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June 2011 -- Special Notice: and related websites are services paid for by Tomas David Hood, and by the occassional donations from visitors to these websites. ECONONMICALLY, TIMES ARE VERY ROUGH. Donations have been few and far between. Would you please help out, today, to help me offset the cost of running this server and providing these web resources (space weather, amateur radio, shortwave listening, and more)? If you can help, today, please click the Donation button to make a donation to -->

Gain the on-air edge: This article explains how the ANTENNA is the key! -> Read this introduction to Antenna Modeling

How-To Articles:

- Is HF Propagation Reciprocal?
- De-mystifying HF Radio Propagation and Modeling

Check out the ACE-HF propagation software - the latest is version 2.05. ACE-HF is propagation forecasting and modeling for Amateur Radio as well as for Shortwave radio Listening and general HF operation. This software is even used by the military and other clients around the world. This software is developed and maintained by the same engineers that keep VOACAP up-to-date. As a result, this software is the most accurate user interface integrated with VOACAP. CHECK IT OUT, TODAY. This software is the most accurate modeling software available, and is endorsed by NW7US. Read the details to find out why.

Main Site Menu:

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Tomas David Hood - NW7US - that is me, the fellow that runs this website. I am a musician. You can listen to my music by clicking on the following banner, then click the 'Listen to All Tracks' button. If you would, please vote for each song. It helps me in my musical journey! (You can also leave me a comment on what you think about my music.) - The Best in Independent Music

Please help me keep this site running:

This website is kept alive by Tomas (NW7US), out of "spare change" (which there's not always enough of), and, by the kind, helpful people who visit this website. Would you like to help me keep this site running 24/7? If you are able to help me keep this website up and running, please: help me keep this site running for everyone... click on this donation button:

Other links of interest:

- PropNET - live propagation studies

- Shortwave Radio Resource Center
- Shortwave Broadcasting Search

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(Opera 9.x):
This page was rendered on 03-Mar-25 1356 UTC.

Sun Spots: 139 as of 03/02/2025 :: Flux: 140 | Ap: 6 | Kp: 1.67
Solar Wind: 475 km/s at 3.0 protons/cm3, Bz is 5.0 nT
(Mar 03, 2025 at 1343 UT) :: [ Other Kp graphs ]
Optimal Working Frequencies (MHz) for High Frequency (HF) / Shortwave Radio

For March 2025 using the predicted smoothed SSN and Flux.

Created by NW7US on July 04, 2011

These NW7US radio signal path propagation tables are set up to cover main regions of the world. Each chart displays the FOT (or Optimal Working Frequency) at each UTC hour, for the paths given.

These radio frequencies are a percentage below the MUF (Maxiumum Usable Frequencies), and should be acurate for about 80 percent of the month. However, if a geomagnetic storm, a solar flare, or other event occurs, there is no promise that a signal will actually make it through the path in question. Often, during ionospheric storms and solar events (like a solar flare), the FOT is lower, or the path might even be closed.