most are putting
   the wrong amount on their SASEs, too.  Let me do the stamps.  Just send
   SAE and USD or IRCs (dollars are preferred as the surplus can go to the
   charity...IRCs only buy stamps).  Those that have the wrong stamps on
   will be mailed back to you but I don't guarantee if you will receive
   them. Finally, and for the umpteenth time, **DO NOT** SEND REQUESTS FOR
   The Grupo DX Caracas which participated in the CQ WW WPX SSB Contest
   this past weekend as YW4M gets QSLed via W4SO.
   ZL4CC QSLs for the March 2001 operation. Bob, G3PJT, informs OPDX that
   the correct direct QSL route for this operation is to Bob Whelan, G3PJT,
   36 Green End, Comberton, Cambridge CB3 7DY UK. Bob states, 'Do not send
   cards to any other address which may appear in old callbooks as the call
   was reissued to me for this operation. Bureau cards are OK via G3PJT and
   the RSGB QSL bureau. An E-mail log request is OK for a bureau card.'
   Bob's E-mail address is:          Bob_g3pjt@compuserve.com

TX, NEW CALEDONIA. Jacky, F2CW, is now active as TX5CW. Look for him
mainly on CW. His activity this past week was on 30/20/17/15 meters.
QSL via F2CW.

VO2, LABRADOR, CANADA DXPEDITION. Fred, K2FRD, reports that he is planning
a DXpedition to Labrador; not a DXCC Entity, but an uncommon contact
nevertheless. He will be operating from about June 6th through August 31st,
as VO2/K2FRD from a tent. His QTH is about 90km WSW of Churchill Falls,
Labrador, Province of Newfoundland, Canada. His activity will be mainly
10, 15 and 20 meters in that order. Suggested frequencies are: 28415,
28515, 21315, 21415, 14215 and 14295 kHz. He does plan to be active on
some nets. For more details on bands, frequencies, schedules, QSL info,
etc...., check the Web page at:  http://sites.netscape.net/thefred3/labr1

ZD8, ASCENSION ISLAND. The UK team is now active from here as ZD8K until
March 28th. They will move onto St. Helena and sign ZD7K and be active
until April 12th. QSL via GW0ANA.

ZY0, ST. PETER ANS ST. PAUL ROCKS. Joaquim, PS7JN, reports that he will
be active from 'Sao Pedro and Sao Paulo Archipelago' beginning April 1st
through April 15th, as ZY0SAT during his free times (afternoons and
evenings). His primary objective there is Geochemical of Sao Pedro and
Sao Paulo Archipelago. He will be active on HF and the satellites. His
suggested operating frequencies are:
   HF  -  3780, 7085, 14180, 21280, and 28450
   SAT -  AO-10 (145.9), UO-14 (435.07), FO_20 (435.850) and FO-29 (435.850)
His equipment will be a FT-480R, 20dB amp., XY 7+7 element, 4800 Standard,
20W PA, XY 15+15 element and a HF Atlas 210 with inverted V all band.
QSL Manager is PS7JN: Joaquim 'Kim' das Virgens, Rua Carlos Serrano, 1969,
CEP: 59076-740, Natal-RN, Brasil (Send 2 IRC and a SASE. Any contribution
will be welcomed).

SPECIAL NOTE BY EDITOR: If you are having a problem receiving bounced
mail by sending mail to me via ' kb8nw@barf80.nshore.org ', please send
mail to me via ' kb8nw@arrl.net '...... TNX de Tedd KB8NW
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Excerpts and distribution of The OPDX Bulletin are granted as long as
KB8NW/OPDX/BARF80 receive credit. To contribute DX info, call BARF-80 BBS
online at 440-237-8208 28.8k/14400/9600/2400/1200 and leave a message with
the Sysop or send via InterNet Mail to: 
        kb8nw@barf80.nshore.org     - OR -   kb8nw@arrl.net
Use the VOICE or FAX answering machine at 440-237-8208 which shares the
same phone line as BARF-80 BBS using a data/fax/phone switch. To access:
1) Dial Number. 2) Wait for first ring (the second ring should be a false
ring from the fax/data switch box) and then dial four quick ones ('1111').
(NOTE: Some FAX machines that send single 'BEEPS' every second will not
have to do this step.) 3) The phone will pick up and after the 'BEEP' 
leave your voice message or FAX.

Tedd Mirgliotta  KB8NW
InterNet: kb8nw@barf80.nshore.org
Basic Amateur Radio Frequency BBS (BARF-80) +1 (440) 237-8208
'Totally devoted to Amateur Radio' - 24 Hrs a day 8/N/1 28.8k-1200 baud

Your Moderator is Larry Wilson KE1HZ
Email: owner-dx@qth.net
Submissions dx@qth.net


As of Thu Mar 22 12:38:49 PST 2001

ARLD012 DX news

QST de W1AW  
DX Bulletin 12  ARLD012
>From ARRL Headquarters  
Newington CT  March 22, 2001
To all radio amateurs   

ARLD012 DX news

This week's bulletin was made possible with information provided by
Tedd, KB8NW, The OPDX Bulletin, QRZ DX, The Daily DX, 425DXnews, DXL
and Contest Corral from QST.  Thanks to all.

VIETNAM, 3W.  Tom, 3W7CW, has been QRV on 24896 kHz between 0730 and
0830z.  QSL via SP5JTF.  Meanwhile, Jurgen, 3W9HRN, is very active
on 10 meters CW around 0630z and 1300z.  QSL via DL1HRN.

MALDIVES, 8Q.  Tusti is QRV as 8Q7DD and has been active on 20
meters SSB around 1200z.  QSL via W4WET.

UNITED ARAB EMIRATES, A6.  A multi-national team of 10 operators
will be QRV from the QTH of A61AJ in the CQ WPX Contest.  QSL via

BAHAMAS, C6.  Bill, AA7X, is QRV from Treasure Key until March 31 as
C6AKK.  This includes an entry in the CQ WPX Contest.  QSL to home

URUGUAY, CX.  Jorge, CX6VM, will be QRV as CW6V in the CQ WPX
Contest.  QSL via W3HNK.

BALEARIC ISLANDS, EA6.  Gabriel, EA6AEQ, will be a Single Op/All
Band entry in the CQ WPX Contest as AN6AEQ.  QSL to home call.
CANARY ISLANDS, EA8.  The Grand Canaria DX Group will be QRV as
AM8CI as a Multi/Single entry in the CQ WPX Contest.  QSL via

Multi/Multi entry in the CQ WPX Contest as TX8G.  QSL via operator's

SCOTLAND, GM.  Keith, GM4YXI, will be active during the CQ WPX
Contest as GM7V.  He will be a Single Op/Single Band High Power
entry.  QSL via ZS5BBO.

LIECHTENSTEIN, HB0.  Five operators will be QRV as HB0/F6KQL until
March 26, including an entry in the CQ WPX Contest.  QSL via F6KQL.

MARIANA ISLANDS, KH0.  Nob, JM1LRQ, is QRV using CW on 160 to 6
meters as KH0/JM1LRQ until March 26.  He plans to be active in the
CQ WPX Contest.  QSL to home call.

GUAM, KH2.  Yoichi, JP1NWZ, is active as KH0XX/NH2 until March 26.
He will participate in the CQ WPX Contest as AH7X/WH2 as a Single
Op/All Band entry.  QSL to home call.

ARGENTINA, LU.  Fifteen operators from Radio Club Rosario are
signing LR7DX on all bands and modes until March 26.  This includes
an entry in the CQ WPX Contest as a Multi/Single entry.  QSL via
operator's instructions.

LUXEMBOURG, LX.  Contest Group Luxembourg will be a CQ WPX Contest
Multi/Single entry as LX5A.  QSL via LX1RQ.

FERNANDO de NORONHA, PY0F.  Peter, PY5CC, is QRV as PY0FM until
March 31.  QSL via JA1VOK.

SWEDEN, SM.  John, SM7CRW, will be active in the CQ WPX Contest as
8S7A from Oland Island, IOTA EU-037.  QSL via W3HNK.

GREECE, SV.  Kostas, SV1DPI, and others will be QRV as J41K from
Agrinio in the CQ WPX Contest.  QSL via SV1DPI.

VANUATU, YJ.  Angelo is QRV as YJ0ABQ.  QSL via I6BQI.

WEEKEND ON THE RADIO.  The CQ WW WPX Phone Contest is scheduled for
this weekend.  Please see March QST, page 114 for details.


As of Sun Mar 18 14:26:16 PST 2001

[ Postmaster's note:  Sorry if this is a duplicate ... the system
  crashed and more seemed to have not received this than those who did! ]

SB DX @ WW < KB8NW $OPDX.503
Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin No. 503

The Ohio/Penn DX PacketCluster
DX Bulletin No. 503
BID: $OPDX.503
March 19, 2001
Editor Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW
Provided by BARF-80 BBS Cleveland, Ohio
Online at 440-237-8208 28.8k-1200 Baud 8/N/1

Thanks to the Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society, Northern Ohio DX
Association, Ohio/Penn PacketCluster Network, AB5K & the AR TelNet
Clusters Network, NC1L, K2KW, W3UR & The Daily DX, N4AA & QRZ DX, N4ZC,
VE5MX for the following DX information.

 The OPDX InterNet Web site has moved to a new server. Those of you who
 read the bulletin at     http://www.en.com/users/k8yse/opdx.html
 will be redirected to the new server at  http://www.papays.com/opdx.html
 The redirect will continue for a few weeks but eventually you will have
 to use the new address in order to access the bulletin. The K8YSE Web site
 has been hosted at en.com for many years. The new site, however, will
 provide more flexibility and allow enhancements not possible on the
 exiting server. For now everything will appear the same. If you have
 any questions, please contact John at:    k8yse@papays.com
 ADDED NOTE: The NODXA Web site has also changed. Please see URL address

DXCC COUNTRY/ENTITY REPORT: According to the AR-Cluster Network for the
week of Sunday, 11/Mar, through Sunday, 18/Mar there were 234 countries
active. Countries available: 3A, 3B8, 3B9, 3D2, 3D2/r, 3V, 3W, 4J, 4L, 4S,
4U1U, 4X, 5A, 5B, 5H, 5N, 5R, 5U, 5V, 5W, 5Z, 6W, 6Y, 7Q, 7X, 8P, 8Q, 8R,
9A, 9G, 9H, 9J, 9K, 9M2, 9M6, 9N, 9V, 9Y, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A9, AP,
BV, BV9P, BY, C2, C3, C5, C6, C9, CE, CE0A, CE9, CM, CN, CP, CT, CT3, CU,
CX, D2, DL, DU, EA, EA6, EA8, EA9, EI, EK, EP, ER, ES, ET, EU, EX, EY, EZ,
F, FG, FH, FJ, FK, FM, FO, FR, FW, FY, G, GD, GI, GJ, GM, GU, GW,
H4, HA, HB, HB0, HC, HH, HI, HK, HK0/a, HL, HP, HR, HS, HV, HZ, I,
IS, J2, J3, J6, J7, J8, JA, JD/m, JT, JW, JX, JY, K, KG4, KH0, KH2, KH4,
KH6, KH8, KL, KP2, KP4, LA, LU, LX, LY, LZ, OA, OD, OE, OH, OH0, OK, OM,
ON, OX, OY, OZ, P2, P4, PA, PJ2, PJ7, PY, PY0F, PZ, R1FJ, S5, S7, SM, SP,
SU, SV, SV5, SV9, T30, T32, T7, T9, TA, TF, TG, TI, TJ, TK, TR, TT,
TU, UA, UA2, UA9, UK, UN, UR, V2, V3, V4, V5, V6, V7, V8, VE, VK,
VK9N, VP2E, VP2M, VP2V, VP5, VP6, VP8, VP8/h, VP9, VQ9, VR, VU, XE,
XU, XX9, YB, YI, YK, YL, YN, YO, YS, YU, YV, Z2, Z3, ZA, ZB, ZC4, ZD7,
ZF, ZK1/s, ZK2, ZK3, ZL, ZP and ZS.
PLEASE NOTE: The report 'could' contain 'Pirate/SLIM' operations. As
always, you never know - 'Work First Worry Later' (WFWL).

OPDX InterNet Subscribers will receive an additional bulletin (due to its
size) with a complete breakdown and 'DXCC/Entities Chart of Activity'.

3B6, AGALEGA (Update/Progress). Hans-Peter, HB9BXE, sent out a press
release (3B6RF Bulletin Nr. 13) this past week. OPDX InterNet Subscribers
will receive the large release as an additional bulletin. In short, the
press release states that preparations for this DXpedition is running
according to plan. On April 21st, three members of the team will head for
Mauritius in order to make final preparations on the spot. The rest of the
crew departs on April 28th, from Zurich. The 3B6 team plans to arrive on
Agalega on May 3rd and plans to be active May 5th for 12 days. There is
the possibility of chartering an aircraft for their trip from Mauritius
to Agalega, and they are still working on it. Using an aircraft will allow
them 2-3 additional operating days. The crew now consists of 20 operators: 
HB9BQI/Rene, HB9BQW/Christine, HB9BXE/Hans-Peter, HB9CRV/Hermann, HB9HFN/
Cedric, HB9JAI/Karl, HB9JBI/Friedhelm, HB9AAQ/Fred, CT1AGF/Luis, CT1EVP/
Antonio, DL3KUD/Matthias, DL6UAA/Mart, F6HMJ/Jack, G3KHZ/Derek, NK6F/Ken,
N3SL/Steve, SP9RTI/Stefan, 3B8CF/Jacky and 4X1DX/Seth. YAESU of Germany
has lent them the following equipment: 6 Transceivers FT1000MP, 6 Linear
Amplifiers VL1000, 6 Power supplies, 2 Transceivers FT 847 and 1 Transceiver
FT 920. They will have a huge arsenal of antennas to use. The group will
have 4 Diesel generators 5.5 kW each. The satellite activity from Agalega
will be the first ever from this remote place. They will concentrate on
using the satellite AO-10, but, however, they will also use RS-12/13
sporadically. There will also be 6 meter activity and also PSK31 since it
is becoming more popular. PKS31 will be used alternately with RTTY. The
PSK31 frequencies to be used are: 14068.15 kHz +/- 1.2 kHz, 21078.15 kHz
+/- 1.2 kHz and 28078.15 kHz +/- 1.2 kHz. SSTV will also be used but for
only 3 days. Split operation is a must for SSTV. Their complete frequency
band plan can be found on the Web site at:     http://www.Agalega2000.ch
QSLs can be sent via the bureau or directly to: Ambrosi Fluetsch, HB9AGH,
Lerchenweg 29, CH 8046 Zurich, Switzerland. For USA only via N3SL:
Steve & Kimberly Larson, 22 N. Hidden Acres Drive, Sioux City, Iowa 51108.
There will be a log search available during and after the operation.
Please check their Web page for further developments.

3B9, RODRIGUES ISLAND. Robert, 3B9FR, has been active recently on 17/12
meters with NO takers. Check between 24480 and 24900 kHz around 1330z.
Check 17073 kHz around 0300z. He can also be found on 20/15/10 meters
CW/SSB between 1230 and 1530z. QSL via Robert Felicite, Box 31, Rodrigues
Island, Indian Ocean, via Mauritius.

3V8, TUNISIA (Attention YL Chasers!). YL operator Zaida has been active
at the controls of 3V8BB. You can usually find her on or around 14260
kHz between 1030 and 1300z.

3W, VIETNAM. Tom, 3W7CW, was heard on 12 meters working simplex on 24896
kHz between 0730 and 0830z. QSL via SP5JTF. Jurgen, 3W9HRN continues to
be very active on 10 meters CW (as well as 15 meters) as early as 0630z
and as late as 1300z. QSL via DL1HRN.

4S, SRI LANKA. Nelson, 4S7NE, seems to like the 30 and 17 meters CW.
Generally he can be found on/around 10103 kHz after 1200z and 18075 kHz
after 1830z.

6Y8A - DXU RESULTS. Kenny, K2KW, reports that the results and photos of
the 6Y8A DXpedition University (DXU) trip can be seen on the Web page:
DXU was the first of its kind to offer a training ground for hams wanting
to learn the art of DXpeditioning. In total, the group made over 21,000
QSOs, and nearly 11,000 in the ARRL SSB Contest. The trip was a great
success, and they are thinking of holding another trip in October or
November 2001 (also to Jamaica). If you are interested in attending,
please send an E-mail message (to express your general interest) to:

9N, NEPAL. Lawerence, 9N7RB, in Katmandu is a good catch on 10 meters
around 28447 or 28487 kHz. Check around/after 1330z and again 0130z.

A5, BHUTAN. Just a few more days to work Dimitri, RA9CO, as A52CO. His
last day should be March 21st. He has been very active on 10 meters CW
(very little SSB) at various time during the day. There has been some
activity on 15, 20 and 40 meters. QSL via UA9DD.

ALL ASIAN DX CONTEST. Suzuki, JJ1ANW, informs OPDX that this summer 'The
Japanese Amateur Radio League' (JARL) will be sponsoring the 'All Asian
DX Contest.' For more details and the rules, please refer to the JARL
Web site at: 

C6, BAHAMAS. Bill, AA7X, will be operating from Treasure Key from March
24-31st including the CQ WPX SSB Contest. His callsign will be C6AKK. QSL
via AA7X. 

DL, GERMANY. Nilay (XYL), TA3YJ, will be active as DL/TA3YJ from March 25th
to March 30th. She will be active on all bands using SSB. QSL via TA3YJ.

D68C PRESS RELEASE. 'The Five Star DXers Association' has released a four
page bulletin (Number  6) with details and statistics of their record
breaking DXpedition to Comoros. Because of its length/size, the D68C
Bulletin No. 6 is available in RTF format at the K8YSE EIDX Web site at:

DXCC NEWS..... Bill Moore, NC1L, DXCC Manager, reports that XU7AAZ has
been approved for DXCC credit. It was on the bad list for lack of
documentation. The documentation has been reviewed and it is OK. People
can now receive DXCC credit. Anyone who has submitted it and had it
rejected can contact DXCC, and their record will be updated without
having to re-submit the card. Send an E-mail to: dxcc@arrl.org. 
If not, it can be included in the next submission.

DU, PHILIPPINES. Larry, N6HPX, is currently on vacation and is signing
as DU1/N6HPX until about April 10th. He is on IOTA OC-042. Most of his
activity has been on 14260 kHz between 1130 and 1300z. He was also reported
on 6 meters on 50225 kHz at 0929z. QSL via N6HPX: 
Larry Fields, 1207 E. Victoria Ct., San Pablo, CA 94806

recently active from French Polynesia as FO0ARE between February 27th and
March 7th, was active from Tahiti Island (OC-046, Windward Islands Group)
between February 27-28th, and again from March 6-7th. The other place he
operated from was on Manihi (OC-131, King George Islands Group) between
March 1-5th. The QSL Manager is Kari, HA8IB. His current address is:
Szabo Karoly, Aradistr. 42., H-5525 Fuzesgyarmat, HUNGARY. QSL via the
bureau is also OK. Eli and his girlfriend Sara, HA9SD, have plans to go
back to the Pacific Ocean during the autumn, possibly to the Austral
Islands or to Marquesas.

GM7, SCOTLAND. Keith, GM4YXI, will be active during the CQ WPX SSB Contest
using the 'North of Scotland Contest Group's' callsign GM7V. His activity
will be a Single Op/Single Band (10m)/High Power entry. QSL as usual via

H40, TEMOTU PROVINCE. Just a reminder that Ron, ZL1AMO, will be active
from beginning around March 21st for three week. This operation is a
special one because it will be his last DXpedition. We are sure many of
you have worked Ron from many rare places and have many of his QSL cards.
Ron is a very special, interesting DXer and person. Your editor is glad
he had a chance to meet him many years ago at a NODXA meeting. Please
show Ron thanks by working him from H40. He will probably sign H40RW or
something with the 'RW' suffix.

HB0, LIENCHTENSTEIN. A team of five French hams will be active from here
from Friday, March 23rd to Monday, March 26th. Activity will be on the
following bands: 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10 meters. The team will use the
callsign HB0/F6KQL. They will also be active during the CQ WPX Contest.
QSL direct or throught the bureau to F6KQL: Radio Club MJC, 
7 Rue de Longvic, 21300 Chenove, France.

HK0, MALPELO ISLANDS. Jairo, HK5MQZ, informs OPDX that he and Hiro, HK5QGX,
will leave for Malpelo Island on April 6th. They plan to operate from April
10-21st. They will sign as HK5MQZ/0 and HK5QGX/0. Activity will be on CW
and SSB, 80/40/30/20/17/15/12/10 meters. However, 160 and 6 meters will be
optional. Jairo, HK5MQZ/0, will work SSB. QSL via Jairo Vargas, P.O. Box
10862, Cali, Colombia. Hiro, HK5QGX/0, will work CW. QSL via JA0MGR.

IOTA NEWS.............
  AS-079.  Take, JI3DST/6, will be active from Miyako Island April 28th
           through May 6th. Activity is planned for 15, 28 and 40 meters
           SSB/RTTY/SSTV. QSL via JI3DST.
  AS-155.  Bob, EA7FGS, on the IOTA Committee, informs OPDX that Lan-Yu
           Island was given AS-155, and it is one of the islands in
           'Taiwan's Coastal Islands'. BV9O was active from here during
           the past weekend.

  EU-065.  Bernard/F9IE and Alain/F6BFH will be active as homecall/p from
           Molene Island May 2-8th. Activity will be on the IOTA frequencies
           SSB and CW. QSL to the bureau or via their home callsign.

IOTA OPERATION. Bill, VK4FW, has made plans to visit three Queensland State
IOTA groups within the next 2 months. He is expected to activate the North
Coast (Centre) Group OC-172, the Torres Strait Group OC-138 and North Coast
(North) Group OC-187. Bill expects to activate them one behind the other.
QSL will be direct only. He also expects many of you to work him from all
three locations, and if you do so, please include a minimum of 2 USD or 2
IRCs for cards. His callsign will be VK4FW/p. Bill will release more details
as soon as all is finalized.

OH, ALAND ISLAND (and IOTA Operation). Ric, DL2VFR, reports that in less
than one month he and Frank, DL2SWW, will be active from Aland Island
(OH0 EU-002) from April 14-20th and Vland Island (SM7 EU-037) from April
21-28th. Their activity will be on CW/SSB/RTTY. He requests to please use
the questionare on the following Web page to give them feedback (Where do
you need them?):         http://www.iota-expedition.com

QSL INFO AND NEWS..................
  3D2TC QSL ROUTE. Bob, W7TSQ, informs OPDX that people continue to send
  QSL requests for contacts with 3D2TC to him. He reports, 'I do not know
  of any reason that I should appear as a manager for this station, I am
  not, never have been, have no logs and no cards!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' The
  only route is DIRECT to 3D2TC, Craig Thompson, Box 273 Suva, Fiji Islands
  S. Pacific. As there is no effective bureau there, DIRECT is the only
  way   to go. Craig does QSL and has a nice QSL card. Bob, W7TSQ is,
  however, QSL Manager for YB0AZ, YB3OSE, YB3ASQ, A35RK, A35SQ, 3D2RK,
  3D2SQ, AH6PN/HR6, N7QXQ/HR6 and any W7TSQ operations ONLY!!!!!!!!!!  
  Alex, PA1AW, is the QSL Manager for 5A24PA. However, he is NOT the QSL
  Manager for 5A1A or any other activities by Abubaker. He is only
  expecting logs for 5A24PA only. Cards will be printed directly after
  completion of this special activity and after receipt of the logs.
  QSLs for 5A24PA go direct only to: Alex van Hengel, PA1AW, Schoener 85,
  2991JK Barendrecht, The Netherlands. He is currently not committed to
  any bureau QSLing.
  QSLs for Richard, CX2AQ, can be sent to his QSL Manager EA5KB.
  Fran, EA7FTR, informs OPDX that he is currently the QSL Manager for
  the following stations: CX8BU, OX3CO, TG9RZ, UN7GCE, VK7KHZ, YB4JIM,
  NOT THE QSL MANAGER. Denny, GW3CDP, informs OPDX that he still continues
  to receive QSL cards for EK4JJ/Serge and EK4GK/Alex for which he is NOT
  the QSL Manager. The only route for EK4JJ and EK4GK is DIRECT. PLEASE
  CHANGE YOUR DATABASES. Denny is, however, the QSL Manager for EY8XX and
  HK3JJH/HK0 QSLs. Apparently, Carl, N4AA, Editor of QRZ DX, has worked
  a deal out with Pedro, HK3JJH, on QSLing for his 1999 operation. Cards
  should be sent to N4AA with an SASE. Carl will send the QSO data to
  Pedro by E-mail.  Pedro will fill out the cards and send them to Carl
  in batches, and Carl will put them in the SASE for return to the sender.
  This might be a little slow, but cards will be answered without fear
  of losing them in the Colombian mail system.
  The log for the PW0S (St. Peter and St. Paul Rocks) is now available
  on the Web page at:         http://www.soutomaior.eti.br/mario
  If there are any questions about QSOs not in the log or any other kind
  of problem, please send a message to the QSL Manager KU9C at: ku9c@arrl.net

  Mike, KQ0B, informs OPDX that anyone needing cards for Eli, PT7BZ,
  and as PT7BZ/PY0F can either send them direct to Eli, via bureau to
  PT7BZ or to Mike, KQ0B. Please note: Mike is awaiting Eli's latest log
  entries which should be sent to him shortly. He has already received
  the cards and will reply once he get Eli's log.

  QSLs for XW3QBR, XW3ZNR, XU7AAY and XY7AAZ. Roger, N4ZC, informs OPDX
  that IN3ZNR continues to be the correct QSL Manager for XW3QBR, XW3ZNR,
  XU7AAY and XU7AAZ .....but, for those USA stations that have not sent
  for their cards by now, or those wanting a faster reply, N4ZC has the
  complete logs and blank cards for those N.A stations that want a cheaper
  or faster way to get their cards. Those stations using U.S. postage may
  send a normal SASE for their cards to N4ZC. If you have already sent your
  cards to Italy, don't worry, all U.S. cards when answered will be sent
  in a box from IN3ZNR to N4ZC and mailed from N4ZC's NC QTH. If you must
  have a faster return for some reason, N4ZC can return N.A. cards within
  a day to two. Those stations outside N.A. should continue to use only
  IN3ZNR. They are working on answering cards at this time.

SPECIAL EVENT. Look for station TM0AR to be active during the 'International
Festival of Art and Technologies' from May 15-27th. Activity will be on
40/20/15/10 meters including the WARC bands. Reference DDFM - 72. QSL via
F5TJC: Jean-Louis Briere-Lecomte, 18 Le Petit Saint Louis, 72400 Cormes,

TX8, NEW CALEDONIA (Update/Correction). Franck, FK8HC, informs OPDX that
FK8GM, FK8HW, LA5IIA and Franck will sign with the callsign TX8G (not
TX5G as reported last week) during the CQ WPX Contest as a Multi/Multi

VB6, CANADA (Attention Prefix Hunters!). Todd, VE5MX, informs OPDX that
he will be using the special callsign VB6A from VE6JY in the upcoming CQ
WPX SSB Contest. All QSLs go via VE5MX, bureau preferred.

VP6CW AND VP6BK QRT. Robert, KD7H, spoke with Tom, VP6TC, Tuesday night,
and he told him that Jacky/F2CW (VP6CW) and Kan/JA1BK (VP6BK) were on
Pitcairn for the entire length of their VP6 operation. They were not on
Ducie Island or any other island. The two operators are attempting to
get Pitcairn admitted into the IARU and 'then' perhaps Ducie will be a
separate counter (new entity). The two operators left the island and
might be active from other Pacific islands on their way home.

ZK1, NORTH AND SOUTH COOK ISLANDS. Victor Rivera, ZK1CG, on South Cook
is back on the air again after being off for 10 years. This is thanks to
Roger/W7VV and Sue for the very kind donation of an IC-751A and a G5RV
vertical. Victor will be operating on all bands from 160-10 meters. If
conditions are good he will change bands with you so you can work South
Cooks on all bands. He was spotted this past week on 20 meters (around
14200 kHz) between 0430-0700z. QSL only direct to: Victor Rivera, P.O.
Box 618, Rarotonga Cook Islands (or use the info on QRZ.com Web site).
Victor is clearing a back log of old QSLs from the past contacts he has
made. If you worked ZK1CG from South or North Cook Islands in the past
and did not receive a card, please send again. Also, look for Victor/ ZK1CG,
Tuatai/ZK1CY (ZK1MA) and members from the WWDXC Club Roger/W7VV (ZK1VVV),
Bob/W7TSQ (ZK1TSQ), and three others to be going to Manihiki, North Cook
for the CQWW SSB Contest this year in October for one week. They will
have 4, 5 and 7 element beams and will be active on 160-10 meters. On the
return from North Cook, all operators will be active from South Cook.
ADDED NOTE: Look for ZK1MA to be active from North Cook. Tuatai, ZK1CY,
is leaving South Cook and is heading back to Manihiki on the next boat.
Tuatai lives in Manihiki.

SPECIAL NOTE BY EDITOR: If you are having a problem receiving bounced
mail by sending mail to me via ' kb8nw@barf80.nshore.org ', please send
mail to me via ' kb8nw@arrl.net '...... TNX de Tedd KB8NW
   Help:        <mailto:opdx-request@nshore.org?subject=help>
   Subscribe:   <mailto:opdx-request@nshore.org?subject=subscribe>
   Unsubscribe: <mailto:opdx-request@nshore.org?subject=unsubscribe>
Excerpts and distribution of The OPDX Bulletin are granted as long as
KB8NW/OPDX/BARF80 receive credit. To contribute DX info, call BARF-80 BBS
online at 440-237-8208 28.8k/14400/9600/2400/1200 and leave a message with
the Sysop or send via InterNet Mail to: 
        kb8nw@barf80.nshore.org     - OR -   kb8nw@arrl.net
Use the VOICE or FAX answering machine at 440-237-8208 which shares the
same phone line as BARF-80 BBS using a data/fax/phone switch. To access:
1) Dial Number. 2) Wait for first ring (the second ring should be a false
ring from the fax/data switch box) and then dial four quick ones ('1111').
(NOTE: Some FAX machines that send single 'BEEPS' every second will not
have to do this step.) 3) The phone will pick up and after the 'BEEP' 
leave your voice message or FAX.

Additional Bulletins for OPDX InterNet Subscribers.

From: <HB9CRV@aol.com
To: kb8nw@barf80.nshore.org
Sent: Saturday, March 17, 2001 10:47 AM
Subject: Agalega Bulletin Nr. 13

Agalega - 3B6RF Bulletin Nr. 13

Time table
The preparations for this DXpedition will soon come to a close. Everything
is running according to plan. On April 21, three members of the team head for
Mauritius in order to make final preparations on the spot. The rest of the
crew departs on 28 April, flight MK071 from Zurich.

The crew now consists of:

1. HB9BQI Rene
2. HB9BQW Christine
3. HB9BXE Hans-Peter
4. HB9CRV Hermann
5. HB9HFN Cedric
6. HB9JAI Karl
7. HB9JBI Friedhelm
8. HB9AAQ Fred
9. CT1AGF Luis
10. CT1EVP Antonio
11. DL3KUD Matthias
12. DL6UAA Mart
13. F6HMJ Jack
14. G3KHZ Derek
15. NK6F Ken
16. N3SL Steve
17. SP9RTI Stefan
18. 3B8CF Jacky
19. 4X1DX Seth

YAESU Germany has lent us the following equipment:

6 Transceivers FT1000MP
6 Linear Amplifiers VL1000
6 Power supplies
2 Transceivers FT 847
1 Transceiver FT 920

4 Diesel generators 5.5 kW each.

5 x Beam 10/15/20m Force12
2 x Beam 12/17/m Force12
1 x Beam 30/m Force12
1 x 4square 40m, Comteck Force12
1 x 4square 80m, Comteck Force12
1x Vertical 75m V80E Titanex
1x Vertical 160m V160 Titanex
1x Delta loop 30m, full size homebrew
1x Delta loop 40m, full size homebrew
1x Delta loop 80m, full size homebrew
1x Vertical HF6V Butternut
1x Vertical T25 Sommer
1x 7ele Beam 10m homebrew
1x 6m Beam ZX Wimo
1x 160m Beverage CW homebrew
2x 80 m Beverages CW/SSB homebrew
2x 80/160m terminated loops CW/SSB K9AY
2x 40/80m pennant antennas CW/SSB homebrew

TX Band pass filters 48 items
RX Filter, XTAL & LC 18 items
Almost all antennas have been erected, tested and tuned during the 3B8 mid
March meeting near Basle. The antennas are packed and ready to be shipped by

1000m coax cable, 4000 feet Dacron guying rope etc.

Satellite-Operating 3B6RF
Our satellite activity from Agalega will be the first ever from this remote
place. We will concentrate on using the satellite AO-10. Do not forget! This
satellite has got a problem with the batteries. Apart from our activity via
AO-10 we will also use RS-12/13 sporadically, which does not allow worldwide
operation. We are also looking for the daily progress with the new satellite
AO-40 and hope it may be possible to use it during our operation from
Agalega. Keep your fingers crossed! Please check the sat frequencies, the
status and the recommendations on the web side of AMSAT. We will publish all
the necessary news and data of our satellite activity (e.g. like the
timetable below) on our homepage in time to make sure that interested hams
can successfully make QSOs with 3B6RF. We will be using a 9ele-Yagi for
2m-downlink incl. a preamplifier and a 21ele-Yagi for 70cm uplink. The
transceiver is a Yaesu FT-847. Our downlink frequency will be 145.895 MHz,
+/- QRM. During heavy pile-ups we will operate split. Please listen to the
operator's instructions. Please send any information, hints and suggestions
before our departure to Agalega to Matthias, DL3KUD 
(DL3KUD@QSL.NET <mailto:DL3KUD@QSL.NET>) and during our operation contact
our pilot stations.

6m operating
The 50MHz band really is a 'Magic Band'. Can you believe that on a dead
VHF-Band you can suddenly hear a DX station about 10000km away from you?
That's the 'Magic Band'. Now, we are at the solar maximum of cycle 23 and
worldwide contacts may be possible frequently via F2-Reflections and TEP
(Trans-Equatorial Propagation). We have a good opportunity to use F2 when
the solar flux index is >185 and the earth magnetic A=20 .. 30. Six-meter F2
contacts are generally possible only over paths entirely in daylight. Limited
experience with TEP indicates that it peaks between 1700 and 2200 local time.
TEP signals have a rough aurora-like note. So it is better to work slow CW
than SSB. High power and large antennas are not required to work TEP. Large
pile-ups will be inevitable from European areas. For TEP from 3B6 the antenna
will be directed to the north (360' +/- 45'). We will operate 3 different
modes on 6m: Memory Scan Mode, Beacon Mode and QSO-Mode. Always remember,
nobody can tell the duration of an opening. It can be a few minutes or
several hours.

PSK 31
PSK31 is becoming more and more popular. 3B6RF will also be QRV on this new
mode on 20m, 15m and 10m. PKS31 will be used alternately with RTTY. The
equipment for PSK31 will be:
Transceiver FT1000MP + Linear VL 1000
Antenna: Force 12 3 el. multi band beam
Computer Toshiba CX230, Pentium 133 MHz
Software WinPSK31 Version 2.02
Frequencies to be used are:
14068.15 kHz +/- 1.2 kHz
21078.15 kHz +/- 1.2 kHz
28078.15 kHz +/- 1.2 kHz

We will call CQ on the above mentioned frequencies. However, in order to
handle the pile up we will listen +/- 1.2 kHz. That will mean that you have
to shift the RX frequency on your sound card slightly. For instance; TX is
on 1500 Hz and RX 1350 Hz or vice versa. Contrary to the usual operating 3B6RF
will use the TX frequency as master in PSK31. This operating method will
also give a chance to the little pistols.

We have decided to operate SSTV for 3 days. All involved stations have to
maintain discipline and good operating practice to guarantee success. Guess
what will happen if all stations start to send a picture at the same time!
The following rules will allow each station to copy a picture from 3B6RF and
to get the chance to send his personal picture with call sign etc. Split
operation is a must in SSTV too.

Example 1:
Agalega calls in phone CQ SSTV from 3B6RF. The answering stations reply with
the 2 last letters of their suffix. 3B6RF copies AX and answers 'AX' go
and send your picture. The length of the transmission should not exceed 40
seconds, containing call sign and report. Please don't send a full picture
because this will take too much time.

Example 2:
3B6RF transmits a picture of 40 seconds length with incorporated call sign
HB9EAX answers with his suffix AX. More details can be found on our home
www.Agalega2000.ch <http://www.Agalega2000.ch>

Extensive propagation studies have been carried out which will allow us to
become aware of all possible openings. The outcome of these studies can be
found on our homepage www.Agalega2000.ch <http://www.Agalega2000.ch>. They show the times of band
openings. Gray line charts are also contained and show the small windows of
band openings on 40m, 80m and 160m. A special link connects to an excellent
propagation tool www.agtim.ch/Java/HFmapViewer/3b6.html 
<http://www.agtim.ch/Java/HFmapViewer/3b6.html>. OM Andre HB9BIG 
the author of these propagation maps.

Frequency plan
As far as possible we will stick to our frequency plan. That will be
maintained, as long as our TX frequency is as free from QRM as possible.
Modifications of our band plan will be published on our home page
www.Agalega2000.ch <http://www.Agalega2000.ch>. Stations who don't have an
Internet link please see our attached frequency plan.

Police men
We didn't elect so called BAPO's (band police man). Anyway they will become
active with their own justification and they will interfere with efficient
operating. In the worst case they will make operating impossible. In this
case 3B6RF will shift it's TX frequency. If, suddenly 3B6RF cannot be copied
any more please look 1 kHz (CW) or 2 kHz (SSB) up or down!!

The following pilot stations are active for 3B6RF:
HB9DLE, Sigi, Europe and pilot coordinator: 
   hb9dle@uska.ch <mailto:hb9dle@uska.ch>
K6GNX, Bill, USA bavery@telemetry.com <mailto:bavery@telemetry.com>.
JA3LDH, Yasu, Japan: ja3ldh@tcct.zaq.ne.jp <mailto:ja3ldh@tcct.zaq.ne.jp>
PT7BI, Daniel, South America: 
  mdmassun@fortalnet.com.br <mailto:mdmassun@fortalnet.com.br>

These stations will handle all public relations and the feed back from the
HAM community world wide.

They will report to us, on how our expedition is being judged and suggest
what improvements we may be able to make. This input is very important to
us, because this will be our only feed back about signal strength, possible
band openings and other suggestions. Communications to and from our pilots
will be via Inmarsat satellite. The crew will read these inputs on our notice

QSLs can be sent via the bureau or directly to:

Ambrosi Fluetsch, HB9AGH
Lerchenweg 29
CH 8046 Zurich

Or to HB9AGH via the QSL bureau

USA only via N3SL
Steve & Kimberly Larson
22 N. Hidden Acres Drive
Sioux City, Iowa 51108

Please include a self-addressed envelope in order to keep QSL'ing fees to a
minimum. Don't use airmail envelopes and don't mark your return envelope via
airmail. Surface mail to USA / Canada, Europe and Japan goes by air anyway !
QSL requests with insufficient or without IRC/$ will be answered via the
bureau. For instance SAE airmail with 1 IRC or 1$ will be sent via the
bureau. Please be aware of the fact that postal fees from Switzerland to
outside Europe for a 20 g letter (2 QSLs) requires 2 IRCs or 2$

Log search
During and after our expedition one can check whether and on which band your
call is contained in the 3B6RF log. Whenever possible the log will be
updated every 24 hours. Our logs will be forwarded via INMARSAT to our head
pilot Sigi HB9DLE. Afterwards, Markus, HB9ZFL transfers the log data to our
home page. It is our sincere hope that the DX community benefits from this
service and that it helps to prevent dupes. Please note that one minute via
INMARSAT costs us >6US$!!

Saturday April 28th 2001 departure from Zurich to Mauritius
Tuesday May 1st 2001 departure by ship from Port Luis to Agalega
Thursday May 3rd 2001 arrival at Agalega
Saturday May 5th 2001 QRV for 12 days
Wednesday May 16th 2001 disassembly of the stations and the camp
Thursday May 17th 2001 departure by ship from Agalega to Port Luis
Friday May 18th 2001 arrival at Mauritius
Sunday May 20th 2001 09:00, flight back to Zurich

There is the possibility of chartering an aircraft for our trip from
Mauritius to Agalega and we are still working on it. Using an aircraft will
allow us 2 - 3 additional operating days. Please check our home page
www.Agalega2000.ch <http://www.Agalega2000.ch>. for further developments.
See you in the pile ups. Best 73's
Hans-Peter, HB9BXE
                       AB5K AR-Cluster Network
                   DXCC/Entities Chart of Activity
             For the week of Sunday, 11/Mar - Saturday, 17/Mar
      Nmbr of   Nmbr of           Band of              Days of
DXCC  Stations   Spots            Activity             the Week        Modes
----  --------  -------  --------------------------  -------------  ----------
1A        1         1                                            /S  CW/   /RTTY
3A        4        13        /40/  /20/17/15/         M/T/W/T/F/ /S  CW/SSB/RTTY
3B6       0         0                                                        
3B8       7        52           /30/20/17/15/12/10/6  M/T/W/T/F/ /S  CW/SSB/RTTY
3B9       2        17              /20/17/15/12/10/6  M/ /W/T/F/     CW/SSB/RTTY
3D2       5        91        /40/           /12/10/6  M/T/W/T/F/S/S  CW/SSB/RTTY
3D2/r     1         6              /20/  /15/                    /S  CW/   /RTTY
3V        2        14              /20/                /T/ /T/         /SSB/ 
3W       10        64              /20/  /15/  /10/6   /T/W/T/F/S/S  CW/SSB/RTTY
4J        8        32              /20/17/15/12/10/6   /T/W/T/F/ /S  CW/SSB/RTTY
4L       10        55     /80/40/  /20/  /15/12/10/6  M/T/W/T/F/ /S  CW/SSB/RTTY
4S        7        34        /40/30/20/17/15/12/10/6  M/T/W/T/F/S/S  CW/SSB/RTTY
4U1U      2         2                       /12/       /T/       /S    /SSB/
4X       26        66  160/80/40/30/20/17/15/12/10/6  M/T/W/T/F/S/S  CW/SSB/RTTY
5A        2         3                    /15/  /10/6  M/ /W/     /S  CW/SSB/RTTY
5B       12        66  160/     /30/20/17/  /12/10/6  M/T/W/T/F/S/S  CW/SSB/RTTY
5H        1        42  160/     /30/20/        /10/6  M/T/W/T/F/ /S  CW/SSB/RTTY
5N        5        16        /40/  /20/17/             /T/       /S  CW/SSB/RTTY
5R        5        11              /20/17/  /12/10/6   /T/W/T/   /S  CW/SSB/RTTY
5U        8       207     /80/40/30/20/17/15/12/10/6  M/T/W/ /F/ /S  CW/SSB/RTTY
5V        1         4                    /15/  /10/6   /T/W/T/   /S  CW/SSB/RTTY
5W        2        23     /80/40/        /15/12/         /W/T/F/ /S  CW/SSB/RTTY
5Z        3         9                    /15/12/10/6         /F/ /S    /SSB/ 
6W        6        19              /20/17/15/  /10/6  M/         /S  CW/SSB/RTTY
6Y        8        34              /20/17/15/12/10/6       /T/F/S/S    /SSB/ 
7Q        5        64              /20/        /10/6  M/T/W/T/F/ /S  CW/SSB/RTTY
7X        9        50     /80/     /20/17/15/12/10/6  M/T/W/T/F/ /S  CW/SSB/RTTY
8P        5         8        /40/  /20/17/15/         M/ /W/ /F/ /S  CW/SSB/RTTY
8Q        1         5              /20/  /15/              /T/F/       /SSB/ 
8R        4         8                 /17/15/  /10/6  M/T/       /S  CW/SSB/RTTY
9A       20        59  160/80/  /30/20/17/15/12/10/6  M/T/W/T/F/S/S  CW/SSB/RTTY
9G        1        11                          /10/6     /W/T/         /SSB/
9H       19        51  160/80/40/30/20/17/15/12/10/6  M/T/W/T/   /S  CW/SSB/RTTY
9J        2        10     /80/     /20/  /15/  /10/6  M/   /T/   /S  CW/SSB/RTTY
9K       18       204     /80/  /30/20/17/15/12/10/6  M/T/W/T/F/S/S  CW/SSB/RTTY
9M2       5        38        /40/     /17/15/         M/T/W/T/F/ /S  CW/SSB/RTTY
9M6       4        27                    /15/  /10/6  M/T/W/T/F/ /S  CW/   /RTTY
9N        1        35              /20/  /15/  /10/6  M/T/W/ /F/ /S  CW/SSB/RTTY
9V        4         9           /30/20/17/15/            /W/T/F/ /S  CW/SSB/RTTY
9Y        8        12              /20/     /12/      M/T/W/T/   /S  CW/SSB/RTTY
A2        2        15              /20/  /15/  /10/6  M/ /W/   /S/S    /SSB/ 
A3        2         6              /20/  /15/         M/T/W/     /S  CW/SSB/RTTY
A4       14       149     /80/     /20/17/15/12/10/6  M/T/W/T/F/ /S  CW/SSB/RTTY
A5        5        98     /80/40/  /20/  /15/  /10/6  M/T/W/T/F/ /S  CW/SSB/RTTY
A6        1         4  160/80/     /20/                    /T/ /S/     /SSB/ 
A7        2         7              /20/               M/ /W/T/   /S    /SSB/ 
A9        2        11              /20/17/            M/T/W/T/       CW/SSB/RTTY
AP        5        20              /20/17/15/12/10/6  M/T/W/T/F/ /S  CW/SSB/RTTY
BV       37       176     /80/40/  /20/  /15/12/10/6  M/T/W/T/F/ /S  CW/SSB/RTTY
BV9P      3       564  160/80/40/30/20/17/15/12/10/6  M/T/W/T/   /S  CW/SSB/RTTY
BY       41        99     /80/40/30/20/17/15/12/10/6  M/T/W/T/F/ /S  CW/SSB/RTTY
C2        3        59     /80/  /30/20/17/15/         M/T/W/         CW/SSB/RTTY
C3        5        18        /40/  /20/  /15/12/10/6  M/T/W/T/   /S  CW/SSB/RTTY
C5        1         1                       /12/       /T/             /SSB/ 
C6        5         9              /20/  /15/12/10/6   /T/W/T/F/ /S    /SSB/ 
C9        1         1                          /10/6   /T/           CW/   /RTTY
CE       24        57  160/80/40/  /20/17/15/12/10/6  M/T/W/T/F/S/S  CW/SSB/RTTY
CE0A      6      1056  160/80/40/30/20/17/15/12/10/6  M/T/W/T/F/S/S  CW/SSB/RTTY
CE9       5       116     /80/  /30/20/17/15/  /10/6  M/T/W/T/F/S/S  CW/SSB/RTTY
CM       33       100        /40/30/20/17/15/12/10/6  M/T/W/T/F/S/S  CW/SSB/RTTY
CN       12        42        /40/  /20/17/15/12/10/6  M/T/W/T/   /S  CW/SSB/RTTY
CP        3        21              /20/        /10/6  M/T/W/T/   /S    /SSB/ 
CT       27        40  160/  /40/  /20/     /12/10/6  M/T/W/T/F/S/S  CW/SSB/RTTY
CT3       7        48           /30/20/  /15/12/10/6  M/T/W/T/F/ /S  CW/SSB/RTTY
CU        5        14              /20/        /10/6  M/T/W/T/   /S    /SSB/ 
CX       24        62        /40/30/20/17/15/12/10/6  M/T/W/T/F/S/S  CW/SSB/RTTY
D2        3        26              /20/  /15/  /10/6     /W/T/   /S    /SSB/ 
DL      105       153  160/80/40/30/20/17/15/12/10/6  M/T/W/T/F/S/S  CW/SSB/RTTY
DU       30        87  160/  /40/30/20/17/15/12/10/6  M/T/W/T/F/S/S  CW/SSB/RTTY
EA      117       242  160/80/40/30/20/17/15/12/10/6  M/T/W/T/F/S/S  CW/SSB/RTTY
EA6      11        27  160/80/40/30/20/17/15/  /10/6  M/T/W/T/F/ /S  CW/SSB/RTTY
EA8      32        82     /80/40/30/20/17/15/12/10/6  M/T/W/T/F/S/S  CW/SSB/RTTY
EA9       9        27        /40/  /20/17/15/12/10/6   /T/W/T/F/ /S  CW/SSB/RTTY
EI       12        18     /80/40/  /20/17/15/12/10/6  M/ /W/T/F/ /S  CW/SSB/RTTY
EK        3        19              /20/17/15/  /10/6   /T/W/T/F/ /S    /SSB/ 
EP        9        37              /20/  /15/  /10/6       /T/F/ /S  CW/SSB/RTTY
ER       10        50  160/80/40/30/20/17/15/12/10/6  M/T/W/T/F/ /S  CW/SSB/RTTY
ES       11        24     /80/     /20/  /15/12/10/6  M/T/W/T/F/ /S  CW/SSB/RTTY
ET        3        56              /20/17/  /12/      M/T/W/T/F/ /S  CW/SSB/RTTY
EU       21        52     /80/40/30/20/17/15/12/10/6  M/T/W/T/F/S/S  CW/SSB/RTTY
EX       17       118  160/80/40/30/20/17/15/12/10/6  M/T/W/T/F/S/S  CW/SSB/RTTY
EY        5        69     /80/40/  /20/17/15/12/10/6  M/T/W/T/F/S/S  CW/SSB/RTTY
EZ        7        51  160/     /30/20/17/15/12/10/6  M/T/W/T/F/ /S  CW/SSB/RTTY
F        57        81  160/80/40/30/20/17/15/12/10/6  M/T/W/T/F/ /S  CW/SSB/RTTY
FG        9        35  160/        /20/        /10/6  M/T/W/T/F/ /S  CW/SSB/RTTY
FH        2        13              /20/        /10/6   /T/ /T/F/       /SSB/ 
FJ        6        22     /80/     /20/     /12/      M/T/W/T/   /S  CW/SSB/RTTY
FK        8        34        /40/30/20/17/15/  /10/6  M/T/W/T/F/ /S  CW/SSB/RTTY
FM        9        50     /80/40/30/20/17/15/12/10/6  M/T/W/ /F/S/S  CW/SSB/RTTY
FO        5        19              /20/               M/   /T/F/ /S    /SSB/ 
FR       10        64        /40/  /20/17/15/         M/T/W/T/F/ /S  CW/SSB/RTTY
FW        1        37        /40/  /20/  /15/  /10/6   /T/W/T/F/ /S  CW/SSB/RTTY
FY        7        24              /20/     /12/10/6  M/T/W/T/F/ /S  CW/SSB/RTTY
G        59        95  160/80/40/30/20/17/15/12/10/6  M/T/W/T/F/S/S  CW/SSB/RTTY
GD        5        17                    /15/12/10/6  M/T/W/T/F/ /S  CW/SSB/RTTY
GI       12        23     /80/40/     /17/15/12/10/6   /T/W/T/F/S/S  CW/SSB/RTTY
GJ       11       103  160/80/40/30/20/17/  /12/10/6  M/ /W/T/F/S/S  CW/SSB/RTTY
GM       17        29        /40/  /20/  /15/12/10/6  M/ /W/T/F/ /S  CW/SSB/RTTY
GU        3        21        /40/  /20/17/15/  /10/6  M/T/ /T/   /S  CW/SSB/RTTY
GW       13        19  160/80/40/30/20/17/15/  /10/6  M/T/W/T/F/S/S  CW/SSB/RTTY
H4        3         9              /20/17/15/12/      M/   /T/F/ /S    /SSB/ 
HA       30        56  160/80/40/  /20/17/15/12/10/   M/T/W/T/F/S/S  CW/SSB/RTTY
HB       18        29  160/  /40/30/20/  /15/12/10/6  M/T/ /T/F/ /S  CW/SSB/RTTY
HB0       1         3                       /12/             /F/ /S  CW/SSB/RTTY
HC       12        58  160/  /40/30/20/17/15/12/10/6  M/T/W/T/F/S/S  CW/SSB/RTTY
HC8       2         8                                    /W/T/   /S  CW/   /RTTY
HH        1         3                          /10/6             /S  CW/   /RTTY
HI       19       235     /80/40/  /20/17/15/12/10/6  M/T/W/T/F/S/S  CW/SSB/RTTY
HK       15        35     /80/40/  /20/  /15/12/10/6  M/T/W/T/F/ /S  CW/SSB/RTTY
HK0/a     3        10           /30/20/        /10/6   /T/   /F/S/S  CW/SSB/RTTY
HL       60       218  160/80/40/  /20/  /15/12/10/6  M/T/W/T/F/S/S  CW/SSB/RTTY
HP       10        92        /40/  /20/17/15/  /10/6  M/T/W/T/F/S/S  CW/SSB/RTTY
HR        5        15              /20/  /15/          /T/W/   /S/   CW/SSB/RTTY
HS       11        65              /20/  /15/  /10/6  M/T/W/T/F/ /S  CW/SSB/RTTY
HV        2         5                       /12/10/6         /F/ /S  CW/   /RTTY
HZ        4        23              /20/     /12/10/6  M/ /W/T/   /S  CW/SSB/RTTY
I        83       135  160/80/40/30/20/17/15/12/10/6  M/T/W/T/F/S/S  CW/SSB/RTTY
IS       11        15     /80/40/30/20/17/15/12/10/6  M/T/W/T/F/S/S  CW/SSB/RTTY
J2        3        19              /20/17/15/  /10/6   /T/W/T/F/ /S  CW/SSB/RTTY
J3        2        13              /20/  /15/  /10/6  M/T/W/T/       CW/SSB/RTTY
J6        2         8              /20/  /15/         M/T/W/T/   /S    /SSB/ 
J7        4        13              /20/17/  /12/10/6  M/   /T/F/ /S    /SSB/ 
J8        1         8        /40/30/           /10/6  M/ /W/T/   /S  CW/   /RTTY
JA      188       269  160/80/40/30/20/17/15/12/10/6  M/T/W/T/F/S/S  CW/SSB/RTTY
JD/m      3        19        /40/  /20/  /15/  /10/6  M/       /S/S  CW/SSB/RTTY
JT        5        76     /80/  /30/20/17/15/12/10/6  M/T/W/T/F/ /S  CW/SSB/RTTY
JW        8        85  160/  /40/30/20/17/15/12/10/6  M/T/W/T/   /S  CW/SSB/RTTY
JX        4        37              /20/17/15/12/10/6  M/     /F/ /S  CW/SSB/RTTY
JY        5        65        /40/  /20/17/  /12/10/6  M/T/W/T/F/ /S  CW/SSB/RTTY
K       318       503  160/80/40/30/20/17/15/12/10/6  M/T/W/T/F/S/S  CW/SSB/RTTY
KG4       4        18                       /12/10/6           /S/S  CW/SSB/RTTY
KH0      12       125  160/  /40/30/20/17/15/12/10/6  M/T/ /T/F/S/S  CW/SSB/RTTY
KH2       7        20              /20/  /15/  /10/6  M/     /F/S/S  CW/SSB/RTTY
KH4       1         1                    /15/                /F/     CW/   /RTTY
KH6      20        66  160/        /20/17/15/12/10/6  M/T/W/T/F/ /S  CW/SSB/RTTY
KH8       2         2                          /10/6             /S    /SSB/ 
KL       18        55  160/80/     /20/  /15/12/10/6  M/T/W/T/F/S/S  CW/SSB/RTTY
KP2       4        10              /20/  /15/  /10/6   /T/W/   /S/S  CW/SSB/RTTY
KP4      21        76              /20/17/15/12/10/6  M/T/W/T/F/S/S  CW/SSB/RTTY
LA       18        29  160/80/40/  /20/  /15/  /10/6  M/T/W/T/F/ /S  CW/SSB/RTTY
LU       86       196  160/80/40/  /20/17/15/12/10/6  M/T/W/T/F/S/S  CW/SSB/RTTY
LX       16        28     /80/  /30/20/  /15/12/10/6  M/T/W/T/F/ /S  CW/SSB/RTTY
LY       12        28        /40/  /20/17/15/12/10/6   /T/W/T/F/S/S  CW/SSB/RTTY
LZ       20        42  160/80/40/30/20/  /15/  /10/6  M/T/W/T/F/S/S  CW/SSB/RTTY
OA        6        36              /20/  /15/  /10/6  M/T/W/T/F/S/S  CW/SSB/RTTY
OD        8        87        /40/30/20/17/15/12/10/6  M/T/W/T/F/S/S  CW/SSB/RTTY
OE       22        28     /80/40/  /20/  /15/12/10/6  M/T/W/T/F/ /S  CW/SSB/RTTY
OH       16        20     /80/  /30/20/     /12/10/6  M/T/W/T/ /S/S  CW/SSB/RTTY
OH0       2         3  160/              /15/         M/ /W/T/       CW/SSB/RTTY
OK       36        59  160/80/40/30/20/  /15/12/10/6  M/T/W/T/F/S/S  CW/SSB/RTTY
OM       11        35  160/     /30/  /17/  /12/10/6  M/T/W/T/F/ /S  CW/SSB/RTTY
ON       22        37  160/80/40/  /20/17/15/12/10/6  M/T/W/T/F/S/S  CW/SSB/RTTY
OX        3         6           /30/  /17/  /12/10/6   /T/       /S  CW/SSB/RTTY
OY        8        42           /30/20/17/15/12/10/6  M/T/W/T/F/ /S  CW/SSB/RTTY
OZ       21        46           /30/     /15/12/10/6  M/T/ /T/F/ /S  CW/SSB/RTTY
P2        6        15        /40/              /10/6  M/T/ /T/F/S/S  CW/SSB/RTTY
P4       10        86        /40/30/20/17/15/12/10/6  M/T/W/T/F/ /S  CW/SSB/RTTY
PA       28        42     /80/40/30/20/17/15/12/10/6  M/T/W/T/F/S/S  CW/SSB/RTTY
PJ2       5        42        /40/  /20/17/  /12/      M/T/W/T/ /S/S  CW/SSB/RTTY
PJ7       6        61  160/80/     /20/17/15/12/10/6  M/T/W/T/   /S  CW/SSB/RTTY
PY      102       272     /80/40/30/20/17/15/12/10/6  M/T/W/T/F/S/S  CW/SSB/RTTY
PY0F      2        11              /20/  /15/            /W/T/ /S/S    /SSB/ 
PZ        8        30        /40/  /20/17/15/12/10/6  M/T/W/T/F/ /S  CW/SSB/RTTY
R1FJ      2        24        /40/  /20/        /10/6  M/ /W/ /F/     CW/SSB/RTTY
S5       21        31        /40/30/20/  /15/12/10/6  M/T/W/T/F/ /S  CW/SSB/RTTY
S7        2        52        /40/30/  /17/15/12/10/6  M/T/W/T/F/ /S  CW/SSB/RTTY
S9        1         1                                  /T/           CW/   /RTTY
SM       43        68  160/80/  /30/20/17/15/  /10/6  M/T/W/T/F/S/S  CW/SSB/RTTY
SP       34        43  160/80/  /30/20/  /15/12/10/6  M/T/W/T/F/S/S  CW/SSB/RTTY
SU        8        47              /20/  /15/12/10/6  M/T/W/T/F/ /S  CW/SSB/RTTY
SV       30        86  160/80/40/30/20/17/15/12/10/6  M/T/W/T/F/ /S  CW/SSB/RTTY
SV5       3         7     /80/     /20/  /15/          /T/W/   /S/S  CW/SSB/RTTY
SV9       4         8  160/              /15/12/10/6   /T/W/         CW/SSB/RTTY
T30       1        23              /20/  /15/              /T/F/     CW/SSB/RTTY
T32       1         1              /20/                          /S  CW/   /RTTY
T7        2        24  160/        /20/17/15/12/10/6   /T/W/T/F/ /S  CW/SSB/RTTY
T9        8        17  160/  /40/  /20/17/  /12/10/6  M/T/W/ /F/ /S  CW/SSB/RTTY
TA       13        55  160/  /40/  /20/17/15/12/10/6  M/T/W/T/F/ /S  CW/SSB/RTTY
TF        9        23              /20/17/15/12/10/6   /T/ /T/F/ /S  CW/SSB/RTTY
TG        7        28              /20/17/  /12/10/6  M/T/W/T/F/ /S  CW/SSB/RTTY
TI       20        57     /80/     /20/     /12/10/6  M/T/W/T/F/S/S  CW/SSB/RTTY
TJ        1         1              /20/                /T/             /SSB/ 
TK        5        13           /30/20/17/15/  /10/6  M/T/W/T/F/S/   CW/SSB/RTTY
TN        1         1                                    /W/           /SSB/ 
TR        9        38        /40/  /20/  /15/  /10/6  M/ /W/T/ /S/S  CW/SSB/RTTY
TT        2         2                    /15/              /T/ /S/     /SSB/ 
TU        2        10                 /17/15/12/                 /S    /SSB/ 
UA      119       201  160/80/40/30/20/17/15/12/10/6  M/T/W/T/F/S/S  CW/SSB/RTTY
UA2       9        14     /80/40/  /20/17/15/  /10/6       /T/ /S/S  CW/SSB/RTTY
UA9     151       407  160/80/40/30/20/17/15/12/10/6  M/T/W/T/F/S/S  CW/SSB/RTTY
UK       13        76  160/80/40/30/20/17/15/12/10/6  M/T/W/T/F/ /S  CW/SSB/RTTY
UN       27        85        /40/  /20/17/15/12/10/6  M/T/W/T/F/S/S  CW/SSB/RTTY
UR       55        93  160/80/40/30/20/17/15/12/10/6  M/T/W/T/F/S/S  CW/SSB/RTTY
V2        1         1                    /15/              /T/       CW/   /RTTY
V3        7       200     /80/40/  /20/17/15/12/10/6  M/T/W/T/F/ /S    /SSB/ 
V4        2         2                          /10/6           /S/S    /SSB/ 
V5       12        95     /80/  /30/20/17/15/12/10/6  M/T/W/T/F/ /S  CW/SSB/RTTY
V6        4        60        /40/30/20/17/15/12/10/6     /W/T/F/S/   CW/SSB/RTTY
V7        5        43                    /15/  /10/6  M/T/W/T/F/S/S  CW/SSB/RTTY
V8        2         3              /20/        /10/6     /W/T/         /SSB/ 
VE       87       129  160/80/40/30/20/17/15/12/10/6  M/T/W/T/F/S/S  CW/SSB/RTTY
VK      121       273  160/80/40/30/20/17/15/12/10/6  M/T/W/T/F/S/S  CW/SSB/RTTY
VK9N      4        97        /40/  /20/17/            M/T/W/T/F/ /S  CW/SSB/RTTY
VP2E      2        22           /30/  /17/  /12/      M/   /T/   /S  CW/SSB/RTTY
VP2M      2         2                       /12/10/6  M/   /T/       CW/SSB/RTTY
VP2V      5        68  160/80/40/30/20/17/15/12/10/6  M/ /W/T/ /S/S  CW/SSB/RTTY
VP5       7       115     /80/40/  /20/17/15/12/10/6  M/T/W/T/F/ /S    /SSB/ 
VP6       5        77        /40/30/20/17/15/12/      M/T/       /S  CW/SSB/RTTY
VP8       1         2                          /10/6  M/   /T/       CW/   /RTTY
VP8/h     2        22              /20/17/15/         M/ /W/T/   /S  CW/SSB/RTTY
VP9       2         3           /30/  /17/15/          /T/   /F/ /S  CW/SSB/RTTY
VQ9       6        49  160/  /40/           /12/10/6  M/T/W/T/F/     CW/SSB/RTTY
VR       18        81  160/80/40/30/20/17/15/12/10/6  M/T/W/T/F/ /S  CW/SSB/RTTY
VU       40       157        /40/30/20/17/15/12/10/6  M/T/W/T/F/ /S  CW/SSB/RTTY
XE       26        40     /80/     /20/17/15/12/10/6  M/T/W/T/F/S/S  CW/SSB/RTTY
XU        1         5              /20/               M/T/W/ /F/             
XX9       1         4                    /15/                /F/       /SSB/ 
YB       52       187     /80/40/  /20/17/15/12/10/6  M/T/W/T/F/S/S  CW/SSB/RTTY
YI        3         5              /20/17/             /T/   /F/     CW/SSB/RTTY
YK        2         7  160/     /30/20/               M/T/ /T/F/ /S  CW/   /RTTY
YL       13        25     /80/  /30/20/17/15/12/10/6  M/T/W/T/F/ /S  CW/SSB/RTTY
YN        1         7              /20/               M/               /SSB/ 
YO       19        26     /80/40/  /20/17/     /10/6  M/T/W/T/F/ /S  CW/SSB/RTTY
YS        7        44     /80/40/  /20/17/15/  /10/6   /T/W/T/F/S/S    /SSB/ 
YU       27        76     /80/40/  /20/17/15/12/10/6  M/T/W/T/F/S/S  CW/SSB/RTTY
YV       20        46  160/80/40/30/20/17/15/12/10/6  M/T/W/ /F/S/S  CW/SSB/RTTY
Z2        5        47                          /10/6  M/T/W/T/F/ /S  CW/SSB/RTTY
Z3       14        68  160/80/40/30/20/  /15/12/10/6  M/T/W/T/F/ /S  CW/SSB/RTTY
ZA        8        32              /20/17/15/  /10/6  M/T/W/ /F/ /S  CW/SSB/RTTY
ZB        8        20           /30/20/17/15/12/10/6  M/T/W/T/   /S  CW/SSB/RTTY
ZC4       5        28        /40/30/20/17/15/  /10/6  M/T/W/T/F/ /S  CW/SSB/RTTY
ZD7       5        47              /20/17/15/  /10/6  M/T/W/T/ /S/S  CW/SSB/RTTY
ZD8       4        29                                 M/T/W/T/ /S/S  CW/SSB/RTTY
ZF       14       111     /80/40/  /20/17/15/12/10/6  M/T/W/T/F/ /S  CW/SSB/RTTY
ZK1/s    10       158     /80/40/30/20/17/15/12/10/6  M/T/W/T/F/S/S  CW/SSB/RTTY
ZK2       4       248     /80/40/30/20/17/15/12/10/6  M/T/W/T/   /S  CW/SSB/RTTY
ZK3       1         1                    /15/          /T/           CW/   /RTTY
ZL       33        73     /80/40/30/20/17/15/12/10/6  M/T/W/T/F/ /S  CW/SSB/RTTY
ZP       16        67  160/80/40/  /20/17/15/12/10/6  M/T/W/T/F/ /S  CW/SSB/RTTY
ZS       61       315  160/  /40/30/20/17/15/12/10/6  M/T/W/T/F/ /S  CW/SSB/RTTY
Tot Stations: 3887  Tot Spots: 14732  Spotter of the week: EA7KW-7 (101 spots)

Tedd Mirgliotta  KB8NW
InterNet: kb8nw@barf80.nshore.org
Basic Amateur Radio Frequency BBS (BARF-80) +1 (440) 237-8208
'Totally devoted to Amateur Radio' - 24 Hrs a day 8/N/1 28.8k-1200 baud


Aurora in October Wow! We had some very excellent Aurora Propagation in the last part of October (1999) and will see this again!

Did you work the Aurora? Here is an image from NASA from the night of the 21st (22nd GMT) of October, in the Northern Hemisphere. See the News.

On October 22, 1999, at 9:00 a.m. MDT (1500 UT), NOAA's Space Environment Center reported that a strong geomagnetic storm was in progress. The storm is possibly the result of a shock observed in the solar wind on Oct 21 at 01:38UT (Oct 20 at 07:38 p.m. MDT), originating from a mass ejection on the Sun Oct 18. The shock front struck Earth's magnetosphere around 0240 UT on October 21.

The Ultraviolet Imager on NASA's polar spacecraft captured dramatic images this morning of an aurora borealis in progress over the northern United States. Aurorae -- sometimes called Northern Lights -- are luminous multi-colored curtains of light most often seen in the skies at very high northern and southern latitudes. They occur because Earth's magnetic field interacts with the solar wind, a tenuous mix of charged particles blowing away from the sun. Auroral light results from electrons and protons striking molecules in the Earth's upper atmosphere.

The images above were captured by the Ultraviolet Imager on NASA's Polar spacecraft's on Friday, October 22. They show UV emissions from aurora borealis during a strong geomagnetic storm.

copyright, 1998, 1999, Tomas Hood (NW7US), all rights reserved.

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