Support the Propagation Resource Center :: NW7US ::

Gain the on-air edge: This article explains how the ANTENNA is the key! -> Read this introduction to Antenna Modeling

How-To Articles:

- Is HF Propagation Reciprocal?
- De-mystifying HF Radio Propagation and Modeling

Check out the ACE-HF propagation software - the latest is version 2.05. ACE-HF is propagation forecasting and modeling for Amateur Radio as well as for Shortwave radio Listening and general HF operation. This software is even used by the military and other clients around the world. This software is developed and maintained by the same engineers that keep VOACAP up-to-date. As a result, this software is the most accurate user interface integrated with VOACAP. CHECK IT OUT, TODAY. This software is the most accurate modeling software available, and is endorsed by NW7US. Read the details to find out why.

Main Site Menu:

- Main NW7US Page
- About NW7US
- About Amateur Radio
- Contact NW7US

Tomas David Hood - NW7US - that is me, the fellow that runs this website. I am a musician. You can listen to my music by clicking on the following banner, then click the 'Listen to All Tracks' button. If you would, please vote for each song. It helps me in my musical journey! (You can also leave me a comment on what you think about my music.) - The Best in Independent Music

Please help me keep this site running:

This website is kept alive by Tomas (NW7US), out of "spare change" (which there's not always enough of), and, by the kind, helpful people who visit this website. Would you like to help me keep this site running 24/7? If you are able to help me keep this website up and running, please: help me keep this site running for everyone... click on this donation button:

Other links of interest:

- PropNET - live propagation studies

- Shortwave Radio Resource Center
- Shortwave Broadcasting Search

Comments? Please use the feedback form. I look forward to hearing your comments.


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This page was rendered on 13-Mar-25 0023 UTC. needs YOUR support!

As you probably know, provides a number of services to the general public:

These are just some of the examples of these public resources.

NEWS FLASH: The old eAlert service is being re-programmed from the ground up. Extra checks are going to be included to help prevent it from running away if an error occurs. This will keep the eAlerts from being resent every 15 minutes, if something behind the software breaks (database connection, and so on). We hope to have this up by summer - and in plenty of time for the new solar cycle, Cycle 24, when it finally picks up some 'steam'.

We currently have a LARGE bill that needs to be paid off - We moved to a new location, where the bandwidth is higher and we can serve the pages to more people without a bottle-neck. The bill for the move, plus the monthly costs, are more than a hobby budget. CAN YOU HELP?


All of this is kept alive by the help of the general public, who occassionally offer small amounts of funds to help cover the cost of running these services. These donations, while not tax-deductable, are offered by these contributers because they believe that should continue to be available to the general public. These contributions are greatly appreciated. At the same time, the majority of the cost of running this service (bandwidth, electricity and hosting costs, maintenance, and so on) is covered by the hobby funds of Tomas Hood (NW7US).


Please consider a donation toward the monthly operations cost. To donate (this donation is NOT tax-deductable) click on this donation button: (and this is the best way to get funds directly to NW7US without delays)

THANK YOU! has been active since about 1998 offering live propagation information, shortwave radio resources, amateur radio resources (CW, Digital, etc.), discussion forums, and more. I am blessed that the work I have done, and the resources I offer, have become so incredibly popular! The eAlert list and the propagation center (see the Propagation page), for instance, are just two of the major resources I offer for free to the general public. The traffic and usage grow everyday. The site has been and continues to be reviewed and mentioned in major radio magazines, and many club newsletters, etc. This is appreciated! I am very pleased to see that my efforts are useful to so many people. As an extension of my hobby, my goal is to continue improving the resources of this website, increasing its usefulness to you.


I want to thank all of you who make this site so successful. In addition, a small number of you have already contributed to the operations fund. I appreciate your patronage and your contributions! At any time that you have a question or comment, please provide a bit of feedback.

As you might know, I own the servers, and pay all of the expenses to keep this domain on the 'net. There are monthly expenses for bandwidth, electricity and server maintenance, as well as rental of the co-location. These expenses never go away. In addition, I have to keep up with the demand placed on the hardware, so I try to upgrade the hardware on a regular basis. I upgrade the software, and I program new software tailored to the needs of the site. The servers are located on very high bandwidth connections. Each month, I pay hundreds of dollars to keep this service available. YOUR HELP IS ALWAYS APPRECIATED. I hope that, in addition to just keeping the bandwidth paid for, I can sometime in 2004 upgrade the server to a much faster CPU with a good helping of memory and disk space.

Copyright, 2008, 2009, 2010, Tomas Hood (NW7US). All rights reserved.