Learning Morse Code By the Koch Method
(Back to the Koch Method)
Using the SuperMorse Software Package
(Based on SuperMorse Version 4.04)
Copyright (C) 1994, Dave Finley, N1IRZ
(see the software page for a copy of SuperMorse)
The SuperMorse software package is an excellent tool for implementing
the Koch Method of learning Morse Code. The prime attribute of
SuperMorse for this lies in its tremendous versatility. Here is how to
use SuperMorse to learn the code by the Koch Method.
When you get SuperMorse installed on your computer, take the time to
print out the manual, read it, and become familiar with the features of
the software. However, while reading the manual, remember that you are
not going to follow SuperMorse's own training regimen but rather are
going to use Koch's much more effective method.
Setting the Sending Speed
The Koch Method is based on teaching high-speed copying from the start.
You must set the speed at which you want the software to send. There are
two major considerations here. First, you want the characters sent at a
rapid speed -- at least 18 wpm, and preferably at 20 wpm. Second, you
want the overall sending and word speeds to be somewhat higher than
those you will encounter in your exam, to give you a "buffer" against
nervousness, unfamiliar surroundings, etc., on test day.
Set the speed in the following manner:
- While the Main Menu is displayed, use the Function keys (F2,
F4, F6, and F8) to increase the current speed to 15-20-15 if you
intend to take the General/Advanced code test, or 20-22-20 if
you're going for Extra. (You'll increase it some later for the
Extra exam.)
- Enter the Setup menu.
- Press A to enter the "Code" subdirectory.
- Press E to change Favorite Speed. This will set the Favorite
Speed to the current speed.
- Leave this menu, using the Escape key.
- At any time, you may then Press Alt-F to set the current sending
speed to this Favorite Speed.
Testing and Adjusting the Actual Sending Speed
The software is supposed to automatically calibrate its sending speed to
adjust for the clock speed of your computer. However, it doesn't always
do this accurately. In order to avoid the nasty surprise of finding that
you haven't been copying as fast as you thought, you must check the
sending speed. Here's how:
- Set the code speed to the "Favorite" speed you will use in your
training sessions.
- Enter the Setup menu.
- Press the C key to start the calibration test. The computer will
send the word PARIS the number of times that, if the calibration is
correct, should be sent in 60 seconds. At the end of the test, the
machine will tell you how long it took to send the "60-second" test, and
whether to increase or decrease the Timing Factor.
- If adjustment of the Timing Factor is required, press the B key and
change the Timing Factor as recommended.
- Repeat the calibration test, using the C key. You may have to go
through this cycle several times to arrive at the correct Timing Factor.
Also, if you later change any of the sending speeds, you should check
the calibration at the new speed.
Configuring the Character Set
This is where SuperMorse really makes itself invaluable for
implementing the Koch Method. With this feature, you will tell the
software exactly what characters from which it may choose when it
sends. Initially, you'll start with only two characters, then add
more as your copying accuracy increases. Here's how to do this:
- Enter the Setup menu.
- Press A to enter the "Characters" submenu.
- Press the O key to clear all characters.
- Press N for "Type."
- Press the two keys for your first two characters (See Appendix).
Those two now are activated.
- Press the Escape or P key to leave the menu.
After you can copy those first two characters at 90 percent accuracy,
you will repeat this process to activate your third character, then
again for your fourth, and so on.
Now, It's Down to Business
With your speed selected and calibrated and your character set
defined, you now can start learning the code!
- From the SuperMorse main menu, press the B (Build Speed) key.
- With the Koch Method, you're going to be receiving random groups of
characters, instead of words or sample QSOs, until you are in the final
phase of your training. Press A for Groups. SuperMorse offers three
selections for this -- the R key for Random Groups of 5 characters each
or the V key for Variable Length groups. The V key for Variable-length
groups is your best choice. If you learn with 5-character groups, it
will take extra time later on for you to adjust to copying words, which
are, of course, of variable lengths.
- SuperMorse will send for a specified time -- choose about 5 minutes.
SuperMorse will begin sending the groups. Do not look at the screen,
but copy on paper the characters sent by your computer. If you write in
a relatively normal size on an 8.5 x 11 inch ruled sheet, such as
notebook paper or short legal pads, you should get about five minutes'
worth of code at 15 wpm on one sheet of paper.
- When SuperMorse stops the timed session, stop copying and press the
Escape key to remove the menu from the screen. Without touching any
other key, compare your copy sheet to the computer screen. Count the
number of characters sent and the number you copied correctly. If your
score is less than 90 percent, keep working with the characters already
activated. If you copied accurately 90 percent or more of the
transmitted characters, congratulations! Add another character and
After you've learned a few characters, say five or six, in this manner,
enter the Review menu and press the E key to look at your statistics.
Because you're not using SuperMorse's own training technique, most of
the statistics will be blank. What you're interested in, however, is the
total elapsed time of all your sessions with SuperMorse. By dividing the
elapsed time by the number of characters you currently are copying
accurately, you will find out approximately how much time it is taking
you to learn a character. This will give you a rough idea of how long it
will take to learn all 43 characters on the amateur test.
Keep in mind, however, that you will have good and bad days, and some
characters may be more troublesome than others. Still, you should see
steady progress as you add characters at regular intervals. Remember
that as you learn each character by the Koch method, you are learning it
at full speed.
When completing a session with SuperMorse, always exit the software
using its menu commands. This will save all your settings and update
your user file so you can better evaluate your progress. If you simply
turn off the computer, your settings and user statistics will not be
When you've learned all the characters
Once you've learned all 43 characters, it's time to make the transition
from copying random characters to copying words. This will require some
time, because random groups and words have a different character mix and
"rhythm." If you've been copying variable-length random groups, the
transition should be easier than if you've been copying 5-character
From SuperMorse's Build menu, you press the B key to have words sent to
you. There are further choices to be made here, though. SuperMorse will
send "regular" words, "ham" words or callsigns.
Start out with "regular" words. When you have made the transition from
random groups and are copying the regular words at 90 percent or better,
start doing some sessions using the "ham" words and callsigns. You may
want to spend some extra time with callsigns prior to the final phase of
your training.
That final phase is to have SuperMorse send you a sample amateur QSO,
which is exactly the format of the amateur code test. This also is done
from the Build menu. Simply press Q for QSO, and copy the QSO. When it's
over, grade yourself, taking particular note to ensure you are copying
the callsigns, names, QTHs, rigs, ages, and other facts on which you
could be tested.
When you are consistently copying SuperMorse's QSOs accurately at the
target speed, you're ready for the exam. When the exam comes, just relax
and do what you're accustomed to doing -- copying correctly.
In what order should I learn the characters?
First, remember that, for amateur tests, you are responsible for knowing
43 characters -- all the letters of the alphabet, the numerals 0 through
9, period, comma, question mark, slash, and the prosigns BT, AR, and SK.
You don't want to start with E and T -- the two shortest characters will
come at you so quickly you'll wonder if you ever will copy them!
Over the years, researchers have made lists ranking the Morse
characters in order of their difficulty, based on errors in copy.
Other researchers, however, have showed that the characters missed
most in copy are those least used, and that the "difficult" ones
are copied quite accurately when they receive as much attention in
training as the others.
The Koch method seems to largely overcome this problem in that
you spend the amount of time necessary to assimilate each character
before adding another to your training sessions. Still, it appears
useful to mix long, "hard" characters and short, frequently-used
ones rather equally as you progress.
Based on this idea, here is a suggested sequence:
W I . N J E F 0 Y ,
V G 5 / Q 9 Z H 3 8
B ? 4 2 7 C 1 D 6 X
<BT> <SK> <AR>
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