Latest SSN / Flux Forecast :: Propagation Resource Center ::
URGENT - We still need help to keep going! The monthly bandwidth/connectivity fees as well as other expenses must be paid to keep this Space Weather and Radio Propagation resource up and running. The server upgrade, minus the new memory needed, has been paid for. But, we still need the memory, and still need to replace power modules and batteries. (We cannot move to the new server until memory is paid for and upgraded). If you find this site useful, would you please help out, today? I need your help to offset the cost of running this server and providing these web resources (space weather, amateur radio, shortwave listening, and more). Please Help Keep Alive! If you can help, today, please make a donation to - click the PayPal button, to help... any amount that you can spare. THANK YOU.
The Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) Latest Solar Images
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SDO - Solar Dynamics Observatory     SDO - Solar Dynamics Observatory

Note: At times, images may appear broken or missing, when SDO is working on the AIA/HMI instruments.
Main Propagation Page

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I highly recommend the following...

Just What Can We Hear on Ham Radio HF?

An Intimate View of the Sun, Every Day of 2015 (Year 6 of SDO)

Watch Five Very Intense X-class X-ray Flares Erupt, Back-to-back!
(From the largest sunspot region in 20+ years...)

Check out the X2.7 X-ray Flare (May 5 2015) - 'Biggest' of 2015, so far

See highlights of the last five years of the Sun, as seen by SDO


Gain the on-air edge: This article explains how the ANTENNA is the key! -> Read this introduction to Antenna Modeling

Solar Sunspot Cycle 24 Progress

Solar Cycle 24 Smoothed Sunspot Progress
Solar Cycle 24 10.7-cm Monthly Progress
Solar Cycle 24 Planetary A Index (Ap) Monthly Progress

Main Propagation Menu:

+ Aurora Resources

How-To Articles:

- Is HF Propagation Reciprocal?
- De-mystifying HF Radio Propagation and Modeling

Check out the ACE-HF propagation software - the latest is version 2.05. ACE-HF is propagation forecasting and modeling for Amateur Radio as well as for Shortwave radio Listening and general HF operation. This software is even used by the military and other clients around the world. This software is developed and maintained by the same engineers that keep VOACAP up-to-date. As a result, this software is the most accurate user interface integrated with VOACAP. CHECK IT OUT, TODAY. This software is the most accurate modeling software available, and is endorsed by NW7US. Read the details to find out why.

Main Site Menu:

- Main NW7US Page
- About NW7US
- About Amateur Radio
- Feedback - Contact NW7US

Tomas David Hood - NW7US - that is me, the fellow that runs this website. I am a musician. You can listen to my music by clicking on the following banner, then click the 'Listen to All Tracks' button. If you would, please vote for each song. It helps me in my musical journey! (You can also leave me a comment on what you think about my music.)

Please help me keep this site running:

This website is kept alive by Tomas (NW7US), out of "spare change" (which there's not always enough of), and, by the kind, helpful people who visit this website. Would you like to help me keep this site running 24/7? If you are able to help me keep this website up and running, please: help me keep this site running for everyone... click on this donation button:

There are other ways that you can help me keep this site up and running. Here are a few other ways:

Other links of interest:

- PropNET - live propagation studies
- Shortwave Radio Resource Center
- Shortwave Broadcasting Search

Comments? Please use the feedback form. I look forward to hearing your comments.


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(Opera 9.x):

This page was rendered on 18-Feb-25 1331 UTC.

Sun Spots: 218 as of 02/17/2025 :: Flux: 185 | Ap: 15 | Kp: 1.00
Solar Wind: 456 km/s at 7.0 protons/cm3, Bz is 2.0 nT
(Feb 18, 2025 at 1318 UT) :: [ Other Kp graphs ]
To view the best working frequency by time, check out:
Current Optimal Frequencies for this month

If you are using software utilities such as Ace-HF, that require a "smoothed" sunspot number
(Referred to as the SSN), or the smoothed 10.7-cm flux index,
use the following predicted values in this table:

To understand more about the Maximum Usable Frequencies, and related
science, please read the MUF Basics Page.

[ Main Propagation Center ]

Check out this amazing NASA SDO (Solar Dynamics Observatory) video
showing plasma rain on the Sun!

Check out this amazing NASA SDO (Solar Dynamics Observatory) video
showing a prominence the Sun:

Don't forget to join the Space Weather and Radio Propagation Facebook Page.

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(Opera 9.x):

Additional Views of the Sun

Be sure to check the Date shown in each photo - is it today's date?
(click to enlarge)

Current Numbered Sunspots / MDI MagnetogramCatania Solar Disc

H-Alpha View 1H-Alpha View 2

Space Weather Information Monitor Software - sample screen shot Interested in keeping tabs on ALL of the current Space Weather information? Check out the Space Weather Information Monitor Software (SWIM) - support the NW7US / Propagation Resource Center and purchase your copy of SWIM, today.

With SWIM, you can monitor, display, animate or print to your printer over 200 default space-weather related Internet resources, in real-time. You can use SWIM to expand and manage THOUSANDS of additional internet resources quickly and easily. Simply cut and paste Internet URLs of resources you find interesting and SWIM will immediately begin managing those resources for you. Retrieve the latest space weather forecasts and summary reports. Add any number of other textual reports you find on the Internet.

Find out the full details about the Space Weather Information Monitor Software (SWIM).